Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 211: An Unknown destination (2)

**WARNING**:- The content of the chapter contains some inappropriate actions that might be disturbing to some of the readers. Kindly skip the parts if you feel uncomfortable. 


A strong wave of water hit the skin of unconscious Yang Sying which made her come back to her senses slowly. A sudden headache made her eyes twitch in pain and the cold water sent a chill down Yang Sying's spine. 

She hissed in pain before she was able to open her eyes. Slowly her eyelids opened, because of impending pain, she was not able to see anything. As Yang Sying went capable of seeing things, her eyes were hit by the sudden light, which resulted in their closure again. 

Again hissing in the annoyance of the sudden light, it took some time for her to get used to the strong light before she opened her eyes fully.

"You are up, Sying," the same voice that spoke to her from the phone was heard. Hearing the voice, Yang Sying became alert, raising her head despite the pain, she was going to say something, when she noticed her situation. 

She was sitting on a chair, but it was not a simple chair. With some wires attached from the chair, Yang Sying knew something was wrong, to add up her hands were tied by the armrest of the chair. 

She looked around herself, and she was in a room that had no opening and no light source except a strong bulb that threw light at her eyes directly. The wall that was in front of her, was different from other walls, it was transparent and was made of glass. She could not see a thing on the other side of the glass.

Behind her was another man that was the same person who came to free her from the prison, and he seemed to be the one who threw water at her. 

"W-Why am I like this?" She said with her raspy voice. 

"That is your welcome gift," the voice was heard again, it sounded like a man in his early fifties, and Yang Sying even though was not familiar with him, was very familiar with the voice. 

Yang Sying did not understand what the man meant but she knew that he was up to no good. 

"I-I am sorry, please forgive me. I am very thankful that you freed me from the prison," Yang Sying said, but she was shuttering, her body was shaking. 

"What are you sorry for, Sying? I want to hear from you," the man said. 

Shortly after he said that something happened. 

A sudden electric shock was sent to Yang Sying through the chair, as it came unnotified, the effect was much greater, furthermore, the water acted as a greater conductor for electricity. 

"AAAAAHHHH," A loud scream was heard from Yang Sying. The intensity of the pain that it created was much greater. 

"Oops, was it this intense? Oh my, looks like this electroshock chair is great. I am impressed," the man said. 

"Order more like these," his voice was heard, it was probably for someone else.

"So, let's continue, where was I? Ah, yes. So, what are you sorry for, Yang Sying? Or should I say, Tan Min?" the man said. 

As soon as Yang Sying aka Tan Min heard this, she started to talk, "Y-You sent me to Li Wei to find out if the heir of Wang family was still alive. But I failed. I-I am sorry."

As soon as Yang Sying finished her words, another shock was sent to her, and this time it was of more intensity than before. 

As the effect of the previous shock was still in her body, this electric wave was as if it had made Tan Min's body numb. Her head was heavy, and in no time she became unconscious. 

As soon as her head hung down, the man that was behind her, came forward and then threw water her once, forcing her to come to her senses once again. 

"I-I am sorry, l-let me go," her lips quivered, and managed to speak only this. 

With a long sigh, the man said, "Oh dear. Only if you hadn't wasted my time. I even had to get rid of the original Yang Sying, to have you, replace her. Even her family paid the price of your failure. Seems like you were so used to that lavish lifestyle that you forgot your goal. You wasted my time and money, it's only right for me to get some fun."

"I said I am sorry! I tried!" Tan Min said with a raised voice, it was almost as if she screamed. 

And soon as she said her last word, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…." another shock was sent to her, which was enough for Tan Min to lose her ability to think. Her eyes had become lifeless. 

"Don't scream. I can hear you just right, Sweetie," the voice was heard again. 

"Sir, she will die if we gave her another shock," the man that was with Tan Min in the room said. 

"Tch, she is no fun. Inject her an aphrodisiac, and let some of our men have fun," the voice ordered. 

"Yes Sir," the man said, as he followed the order given and gave her an aphrodisiac. 

Soon after it happened, a group of five men entered the room. As the aphrodisiac was strong, Tan Min had lost every single of her sense. One of the men lifted her chin, and seeing that the aphrodisiac was starting to show its effect, they then started their business. 

On the other side of the glass, a figure was sitting on a leather chair, behind him was another man standing, they had been seeing everything that was going and was happening with Tan Min now. 

"You know what to do with her after this right?" the figure on the chair said. 

"Yes sir," the man behind the chair said. 

Suddenly the man's phone ranged. The man took the phone, and after some time keeping the call on hold, he said, "Sir, its Mr. Zhen. He says that the first hospital had been taken over by some foreign company, he wants to have a word with you," as he passed the phone to the figure.

"Hello, what is it?" the figure said. 

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