Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 207: When did she become so........flirty?

"I said I disliked it, but I didn't say that I won't drink it. I was taking a taste of it."

This line by Li Wei became the quote of the day. Elaina couldn't get used to Li Wei's sense of logic, or sense of dumbness you can say it.

Actually, Li Wei wouldn't mind his logic being called 'dumb' because he was doing things that were worthy to be called childish and dumb. 

When he went to the store of the drink and got to the front by using the VIP pass that was meant for the employees of the Li Corporations. As he went, he typed the message to Mu Shufen, "Stop refilling the single drinks and the couple drinks after I take one, for some time."

Mu Shufen who had been enjoying his day watching a movie and stuffing a mouthful of popcorn was startled when he received the message from Li Wei. 

Because Li Wei was going on a date in the Amusement park with Elaina, Mu Shufen got a day off thanks to it. In his mind, he thanked his Madam a hundred times for agreeing to go to the park with Li Wei, but his peace was interrupted when he started to get messages from Li Wei. Not only the messages were childish, but they also didn't even make sense to Mu Shufen.

Reading the message, Mu Shufen had a confused expression, why would Li Wei want to stop refilling the drinks in the amusement park. While he was looking at the message and wondering what to do, another message came from Li Wei. 

"Do it fast, if you don't want to work overtime."

Reading the message, Mu Shufen alerted, and it also made him choke on the mouthful of popcorn he was eating. Coughing many times vigorously, he gulped the coke beside him and emptied the can in a hurry. 

Taking his phone, he quickly called the manager of the food department of the Amusement park and conveyed Li Wei's message to him. 

The manager was left dumbfounded by the request as well, but came to his senses soon and called the drink stall, to stop refilling the drinks. 

"This was the last drink, please wait for some time till we refill them. Sorry for the inconvenience," the employee in the stall announced as he handed over the last tray to the customer that was none other than Li Wei. 

Thus, this was the back story of how we got the quote of the day, "I said I disliked it, but I didn't say that I won't drink it. I was taking a taste of it."

Anyways, after tackling this scene, Li Wei pulled Elaina to the same shooting stall as before, which was still stacked up with the people. But instead of going to it, Li Wei took her to a stall that was beside it. 

That stall was also a shooting stall, but weird enough there was no person at all on that stall, unlike its adjacent one that had a long queue enough to make a person wait for at least an hour. 

Elaina was dumbfounded to see such a difference, and soon she turned towards Li Wei who gave her a helpless and innocent look. 

But Elaina knew that somewhere or the other, this was done by Li Wei and yes she was right. It was done by Li Wei. He had asked Mu Shufen to arrange a new shooting stall where they can play shooting without any interruptions. 

Elaina didn't get any chance to speak as she was dragged by Li Wei to the silent shooting stall. When they reached there, the employee greeted them with the utmost respect and then gave both of them their guns and the false bullets that were used to hit the target. 

The stall had a target with a point range up to one to ten. A person was given ten chances to hit the target after which the final score will come up on the electric scoreboard. 

Elaina went first. Taking the gun, she was ready and aimed her target. 

BANG x 10

After Elaina's ten chances were finished, the score came up on the scoreboard. 

It was: 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

The employee as well as Li Wei was dumbfounded on seeing this. It was just one away from the perfect score. All the bullets were perfect except for the first one. While the employee was still amazed, Li Wei had come to his senses, and a smile came upon his lips, that was hidden by the mask, he was proud. He was proud of his wife!

His wife was amazing. A sudden fanboy emerged from him and was seeing fanboying over Elaina. No wonder she was the head of the MaskedSnippers, the organization that grew tremendously over a short time. 

Elaina got back from the gun as she held an expressionless and cold face. 

But wait! Suddenly gasped were heard from behind, and some of the people were seen being awestruck at the score in front of them. Most of the couples, who were surprised. And the men in them were surprised by this performance of the women in front of them. Was she a professional shooter? Or was she in the army or something?! They never expected a woman to present scores like these. 

The aura that Elaina had turned to that of a handsome and cold person. Yes! Handsome! That meant a girl-crush aura was given from her. Some of the girls even squealed as Elaina turned around to face them. 

One of the girls couldn't help but ask, "Wow! I also want to have a score like that!" 

Elaina turned around, to face the girl, and the girl-crush aura around had gotten stronger. With a gentle voice, Elaina said, "Come, let's get you a score like that!" 

The girl seemed younger than Elaina around twenty years and had come with her friend. The girl listening to this squealed, and then came forward, stood in front of Elaina. 

Taking the gun, she reached the trigger, but there was something else that triggered the girl, that was when Elaina came close to her with less than a centimeter difference between them. 

Holding her hand that was on the trigger and that was holding the gun, Elaina bent as the girl was shorter than her, as her neck came beside the girl's head. 

Elaina whispered, "Focus on the target, only on the target." 

As the words entered the girl's ear, a pink tinge had formed on her cheeks. 

BANG x 10

The score was: five times nine, four times ten, and an eight. 

The girl squealed but she was also flustered, she said, "T-Thank you very much'.

"It's ok, dear," Elaina said as the girl rushed to her friend, and she and her friend were heard squealing. 

Li Wei: "....."

Li Wei who was speechless coughed a little. How did this date turn into something like this? Was his wife always like this! When did she become so…...flirty?!

Shouldn't Li Wei the one at the place of Elaina and Elaina at the place of the girl! Or it can be vice versa as well, how did it change! Will he have to be jealous of a girl! Li Wei found this ironic. 

Now it was the chance of Li Wei. 

Coming forward, he took the gun and was ready for the shot. 

BANG x 10

The score was: ten tens. 


Elaina kept an expressionless face but inside she was amazed by Li Wei's skills. 

"Wow! Look at that man! He had a perfect score! He looks good looking as well!"

"Yes! Even though he is wearing a mask! He looked handsome!"


The women in the audience were seen squealing at Li Wei. 

The men who were with the women, were jealous, of seeing their partners complement another man and they were envious as well. 

But wait...they were not the only ones. 

There was some spark in Elaina as well. Seeing the women squealing, a tight clench in her chest was felt. She didn't like the idea of seeing so many women squealing like crazy over Li Wei. 

It was not the first time that he had women drooling over him, she hadn't always like this, but today it was different, the feeling of dislike has gotten stronger and her heart clenched. 

Biting her lip, she went towards Li Wei with fast steps, and then holding his hand, she dragged him away from that crowd. 

Li Wei was taken off guard by this, but he let himself be dragged where Elaina was taking him. He couldn't understand the reason behind this sudden behavior of Elaina, he was curious as well. 

Elaina only stopped after they reached the Ferris wheel. Reaching there, she reached her senses and as she turned around, Li Wei was seen staring at her. 

It was getting dark as well. 

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