Star Gate

Chapter 120: Undercurrents in Silver City (II)

Silver City was not wholly separated from White Moon. The senior council in Silver City could speak to their counterparts in White Moon.

“Additionally, I believe that most people still hold justice in their hearts!” Li Hao continued. “Chief means that we should charge in with guns blazing! That’s too bloody and violent. It will make people uneasy. I don’t think it’s the time for this yet, we can absolutely leverage other force against force. We don’t have to do it ourselves.”

Don’t have to do it ourselves? Liu Long looked at the young man again.

“Technically speaking, the martial masters and supernaturals at the city government and Veteris Institute are on the same side as us! The Night Watchers have one rule—all supernaturals and martial masters in their jurisdiction can be dispatched by the Night Watchers. We can borrow their martial masters and supernaturals to jointly suppress these transgressors!

“That will share the load and not concentrate all of the pressure on us. Otherwise, our actions will easily lead to joint resistance from all superhuman powers within Silver City. It will be detrimental to us finding our footing in the city!” Li Hao concluded with, “Of course, we follow the chief in everything. If you think that kicking in their doors is the best, then I will carry out your orders!”

Liu Long mused with deep contemplation.

“Chief, it is indeed time to change some of our thought patterns,” Liu Yan chuckled. “We used to do these things in the dark and we’re not used to suddenly being in the light! Li Hao’s right, we represent the government now. We are on the side of justice, so let’s not act like robbers!”

“Chief, perhaps it’ll be sweeter to directly enforce the law!” Chen Jian laughed. “We were above board when we were in the law enforcement team, then moved to the basement when we became the Demon Hunters. Honestly, for a period of time I thought we were the villains!”

Headquartered in the basement and surviving in the darkness… It really did feel like they were the wrongdoers instead. They mouthed calls of justice and righteousness, but sometimes, that was just to comfort themselves.

Liu Long and the others didn’t immediately register the implications of Li Hao’s words. They were used to it, after all. This was how things had been for many years.

But upon further thought… and upon recalling how they once proudly held their heads beneath the sun when they were in the law enforcement team… Liu Long became lost in thought. He’d never thought about this before because he’d grown used to striking from the shadows. This was also the Night Watcher style.

The Night Watchers!

As their name indicated, they appeared at night. They kept watch and patrolled the night—hence, Night Watchers. Thus, everyone was used to slinking through the shadows. It wasn’t just Liu Long, but even Wang Ming and the others who were unused to Li Hao’s proposition that they should haul everything out into the open.

Li Hao cautiously ventured when Liu Long remained silent, “And another thing, chief, I recommend not pushing all of Silver City’s factions to the opposing side. It will help us to use some of them for our purposes.

“We are the bane of crime, but some people have only committed misdemeanors or engaged in minor misconduct. We can consider showing leniency to the supernaturals who may have done the same.”

Liu Long didn’t respond as he was thinking. Moments later, he looked at Wang Ming. “What do you think, Director Wang?”

What do I think? I don’t know anything, I don’t think!

“I have no opinion!”

“I also have another small suggestion,” Li Hao continued.


“Chief also knows that we’re very short on mysterious power. How much can we gain from killing people? Some of the corporations have leaders in high positions that secretly trade for mysterious power on the black market. Sometimes they even transact with the Night Watcher or other supernatural organizations. This is why we continuously see new supernaturals in Silver City.

“My thoughts are if we can—”

“No!” Liu Long interrupted before he finished.

“We cannot aid and abet this kind of practice.” Wang Ming also frowned. “I understand your desire to obtain mysterious power, but we cannot encourage under-the-table transactions. Even less permissible is having Night Watchers endorse it! That will easily cause the supernatural to rage out of control.

“People used to go about their business secretly. Enormous trouble will appear once you openly support it. You must keep in mind, Li Hao, that some people are willing to do anything in pursuit of personal profit! The darkness is the darkness. Order will be difficult to maintain once it becomes the light!”

Li Hao nodded thoughtfully and refrained from continuing his line of thought. He did indeed have that kind of idea in mind and wanted to collect more mysterious power from those channels. But their objections made sense, so he didn’t insist. Silver City would be in grave trouble once it was out of control.

“Then I’ll send notices to the relevant parties!” Liu Long decided. “It’s best if they can step forward and register themselves. If not… we need to make an example of them! Some problems have cropped up inside the city over the years. We can’t even find the killer for some of our cold cases—I’m sure you’re most familiar with those, Li Hao. They were most likely committed by these people, and they’ve covered their tracks so cleanly that we can’t find any evidence.

“So we’ll start with putting the city’s personnel list in order. It’ll be easier to locate them if we have questions in the future.”

“Chief, I can deliver the notices as a demonstration of sincerity!” Li Hao volunteered.


Li Hao nodded. This was a chance to fully understand how many powerhouses there were in Silver City because he could see them!

Yes, the balls of light! He saw balls of light where there were supernaturals. Whether they were Starlight or Darkmoon, the stronger they were, the easier to detect. He was much more reliable than that supernatural probe.

The probe’s effective range was too small and only picked up on active mysterious power ripples. Although weaker supernaturals would find the ripples more difficult to control, it wasn’t impossible.

Since he’d decided to temporarily stay in Silver City, Li Hao wished to thoroughly understand the city’s situation. He also wanted to see how many powerhouses were in hiding. Of that, he was certain of, particularly after Red Moon and the eight families were exposed. It was a given that many supernaturals had flocked to the city in recent times.

He might even be able to conduct some reconnaissance at the Qiao Mining Industries. That was one of Silver City’s six largest corporations. He wouldn’t have a reason to visit under normal circumstances. This was the perfect excuse.

“Alright! Do you need our help?” Liu Long nodded.

“Yes! Have Director Wang come with me!” Li Hao grinned. “He’s a supernatural from White Moon, a mover and a shaker! Most people won’t dare refuse him. His appearance will also demonstrate our sincerity and resolution. Everyone needs to listen up unless they want to publicly oppose us!”

“Very well!”

Wang Ming wanted to protest, he didn’t want to go. The hell man? Li Hao, why do you have to drag me into this? Aren’t Hu Hao and Li Meng right beside me? They’re also from White Moon.

Life was truly difficult these days. He didn’t want to do anything and was happy to follow Liu Long’s lead. Now look at things, they wanted to involve him in everything.


After the meeting.

Li Hao grabbed Wang Ming and walked outside. The handsome young man followed unwillingly and complained, “Li Hao, get anyone you want for a small matter like this. What are you involving me for?”

“To the able falls more work!” Li Hao laughed. “Ole Wang, don’t you want to accomplish something big and get back to White Moon as soon as possible?”

“How?” Wang Ming looked intently at him.

“Figuring out the secrets of the eight families, for example. Or finding the Silver City gathering spot of the three great organizations. Or killing some fugitives. Or even reaching Sunflare. There are so many ways.”

“Does this have something to do with you bringing me to deliver notices with you?”

“Yes!” Li Hao nodded with a smile. “This will help us understand the city’s secrets more! Are clues supposed to present themselves to us while we sit in our offices? Ole Wang, we’re both young and I want to be promoted. So c’mon, let’s work together.”

Wang Ming was tempted. “…fine!” He barely nodded his head after a while.

Li Hao smiled. I knew this guy was easy to fool—convince. If circumstances permitted, he did want to take a look at the mountains that the Qiao Mining Industries operated in. Liu Yan had mentioned that they’d discovered something there. Being in the outskirts, the corporation wasn’t too far from the city. They’d excavated the mountains for many years and seemed to have found some ore.

But for such a large corporation to focus on such small mountains for so long… It wasn’t that they didn’t make money, but that their profits fell short of expectation.

Some people said that the corporation liked giving back to their home, that they opened mines in Silver City to provide more employment opportunities and to pay taxes to the city. Li Hao hardly believed that. Merchants pursued profit, there was no reason for the Qiao family to be so good-hearted.

But that could not be their first stop.



Li Hao and Wang Ming sat in a car together. It was Wang Ming driving this time. He absolutely refused to let Li Hao drive. That guy’s driving skills were too much, even for a supernatural.

“Where to?”

“The Veteris Institute!” Li Hao chuckled. “That’s my alma mater. Although I’ve withdrawn, I’d like to see how strong it is. I remember that the Institute’s own security detail protected my teacher on some early expeditions.”

The school ought to have some strength to its own name, not including his teacher. There might be some powerhouses in residence. While the Institute focused on studying ancient civilizations, there were also numerous other important businesses at play. Li Hao had vaguely heard of such research and development when he was still a student.


The Veteris Institute.

Li Hao was too familiar with this place. He was here on business this time.

The vice principal’s office.

The elderly vice principal sighed with emotion when he heard why Li Hao was here. “I was regretful when you withdrew from school. To think you’d join the Inspectorate and forge your own path! You’ve done well for yourself.

“We do indeed have a security detail, your teacher is very familiar with it. He personally taught some of their members as well.”

etvolare’s Thoughts

By the by folks, it’s about that time of the year (say what lol) when I ask... if you’ve yet to review SG, please consider doing so! :D :D :D Or Panth is gonna be sad.

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