Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 236: The point where everything started (1)

The Wang Family, known for its secretive nature and its prestigious history with the medicines from the time of the ancient kings, had accumulated so much wealth from the ancient time that its heirs could spend all their lives in luxury and without even doing anything. Its descendants over time became more and more wealthy, thus strengthening its roots in the list of the prestigious households

but with this increasing wealth came greater threats, and bigger enemies. And something that needed to be protected from the eyes of the people was their heirloom, which was passed from one descendant to another, and only to those, who were interested in studying medicine, and had a pure heart to help mankind and those in need. It was a book, 'Spooky little thing' was its new name that had the recordings of the precious medicine and their formulas from the ancient time, that were made by the Wang heirs, passed on to the next heirs, so that they could write the same and pass it on. 

This heirloom remains hidden even from the eyes of the people in the family, the only one who knew it was the person who was to be passed the heirloom and the person would pass it on. 

The heirs took the oath to keep this secret hidden all their life, without telling even their closest ears about this. If broken, the heir would be banished from the family and shunned by it, which was equal to be shunned by the society. 

Over the years like any other prestigious family in the country, Wang Family was also happy, wealthy, and powerful, or so I can say. But this was all on the outside, on the inside, it also had some secrets that were threatening, and corroding the family slowly, and this started when the present patriarch of the Wang Family, who was Wang Lie, introduced his illegitimate son to the 'perfect family' he had. 

Wang Lie knew introducing his firstborn illegitimate son to his son and his family, would surely break their hearts, and to such an extent that would also threaten the future of the prestigious Wang Family, that he had. But he also knew that his illigimate son, whom he had hidden all this time from the eyes of his family, was innocent. 

He would have never thought of bringing his son to his family, if the mother of the illigimate son Wang Bai, would not have contacted him. She was on her deathbed when Wang Lie met her, and then she asked for him to complete his last wish. 

"Accept Bai as your son, and make him a part of his family. Please fulfill my last wish."

These were the last words of Wang Bai's mother who was on her deathbed. She didn't mind being called selfish, because all she wanted was the happiness of her son, and so she had asked the man who was the father of her son, to take his son with him, so that she can leave in peace. But what she had no idea was that this would the first step towards the end of the Wang Family.

Wang Lie felt guilty, he knew that Wang Bai was innocent who was caught up in all this, he knew that he had lived his life in difficulty and as an outcast, and so, he decided to fulfill the wish of now the late mother of Wang Bai. 

Thus, he brought Wang Bai with him, giving him his rightful name of 'Wang', introducing him to his son, Wang Fang, and his wife. 

It was very difficult for Wang Fang to accept the fact that his father had an affair before he was born, and his late mother didn't have the idea of all this. But Wang Fang also knew that Wang Bai was not a person to be blamed for all this, and he decided to accept him, as his brother, and as a member of the Wang Family. Wang Fang thought it was a new start for him, and so he didn't think much and focused on his career and his wife, who was ready to give birth to his child.

After the birth of Wang Yu Yan, slowly and slowly over the years, Wang Fang began to realize that his stepbrother, didn't have any good intentions coming to the family, and the fact that his father was blinded by the guilt, making him unable to see what Wang Fang could see.

Wang Bai was planning something, he was engaged in illegal things, spending money on useless things and then begging for Wang Lie for more had now become common, and Wang Fang was vaguely aware of all this. He started to become insecure about the future of his wife and his daughter, and so he thought that it would be better to secure their future by threatening Wang Bai with the evidence of his misdeeds and asking him to leave the household for good. 

But as he was going to him, he overheard something that he shouldn't have. 

"I have given him the last dosage of the medicine. I am sure he won't be able to live more than a day. Rest assured, nothing would be able to save him, at least not until the god himself comes on earth," Wang Bai was heard talking to someone on phone, which left Wang Fang dumbfounded. Leaving everything when he rushed to his father who was sitting on his study table caressing the photo of his late wife, Wang Fang got a reply that he hadn't imagined.

"I know, Fang. I know," Wang Lie said when he heard Wang Bai's plan from Wang Fang. 

"Then why are you like this? Let's go to the hospital! And I will call the police to make sure that person is behind the bars!" Wang Fang said shocked. 

"Don't. That kid is also a victim like you, the real culprit is me. It's my fault that I was unfaithful to your mother, it is my fault that Wang Bai is like this. If I had been a responsible father towards him. I could have prevented him to become what he is now, He hates his father, and his hatred is correct, he has the right to hate me. Because of me, his mother had to live in misery, because of me he had to live like an outcast in his childhood, all those feelings in his heart have not made him a monster, and that monster won't fade until I am not dead. I am a culprit of your mother as well, to you as well. I know that you must be hating me for being a bad partner to your mother, bringing Wang Bai into this family, and for what I am like now, I am the only one to blame. I had promised Wang Bai's mother that I won't let Wang Bai live in misery, to fulfill that promise if even I have to cut short my life, I won't regret this."

"But father! Think of me! Think of Yu Yan! And what if Wang Bai threatens me or Mian or Yu Yan? How can be you so sure that he will remain quiet after you die? I am not listening to anything! There must be someone that could cure you, if not someone, our Heirloom! I am sure our ancestors would have written something in it about the cure of the poison!" Wang Fang said. 

"No. You know the rules, Fang. We, Wang descendants cannot use the contents of the heirloom for personal benefits. No member of the Wang Family shall be saved by using that book, and this poison is not something that anyone could cure. I know it. This is what I deserve for doing bad to you and your mother," Wang Lie said, his eyes, teary and guilty, but Wang Fang couldn't see any kind of regret in his father's eyes that could tell him that he was afraid of dying. He seemed to have been accepting his end with open arms.

"Just why! Why are you like this! You didn't think of mother when you were cheating on her, and you didn't think of me when you are taking this step! How can you be so selfish! How?!" Wang Fang didn't think before speaking his heart, his tears were falling from his eyes when he said these words to his father. 

"You won't understand. And you shouldn't understand as well," Wang Lie said with a soft smile accompanied by some tears. 

"You don't need to worry about Mian and Yu Yan. No one can deny the fact that Yu Yan is the successor of this family. In my will, I have taken all the steps that will secure the future of your family. And," Wang Lie paused and then turned around to take something out of his locker in his private study. 

He took out a briefcase, an ordinary-looking, but it had something valuable, the heirloom of the Wang Family and beside the book was a letter that was addressed to Wang Yu Yan.

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