St Chaos Healer

Prologue – The Final Banquet

*The New Polished Prologue

Fixed and filtered some events and monologues irrelevant to the plot.

How did everything descend into this nightmare?

When did my guard start to slip?

Coughing up blood, gasping for air, every orifice stained red, I hovered on the edge of consciousness. It was a struggle just to lift my head.

Crawling on all fours, my back bore the burden of various weapons piercing through my chest, anchoring me to the ground. The divine allure emanating from these weapons corroded my skin like fresh meat sizzling on a frying pan. Though not physically hot, the weapons exuded a potent divine aura that effortlessly melted my flesh.

"Holy weapons?" I muttered in a dim voice.

I surveyed my own body, horrified by the spectacle of my organs falling outside as my flesh melted away. It was a ghastly scene, one that seemed beyond repair of any extraordinary healer. The mere fact of still being alive in such a state was a miracle.

Oddly enough, I wasn't registering any pain at this point. Whether it was the mental shock numbing my senses or my pain receptors corroded away after getting all this power, I couldn't discern the cause.

Even if I somehow managed to tuck my innards back into my body, the prospect of walking away from them alive seemed bleak.

Weakly, I raised my head, casting a meek glance at a corner of the room. There, a beautiful woman lay motionless in her blood. A long spear impaled through her chest, and even in her final moments, she clutched her plump belly.

Even in death, she continued to safeguard our unborn child by her hands.

"Gloxinia...”, I muttered as emotions tried to overwhelm me, “I am sorry,"

All I could do was weep tears of blood in front of my wife's lifeless form.

If only I hadn't been so carefree, I could have easily avoided this fate. The illusion of invincibility led me to lower my guard. I believed no being could kill me, and I hoped to enjoy a life of leisure after conquering the realm together with all of us.

I was far too optimistic.
Never thought my people would be one to kill us.

I couldn't comprehend their motives, and frankly, I didn't care.

The very thought of being comrades with these traitors disgusted me.

I will not forgive them. These grievances will be repaid in blood.

I failed as a husband, unable to protect my woman. The least I can do now is send as many of these treacherous sons of bitches to hell. It seems to be the only thing I'm still good at, after all.

Just when a man appeared from the dark corner walking towards us. He halted in front of her body and callously placed a foot on her chest, nonchalantly yanking the black spear from her chest.

The nerves in my head throbbed at the sight of this man. I gritted my teeth so forcefully that I could hear them cracking, yet my anger towards this despicable man knew no bounds.

He was the one who took my wife's life.

"Darian! You bastard!" I screamed in anger.

At the very least, I have to end this man's life!

Darian wore a surprised expression,
"Well, well, looks like you're still kicking, even with those holy weapons holding you down."

He sighed, his tone cynical,
"Negotiating with those humans to get you killed wasn't easy, you know. We were so close to the brink of fighting each other but somehow managed to keep those urges in check. So, do us all a favor and just die without putting up any more resistance."

You bastards fell so low to even seek help from the humans of the mortal realms, I never thought you guys would be this desperate.

Summoning every ounce of strength in my arms, I clutched the floor with my claws and forcefully dragged my body towards the spot where that bastard was standing. The weapons pinning me down seemed immovable, but the sight of that man fueled my madness.

With every muscle strained, I crawled towards Darian. I wanted nothing more than to rip his throat out and feast on his guts to avenge my dear wife.

Exerting all my might, I pulled my upper half with sheer force, freeing myself. My torso couldn't withstand the pressure, and eventually, I managed to separate my upper half from the lower. Blood and guts spilled, emitting a putrid odor, while my lower body remained pinned by the holy weapons.

As soon as my upper half broke free from the contact with those divine weapons, strength surged back into my limbs. In an instant, I ran on my hands, carrying the torso, and rushed towards Darian.

"What the hell—" muttered a puzzled Darian, standing there in surprise.

The holy weapons had been suppressing my powers all this time. I charged at Darian like a mindless beast, propelled forward by just my two arms.

Darian appeared somewhat uneasy as he grabbed his spear, preparing to confront me.

"Still struggling to catch your breath. As expected of the boss~" he taunted.

"Be careful, Darian!" a woman's voice cautioned from behind.

"Shroud of Chaos!" I invoke my abilities. Dark flames enveloped my arm like a jacket. While I didn't have my full powers, this should be enough to deliver a heavy blow. If I could disintegrate his legs, I might be able to subdue him quickly.

"Dispel Magic!" the woman shouted from behind. The moment she uttered that spell, my black flames vanished instantly. I couldn't conjure any more of my black flames.

Damn it! That witch—

Undeterred, I maintained my pace, prepared to grapple with him even without my powers as I rushed forward.

Darian, having regained his composure, charged with his spear, attempting to pierce me right through the heart. Swiftly tilting my torso, I managed to evade a fatal blow as the spear impaled through my shoulder, missing my vital organs.

Seizing the opportunity, I quickly grabbed the spear handle and thrust it deeper into my body, closing the gap between Darian and me. Blood splashed on our faces, but my glare remained fixed on that bastard, with one goal burning in my mind.


With my other good arm, I seized Darian's head, obtaining a strong grip. My four fingers clamped onto his forehead, and my thumb dug into his chin, nearly piercing his upper jaw.

Despite being cut in half and having my magical powers suppressed, my physical strength remained intact. I possessed more than enough force within myself to end the life of a pathetic demon like him with my bare hands.

"Ah! Boss! Let go of my head! Ow! That hurts!" squealed Darian in pain.

He swiftly retrieved a dagger from his back pocket and stabbed me repeatedly in the throat. Despite the profuse bleeding, my grip on his head only intensified.

In a desperate move, he attacked my arm, attempting to sever it. However, I manipulated the veins in my muscles to the point where he couldn't leave a scratch.

His eyeball was the first to pop, and his skull began denting inwards. Blood gushed from his mouth and eyes as he flailed his arms around my body in a futile attempt to free himself.

"Pl-uh… Bos… Juh… Le… Me~" Darian muttered something, but with blood streaming from his mouth and my thumb piercing his jaws, I couldn't comprehend his words. Not that I cared to hear his dying words.

"Just die!"

Just as I was about to crush his head once and for all, a strange sound echoed, and in the next instant, Darian vanished from my view. The room went haywire, spinning randomly and leaving me utterly confused.

In the midst of the chaos, I saw Darian somehow wriggling free from my grip as the room twirled. To my horror, I spotted my upper torso falling limp on the ground.

Decapitated, just like that?

As the room gradually slowed down, my cheeks met the cold floor with a thud. My head, now uncontrollable, rolled around like a runaway ball. Finally, it came to a stop, and my sight fixed on a woman with long, silky black hair, wielding a longsword.

She peered down at me with sorrowful eyes, as if she pitied my wretched state. I wanted to unleash a barrage of curses, but speaking seemed beyond my current capabilities.

With a casual flick, she sheathed her sword, then gently dipped her head towards me, as if paying her respects.

Beneilve, this woman… She was just a little girl when I allowed her to join my squad. Despite being a demon, she possessed an unusual sense of justice and righteousness. I took it upon myself to train her, treating her like a sister. Never did I anticipate that she would join forces with the other generals to assassinate me. Was she plotting this all along?

After Beneilve paid her respects, she turned around and headed back to the dining hall. Seated at the table were the rest of the Demon Generals. One of them hurried to Darian, pouring some healing potion, while the others casually sat, munching on the leftover food. It was evident that they felt no shame or pity for slaughtering me and my poor wife.

Their friendly demeanor had been nothing but a facade, and now their true colors were finally revealed.

My vision blurred, slowly losing clarity. The generals' murmurs and Darian's screams blended into an indistinct cacophony. I regretted not managing to kill him, despite the damage I inflicted on his face. I had invited them to my castle for a feast, celebrating the news of becoming a father. Never did I imagine they would assassinate me on the very day of that joyous occasion in my castle.

The question echoed in my fading consciousness.
Why was I turned so soft and trusting?

As my vision succumbed to darkness, all sounds vanished.

I died.

Staring into the pitch-black void before me, I waited, expecting death.

Strangely, though, my consciousness persisted.

Am I dead? If so, why can I still think?

My memories remained intact, haunting me with the betrayal of those who pretended to be comrades throughout my life. I yearned to forget it all and simply embrace death, to reunite with my wife and our unborn child.

As the ruler of the Demon Overlord, I undoubtedly committed numerous sins. To unite the demon realm, I ruthlessly ordered the demise of families from opposing nations. It was a brutal means to end the perpetual war that had plagued us for ages. I carried the weight of these sins, fully aware that hell was the only destination awaiting me after death.

My wife, too, bore the burden of the lives she took on my command. Despite the ostensibly noble cause of unifying the demon realm and ending the war, the trail of death we left behind couldn't be ignored. Together, we anticipated a reunion in hell.

Perhaps our unborn child, untouched by our sins, found solace in heaven. Whether he or she, I couldn't know. Surprisingly, as a Demon Overlord, I held a belief in the concepts of heaven and hell after death. The time had come for me to approach the judgment podium.

Any moment now...

But after an extended wait...


Pitch black surrounds me, and nothing unfolds.

I waited some more time. Still nothing.

Where are the torturous flames, the expected torment? Where is my dear wife?

The void persists, time stretching into an indeterminate expanse.

Centuries, perhaps millennia, may have passed, yet I remain trapped in this empty black void.

Why? Why can I still think?

Why are these painful memories, meant to be erased by death, haunting me?

Why can't I see my departed wife one last time?

Is this the true punishment for my tyrannical reign as the ruthless Demon Overlord?

Lost in this dark expanse, utterly alone.

Is keeping these memories my punishment for my tyranny?

If so, at least erase the haunting vision of me witnessing my wife being murdered! I'd gladly forget that, willingly accept the bliss of ignorance. Anyone, someone, please grant me that respite.

Or, better yet, just end me. Obliterate my lingering soul. Terminate this relentless pain!

I've lost track of the eons passing in this pitch-black void. My sanity slips away, and I'm tormented by the faces of my backstabbing comrades. They smile, appearing friendly during our campaigns in the Great War. The mere sight of them makes me want to leap at them, tearing their faces off. Yet, I can recall my past self treating them like family.

I despise myself.

The memory of my helplessness as I watched Darian kill my wife resurfaces. The cycle restarts as I roam this endless void, floating aimlessly. The joyful moments with my comrades replay, only to plunge into the betrayal and their true colors, leading to my wife's murder and my demise.

Then, the memories repeat.

Over and over again!

Is this the true essence of hell?

Hello there, I am alive and doing good.
You would be seeing more such rewrites for other chapters as well.

Have a nice day!

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