Spider-Man of Earth 65

Chapter 79 – Factory Tour

A two-piece suit, grey jacket and a black shirt underneath. No tie. He wanted to be formal but he was going to a factory, not a wedding. No need to go all out. 

The plan to extract the location of Club Scorpion was complicated and delicate, with two variations depending on how things go. Hopefully it was Plan A that they would go through.

Felix walked out his apartment and noticed the familiar black SUV parked just outside. Yelena sat in the driver’s seat, casually scrolling through her phone. She glanced up as Felix approached.

“Ready?” Yelena asked.

Felix opened the passenger door and slid in. “Thanks for the lift.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Yelena waved off the gratitude, starting the engine. “By the way, your friend might be waiting for you with something.”

Felix raised an eyebrow, glancing at her sideways. “Might or will?”

“Might,” Yelena repeated. “I hear he’s having trouble with the ID stuff.”

“Got it.”

His Advanced Glasses were equipped and ready. ‘Did some last-minute fine tuning in case the factory environment gets too steamy. With the new metal coating, it should be better now. More durable in exchange for slightly slower processing times.’

The drive was relatively quiet after that, with Yelena focused on the road and Felix lost in thought. As they neared the factory, the atmosphere inside the car grew tense. Felix couldn’t shake the feeling that tonight would be crucial, that every interaction, every piece of information gathered, would be a key to the larger puzzle he was trying to solve.

Finally, Yelena turned the car down a long, winding road, the sprawling Oscorp factory coming into view. The building itself was a massive, futuristic structure, all sleek lines and glass. Its state-of-the-art design was both impressive and intimidating, a testament to Oscorp’s technological prowess.

They pulled into the factory’s expansive parking lot and were promptly stopped before security. Yelena rolled down her window and showed the invitation on Felix's phone. With a nod, they were let through, and Yelena handed back Felix's phone.

The parking lot was already filled with high-end cars. Felix couldn’t help but notice the rows of luxury vehicles—sleek black limousines, glossy sports cars, and chauffeur-driven sedans. The wealthy and powerful had certainly arrived in style. 

“These cars are going to be here all night,” Yelena remarked as she brought the SUV to a stop. “Must be a pretty exclusive event.”

Felix’s Advanced Glasses had already scanned the area. The parking lot was brightly lit, with tall, slender lampposts casting a sterile white glow over everything. Security was tight, too; he could see guards stationed at various points. 

“Here we are,” Yelena said, her tone almost casual as she put the car in park. “Remember, play it cool. You’re just another rich guy here for the tour. Don’t give anyone a reason to suspect otherwise.”

Felix shot her a quick smile. “Don’t worry about me. I’ve got this.”

Felix took a deep breath, his hand lingering on the door handle for a moment before he opened it. He stepped out, straightening his jacket as he did. The night air was cool, and there was a slight breeze that rustled the trees lining the edge of the parking lot.

Yelena rolled down her window, leaning her elbow on the edge to watch him enter. The last vestiges of daylight casting a golden hue over the modern architecture of the building before him. The silver factory’s exterior was constructed from a combination of glass, steel, and polished concrete. The silver reflected the orange and purple hues of the setting sun, making the structure appear as if it was glowing from within. Tall, narrow windows stretched from the ground to the roof, and the main entrance was a massive glass door framed by a shining silver arch.

At the receptionist area, he was greeted to the invited guests: the CEOs, investors, and other elite figures who milled about. 

‘There she is. Kate’s mother.’ 

He spotted Eleanor Bishop almost immediately. Short brown hair, red lipstick, fetching green eyes, and a red dress. Eleanor stood a little apart from the others, her sharp gaze surveying the crowd with an air of quiet confidence. Kate had given Felix a photo of her and he memorized it in case Herbie’s facial scanning wouldn’t be enough. 

But Herbie did pick up someone else. Someone he had expected but couldn’t get used to.

A tall, elegantly dressed blonde who turned her head toward him, her gaze locking onto his. 

Emma Frost. 

She was dressed impeccably in a white shoulderless dress, her platinum blonde hair cascading down her shoulders. Her lips curled into a knowing smile, but she made no move to approach him. She was busy talking to Roberto Da Costa, CEO of Da Costa International, a Brazilian company. 

Felix walked over to where Eleanor stood. The photo Kate gave didn’t do her justice. In person, she had a presence that was almost intimidating, but Felix reminded himself that he couldn’t afford to be fazed. He approached her with an easy smile, hoping to appear as just another investor interested in Oscorp’s latest venture.

“Hey there. Mrs. Bishop, correct?”

“Oh, yes, hi.” Her tension was replaced by a natural smile. “You are…?”

“Felix Faeth. Oscorp,” he explained without really explaining. 

“Ah, is Mr. Osborn coming soon?”

“I believe so…ah, speak of the devil.”

The large glass doors of the factory slid open with a soft hiss, and a tall, slender figure stepped out. It was Harry Osborn, the host of the evening’s event. His expression was calm, but there was a certain intensity in his eyes that belied his youthful appearance.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Harry called out, his voice carrying easily over the murmur of the group, “thank you for joining us this evening. We are about to begin the tour. Please, follow me inside.”

There were a dozen of them here. Not too many that it was crowded but enough to partner and group with. Emma, for example, had already slotted Roberto Da Costa and Warren Worthington III, the latter the son of a billionaire and a total playboy. He was quick to chat up Emma for that reason and the blonde was unserious yet responsive to his advances. She knew she looked good and she knew she could use the playboy. 

‘And that’s why I’m not asking her about where Club Scorpion is. She’s too ambitious. Too suspicious.’ 

The group of twelve began to move toward the entrance, and Felix fell into step beside Eleanor. As they walked through the glass doors, Felix took in the sleek, ultramodern interior of the factory. The lobby was vast and open, with a high ceiling supported by exposed steel beams. The walls were lined with digital screens displaying various data points and images of Oscorp’s latest projects.

Harry Osborn led the group down a wide corridor, the glass walls displaying the many protector workers and conveyor belts carrying items and such. A supervisor remained outside, holographic displays showcasing the factory’s capabilities. There were at least twenty or so different conveyor belt spaces in this space. 

Everyone in the group walked in the center as workers walked in the left and right paths. 

“This facility,” Harry began, “is one of the most advanced multi-purpose factories in the world. We’ve integrated cutting-edge technologies to streamline production processes across multiple industries. From biotechnology to aerospace, this factory can handle it all and has it all.”

As they walked, Harry explained how the factory utilized advanced robotics and AI to optimize every step of the manufacturing process. He gestured toward large glass windows that offered a view into various production rooms. Inside, sleek machines moved with precision, assembling components with an efficiency that was almost mesmerizing.

‘Huh. Such flexibility in the movement…I wonder, can I use it for prosthetics?’ 

After all, there were probably plenty of people at FEAST who needed it. 

“The beauty of this factory,” Harry continued, “is its adaptability. We can switch from producing medical devices one day to aerospace components the next, with minimal downtime. It’s all about maximizing productivity and minimizing waste.”

“And where does said waste go?” Emma asked, a hand raised.

“Our amazing Dr. Octavius invented a type of garbage chute that functions as recycling. It crushes items and literally turns it into recycling.”

“That’s possible?” Emma asked.

“We made it possible,” Harry answered. 

Even Felix was surprised and impressed. ‘It is Liv we’re talking about. She’s smart as hell.’  

Felix listened intently, though his mind did flick to Eleanor Bishop. He needed to steer the conversation toward her interests and, more importantly, toward any upcoming meetings she might have. As they passed through another set of doors, entering a vast room filled with machinery, Felix leaned slightly toward Eleanor.

“This is impressive,” Eleanor said. “I imagine Oscorp must have a lot of interest from other companies looking to collaborate on projects like this.”

“Haha.” Felix nodded and smiled. “There are always interested parties. But of course, Oscorp is selective about who we partner with.”

“Then should I consider myself lucky for being partnered with?”

Right, the security outside belonged to Bishop Security. 

“Let’s call it fate, “Mrs. Bishop,” Felix teased. 

Eleanor laughed and smiled. “Please, call me Eleanor.”

After that, it was smooth-sailing. According to Herbie, Eleanor was forty-four years old. Following the passing of her husband, she remained unmarried and devoted to her daughter and work. 

So devoted that she decided to work with the Kingpin in order to survive. Underneath the red dress and the middle-aged smile was a survivor. A cutthroat business woman.

Felix explained and talked in a way to cater to her business-oriented mind. He wanted her to trust him. To think of Oscorp positively. To trust him fully.

“So that’s how it works. Interesting.” Eleanor nodded along. “I’m surprised Oscorp hasn’t made military robots if they can do all that.”

“Prosthetics, unfortunately, are complex and different for each limb. Whether it’s the left arm or right arm, different components and methods are going to be necessary. For robots, it’s worse since making them completely human-like will make their combat ability limited. The military—and Oscorp—wants the best and we don’t know what that best looks like yet.” Felix glanced over. The others were a bit ahead. “Let’s get going.”

Harry talked and talked. In thirty minutes, they were about halfway down. It was breaktime and everyone sat at a cafeteria. 

“What exactly do you do?” Eleanor asked, sipping on a can of coffee. “Are you simply a worker for Mr. Osborn?”

“Ah, no, I’m a scientist. I’m pretty high up so you can consider me…how to put this, an opportunist.”

“You’re here to interwork?”

“To make friends is how I’d put it.”

Eleanor smiled. “Consider me impressed. If you specialize in prosthetics, then maybe we can come to an arrangement.”

“Consider the arrangement then. I do indeed specialize in prosthetics.” He didn’t but now wasn’t the time to be picky. “Ah, but if we do talk, let’s do it elsewhere. Mr. Osborn did some fascinating work here and although I said it was for friends, I was also ordered to see the state of the factory and take notes. See how it operates and what we can consider.”

Another big bold lie to seem more innocent. Eleanor seemed to understand and nodded. “Must be hard being a scientist.”

“It has its ups and downs.” Felix drank the last of his own can of coffee. “I’ll be back. Bathroom.”

Eleanor smiled and let him leave. This was a half-calculated move. Half because he genuinely wanted Eleanor to sit on him. To think about who Felix was, what he wanted, weigh the pros and cons, and think about talking to him more. To make it more authentic and not forceful.

But not so calculated because he did actually have to go to the bathroom. 

The bathroom was located at the far end of the corridor, away from the main hub of activity. As Felix pushed open the door, he found himself in a surprisingly luxurious space. The walls were lined with dark, polished stone, and soft lighting gave the room an almost serene atmosphere. The faint sound of classical music played through hidden speakers, and the air was scented with a subtle, woody fragrance. It was a far cry from the sterile, utilitarian bathrooms one might expect in a factory setting.

“Definitely a Harry Osborn thing. I want to say this is out of touch but it’s also kinda sick,” Felix muttered under his breath. 

Felix made his way to the row of urinals. Noting that the bathroom was otherwise empty, he picked one in the middle. Just as Felix was beginning to relieve himself, the door to the bathroom creaked open, and another figure entered. Felix glanced to his right through his peripheral vision and noticed a tall man dressed in a janitor's uniform, complete with a cap pulled low over his eyes. The janitor walked past several empty urinals and came to a stop right beside Felix, unzipping his pants with a nonchalance that struck Felix as unusual.


A slight tension settled in Felix’s shoulders. This was odd. In a nearly empty bathroom, most people would have chosen a urinal farther away, respecting that unspoken rule of personal space. But this janitor seemed to have other ideas. Felix kept his focus forward, not wanting to give the man the satisfaction of a reaction. However, just as he was about to dismiss the odd encounter, the janitor spoke.


The voice was deep. The voice was…familiar. Slowly, he allowed his eyes to drift to the side, catching a glimpse of the man’s face beneath the brim of the cap. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks.

Aaron Davis.

“What the hell, Aaron?” Felix muttered under his breath, careful to keep his voice low. “You actually made it! How!?”

Aaron smirked, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “Nice to see you too, Felix. And to answer the question in your head—I’m just really, really good at on-the-fly infiltrations.”

Here was Aaron Davis, notorious thief and tech-savvy criminal, standing beside him in a janitor’s uniform, acting like this was the most normal thing in the world.

“How did you even get in here?” Felix asked, his voice still low but edged with disbelief. “You had…what? Three hours? Less probably?”

Aaron chuckled softly, a sound that was both amused and slightly smug. “You’d be surprised what a guy like me can do with a little preparation and a lot of nerve. The uniform was the biggest hurdle—had to hack into the system and insert myself as a new hire on his first day. With a company this size, nobody even noticed.”

“And the ID?”

“That was the easy part, especially with Kate Bishop's help. Remember, her mom runs the security around here. Even the best companies have patterns.”

Felix shook his head slightly, still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that Aaron had managed to infiltrate one of the most secure facilities in the city without anyone batting an eye. “You’re insane, you know that?”

“Maybe,” Aaron replied. “But you gotta admit—it’s pretty impressive.”

The two men finished their business, tugging and shaking off the last of their piss in unison, as if they had somehow choreographed the entire encounter. Felix zipped up his pants and went to wash his hands.

“So what’s your play here?” Felix asked, keeping his voice low even though the bathroom was empty.

Aaron was done washing and reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, inconspicuous button, holding it out to Felix. “This,” he said.

Felix took the button, examining it closely. It was small, no bigger than a coin, and seemingly ordinary. His Advanced Glasses immediately picked up on what it was. A couple wires, a camera, and a microphone. Very little amounts of metal were used.

“A little something I cooked up,” Aaron replied. “Stick it to your jacket, and it’ll let me listen in on any conversations around you. Plus, it’s got facial recognition software built in—good for identifying the VIPs you’re rubbing shoulders with tonight. If we can't Eleanor, then we'll have a bunch of others.”

‘So pretty much what my Advanced Glasses do already.’

“Can it store info?”

“Nope, so I'll be jotting down the names of anyone important.”

‘So pretty much what my Advanced Glasses do but much, much worse.’ 

Felix didn’t respond immediately. He weighed his options, considering the risks and the benefits of accepting Aaron’s help. On one hand, letting Aaron listen in on the VIPs could provide valuable intel for their little team. On the other hand…

Eh, whatever, Felix was no stranger to walking on the edge.

Felix gave a small nod, pocketing the button. “Alright. But if this goes sideways…”

Aaron raised his hands in mock surrender. “I know, I know. You’ll never trust me again.”

Felix couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “Assuming I trust you now.”

And with that, he went out of the bathroom and into the corridor. Right on time too, because Harry was about to begin the tour again. Eleanor was waiting for him, smiling. It appeared that the CEO of Bishop Security had made her decision. 

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