Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 17

Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 17

By : BigToFu




Across Sector 2814, a video broadcast was shared and even those who hid out in a nice little hole in the wall trying to escape from the Empire's hunting dog were able to watch the broadcast. That was how the Star Jammers were able to see what was happening out in the larger galaxy and enjoy a proper laugh. Across and on the other side of the known cosmos, the broadcast found its way into a little bar in a little place called KNOWHERE.


And for those who were in the know, they knew that KNOWHERE was The DEAD head of an Ancient Celestial. Inside the little dive bar hole in the wall, a certain Peter Jason Quill aka Starr-Lord was enjoying his drink with a beautiful dame when the broadcast came through on the holo-tv set against the far wall.


He had just leaned in close and whispered in her ear his plans and thoughts to get her back to his ship when the mood was ruined.


“Aye, Peter, isn’t you from terra?”


Raising a brow and looking at the tentacle that was on his shoulder, Peter looked over and noticed the other tentacle pointing at the holo-vid. “Yeah, what of it?”


“Then you must know that guy,” The bar-goer stated with a hand tentacle still pointed towards the holo-vid.


Shrugging the hand tentacle off his shoulder, Peter made to turn back around, “It’s been a while, I doubt anyone from Terra knows about me.”


Another bar-goer came over and pushed himself against the bar, “He made call of that fancy name of yours.”


Turning around, Peter looked up and read the words that scrolled across the bottom of the holo in galactic standard. [ Song by the band Starr-Lord] “No way,” He whispered, now very much invested in the video showing some guy in bright green and red. The guy that was hassling Peter was long forgotten, and even the babe on his arm was almost, almost pushed to the side.


A man on the run, he's a ghost he is no one!

The thunder when it comes will bring with it many guns!

The gypsy woman said!

She said, "Boy your time draws near!

You can't run forever, gotta stand and face your fear!


Before Peter knew it his feet were tapping, and a grin was spread across his face. The more he listened, the more he was interested, and when the holo shared the fact that this guy from Terra was the leader of some so-called Green Lanterns, Peter wanted to know where he could skim one of those rings.   







Mars – Green Lantern Headquarters




Heavy steps sounded out as Kilowog's large frame traveled from the lift  with a little speed down the hallway. With the pace he was setting, it didn’t take him that long to get to the mess hall. The doors slid open with a hiss attracting the attention of all those inside who were taking a break from his soothing touch.


The posers would learn one way or the other, but it was best preferred they learned before death.


Walking over to the massive wall display, he activated the hologram and turned towards his now impromptu class.


“Alright, look alive you posers!” Kilowog called out even if he didn’t need to call for their attention. Kilowog noticed Peter actually getting up and changing seats to get closer along with his Uncle and Jessica. May rolled her eyes and pulled her husband back to help her bring the food along with them.


Once everyone was gathered around, Kilowog clapped his hands together one more time then he walked off the side and activated the video. The drums kicked in and Kilowog had to agree that his boss had picked a damn good song to use. After the drums, it was the guitar and then the vocals followed along with an insane line of sonic oscillation spreading outwards.  


If push comes to shove, we'll bring hell down from above!

Tonight we ride straight into the fire (fire)!

Are you ready to go, go, go!

We'll make our stand (stand)!

Don't give a damn (damn)!

This is our time to go from ZERO TO HERO!!!


Kilowog stayed silent as the recording played out for all to see, it took a few minutes to finish but with all the energy and explosions. It was clear that his little band of misfits was glued to the screen. Once it was finished, he played it one more time for the room and then sent them copies to make sure they understood he was really serious about driving the importance of thinking outside the norm into their thick skulls.


At the end of the video, Kilowog turned the lights back on to the mess hall and then had the video play in the background once more, but this time with no sound.


“Alright, what did any of you take away from what our illustrious leader just did?” Kilowog asked with a huff, an arm pointed to the side as the video started on a loop once more. They looked a little confused and he noted the kid was raising his hand. He pointed at Peter, “Yeah, kid?”


Peter was looking at the screen with wide eyes even as the wave of sound pounded into various ships.“He’s playing music in space sure, that should be impossible.”


Kilowog smiled at the kid then pointed at the screen once more, “Not impossible with the proof right in front of us.” With a chuckle, he turned toward the adults in the room. “Next observation?”


Silvers narrowed her eyes, “He isn’t taking any shots but multiple ships are exploding.”


“Close by half but missed the mark, the ships are getting disabled, not exploding.” Kilowog held up a finger to point out that little factoid. “Any mishap at this stage could have killed the princess and that would have truly brought us into conflict with the Shi’ar Empire, especially with another princess down on the planet to bear witness.”


That had the room shift focus as they really started to understand the situation.


Kilowog raised his arm and made a motion, “The mission report will be on your rings for review.”


Ben leaned in closer, his own eyes narrowed at the display, “He didn’t fire any weapons.”


Kilowog's attention instantly snapped towards them and then he made a hand motion for Ben to continue speaking.


“At no point did he pull out a weapon, and it's clear that he was vastly outnumbered by that armada.” Ben rattled off with a finger pointed at the hologram.


“Another one halfway there but still missing a few points,” Kilowog stated before looking around the room. “Does anyone want to try again?”


The room was silent, but he was alright with that as they shared looks and he allowed them the time to gather their thoughts. They still weren’t catching on after a while, so Kilowog broke the silence with his own professional breakdown.


“Okay, Ben, you were only half correct on the Commander not pulling out a weapon,” Kilowog stated then rotated the hologram, “He didn’t make a cannon type weapons platform sure, but that guitar was far more deadly, and it covered more range than any cannons could.” Kilowog finished then looked over those before him. That statement was allowed to hang in the air for a bit before he pushed forward.  “The reason for this is because any basic weapons platform that relies on a cannon would only be single target tracking or have a significant charge time to track multiple attackers. The commander was dealing with both efficiency and a time constraint with the armada bearing down on him.”


The group looked a little stunned but also lost.


“Can anyone tell me why that was a solid idea?”


Again the room was silent as the video of the battle played.


“Alright, first he forgoes using a canon type architecture because that would give away the setup. Second, he was dealing with a hair-trigger princess with an armada at her beck and call and a single fire weapon wouldn’t be able to disable all of those ships. And even with overwhelming odds against him, the commander was able to think outside the box and went with an unusual approach that not only put the armada in confusion because of the situation, but also allowed him the window of opportunity.”


“Resonance!” Peter yelled with a look of eureka on his face. He looked around at them and shook his hands as if it was the easiest thing to understand. “Acoustic Resonance”


“BINGO!” Kilowog roared loudly with a bombastic flare. Then with a wave of his hand, the hologram projectors shifted the image to display the crystals used to power the hyperdrives in the Shi’ar ships.


“Acoustic resonance?” Jessica asked with a confused look on her face.


“Exactly that,” Kilowog stated before pointing out factors on the hologram. “Any cannon would have destroyed the ships because any real attempt at destabilization of the ships by firing on their engines would have left the planet under the commander’s protection wide open Along with a lot of dead Shi’ar troops. So instead of leaving the planet under his protection for dead along with his partner, the commander attacked from an angle that no one was expecting, with sound.”


“I thought that sound wasn’t possible in outer space due to the vacuum?” Ben asked as  a hand raised.


“That would be true in other cases, but not this one because you all are seeming to forget one major thing,” Kilowog stated with a smile on his large pink features.


“And that is?” May asked clearly, also invested in the little lesson that was taking place.


Smiling at them, Kilowog raised his hand, “Our rings are ‘WILL’ made manifest, if you can think it, you can project it. The only real limits to what a Green Lantern can do are those he places on himself.” Kilowog shared a smile before changing the hologram, “The commander needed a carrier wave to destabilize the ships but knew that any and all coms would be monitored, or shut down, so he made his own.” The image shifted and clear lines were marked as the sound wave traveled through the solar system, attached to ships, and then vibrated at different frequencies until the hyperdrive crystal exploded.


The image pulled back and then the counter along the side skyrocketed in the number of ships disabled. In some of the images, Shi’ar troops were healed by green energies, overall, it was a display of power and multitasking on a level unheard of before.


Kilowog tapped the hologram, “That is what I’m trying to teach you all, because when it comes to the wider galaxy. You will run into dying planets, pirates, crazy warlords, space empires, and you not only need to think on your feet but also think outside the box. It will most definitely save your lives one day.”


 [ Scene Break]


[ Two Weeks After the concert of Sector C67 ]

[ Shi’ar Space ]

[ Gamma 4 Belt ]

[ Planet V’ra 6]

[ Palatial suite]


Green Lantern Commander

Dominic Wolf

Sleeping…. But not for long…


After a few weeks of bullshit and getting a better understanding of my body, I of course was enjoying a much-needed rest after another day at the negotiation table with that insane bitch that was a definite one hundred on the hot and crazy scale. As I was enjoying my sleep, something buzzed at the edges of my sixth sense forcing me awake, adrenaline instantly flooding my body.


Only a fool would let his guard down in enemy territory.


Laying stock still, I kept my breathing nice and even as I listened and waited. With nothing revealing itself, I slowly opened my eyes as I sat up in bed only to be greeted by a completely dark bedroom. Again, I waited even longer and still found nothing out of place, but still I couldn’t help the feeling that something was wrong, something was bound to happen.


Looking to my right, the clock on the nightstand read two in the morning, which earned a grunt of frustration from me as I got up and decided to check around the rest of the bedroom and apartment. I went and checked the bathroom, underneath the bed, then checked the rest of the apartment. I found Dexx curled up sleeping on top of the fridge and left him there.


Sigh, of course, the murder cat would be sleeping on top of the fridge instead of the perfectly servicable bed that I got him. Looking around, I found that the door to the apartment was still locked and so were the sliding doors to the balcony.


Again, nothing was wrong, but there was no shaking the sense that something had to be off somewhere. As I opted to do a full spectrum scan of the area with my ring, I finally caught sight of the curtain being shifted open on the left. I of course found the window closed but that was already ringing all kinds of alarm bells because, with my new edict and memory, those curtains were closed. I know that because I had made sure to draw them closed before bed; yeah, I was paranoid like that. There was just no other way to be when you are in known enemy territory.


Instantly, I was on alert and heading for the closet, I noticed the smell of something exotic before my intruder was bursting through the closet door and right at me. The bitch caught a judo throw to the other side of the room out of pure reflex even as my other hand went up and snatched her face covering; and it was most definitely a ‘her’ with those hips and curves.


She hit the wall hard enough to leave a dent from the impact, but that didn’t phase her though as she was already on her feet, whip going out aimed at my neck. Took me less than half a second to place the face and realized that Deathbird had decided to pay me a night time visit in hopes of assassination:  well joke’s on her.


Too bad for her this cockroach was hard to kill. I didn't even take a pause, a hand coming up to smack the whip aside instead of catching the thing. Why would I? Even if she made it far too predictable? But growing up I learned that when something looked far too good, usually it was. The whip showed its thorns with spikes that came out dripping with something nasty slashing into the ground at my side.


Not wanting to get tangled with that, I stepped in close and placed two hits where the human liver was located and got an elbow in return. Absorbing that, I returned with my own jab, then sidestepped a knee aimed at my jewels. Catching her by the raised leg, a quick motion and hip toss, I had her flipping ass over end back onto the ground and I went for the full mount.


Deathbird saw the writing on the wall as she dropped the whip and swapped to claws and tore into my chest. I took two swipes before rolling off and away, then watched as she repositioned like a cat on all fours. Standing across from her, I gave a very stoic look even as Deathbird took in the sight of me.


The crazy broad sent me a wink even as she licked some of my blood from her claws. That got a twitch out of me and from the way her eyes shifted down. Deathbird had a nice long look at my package even if I couldn’t help how scaroused she had me at the moment. This really wasn’t the right time for my libido to try and take control.


She struck with a swipe at the middle which I easily sidestepped along with the kick she followed up with. My hand came up swifter than a striking snake and smacked Deathbrid right across the ass even as I shifted out of the way once more.


Sigh, “I really don’t think that we should be fighting,” I said, trying to be reasonable.


Hiss, “I will strip the flesh from your bones and use your genetics to create a superior lantern to do my bidding,” Deathbird snarled as another attack came my way. This time I spun to avoid the attack and the couch did not survive the experience.


Dashing forward, I grabbed Deathbird by the wrist then swiftly let that go as the bracelet she was wearing reacted with needles. So instead of the wrist, I took hold of her forearm and twisted her into a different armbar. “You know, we might be able to talk this out. Plus, conceiving the old fashion way is far more pleasurable.”


Now, I was close, really close, close enough to note the rise in body temperature as she thought about my proposal. Then even as I let her go, I noticed the change, and dodged out of another strike, alright fuck this then. Grabbing the whip from where it fell, I introduced Deathbird to what’s better known as a hogtie. I put wrist to ankles and made sure to lock down each of her damn fingers so she couldn’t escape.


With that settled, I turned around to take my ass to bed:  fuck this bullshite, it can wait until the morning after she cooled off. First, though, I had to get something to gag her. I wasn't about to sleep while she screamed half the night away.


Took me a bit, but when I came back with the tie from my bathrobe, I found Deathbird flushed and panting in heat. Okay, I wasn't expecting this but I wasn’t one to kink shame anyone. Shaking it off along with my rising erection, I tied a knot into the bathroom tie.


I moved to put the knot in her mouth, but Deathbird decided to cut her panting short and speak up instead. “Wait… Maybe… we can come to an understanding.”


Taking a step back and looking her over, I had to take the time and wonder if I was about to stick my dick in crazy. Hell, she did try and kill me not less than twenty minutes ago after all…



[ Six hours later…]



Staring up at the ceiling, I was a little winded, but very well hydrated even as I took in the morning rays. The sheets shifted as a lightly feathered arm slid across my chest and played with the little hairs on my pecs. Turning to the side, I gave Deathbird a light peck on the cheek eliciting a moan from her as she started to wake up.


An eyelid opened, then was followed by a sharp gaze that shifted as I gave her wrist restraints a little tug. Yeah, our morning devolved into sex and I picked up a few scratches here and there, I said nothing of course as my ring cleaned the toxins out of my blood, again…


Good chance Captain Kirk visited his medical bay a lot more than what was shown.


“You will have to meet my brother the emperor.” Deathbird stated from her position at the table with breakfast fresh and ready. Instantly I was no longer hungry with the thought of that asshole now filling my mind. D’khan was bad enough, but I would suddenly be within spitting distance of Vulcan, and Gladiator. I had made sure to read over the TLDR report Athena had compiled for me once I was out of medical and I was none too pleased with the news about them being in my reality.


D'khan was a little shit that could be wiped off the bottom of my shoe, but the main problems were Vulcan and Gladiator:  fuck.


This was going to be a hot fucking mess and I would have to speak with Lilandra.


“So you know, my brother will try and kill you for bedding his sister,” Deathbird spoke that sentence as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Then again, this was the same lady that went from trying to kill me to getting into bed with me. Good thing I was able to keep myself from giving her that genetic sample.


Letting out a sigh, I shook my head, “Emperor or not, I bow to no man.”


“Good,” Deathbird affirmed with a nod of the head. “Killing him will make me Empress and my paramour shall bow to no one.”


Looking at her, I raised a brow, “Empress?”


Yes, Empress,” She nodded her head, “Refusing him will have him try and kill you, and you’re not a person to take such an offense. So, he shall die in your retaliation and make me Empress as you are my paramour. By our laws, you would be my champion so the throne would be mine.”


Bringing up the telepathic functions of my ring, {Athena open communications to Diana.}

{Affirmative,} Athena replied telepathically.

There was a ping as Diana answered the telepathic call, {Yeah boss?}

Hiding my grimace from showing on my face, Diana was able to understand as my mind provided the context and subtext of what I was sending and thinking. {Soooo, I stuck my dick in crazy…}

{What?} Diana asked back clearly confused but was rapidly catching on.

{I have royally fucked up.}


Authors Note’s :


Yeah, Deathbird cray crazy and Dom is really living that Captain Kirk life. I do wonder who will be on the throne in the end, the dice gods shall speak soon. 


Author’s Note : Happy 4th of July..

Sorry for the late chapter, but that is life.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter.

Let me know what you guys think about the chapter.

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