Spider-Man of Earth 65

Chapter 58 – Found

(**R18 Start**)

"Why~! Are~! You~! So~! GOOD~!"

The ultimate balls-to-the-ass position. Doggy-style where he holds her wrists and rams into her. To fuck her like this meant reaching her deepest parts. Maria Hill already had hearts in her eyes and was already slobbering.

There were no hands to muffle her voice. Right here, right now, she exposed her true self.

"Yesssshhh~! YESSSSS~! I can't get enough of youuuu~!"

Their sex was primal and deep. Loud claps from his pelvis slapping against her ass.


Felix leaned forward, nibbling on her ear. He listened to the sound of her heavy breathing. The gasps, the moans, and the clenching of her cunt. He wanted every sensation to flow into him.

Then, he whispered, "Do you want more?"

"Hhahh…haahhh…" Maria turned and made out with him. Saliva connecting them as they lightly ended the kiss, Maria replied, "Yeshh…"


"Yesssshhhh~!" Maria shrieked. "Cumming~! Cummingg~! CUMMINNNG~!"

So that was that.

Some time passed.

In the background, Jessica Jones sat cross-legged on the couch. While Felix plowed Maria on the bed, Jessica was video calling someone. Specifically, her ex-husband, Luke Cage.

"I told you, Luke, I don't know! You took all the papers." The camera showed a hint of her cleavage and her bare shoulders so obviously she was naked. Luke had his brows narrowed and his annoyance at full display.

"It's important, Jess—"

"I'm not home, idiot, so tell me about it later."

Jessica, out of curiosity, peeked over at the bed. Maria was done. As in, she was stuffed with thick cum with her ass raised and face planted in the pillow.

Erection bobbing, cum dripping, Jessica Jones found herself salivating at the sight. The phone was officially at the level of her breasts. 

Quickly, Jessica brought it up to her face. "I'll talk to you later, Luke, bye!"


Jessica ended the video call and tossed her phone to the side. She jumped over and hugged him, his long cock sandwiched between her thighs.

"Still talking to Luke?"

"He's a cop, you know how it is."

"Except I don't?"

Jessica squeezed his member with her legs. "Whatever, let's just fuck."

So that was that.

(**R18 End**)

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the hotel suite. Felix found himself sandwiched between Jessica and Maria, the three of them sprawled comfortably on the plush couch. Jessica leaned against his shoulder, her head resting gently, while Maria, though sitting close, maintained a slight distance, her arms crossed but not entirely detached. The television murmured in the background, broadcasting the morning news.

Felix's mind was elsewhere, however.

His advanced glasses discreetly overlaid images and data from Herbie's surveillance on Elektra. 

"Another robbery in the city," Jessica commented, watching the news report. "Feels like crime is spiking everywhere."

Maria nodded, her eyes still half-closed. "Mm."

Felix, seemingly engrossed in the television, nodded absently. "Could be related to the Stark robbery. Lot of tech going missing lately."

In reality, he was focused on the countdown timer Herbie had displayed: Forty-eight hours. That was the time Elektra had promised to hand off the EMPs to her delivery men. He had thirteen hours left to intercept her. Herbie's surveillance had noted a crucial detail: every six hours, Elektra ordered pizza.

'That's my opportunity,' Felix thought. He could intercept a pizza call, pretend to be the delivery guy, and place something in the pizza to knock her out. By timing with his Detective Mode, he could slip in and out without her knowing. Risky, for sure, but time was running out.

Jessica stretched lazily, glancing at Felix. "You look deep in thought. Something on your mind?"

Felix smiled, trying to mask his preoccupation. "Just thinking about the craziness in the city. And maybe what to have for breakfast."

Maria raised an eyebrow, smirking. "You always this thoughtful in the morning?"

"Sometimes," Felix replied, his tone light. "Depends on the company."

Jessica chuckled, her laughter vibrating against his shoulder. "Well, as long as you're not brooding. That's my job."

Felix's glasses pinged softly, an indication that Herbie had more information. He subtly shifted his focus back to the data stream.


Forty-eight hours had been Felix's due date to find out what was inside her laptop. Thirty-five hours were spent at home, work, and a night with Maria and Jessica. There was a reason he was keeping count of the time. Because once he opened that laptop and found Crossbones' location, he could then rob the delivery men and take the EMPs to…

…hm, should he keep them and analyze them? That sounded smart.

'I'll have Officer Grimm arrest them and leave a note that says they're going to be meeting Hammerhead and to use that advantage. Elektra won't even know what happened to them.'

Felix lifted himself from the couch.

"You're leaving?" Jessica asked. "Aw, I thought we could go for one more drunk night."

"Have places to be," Felix replied, grabbing his clothes. "See you later?"

"Later!" Jessica waved dramatically, then dropped her arm down to her bottle of alcohol. As for Maria, she was already asleep. 

Hopefully she got what she was looking for and got Jessica as a leaker. 


Elektra's favourite pizza wasn't difficult to replicate—pepperoni, mushrooms, and extra cheese on a thin crust. However, figuring she was an assassin of some kind, fooling her with a fake pizza was impossible. He had to be specific. He had to time this properly. And so, he ordered her pizza before she did. 

In the meantime, his next stop was an office supply store where he purchased a debit card machine, making sure it was identical to the ones used by local delivery services. The cap was the only part necessary to complete the disguise. It appeared the pizza delivery men didn't wear uniforms which was great for Felix. 

"Thank you." 

Felix flashed a smile at the real pizza delivery guy. Standing two blocks from Elektra's apartment, he ordered the fresh pizza in the middle of the street. As soon as the pizza guy was out of sight, Felix added a mild sedative, undetectable by taste, to lace the cheese, ensuring it would take effect after she had a few bites. 

Felix wore the PD-cap, carried the bag to carry the box of pizza, and the debit card machine. Everything needed to look exactly as it should.

With everything ready, Felix waited for the right moment. At precisely 6:30 PM, Herbie alerted him that Elektra had placed her usual pizza order. Felix had previously intercepted the call and rerouted it to his burner phone, mimicking the pizzeria's phone number.

"Hello, Tony's Pizzeria," Felix said in a perfect imitation of the real delivery guy.

"Yeah, hi. I'd like my usual," Elektra's voice came through, cold and precise.

"Sure thing. That'll be ready in thirty minutes," Felix replied, jotting down the details as if taking a real order.

He arrived at Elektra's building thirty minutes later, using his advanced glasses to ensure he wasn't being watched. He took the elevator to the fourth floor and walked calmly down the hall to her apartment.

He knocked on the door and waited. Moments later, Elektra opened it, her eyes scrutinizing him for a brief second before taking the pizza. "Here's your order," Felix said with a friendly smile, holding out the debit card machine.

Elektra swiped her card, barely looking at him. She was a pretty woman. Black hair, sharp eyes, and dark bags under her eyes. Face to face, Felix figured he could beat her in one move. But that wasn't the point. It was better to do this without causing attention—doing it after everything relevant happened.

"Thanks," Elektra muttered, taking the pizza and closing the door.

Felix made his way back to the lobby and outside, trying to keep his nerves in check. He entered the alleyway directly across from her apartment. Since it was dark, he could pop out the Pym Capsules and enter his Spider-Man suit without issue. He could observe the woman at the top of the building without drawing attention to himself. With Detective Mode, the camera beside him was irrelevant. While watching as she sat on her couch, Felix captured the camera into his capsule. 

Elektra was flipping through a magazine while the pizza box lay open on the coffee table. Thus, the waiting game began.

'Come on, come on…' 

As Elektra picked up the first slice, Felix held his breath. She took a bite, chewing slowly, and then took another. Relief washed over Felix as he saw her finish the slice and move on to the next one. Herbie's voice came through his earpiece, a reassuring monotone. 

"Sedative is taking effect. Her vitals are slowing."

Ten minutes later, Elektra's head began to droop. She tried to fight it, blinking rapidly, but the drug was too strong. She slumped over on the couch, the magazine falling from her hands.

In seconds, he leaped and was climbing the wall of her apartment. He opened the window to her apartment and slipped inside, landing silently on the floor.

Elektra was completely unconscious now on the couch. Felix moved quickly, going to her room and fetching her laptop. Herbie's connection was immediate. The super computer's algorithms worked fast, bypassing security measures and accessing her files. "We're in," Herbie reported. "Searching for relevant data."

Felix kept a vigilant watch over Elektra, his senses alert to any change in her condition. Herbie's search soon revealed an email exchange with a contact named Brock Rumlow. 

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Elektra

Payment has been completed. Locations have also been confirmed. Don't disappoint me with the outcome. 

That was it. Payment and confirmed locations. For anyone else, this wouldn't have made sense. To Felix, it was all the context he needed. 

'So Elektra was the one who set up the EMPs. I knew it. An outsider like Crossbones couldn't have done it; it was her!' He glanced over at Elektra who remained asleep. He went back to the email. There was only this one. 'The details must have been done in-person.' 

"Herbie, can you trace the IP address of these emails?" Felix whispered.

"Affirmative," Herbie replied. Moments later, the AI opened up a map of New York and provided a location….

'East Harlem!? But that's where I live...' 

Crossbones was nearby…and he didn't even know!?

'How the fuck did I let that happen...?'

Felix shut down the laptop, ensuring no trace of his presence was left behind. He exited the same way he came in, though instead of scaling, he web-swung over to the other side. Due to the evening darkness of New York, he was hidden.

Now it was time to wait. Except all he could think about was the fact that Crossbones was in East Harlem. He wasn't close to his apartment complex but he certainly wasn't far. He waited. He thought. He watched Elektra as she woke up.

Elektra didn't suspect a thing and went on with her evening.

Night fell, and Felix kept vigil. At precisely 10 PM, the two delivery men arrived at Elektra's building. Felix watched them through Detective Mode, tracking their movements as they took the EMPs from Elektra's apartment and headed to an alley where their van was parked.

It was time to make his move. Spidey swung down to the alley, landing silently behind the delivery men. The EMPs were in briefcases and they were wholly oblivious to his presence. 

Felix acted quickly. He pulled the first man into the shadows, knocking him out with a precise punch. The second man turned, feeling air, and found nothing. His friend was gone. The next second, he pulled from above, webbed up, and rendered unconscious.

The briefcases were left on the ground while both men were glued to the wall. Felix already had contacted Officer Grimm. He left an anonymous tip, a scribbled note:

Hammerhead. Backroom. Bloodrose Nightclub.

- Spider-Man

As for the briefcases, Felix took them for himself and jumped away to a safe rooftop. "Herbie, analyze the contents of these suitcases," Felix commanded , his voice barely audible over the crowdy hum of New York night life.

"Initiating scan," Herbie responded, his voice calm and efficient in Felix's earpiece. Felix's advanced glasses displayed a detailed scan of the suitcases, breaking down their contents layer by layer.

As the scan progressed, Felix observed the intricate circuitry and components within the EMPs. Herbie highlighted key parts and began cross-referencing them with known databases.

"These devices are sophisticated," Herbie reported. "They utilize high-frequency electromagnetic pulses capable of disabling advanced electronic systems. The design suggests they were specifically made for large-scale disruption."

Felix watched the data stream across his lenses, the advanced technology giving him a comprehensive understanding of the EMPs. Herbie continued, "The components include high-capacity capacitors, frequency modulators, and reinforced casings to prevent accidental discharge. This is high-grade tech."

"Can you trace the origin of these components?" Felix asked, already considering the next steps. "The NYPD and Stark Industries should have a comprehensive list of everything."

"Working on it," Herbie replied. "Tracing manufacturing signatures and serial numbers now. Preliminary analysis indicates the components were sourced from multiple locations. Some parts are custom-made, likely commissioned through black market contacts. Others are repurposed from military-grade equipment."

"Can you pinpoint any specific contacts? Elektra is probably not the only one being sold military-grade equipment."

"Yes. There are three main suppliers involved. There are aliases but no locations. However..." Loading, loading. "One appears to be a former Stark employee. The schematics of the capacity capacitors are identical to a man that worked for Stark Industries ten years ago."

"Figured it'd be someone there. Excellent work, Herbie."

"Do you have any further instructions, Dr. Faeth?"

"Not for now," Felix replied. "I'll handle the next steps."

Crossbones was found and the night was still fresh. The next steps were all him.

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