Star Chef, She Can Be Salty Or Sweet

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Chestnut is not in the recipe

Chapter 99 Chestnut is not in the recipe

So, seven people and one rabbit entered the forest.

This forest is a treasure. As soon as I went in, I found a piece of Burmese coriander, also called big coriander.

Large coriander is a kind of green vegetable that does not look like coriander at all, and has a certain difference between the aroma and coriander. It is an indispensable condiment for the Dai flavor.

will also be eaten as a vegetable stir-fried.

Yunnan is rich in wild vegetables and mushrooms because of its unique geographical environment and climate.

In short, some of my classmates are locals, and I went there with them for a long time, and I got to know a lot of mushrooms and wild vegetables.

Large coriander is known under this situation.

To be honest, in short, I really didn’t expect the big coriander on the G57 military star, but now that she found it, she had to go back some more.

Learning from the brief description that this green plant with natural aroma is a condiment and vegetable, Tang Zhen and the others immediately acted.

You don’t need to be brief and hands-on, a few men quickly dug out this large coriander with roots and soil, and put it into the incubator.

“You can open a plot on the base to plant it when you go back, and pick it directly from the ground next time you want to use it.”

Seeing Jian Yan stared at them, Tang Zhen explained.

In short, “···you still farm?”

Josh seemed to have never expected that she would ask such unqualified words, and smiled, “You are strange, but we Chinese have a deep love for the land, and the genes for planting are engraved in our bones.”

Huaxia people love the land deeply. She naturally knows that the problem is…

In a word, she glanced at Josh’s golden hair and emerald green eyes. In short, you said, Josh is obviously a white man, how come you have become a Chinese.

Do you have to make it if you forget your ancestors and forget your ancestors?

But it’s cool.

gave Josh a thumbs up and said in a nutshell, “Thank you for planting the ground. I will leave the big coriander to you.”

“no problem.”

Several people patted their chests to make a promise, and then continued to walk in.

I found a chestnut tree without taking a few steps.

This chestnut tree is tall and thick, and its branches are covered with chestnuts wearing thorny coats. It is green and fluffy, and it is quite large, about the size of the apples sold in the supermarket.

Like a green hedgehog.

There are also a lot of drops on the ground.

“Chestnut.” The brief screamed out in surprise. Just as they were about to greet Tang Zhen and they came forward to pick up the chestnut, they found that several people were disgusted and disgusted.

Daddy Rabbit is also the same emoticon, and he is instantly at a loss.

“What’s this expression? It’s rare that you don’t like eating chestnut?”

“Eat?” Six people and one rabbit looked at the brief words in shock.

In short, “···”

Understood, chestnut is not in the recipe of the Empire, nor is it in the recipe of the rabbit father.

This dietary fault is also too weird. Foods such as rice and wheat have been preserved, but the chestnut, which is known as woody grain, has not been preserved.

The appearance of chestnut can be traced back to before the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Chinese people have a history of eating chestnut for thousands of years.

It’s such a good food, but it’s not in the recipes of the Empire.

She really feels sad for the empire.

He sighed, and briefly bent down and picked up a cracked chestnut. While peeling off the thorn-shaped coat and taking out the chestnut inside, he explained, “This is a chestnut, you can eat it, raw and sweet, and cooked and soft. It also has the effects of nourishing qi, nourishing blood, dehumidifying and dredging collaterals.”

The skinned chestnuts were round and chubby. In short, they took the dagger and split the chestnuts into two halves, and threw the half into his mouth and the half to the father rabbit.

Thank you to the two little angels, Empress Ji Huangzheng and Wang’s Xiaopang for their rewards. Do you love you (^з^)-☆

In addition, to talk to the little angels, the author Jun Jiner found that he did not know who had been reported to him. Now not only is the blacklisted user banned for a month, he has been reported to the editor. It is not clear whether the ban can be lifted.

If the ban cannot be lifted, please forgive me that the author will not be able to interact with you in the next month, but please believe that the author’s love for you will not change

(End of this chapter)

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