Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 11

Star Burst of Sector 2814

Chapter 11

By: BigTofu




Green Lantern Commander

Dominic Wolf




Sitting across from the man, I stared him down as his face rolled through multiple emotions. It was one thing seeing it on his face, it was another with my ring announcing the levels of rage and fear the man rolled through along with confusion. Since I wasn’t feeling that bad about dropping such a bombshell onto his lap, I decided to ignite the fuse and see if I could induce a heart attack or at least give him some real heart complications.


Holding up a hand, I started to project the solar system as I spoke narrating the situation, “Class One cosmic artifact energy signature matches that of the infinity gem known as the space stone. Ability to control trans-dimensional travel, vacuum energy, and portals of distinct types.” I spoke, then gave a brief history of the stones even as I could see Fury on the edge of his seat as he followed along with the free information.


“Locked away on earth by Odin; due to the planet being a minor backwater place within his empire. Kept secret until found by the Red Skull, the signal was projected across the known universe:  the battle of Torr 3 was over the data slate from Kree ship Junta V2 due to it being the only ship at the time to know Earth’s location.”


At that little information, I could definitely hear the man grind his teeth, but I drove onwards.


“This time, Odin sent his sons to parlay the situation, but the data slate was destroyed during one of Thor's revels as he enjoyed the locals.” With that, I showed Thor partying with a very nice and busty Kree chick in arms with Loki himself having three hanging from him. Fairly sure that they had more than a few feats recorded and added to the archives.


“With the resurfacing of the cosmic artifact, those in the know have been gearing up for its eventual return into the wider universe, this again happened in recent memories with a minor kree invasion along with a human-kree hybrid known as Mar-vel.”


“That’s classified,” Fury instantly interjected but I ignored him as I projected Carol Danvers face for him to see.


“With that minor invasion force, the Kree were able to reacquaint themselves with the location of Earth, and due to the treaty that Odin has enforced, Earth was fortunately saved once the Kree force was driven away,” I stated with a shake of my head. “That treaty has been the only thing keeping the real shakers and movers from dropping down, but since you had no idea that you were projecting that signal, if I hadn’t cut it off. Someone was eventually going to come by and show exactly how much regard they had for human lives.”


“And this is where you try to sell me on something?” Fury questions, his analytical mind already working.


Snorting at the man, I shrugged, “Don’t need to sell you anything!  Hell, with the resources at my fingertips I don’t even need your help with anything.” I shook my head. “The only reason why I’m playing nice is, you know the little-known fact that I live on this planet, everyone knows not to shit where you lay your head.”


Leaning back in my chair, I showed him exactly how high he was on my threat meter as I relaxed for him to see. Fury gave me a long speculative look before snorting and rolling his one good eye. “So that’s a no, I can’t get you to join SHIELD then.”


“Yeah, that’s a no,” I replied with a shake of the head. “You forget that I was born and raised on Earth. I know all about our government failings and don’t plan on becoming another cog in the machine. Plus, I have more than a few doubts on what you will do with the information I have access to.”


“Yeah, about that.” Fury spoke as he leaned back in his seat.


[Avarice 47%]


“No,” I stated with a wave of the hand, cutting him off cleanly.


Fury let out a dry chuckle, “You didn’t even let me finish.”


“Because what you want is easy to figure out,” I answered with a shake of the head. “Weapons and data on the current galactic community, but there is no point.”


[Rage 28%]


“No point!” Fury growled leaning forward in his seat and I didn’t need the ring's notification to clue me into his rage.


“Director, you don’t want medical technology, nor do you want simple antigravity that could be reproduced,” I replied with a shake of the head. “What you want from me are weapons and information that you can do nothing with,” I held my arms wide. “Unless you have spaceships tucked away somewhere that my scanners can’t pick up. And let’s not even get into the fact that your little outfit hordes everything and anything: which means anything that I add would only help to grow such a horde.” I shook my head at him, “Yeah, that’s not going to happen until this planet is unified.”


“And you just what? Want me to accept that?” Fury asked with a scoff escaping his lips.


“Fury, there is nothing you can do, but to accept it.  I am way out of your league.” I returned with a sigh. “We both know that I’m only here as a courtesy from one professional to another.”


Fury snorted at me with a dry chuckle, “Be that as it may, I still want anything you can share so I can get the World Security Council off my back.”


“Ahh, now we get to the heart of the matter,” I chuckled. “I’ll have a basic info packet drawn up and sent to your email within twenty-four hours.”


With that being said, we settled in and allowed silence to permeate the warehouse. The one who broke would be the loser in this situation but the joke’s on him since I was already using my ring to mentally communicate with Diana. From the reports received, Ben and his family were settling just fine within the Station House.


She ran me through the body scans while my ring projected the medical status of the family and I still found it surprising the kind of shape that they were in. The fact that this allowed me to add a DNA sample of Peter Parker to the database was completely coincidental, I can assure the great beings above.


Shifting in my seat, I cast a side-eye towards Fury and noticed that even he was sneaking in some side work during this little break. Funny enough, I was also waiting to see if he was going to speak up since I was tracking a very particular lady approaching in an SUV. I tracked the truck that was approaching while acting as if I wasn’t checking the orders that she received for the plan they had to pawn her off on me. She was going to play honey trap and intelligence operative, but I can’t lie and say that I wasn’t alright with that.


Hell, they were trying to bust out one of their baddest agents to throw at me, but I wasn’t about to fall for that.


With a grunt, I stood up to leave calling his bluff while pushing mine forward. Because we were both assholes, we both equally called the bluff. Fury waited until my hand was on the door before he decided to interrupt me.


“There is a liaison here that I would like you to take on,” Fury stated, stopping me cold at the door.


Turning, I gazed at him, “You mean to spy.”


“This liaison will make sure that all your Earth-bound contacts have no issues and will be able to get in contact with the World Security Council.” Fury continued.


“Translation you want your spy to keep tabs on everyone I speak with on Earth so you can expand the file you have on me.” I followed up with a raised brow.


Fury of course scowled, “That’s not in her job description, because I don’t believe that her body would ever make it back to Earth if she was caught spying on you.”


My answer was a shrug and to keep silent because it’s not like he was wrong.


Fury raised a brow at my non-answer before he himself decided to just keep going. “Also, Agent Drew is one of my finest operatives and she can do decent work out there amongst the stars.”


“I would have to meet this Agent Drew and put her through the paces myself, space isn’t for everyone.” I returned and stood there waiting on the man because fuck going back and taking a seat. Then with a shrug, I walked through the door because we were both assholes and the score was tied now.


I could smirk at the situation because we were both going around with the I know that you know that I know type situation and I really didn’t want to give him any satisfaction. Then again, me not smirking just might be giving him satisfaction.


Stepping out into the light, I noticed a few blacked-out SUVs sitting in wait while agents went around acting as if they didn’t see me. I was all right with that as I leaned against the wall and waited for Fury to come outside. Was it a dick move?  Sure, but it was more of a maneuver of our positions more than anything. Even if I had to wait and he tried to take his sweet time, Fury knew that he was on a limited time-frame because I could simply fly away at any moment, so the ball was very much in my court and I was forcing his hand.


We didn’t have to share any words, but he knew this, and I knew this, and that was just how it had to be. I couldn’t be seen as weak when it came to Earth and her powers. As I started to glow and get into a hover, one of the SUV doors opened letting out a bombshell of a woman and I was glad to not be thinking with my dick because: fucking hot damnit!


She stood five feet ten inches with auburn hair that trailed down her back, it was clear she was fit with how she filled that pantsuit of hers. Long legs, bright green eyes that had a hard edge to them. Trim waist with a nice bust and it was easy to see that she barely made it over a buck thirty, but I knew better. She was clearly American with minor Asian features, but I wasn’t paying attention to any of that. No, what caught my attention was the hand that she was using to close the SUV’s door.


It was clear that she didn’t have the same spider-sense that Peter had as she never noticed the very minor pinch she left in the vehicle door. I knew that I was dead on the money that she was here as a honey trap as something nice tickled my nose slightly. I of course brushed that aside since I trusted my environmental shields more than I trusted condoms bought at a Walgreens. Now the real question that needed to be answered was if she was here because of Fury or because of Hydra inside SHIELD.


As I thought about all these things, I just hovered there and watched her approach even as I ignored the fact that Fury was standing on the other side of the door looking through his little peephole, the bastard.

[WILL 72%]


Floating there I stared down the approaching beauty who could be none other than Spider-Woman herself even if that wasn’t the moniker she went by at the moment. My arms were folded across my chest even as she walked up to me with not a hint of fear. For half a blink, her eyes did flick towards the door at my side before shifting back to me:  increased visual acuity for the win.


The bombshell who could only be Jessica Drew came to stand in front of me, then performed a textbook salute.


“Jessica Drew, reporting for duty sir.”


Our gaze met and I stared her down long enough to make her uncomfortable, then I grunted, landed on the ground, and uncrossed my arms. “At ease and don’t call me sir, it’s Dom or Commander. Sir, is for people who don’t actually work for a living and want their ass kissed.”


Jessica straightens her back, “Of course Commander.”


“Just so you’re aware, stealing Green Lantern property or data will get you dumped into the nearest star.” I continued not even blinking as I spoke.


“Commander?” Drew asked, clearly confused as hell.


I held out a hand to forestall anything she had to say, “I’ve seen your academy scores and read your mission reports. I know you already figured out why you are here.”


We transitioned to a stare-down for a moment and I had to admit. She had ice in her damn veins because she didn’t blink once. Her biometrics though was off the fucking charts even if she wasn’t showing any weakness.


With a nod, I held my hand out, “I welcome your detective skills.”


Jessica looked down at my hand before looking back up at me, then I watched as she braced herself before taking half a step forward to shake my hand.


“So, do I get a ring?” Drew asked with a smile, pivoting the conversation with more of her pheromones tickling my nose.


With a snort, I rolled my eyes not even mentioning that her little attempt wouldn’t work on me. “No, but you will get some nice armor out of it.”


Then before Fury could open the door, I wrapped us both in a bubble. We were gone within seconds, and I just might have waffled the sound barrier at about five hundred feet up to shake things for those on the ground a little bit. I poured on the speed, and we were up and past the moon within seconds and halfway to my Mars station house before Jessica even realized the change in environment.


She finally came to as I lowered the opacity of the bubble shield that she was inside while also shifting the environmental shields and letting her experience some zero-G. Before we arrived at the Station house, I slowed us down then gave Athena a mental command to make sure that everyone was immune to Agent Drew. With her inside my bubble field, the ring was able to get more than just a few surface scans. If HYDRA and/or SHIELD were thinking that I would fall for a pretty face and fancy mind control tricks:  then they just don’t know how paranoid I was nor were they really treating me as a proper opponent.  But, at least they first tried with a softer touch.


It’s just too bad such an attempt failed, and they added a nice little number to my roster because there was no way I planned to stick her on the sidelines. Using the excuse of showing her around the planet of Mars. I made sure that we took our sweet time before arriving at the station house. We entered the atmosphere, and I took her down and around the planet from the back so we would arrive at Olympus Mound from the front.


This was so she could take in the full grandeur that was the Celestial Titan that used the mountain as a throne. We pulled into a hover, and I watched as she gasped at the sight of the massive Titan.


“What is…” Clearing her throat, Agent Drew straightened herself before turning to me and asking with a wave towards the Titan. “What is that?”


Landing us on the ground so she could truly see the difference in height, I then waved at the massive boot of the Titan. “This Agent Drew is what is known as a Celestial, one of the very first beings born from the null. This one is dead, but he and the others were the ones that seeded the multiple known Universes.”


For the half a second that it took her to digest that information her face was just set on stunned. Then the little bit of information I had dangled before of her finally hooked. Her head snapped my way, “WHAT!”


I shrugged, “You really think that we couldn’t find the missing link between Neanderthals and apes?” I waved away her comment. I held out my hand and slowly sent a projection forward as I spoke. “With the original forming of the Universe from the celestial battle that created the big bang with the destruction of the last. Anyway, that’s unimportant. What’s important is that they were the ones that seeded Earth as an experimental biome. Anyway, when they came back to visit after the first seeding, they found Neanderthals didn't meet the standards.”


The image I was projecting shifted to that of the Judge as he laid down the law on the planet. The Judge and his brethren were laying down the law which meant everything had to go. Of course, they left the predators and such to feed their experiments.


“How do you know all this?” Agent Drew asked, casting a suspicious look my way.


Nodding, I created a second projection for her to watch as the other showed the Celestials creating three species. “Good question, but I’ll keep the cosmic chain simple for now, but the short of it was that the creation of reality released a burst of energy that makes up the underlying forces of nature. And do note I said reality, not Universe, anyway, one of the main forces is known as the GREEN.”


This time I projected a small blue man with a massive space whale at his side, then placed a lantern beside the blue man.


“The GREEN is part of the evolutionary chain, magic, plant life, and Will power. Anyway, the blue dudes are known as the Oan’s or Guardian’s, the big honchos that created the Green Lantern core, born of the vast accumulation of universal WILLPOWER, they were around to witness everything. Then after numerous fuck ups of their own, they decided that life should be able to guide itself.” I chuckled then closed down the projected hologram. “Anyway, they were there when everything went down and recorded it all.” I snapped my fingers, “Now where was I?”


“Explaining how humans didn’t evolve on earth and no one knows about it.” Agent Drew snapped at me, eyes clearly twitching. “You also glossed over a lot of information with that little tale of how the universe came to be.”


“Mehh,” I replied, fanning a hand at her to calm down. “No big deal, they came, they saw the Neanderthals and decided to change that little evolutionary mishap, they killed everything and then created three species. Humans are universally compatible, the Deviants also known as the failures due to their brutish and ugly natures. And the Eternals which could also be considered failures because with all their powers, they turned isolationist.”


Turning, I then gave her an eye smile, “Doesn’t matter in the end because they won’t be back for millions of years. And you will definitely be dead by then so will those little pencil pushers you are going to report all of this to.”


She moved to open her mouth, but I shook my head at her. “You can get the history from the archives just by asking the computer, but it won’t matter. I know that they sent you here for weapons and advanced technology as much as you try to deny it.” Then I straightened and the smile and easy demeanor that I was projecting vanished. “I know for a fact that Fury is playing politics to keep them off my and his backs, so I don’t fault the man. I suggest that you follow Fury’s lead and not get caught up in their machinations.”


Turing, I then waved a hand towards the mountain. “Now, let’s get you that checkup and sized for some armor.” Then I sighed and dropped the hard-ass attitude. “Come one, I’ll even let you play with the big gun.”


She looked at me and cocked a delicate eyebrow, “Big gun huh?”


“Yeah, I heard all the badass babes love big cannons,” I replied with a shrug, then stopped before pinching the bridge of my nose. “No, that wasn’t a flirt or even close to a sexual innuendo.”


Grunting, I flew us upwards and into the open ship bay that I had built into the side of the mountain. Even as I flew with her beside me, I acted as if I didn’t notice the smirk at the edges of her lips. Best to let her think that her pheromones took some time to work on me, good. She also didn’t need to know that, with my bullshit outside earlier, I had taken the time to make everyone immune before entering, using the scans to make a basic immunity shot for any aliens with similar abilities. The ring already housed plenty of subject data so it wasn’t that hard for the station’s computers to work out a vaccine and then apply it without anyone being the wiser.


As we arrived in the ship bay, Athena gave me a status check plus the location of everyone on base. Silvers, that crazy chick, was of course on the gun range and from the status update, she had also spent time in the medical bay looking over the genetic enhancements available to her right now. Ben and the Parkers were in the ship bay, but I didn’t need the status update for me to know that. The automated life-sign sensor on my ring updated me on their presence the moment I floated Jessica and myself through the forcefield.


Taking a turn, I landed us in the clearing marked for fliers and waited for everyone to approach. It would be the height of rudeness to just ignore them and go about my day with them being new and all. Diana hovered over while Ben and his family walked. Well, I had to use the world walk lightly. Peter was being dragged by one ear in his Aunt’s vice-like grip. From what I was able to pick up, Peter wanted to open up one of the control panels to the engines of the ship.


And this was after he got a rundown from Diana herself. It was clear that the kid was going very gung-ho about all the science. While waiting, I noticed that even though Ben was sporting an exasperated look on his face, his back was a lot straighter, and he carried himself with far more certainty.


Diana was the first to reach me with Ben and his family seconds behind. With a raised hand, I let my bombastic nature flow, “Yo!”


“This place is amazing,” Peter exclaimed, already speaking a mile a minute, even May was lost on how the kid got from her hand to standing in front of me within seconds. “Please can we go for a flight in one of the ships?”


“Slow down,” I said, cutting the kid off mid-rant.


Before the kid could react, his Aunt May interjected. “Peter stop being rude, he brought a guest.”


“Yes, I would also like to know the name of your companion Commander,” Diana stated with a raised brow.


My answer was to shrug, “Jessica Drew, meet my Second in Command Diana Prince, Green Lantern Trainee Benjamin Parker along with his wife May Parker and his nephew.” I stated even as I made a hand motion to each one in turn. “The only one that will be in that report your write home will be Benjamin Parker, his family is of course under  my protection.” I then turned. “Jessica Drew is the honey pot,” I held a hand to my mouth and faked a cough, “I mean the liaison that SHIELD thinks will be able to keep tabs and spy on my operations from the inside.”


Everyone was silent for a moment before Peter broke the tension.


“What’s a honey-pot?” The teenager asked even as his cheeks started to tint with pink.


“Peter!” May exclaimed and Ben was already letting out a sigh of exasperation.


Diana was the one to answer the poor kid even as I floated there chuckling. “A hot spy meant to sleep with you and entangle your emotions enough so that you betray what you were meant to stand for.”


Jessica sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose, “That joke is getting old give it a rest already, I’m not some trap sent to spy on you. I’m only here to help relations with the Lanterns and the United Nations.”


I made a motion of rolling my eyes, “Oh please, no one as single as you gets sent on such a long mission. Next, you’re going to tell me that the email for hot singles in my area was the real deal.”


Jessica rounded on me with her face bright red, “He had a foot fetish okay, a damn foot fetish, there was no way in hell I was going to date a man trying to fuck my feet.”


Now it was May and Ben’s turn to shift colors to bright red as steam came out of Jessica’s ear. The laughter in my eyes and the smirk at my lips told her I was completely bullshitting, but she already knew. Plus, she could already tell that her pheromones weren’t working since no one instantly jumped to her defense.


With a chuckle, I started to float towards the hangar bay door, “Alright, funs over, we need to get to the med bay.”









Urgh, fuck me with a spiked baseball bat:  without a word I was already launching out of the hangar bay and towards the OPS station.


“Athena sitrep!” I barked my command ringing in the air for all to hear. Even those following behind could barely keep up with the shift in my attitude.


[Sector C67]

[Shi’ar Space]

[Gamma 4 Belt]

[Planet V’ra 6]

[crashed Brood Hive Northeast Continent.]

[Extinction level event.]

[Infection Spreading]

[Mayday, Mayday]

[Mayday, Mayday]

[Mayday, Mayday]


Standing there I stared at the hologram projected for me as cold ice dripped down my back. The Brood had crash-landed on a planet in Shi’ar space and I had been able to pick up the mayday all the way from here halfway on the other side of the damn universe.


  {FEAR 100%}


The damn Brood was Marvel’s answer to the Xenomorphs, so yes, they were most definitely an extinction-level event. Hell, it just might be worse since those that turned out to be compatible were absorbed mind, body, and soul into the hivemind.  


Infection on the cellular level was nothing to sneeze at and those with stronger constitution got to enjoy the chest-burster treatment while their flesh still gets converted. Such a nasty way for the Brood to get two out of one body and I shuddered just thinking about it.


This… this was a do or die and I couldn’t just turn my back. No, this was a nut-up or shut-up moment and I would need armor. Not the biggest, but I would need the baddest fucking suit of armor that I had stored away in case the shit really hit the fan. Armor I had made because I knew the limitations of the ring far too intimately from the comics and I wasn’t about to pull a classic Hal Jordan fuck up.


It was time for Gundam Designate MSN-06S Sinanju, also known as the Full Frontal Mobile Suit Armor.


Authors Note:


Yeah, shit is about to hit the fan in the most colossal way you can imagine. Yes, for those who are unaware, it was the celestials that seeded the known Universe, but I did put my own DC spin on things. There is a lot of lore rattling around in my head that I can double-check while mixing it to make sure it works. Also of course the armors would be in a tastefully done green, black, and gold style. 

Front of the Armor


Back of the armor

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