Special Years

Chapter 93 - pig is dead

This day, after the company team took them out for training after breakfast, something happened when Zhuang Yan went to feed the pigs.

He suddenly found that all the pigs in the pigsty were not in good spirits. One of the biggest pigs was lying motionless in the corner of the pigsty. Usually, when he saw stagnant water, he would squeeze his life in front of the trough. Now he is very sick. Lying there, motionless.

The other pigs also seemed a little unusual. They swayed when they walked, as if they were drunk, and twitched a few times suddenly, like a drug addict.

Zhuang Yan was startled, so he had to go to Zhu Dekang.

“Old monitor, the pig seems… something is wrong…”

“What’s wrong!?” Zhu Dekang turned his head suddenly and asked nervously, “I went to see them before going to bed last night, and they were fine.”

Zhuang Yan said, “I don’t know either, it seems that a pig is sick…”


When Zhu Dekang heard that the pig was sick, he immediately bounced off the small bench like a rocket, and rushed out of the door wearing a vest.

“Fat Seven!”

Zhu Dekang, who ran to the pigsty, saw at a glance the largest fat pig lying in the corner of the pigsty.

Zhu Dekang’s education level is not high. He raised ten pigs. He gave them nicknames, from one to ten. They were called “fatty”, “fat two”, “fat three”…

Among them, the fattest one is the fattest one.

He didn’t care about getting dirty, he pushed aside the fence and rushed in, grabbed Fei Qi’s pig ears, looked at it carefully, and then looked at the feces around him.

“Damn it! I’m afraid it’s an acute swine fever!”

Turning his head, he suddenly shouted at Zhuang Yan, “What are you still doing standing there!? Hurry up to the company headquarters and ask the hygienist to call the veterinarian in the town and have him come over quickly!”

After he finished speaking, he rushed out of the pigsty, picked up a bucket of water, filled a bucket of water in the reservoir, and began to frantically clean the pigsty.

When Zhuang Yan came back from the company, Zhu Dekang was sorting the pigs.

Of the ten pigs, more than half of them had symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, and only five pigs were slightly normal, but they were also listless, and they felt a little wobbly when they walked, as if they were stepping on the rhythm of disco. Tremble violently.

“Come and help!”

He grabbed Fat Qi’s hooves and shouted to Zhuang Yan, “Move it out!”

The two ran into the pigsty and pulled the largest pig, No. 7, out of the pen.

Lying on the grass in front of the pigsty, Fat Seven groaned and slumped on the ground, only breathing out but no air in his mouth, and he seemed to be unable to survive.

“How did you feed the pigs!? What did you feed them!?”

Seeing his pig fall down a lot, Zhu Dekang felt heartbroken.

“You bastard! It’s not a good thing to go anywhere!”

Zhuang Yan felt as if someone had been punched in his heart, and his whole body was numb. He stood on the spot with something stuck in his chest.

He wanted to refute, but suddenly found himself unable to refute.

From the recruit company to the present, he has indeed been in trouble.

In the previous class, Yin Xiancong, the class leader, was also implicated. Now it’s okay to raise pigs. As a result, after a few days of raising pigs, a swine fever occurred.

He swallowed this breath, and worked with Zhu Dekang without saying a word, until all the pigs were divided into pens according to the severity of their illnesses, and the pigsties were cleaned.

The veterinarian arrived quickly.

The company commander Zhang Jianxing and the deputy company commander Li Ding also arrived.

Ten pigs, that’s not a small number.

After inspecting the pigsty, the veterinarian gave the pig an injection.

“Doctor, what happened to the pigs in our company?”

As the deputy company commander in charge of the company’s logistics, Li Ding, the pig’s life and death is what he cares most about.

The veterinarian took off his mask and shook his head, just like the doctor coming out of the operating room facing the patient’s family, his face was full of regrets.

“It’s very troublesome. It’s acute swine fever. I got an injection, but I can’t say it will work.”

He turned around and said to Zhu Dekang, “Did you give him something unclean?”

Zhu Dekang was stunned for a moment, glanced at Zhuang Yan, and said, “No, I haven’t fed the pigs these days, I just come to see it every once in a while.”

Li Ding and Zhang Jianxing’s eyes fell on Zhuang Yan said. Zhuang Yan was at a loss for words. He wanted to explain, but suddenly he didn’t want to explain.

Let them go!

he thinks.

Anyway, no one agrees with what I am doing now. When I am unlucky, drinking cold water to stuff my teeth and farting can hurt my heels.

Just like that weird report letter, it is estimated that most of the company thought it was written by themselves.

So what does it matter?

Zhuang Yan suddenly felt that it didn’t matter.

Can you still eat me?

Thinking of this, he held out his chest and looked at Zhang Jianxing and Li Ding.

“I just feed the glutinous water. Isn’t that what it used to be? I didn’t feed them anything else.”

Li Ding and Zhang Jianxing exchanged glances, they didn’t speak, and then sent the veterinarian away from the company.

Zhu Dekang didn’t speak, glanced at the solemn, and went back to the bungalow on his own.

Of the ten pigs, on the third day there were nine “honorable”.

The pigs died one by one, and the time interval was very short, and the onset was very rapid.

At first, the company commander, the instructor, and the deputy company commander had a little illusion that the pig could be rescued. When Fat Qi took his last breath, the soap bubble of the fantasy shattered with a snap.

There was only one pig that was still alive and healthy in the entire pigpen.

As soon as the cadres summed up ~www.mtlnovel.com~, they decided to kill the pig while it was still healthy, so that you can improve the food.

Zhu Dekang’s favorite Fat Qi was the first to get sick, but he didn’t expect to endure until the end before returning to the West.

On the day that Fei Qi hung up, Zhu Dekang squatted in the pig sty, silently watching Fei Qi take his last breath, then twitched his shoulders a few times, lowered his head and returned to the small bungalow.

For the whole day after that, Zhu Dekang didn’t even read his favorite martial arts novels. He lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling for an hour or two, like a dead man.

Several times, Zhuang Yan thought that Zhu Dekang was a little out of his mind. Isn’t it because ten pigs died? To be so heartbroken? Three-legged toads are hard to find, and four-legged pigs are everywhere. Go to the pig farm to buy ten little pigs and raise them again.

The death of the pig, for Majestic, meant that the days had become more boring and tedious.

The cooking class didn’t organize infantry training, and they couldn’t get a gun, so Zhuang Yan could only train himself every day.

It stands to reason that the former solemn hated training, and he even hated Comrade Xu Typical who was more diligent in training than himself.

But now, he found that he had become the person he once hated the most.

This kind of change, even Zhuang Yan himself couldn’t tell what happened.

People are like this. When you are used to a kind of life and you change it in an instant, you will feel that life is meaningless.

Just like a farmer who has cultivated the land all his life, even the younger generation can make a lot of money when they are old. They don’t need to go to the land. Even if he takes him to the city, he can turn the small garden of the villa into a vegetable field.

But what Zhuang Yan didn’t expect was that although the pig died, Li Chuangcheng, the cooking squad leader, suddenly found out in his conscience that he had done something that he couldn’t understand.

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