Star Gate

Chapter 438: Fine Wine For Fine Guests (II)

Not everyone had failed to do their homework, it was just some lone wolves that hadn’t put much thought into things. They heard there were treasures for the taking and benefits to be found everywhere, so they’d come.

Quite a few were dead in the blink of an eye. Some stronger wandering cultivators had wanted to form cliques outside the entrance, but their efforts were in vain. It wasn’t until the tunnel that the crowd realized the ruins weren’t safe! People quickly clustered together and looked to collaborate with the stronger wandering cultivators.

Violet Moon stepped forward and called out, “Don’t brashly enter the city! There are Black Armors inside with strong defenses. Any supernatural that gives off energy ripples or exudes energy will attract their offensive!

“There is a restriction in the air that is the doom of anyone below Nova, even peak Solar if they lack the protection of a premier origin weapon. If you are willing to wait for a moment, you can enter with the Red Moon delegation!”

They had to look for cannon fodder! The Red Moon group was suddenly very worried. Did this mean that the Silver Armor from the last expedition might appear again? That would be devastating!

While the Silver Armor was just a Solar, that was when it hadn’t awoken. Once it did, it possessed the strength of a Nova and was very troublesome.

Taking the second passageway was incredibly dangerous, but everyone knew that they didn’t have another choice this time. The troubles they would run into without the protection of the second passageway were even more thorny. They wouldn’t be able to enter the inner city at all if not.

And so, all factions headed toward the ancient house.


At the same time.

Li Hao’s trio set foot in the house with the second passageway.

It was pitch black. The young man felt like he walked into complete darkness when he entered the house. There was no sound around him; it was as if Hong Yitang and He Yong had vanished. His eyes adjusted after a while and could make out a few things.

He seemed to be in a small, square house with a door in front of him. That was the exit; there was no one else around. A net descended from above, one incredibly dim net that lowered mechanically.

It was a surprising sight. The sensation of being sealed away that people spoke of should be this net. Did it contain mysterious power so supernaturals could walk around inside the city?

Li Hao stared at the net, uncertain if there were any drawbacks to letting it touch him. It didn’t seem avoidable, but where were the other two?

Was there more than one house and everyone entered a different one? Were they free to leave after the net stamped the visitors?

Is this a mechanism? But why can I see it? Does it have to do with my eyes?

Li Hao ignored the slowly descending net since he couldn’t avoid it. He looked around him; the door was shut. The square walls were roughly six meters on each side, making for a modestly sized house.

He approached one of the walls and pressed on it. It felt like pressing down on cotton. Soft and pliable, his hand sunk in.

“What is this?” Li Hao found the material strange. It was very durable and very soft. Though he pinched it fiercely, he wasn’t able to break it. And how did those who entered die? That was another question.

Did it have to do with the net? Did the net kill them? Liu Long said there was treasure inside this house that he wasn’t able to take. But after the young man took a look around, he saw nothing. What treasure? It was empty, the house was it.

He looked around once more and still found nothing. Li Hao sighed. What bullshit treasure? The chief wanted treasure so much that he was seeing it everywhere.

The big net fully descended at this time. Li Hao wanted to try and stop it, but found that it was formless and intangible. It didn’t exist in reality, making it more like the scarlet shadow. When it landed on Li Hao’s body, it suddenly disappeared!

Just as the young man was mystified at almost feeling nothing, a key appeared in the air. Yes, a key! It looked like the ancient keys he’d read about in books. Li Hao blinked, then swiped it out of the air. It hovered only for a brief moment and seemed that it would vanish if he didn’t take it.

He easily plucked it out of the air. Li Hao brought it close for a look, but light abruptly spilled in when the closed door suddenly opened. It seemed to indicate that he could walk out.

Li Hao was very confused. What was going on? He scanned the key as he walked out. There were words on it—he knew the script of the ancient civilization.

“Room 302, third floor, Equal Fortune. Seventh street of the southern quadrant.” The young man started again. Why… did it sound like the key to a hotel room?

Countless notions floated into Li Hao’s mind. Everyone entered the house to be stamped by a permit of approval. They were then allotted a room in a hotel, representing that the visitor had a right of residency. Was this how this worked?

The young man’s eyes darted around. What did it mean to be a resident? What was in it for him? Why hadn’t anyone else taken a key? What did it mean if they didn’t have one?

This place seemed open to multiple re-entry. Could it be that one received a key every time they entered? What good would that do?

It was weird! …no, the houses in the city were off limits. They weren’t available to a random visitors, but did this mean that anyone with a key could enter?

Various questions appeared in Li Hao’s mind. He followed the light after a brief pause and walked out onto the first street. He Yong and Hong Yitang were already waiting.

“Something seemed to cover me and seal me away,” He Yong transmitted with a frown. “Was that the flight permit that you guys spoke of? Also, I seemed to see something else flash by. It happened so quickly and I was in a hurry to leave. Did you see it?”

Hong Yitang didn’t make a sound. There was a key in his hand—the item he’d felt on his last attempt. He hadn’t been able to grab it then as it was so dark he could barely see anything. He didn’t dare put a toe out of place then.

He succeeded this time and had thought it was treasure, but it was more like a key. There were words on it—he knew how to read some, but couldn’t make it all out. It was difficult to recognize all of them if one wasn’t a student of ancient languages. He was, however, able to decipher some. For instance, he recognized the character for south.

Confusion swirled in his heart and Hong Yitang looked at Li Hao, recalling that the lad studied the ancient civilization with Yuan Shuo.

“Li Hao, you recognize the writings of the ancient civilization, right?” he asked after a moment.


“What is this?” Hong Yitang drew a character in the air. Li Hao looked at him with surprise.

“It’s the character for garden. What are you looking for, martial uncle? Yihong Garden?” [1]

“……” Hong Yitang looked wordlessly at the young man. The hell are you talking about?? A garden? South something garden…

Li Hao was beginning to wonder if Hong Yitang had also received a key. Why would he ask about this otherwise?

Meanwhile, the man hesitated over whether or not to show the key to the kid. Perhaps he would know what it was since he specialized in this field of study. Hong Yitang was truly unfamiliar with it as he wasn’t the fanatic grave robber that Yuan Shuo was.

There seemed to be people heading their way, so Hong Yitang walked off. “Let’s go inside first!”

Black Armors approached from the front. The trio ignored them and walked straight past them. The soldiers didn’t respond.

One, they were martial masters. Two, the soldiers didn’t seem to pay attention to anyone who’d taken the second passageway unless they were attacked by mysterious power.

After a while, a hesitant Hong Yitang took out the key and handed it to Li Hao. “Take a look at what this is. I previously found it when I explored another ruin. Is it useful here?”

Li Hao had no words to say. Aw fuck outta here! None of these people spoke a single word of truth. This key was similar to what he’d just received. On it was written Fragrant Cloud Pavilion of Hibiscus Garden. Fifth street of the southern quadrant.

Was it another hotel?

Li Hao renewed his theories. Every person seemed to receive a key when they entered the city. It denoted their assigned living quarters. But why were companions traveling together scattered across accommodations rather than put into one?

And they were to the south.. where was the southern quadrant? It was completely dark all around, no one could tell which direction was which. The fifth and seventh streets were easier to understand.

Li Hao lived at Equal Fortune whereas Hong Yitang was at Hibiscus Garden. It appeared that the young man only had a small room, whereas Ole Hong had an entire pavilion to himself. It would be more luxurious, wouldn’t it?

Li Hao looked back with a frown. Could the others obtain keys too?

It might be very difficult on the first try, but could be much easier after that experience.

“Do you recognize it?” Hong Yitang transmitted again when Li Hao remained quiet.

“Yes. Fragrant Cloud Pavilion of Hibiscus Garden. Fifth street of the southern quadrant.”

Hong Yitang blinked. This was the Battle Heaven of their dreams? How odd!

He Yong looked skeptically at Hong Yitang. Where did you get this from?

Li Hao tossed the key back to Hong Yitang without a word. They were almost at the city gates.

“As I thought,” Hong Yitang declared in an ominous tone. “The Silver Armor is here again!”

There was a flash of white on the city wall, one that faded in and out of sight. A Silver Armor!

“Martial Uncle, do you recall what level strength it was at when it awakened ?

“At least later Nova or peak Nova. That final streak rivaled the four major monster spirits. It was a little stronger than even the big snake!”

Li Hao sucked in a sharp breath. That strong??

1. An ancient brothel mentioned in the Dream of the Red Chamber. ☜

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