Special Years

Chapter 98 - Veteran\\\'s Request

Zhang Jianxing looked through the latest training plan in his office.

Recently, the pre-selection of the teaching brigade is approaching. The class schedule has increased the training intensity of common subjects. He is thinking about how to adjust the training content. Many professional subjects have already been launched. There is too much to learn in an infantry major. At the end of the year, the headquarters assessment will be thin.


Suddenly someone broke into the door, and without calling a report, he rushed to the side in a daze.

“Hey, it’s you, Zhu Dekang.”

Zhang Jianxing pointed to the chair next to him.

“Sit and sit, it’s a coincidence, I’m going to find you too.”

“What’s the matter with me?” Zhu Dekang was not polite and sat down directly.

Zhang Jianxing said: “It’s about pigs, you see, now that all pigs are dead, I want to buy eight more pigs and raise them first…”

“Wait.” Zhu Dekang interrupted Zhang Jianxing, “Company commander, about the pig, you are the leader of the company. I absolutely respect your choice. I will do whatever you say.”

Zhang Jianxing immediately burst into laughter.

Zhu Dekang is the most qualified veteran in the entire company. It is definitely a good thing to be able to be so polite and follow his own lead.

Company cadres have a headache for such veterans. To put it bluntly, if there are not so many indicators for staying in the team every year, if it is not necessary to leave some backbones to lead the team, no cadre is willing to keep these demonic veterans.

“Company commander, I came to see you today because I have something else to ask of you.” Zhu Dekang said.

Zhang Jianxing had already set his sights on the training plan, but when he heard Zhu Dekang say something else, he turned halfway from the table and gave Zhu Dekang a sidelong glance.

“what’s the matter with you”

When he said this, Zhang Jianxing froze for a while.

Although Zhu Dekang is a veteran, he almost never said a word at first, so he had no sense of presence in the entire company, and rarely made any requests.

Today, I suddenly said that I have something to ask for, of course, it is a bit unexpected.

Zhu Dekang said: “Company commander, did you say before the meal that day that four soldiers will be sent to teach the brigade to participate in the pre-training squad leader training this year?”

Zhang Jianxing put down the pen in his hand and turned the whole person around.

“Yes, I said that.”

Zhu Dekang added: “Then these four indicator packages do not include our cooking class”

Zhang Jianxing was stunned, unable to be provoked and asked repeatedly: “What did you say?”

Zhu Dekang said: “I said, the selection of the coaching team does not include our cooking class. Can the people in our cooking class go?”

Zhang Jianxing’s face suddenly tensed.

This question of Zhu Dekanty obviously means something.

cooking class

Immediately he thought of solemnity.

In the entire cooking class, apart from solemnity, no one seems to be more suitable to participate in the selection.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket, smoked one and handed it to Zhu Dekang.

“Come on one”

Zhu Dekang was not polite, took it carelessly, and lit the fire himself.

Zhang Jianxing said: “You are here for solemnity”

Zhu Dekang made no secret of it, and said, “Yes, I think this kid is of good quality. It would be a waste not to teach the team. Putting it in the cooking class is really overkill.”

Zhang Jianxing frowned and thought for a moment, then said, “That soldier…”

Zhu Dekang asked: “What happened to him?”

Zhang Jianxing wanted to say that Zhuang Yan was not good, but suddenly he thought about it and didn’t know what to say about him.

Zhuang Yan is still a special soldier.

Well trained, but also a bit stubborn, to say it is really not annoying.

However, this soldier loves to make things happen, and will always make some moths from time to time, which makes people very headache.

“This soldier is too troublesome.” Zhang Jianxing said: “Look, he dared to fight Chen Qingming, disrespecting the veteran, and disobeying orders.”

Zhu Dekang snorted and said: “Company commander, we are not secretive. You and I both know what happened to the fight. If there was something wrong with Zhuang Yan, you would have punished him earlier. It’s just killing chickens to show the monkeys, firstly telling other recruits to obey absolutely, secondly, it’s just to protect the face of the veterans in the company, otherwise those squad leaders will not deal with the solemnity, and I’m afraid there will be complaints in the future. This soldier is not easy to bring, am I right?”

Zhang Jianxing had to admit that when he got old, he became a fine soldier.

Zhu Dekang is right at the center of the problem.

After the accident that day, Lian Li held a meeting and closed the door to discuss for a long time. At the meeting, some people insisted on dealing with Zhuang Yan, and some people said that Zhuang Zhuang was right, but Chen Qingming’s method of leading the troops was somewhat wrong.

In the end, it was true that I thought about protecting the veteran’s face, but I had to explain it to the regiment, so I made such a decision to play 50 major boards each.

Seeing that the company commander didn’t speak, Zhu Dezhi knew that he had caught Zhang Jianxing’s mind right.

So he said again: “Company commander, when you announced the pre-selection conditions at the time of the assembly, you didn’t say that our cooking class could not participate, right?”

Zhang Jianxing was a little irritable, nodded and said: “Yes, I don’t limit the scope, all companies are fine, but I have been selected as a cadre for six years by the pre-selected squad leader in the cooking class, and I have never seen such a thing. .”

Zhu Dekang said: “We are a revolutionary team, we can’t see who we are when we choose people. What’s wrong with the cooking class? The cooking class is not a soldier. Come out and compare the military with me, and see who dares to stand up and talk about personal qualities, let’s not brag, if this kid Zhuang Yan is placed in the platoon to compete, he has a great chance, right I didn’t ask the company commander to be absolutely Let him go, I just ask you to give him a chance, a chance to participate in the selection.”

Zhang Jianxing smoked a cigarette and said, “Zhu Dekang, you kid is arrogant.”

Zhu Dekang said: “I don’t call it rhetoric, I call it love talent and wealth. It is really a waste for this kid Zhuang Yan to be placed in the cooking class. Let him teach the brigade, and he will definitely be promising in the future.”

“That kid who is promising is just here to join the army.” Zhang Jianxing said: “You think I haven’t paid attention to him.”

Zhu Dekang said again: “You can’t say that, people will change, the moon will be round, don’t you all say that our army is a big melting pot? Even a piece of rotten iron can be made into steel for him~www.mtlnovel.com~ To say, It’s because of your lack of self-confidence, company commander!”

“Hey!” Zhang Jianxing was unhappy, “Zhu Dekang, you are still very energetic! You dare to criticize me, or else I am inappropriate as the company commander, and you take care of the eight companies for me.”

Zhu Dekang pouted and muttered, “If it wasn’t for my low culture… I’m still a platoon leader now…”

“What did you say”

“I did not say anything”

“This…you have to let me think about it…”

“Company commander, what do you think about his cooking class or the infantry class? Isn’t it your company commander Zhang’s class? Isn’t it solemn and excellent? It’s the face of the seventh company and the nine company, isn’t it like your company commander’s face!”

“Damn it, let me think about it! Go out!”

“Okay, I’ll take it as your promise!”


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