Spiritual Recovery: Be Invincible Starting From Delivering Food

Chapter 585 Victory

The spiritual pressure formed by the collision of the two attacks shattered the surrounding trees. There were many iron railings where Charlotte was, and they all broke and collapsed in the confrontation with one blow after another.

Looking at Wallace's stiff movements, Charlotte smiled and said:

"Old man, have you never been on the battlefield?"

"You have no combat experience at all, what are you going to do to fight me!"

After finishing speaking, the wheel on the gun blade in her hand moved, making the sound of a bullet being loaded.

Wallace secretly felt uncomfortable and wanted to run away.

"Don't worry, stay and play with me!"

"Magic: Cold Wind Polar Region!"

Field-like wind and snow cover the outside of the nuclear power plant, making it increasingly difficult to move farther outward.

Unless Charlotte is killed, this area will remain.

Wallace moved the conversion device from his waist to behind his back, and raised a ball of lightning from the core.

He got serious and decided to use his second energy to deal with this bear country woman.

There was a huge gap in spiritual power between the two sides, and Wallace had just broken through to the gold level.

As long as he enters the nuclear power plant, his strength will steadily break through, and by then no one will be able to defeat him.

Wallace swung the electric ball out and threw it in the direction of Charlotte.

Charlotte did not dodge, raised the gun blade and used all her strength to slash away the thunderball.

This time it was a blindfold, as the thunderball quickly expanded and enveloped Charlotte.

Wallace sensed nearby underground cables at the start of the battle and placed his hands on the ground, using his electrical properties to connect to the energy in the cables.


A large amount of electrical energy was converted into apostolic energy and entered the core, and his strength also rose rapidly, from the bronze level at the beginning to silver.

There is a nuclear power plant next to it, so the total amount of electricity here is surprisingly large, which is simply a good tonic.

Charlotte, who had just broken through the electric ball, saw this scene and immediately put down the mood of playing around. She changed the gun blade from her left hand to her right hand, and then lunged to gather strength.

The next moment, she rushed to Wallace like an arrow.

Wallace was about to use the wind wall to resist, but was instantly frozen, and the sharp blade mercilessly sliced ​​through his neck.

The attack was not over, the wheel turned again, and several swords struck at Wallace.

But at this moment, Wallace broke through the ice and shouted:

"Storm Core!"

The original injured area was quickly repaired, and he was no longer human. There was no blood from the cut area, and only a deep blue light shone on the blade.

Wallace's body condensed a wind element energy, and he distanced himself from Charlotte as quickly as possible.

Wallace didn't want to run, and couldn't.

He finally gathered the strength to get here, but as he is now, he has no ability to break through the border alone.

If the energy absorption fails this time, it means death.

"If I fail, my body will be controlled by you, Nidomer!" Wallace shouted, clutching the core of his chest.

"No, you will not fail. This time I just want to see you fulfill your wish. If you die, then I will be buried here with you." Nidomer said with a smile.

Suddenly, Charlotte's aura changed. Her long golden hair moved without any wind, and her beautiful eyes stared at Wallace coldly.

Without too many words, she hung the gun blade naturally on the ground, and then moved quickly!

The ice blue gun blade slid on the ground, making a harsh sound.

Wallace took a deep breath and summoned two hurricanes in the ice and snow field.

The wind swirled around him, and the storm gradually became more violent and swift. Wallace's strength strengthened, and he also gained new abilities.

The two hurricanes formed an impenetrable barrier around Wallace, keeping Charlotte at bay and temporarily isolating her from the outside.

After creating a safe environment, Wallace eagerly continued to absorb the electrical energy from the ground. The huge energy passed through the land, causing the ground to gradually become hot and dented.

At this moment, not only was the city cut off power, but the military's communications were also cut off.

Charlotte took two steps back, raised the gun blade and pointed it at the wind wall, focusing her spiritual energy on the gun blade in her hand.

As the spiritual energy gathered, the entire weapon was covered with blue light.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three gunshots were fired, each bullet carefully adjusted to avoid the strong wind, and the last shot was accurately fired into Wallace's heart.

The bullet pierced Wallace but did not cause serious damage.

He has broken away from the human category, and the cells in his body have long been transformed into apostle factors.

Wallace took his hands off the ground and stood up, and the storm stopped.

His wounds healed quickly, and his strength reached the gold level.

Charlotte frowned. This was the first time she encountered such an enemy who could become stronger in battle.

If he is allowed to escape, the entire world will be threatened.

Charlotte picked up a red bullet from behind and loaded it close to the blade of the gun.

The coldness on her body became heavier and heavier, and white frost appeared on her hair.

The move Charlotte will use next will also cause some damage to herself, but for the core, it is worth it!

Her figure disappeared from the spot, so fast that Wallace could not observe her position.

Gunfire came, but she couldn't hear where she fired.

A bullet entered Wallace's shoulder and penetrated his entire body.

When Wallace wanted to use energy to counterattack, a knife struck, interrupting his movement.





He was unable to parry the attacks that came and went without a trace, and was beaten back steadily.

However, this was not over yet. The speed of these attacks was getting faster and faster, attacking all over his body without any plan.

Bullets and sword flashes were like a violent storm.

Countless knife marks and bullet holes appeared on the ground, and the disorderly attacks drew gorgeous patterns on the ground like flowers.

This is Charlotte's strongest attack, as dangerous and powerful as a rose in the snow.

With a slash to the core, the move was completely over.

"It's over, Apostle."

Charlotte's figure appeared, he pointed the gun blade at Wallace and said coldly.

Wallace raised his hand and condensed little electric lights on his fingertips.

The gun blade fell down, cutting off his arm, and the next cut was his head!

At this moment, Charlotte felt a strange spiritual energy fluctuation behind her.

She ducked sideways, and several fireballs shot from behind her, hitting Wallace.

The breath of frost collided with the flames, and a white mist surrounded the two people.

"We've caught up!"

"We helped the finisher of Bear Country!"

"From now on, we will also be one of the heroes who defeated the apostles!"

Several civilians shouted in joy that these fireballs were shot by them!

Charlotte cut away the water vapor with a knife, but Wallace was nowhere to be seen.

A hole was burned in the ground by the current, and the deep hole was connected to underground cables.

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