Spring Again

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

The old man has a big temper, and when the fire hits, he is not vigorous, the thunder is heavy and the rain is small, his mouth is squeaky and crooked, but he still doesn’t know what to do, and he yells loudly.

Ye Xiyan on the hospital bed was accustomed to it. When he didn’t hear it, he would drink and eat if he should drink, and he would not take a bite. Not only did she eat these, Meng Qi also ran over to get the rice, picked up a regular soup and started to dry, her face was almost buried in the meal.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law did the same. They didn’t refute Ye Lizhao, but they still took a portion of the meal, opened the remaining two, and sent it to the old couple.

I bought it and delivered it too. It was too wasteful to throw it away in order to lose my anger, and it didn’t make sense.

The rice that Jiang Xu bought was actually quite good. They were all ordered from the restaurant. The soup was black fish soup boiled over a high fire, and the dishes were light. Taking into account Ye Xiyan’s taboos, he should avoid spicy and high-calorie foods.

This kind of meal is also suitable for older people. It is salty and nutritious, and there is nothing wrong with it. However, Ye Lizhao was unmoved. After all the food was delivered to him, he was still unmoved. In the end, he didn’t eat a bite. He dragged Meng Wendong to the hospital cafeteria. He had to go to the crowd to be squeezed, and the team had to wait for nearly an hour to eat. To.

The old man was stubborn and “unrelenting”, and he was determined not to bow his head.

The two meals and soup were left, and they were finally given to the medical staff and distributed.

Ye Xiyan doesn’t care much about his parents’ thoughts, what can be done at this level, anyway, there is always one party who wants to compromise.

She will not compromise. If she wants to bow her head to the old couple, she will not take the initiative to come out. She is definitely not telling it from the beginning and not making trouble for herself. Now that it’s out, face it calmly, accept it no matter how good it is or not.

But it’s still not the time to talk about sexual orientation, the old couple endured it, and planned to wait until she got better.

Ye Lizhao had a trouble in the hospital. After lunch, he was calm again. Like a okay person, nothing happened. Meng Wendong did not express any opinions from beginning to end, except for silence or silence. He was not angry when he saw Jiang Xu, but occasionally tightened his brows. In short, he didn’t like it.

Meng Wendong is not as solid-minded as Ye Lizhao, and she doesn’t know what she can do because of her temperament. At any rate, she is a university professor. She has other ideas of her own. At the same time, she remembered some things before and kept thinking about it in her heart.

For example, Ye Xiyan is very active every time he takes Jiang Xu home. For example, the gifts Jiang Xu prepares at the door are very diligent. For example, the ones that Ye Xiyan talked about are not, deliberately testing the tone of his parents.

Some things have long been traced, but at that time no one took it seriously, and nowadays, I can only realize what is wrong when I think about it at first glance.

Meng Wendong felt uncomfortable and panicked.

It’s not that I want to blame anyone, it’s just that I couldn’t accept it unscrupulously. At first, I was concealed. The more entangled, the less it is.

The old couple still takes good care of their daughter and can’t leave it alone.

The whole family stayed here to accompany, and there were a lot more people, especially with a small child. In the middle of the night, the eldest brother or sister-in-law will stay here, and the others will go out to stay in the hotel and wait until the next morning.

This night, after Meng Wendong’s few left, Jiang Xu came to take a look.

It was my sister-in-law to accompany the bed tonight. Seeing Jiang Xu came, he wouldn’t say anything. He went out and gave them the place.

The sister-in-law did not interfere with Ye Xiyan’s decision, did not support or object, did not intervene at all, and did not even express her own opinions.

But this is not the intention to keep the distance, the sister-in-law is a very good person, independent and independent, but she is not surprised by this, it is all in her expectation. After all, for so many years, the circles that Ye Xiyan had mixed up were not related to innocence, but this person just didn’t provoke those people, let alone cause anything, and you can see some clues from it.

The sister-in-law and the eldest brother are different from the older generation, they still have a little understanding of certain things, they know.

Jiang Xu spent more than half an hour in Ye Xiyan’s ward, and the two did nothing, not even closeness. Jiang Xu came over and took a look at Ye Xiyan’s wound.

When Jiang Xu went out, he ran into his sister-in-law. Jiang Xu nodded towards his sister-in-law, and said softly, “Thank you.”

The sister-in-law also nodded, and replied: “It’s so late, so take a rest early.”

After returning to the ward, Ye Xiyan also politely thanked him.

The sister-in-law didn’t mix up casually, and just said: “Don’t be angry with your parents, just talk about it when you have a problem, and take it slow, it’s not impossible to solve it.”

“Yeah.” Ye Xiyan nodded.

The old couple didn’t know the details of the hospital, and they remained the same the next day, without much change.

The old couple had nothing to do. They discussed the transfer to Ye Xiyan. They felt that the medical conditions in this hospital were too poor and Ye Xiyan was out of danger. It would be better to take the time to transfer to the second and third hospitals. They sought Ye Xiyan’s opinion, but Ye Xiyan refused. First, it was unnecessary. It took too much time to transfer. Second, the internal situation of the Second Court was too turbulent, and it was easy to get a bunch of unnecessary things in the past. trouble. It would be nice to stay here, to avoid the messy people and things temporarily, and Jiang Xu was there.

Ye Xiyan is stubborn and does not listen to persuasion, and is unwilling to transfer to the hospital anyway. She was not hypocritical, she was able to carry it, slowly receiving treatment, and patiently waiting for recovery.

She can’t go to the ground for a long time now, and sometimes gets up and walks, basks in the sun or relaxes, in order to better recover as soon as possible. When she goes out, she will call Jiang Xu together, two of them together.

The injuries on Jiang Xu’s body will not disappear in a short time. The bruises are partly dispersed, his face is not swollen, and the internal bleeding has also improved, but the scars that can be left are still conspicuous. The small wounds will be okay if the scab is removed. The rest will leave scars, some are shallow, and will gradually disappear after a while, and some are deep and not good-looking. It is estimated that natural improvement will not work.

The big doctor left a crooked scar on the back of his neck, which can spread to the scalp when he puts down the hair to cover it, and he can see it when he lifts it up.

I don’t know how to stay, whether it was after being beaten, or where it was scratched when blindfolded, Jiang Xu didn’t know it, and couldn’t remember.

Ye Xiyan feels distressed, and when the scab is gone, he stretches out his hand to touch it, sticks the warm fingertips on it, and gently rubs it with his fingertips.

Jiang Xu didn’t see it by himself, so he asked, “Is it ugly?”

“It’s not ugly,” Ye Xiyan said, “Fortunately, it’s not very long, it only shows a small tail.”

He couldn’t imagine just listening to the description, Jiang Xu went back and touched it, but was grabbed by the other party and stopped. She was stunned, feeling that this person had too much reaction, and said, “Let me see.”

Ye Xi said that he would not let go and scratched the back of her neck.

Feeling itchy, Jiang Xu smiled, “Don’t touch it, stop it.”

Ye Xiyan hugged Jiang Xu from behind and suddenly came up.

Afraid of getting hurt from the other party, Jiang Xu didn’t dare to move, letting him hold.

Ye Xiyan didn’t do anything, just brushed her hair away from her back, leaned close and lowered her head, and kissed the unsightly scar.

The warm breath fell, and if Ruowu’s touch made Jiang Xu stagnate, the whole person was stiff.

The time we get along is warm, hot, and love digs into my heart.

Unlike the warmth here, Nancheng is overcast and rainy, the sky is changing, and the situation is also changing.

A few days ago, the real-name report played a big role. The group of people behind was overwhelmed by themselves. Zou Xing’ao collapsed in just a few days, and a large number of people were involved. Those in the second court who stood in his team have all suffered, more or less all have been affected, the ones that were not involved were criticized and educated, they were written down, and those who were too involved were arrested, and they all went into the game. tea.

Zhang Xianming is also one of them. In addition to the charge of forging a will, his fate will not be any better than that of Zou Xing’ao. To say nothing of it, he will start indefinitely.

There is also Ji Cunyu. Although he was picked out, he made a major mistake in forging his will. In addition, he has sold a certain amount of inheritance. He has not ran away for more than three years and less than ten years, and there is a high fine waiting for him.

As for Huang Shengjun, this slippery kneeling faster, surrendered and assisted the police in solving the case, the punishment would not be so serious, it is estimated that it will only be three to four years. But this is just a punishment on the surface. Secretly, Mr. Chai and the others will still pursue the things he did in the group. They will not let him go by turning the story, and they will have to let him spit out what he eats.

In addition, Jiangdan City is also one of the persons involved.

However, the one who was smarter than Zhang Xianming, did not really fall into it, did not personally participate, did not drop any handles, the police could not catch the corresponding evidence, and currently can’t take him.

Jiang Dancheng was too cunning. Not only did he get out and wash himself clean, he also became a double-faced man. He changed his mind and cooperated with the police in investigating the case. He stood up to prove the guilt of Zou Xing’ao and his party, saying that Zou Xing’ao and the others threatened him with bribery. . This incident was funny enough to surprise everyone, but Jiang Dancheng produced strong evidence and pointed directly at the Zou Xingyu group.

Naturally, this is not out of justice, but just a change of camp, for profit.

Jiang Xu had heard of it, and he was not surprised.

Even if he has no feelings for Jiangdan City, or even repulsion, Jiang Xu will no longer participate in it at this juncture and let it develop.

Now the most important thing is to uproot the Zou Xing’ao gang, and the rest can be settled in the future.

The case involved many cases and had a great impact, but it didn’t make it into the eyes of the public.

Subsequent trials should be made public, and the society must be accounted for, and the death penalty for some of them is not an exaggeration.

Skynet is full of negligence and does not leak. Many unrighteous acts will kill themselves. Everything is blamed on the wrongdoers, and the law will give the most fair explanation.

The next thing Jiang Xu can’t control, no one can.

Ye Xiyan asked someone to check the Canadian side, and found the Zhou family, Zhou Ren’an’s current wife and three children who were hiding in a foreign country.

Zhou’s family lived very comfortably in Canada. They only need to enjoy it when they have money, and life can be easy. Zhou Ren’an’s son got married there. He married a foreign woman not long ago, and his two daughters also found a partner there.

Ye Xiyan only checked and did nothing, nor did he need to do anything.

Zhou Ren’an’s death was of no use. Not only did he fail to do what was explained, but it also caused the people behind to fall off the horse faster. The promise given to him earlier would naturally be doubled back.

Just the day before the Zou Xingyu group was investigated and dealt with collectively, Zhou Ren’an’s son had an accident. He was robbed, chopped, and even shot at… the end was tragic.

This is the end of a tiger’s skin, and whatever is eaten will be spit out in another way. Two grasshoppers are tied to a rope, and you have to drag them together to die.

The author has something to say:

A few more chapters

Thanks to the little angel who cast the grenade: Taiwan and Taiwan don’t eat 2 fish;

Thanks to the little angels who cast landmines: 3 blue silks around their hands; 48666914, DetectiveLi, marshmallows, 5201314, 1 チョウニマ;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 100 bottles of Xiaoxi; 1753251230 bottles; 39195074, 20 bottles of Taiwan and Taiwan do not eat fish; 19 bottles of Qingxiu; 10 bottles of Hewu and Pests; 9 bottles of I and I; Chasing North, Blue Sea and Blue Sky , 5 bottles of coffee-loving fish; 3 bottles of Lao Wu; 2 bottles of Zoe, Evildoer, and Yikoumo; 1 bottle of 10m Changze Yamei, Dandan, Thesettingsun.

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