Star Chef, She Can Be Salty Or Sweet

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Eat one step first

Chapter 74 Eat One Step First

Xiao Mufeng stood next to Daddy Rabbit, looking at the crab roe left at the fracture with Daddy Rabbit, swallowing hard.

“Adunis, what is this yellow thing? It smells so good.” Xiao Mufeng said loudly to Father Rabbit.

Daddy Rabbit licked his lips and nodded in agreement, “I don’t know what it is, I only know that I want to eat.”

Speaking, he asked briefly, “Baby, can you eat it?”

Lu Jinxiu is a neat worker. In just such a short time, he removed all the crab legs from the crab body, because these crab legs are too strong to handle the whole root.

He broke the crab leg into a section at the node of each crab leg.

Then, when he heard the brief statement of the question from the rabbit father, he immediately took a section of the crab leg and handed it to the rabbit father, “Okay, remember to peel the shell and don’t eat the shell again. The crab meat inside can be eaten directly or dipped in sauce. Juicy, they are all delicious.”

Papa Rabbit didn’t want to listen to her, and when he stretched out the crab legs, he quickly stretched out his hairy claws to take the crab legs and fed it into his mouth like a carrot.

In the crisp sound of   Kachakacha, he squirmed and ate all the three-part mouth with meat and shell.

Simply speaking, she was helpless. She had nothing to do with the rabbit father, so she took a crab leg from the system warehouse and took out the scissors to dig out the crab meat, and then gave the crab meat to the rabbit father.

I don’t believe that I have tasted the deliciousness of shellless crab meat, but the rabbit father continued to eat the shell.

The plan was good, but the fact is that the crab shells here are extremely hard. In short, I tried my best to cut out a hole in the shell of the crab leg with scissors.

“Need help?” Lu Jinxiu’s voice with a smile rang in her ears just as she was worried about the crab legs with the scissors.

She tilted her head to look, and failed to meet Lu Jinxiu’s eyes. Instead, she faced a piece of white, tender and elastic crab meat that looked delicious.

immediately smiled in surprise, “For me?”


Lu Jinxiu smiled and handed her the crab claws showing a large section of crab meat. “The shell of a ten-legged insect is very hard and it ranks in the top ten among the Zerg. If you are not strong enough, breaking the shell forcibly will hurt yourself.”

Simply said, oh, smiled and took the crab legs and said thank you, and then said, “Lu Shuai, can I give this piece of meat to my father rabbit?”


Emotional little girls are really attractive.

has one more advantage.

Lu Jinxiu smiled and nodded, and said, “Give it to him, I’m helping you out.”

“Thank you.” Jian Yan thanked him again, took the crab legs and ran to the saucepan and dipped it, and then shouted Daddy Rabbit.

“I’m coming.”

Daddy Rabbit eats fast, he was stretching his rabbit claw to the second crab leg when he called him briefly, but before he could get it, he was summoned by Jianyan.

“What do you call me to do?”

“Daddy Rabbit opens his mouth.”

Daddy Rabbit opened his mouth subconsciously, and then, a piece of crab meat that was not white with **** vinegar sauce entered his mouth.

Then, the expression on the fluffy face of Daddy Rabbit chewing crab meat instantly softened.

He squinted his eyes, and his face showed an expression that could be called both happiness and dreamy.

Close to orthogonal heads to ears discussing whether the big bug is good or not, the soldiers who should eat or not saw the expression on his face, and they were stunned.

The atmosphere froze for an instant, and then a strong heat wave and condemnation erupted like a volcano.

One of the fighters couldn’t help swallowing his mouth anymore, “No way, Adonis’ expression is so attractive, I can’t help but take a step first.”

(End of this chapter)

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