Star Gate

Chapter 446: What One Sees and Hears in an Ancient City (III)

“Battle Heaven City—Black Tortoise Pagoda!” In the pamphlet, Li Hao noted the description of a very important spot. According to the information, the city’s Black Tortoise Pagoda was its landmark building. It was also a great weapon.

Li Hao blinked. The pagoda was a great weapon? Then… what about the Black Tortoise Seal? The young man quickly paged through the guide, but didn’t find any introduction of the seal. The young man was left rather confused. Hou Xiaochen and the others wanted the seal at all costs, but the pamphlet spoke of the pagoda instead of the seal.

At the same time, it was just a guidebook, so it might not touch upon all of the city’s secrets.

“The southern quadrant is the commercial district, the eastern is the residential.. Curfew is at midnight every night. Those who venture outside must carry their residence tokens at all times or they will be expelled from the city. The defense system will activate and kill trespassers who refuse to follow orders and be expelled.” Li Hao scanned the points to pay attention to, a new thought striking him.

These rules meant that visitors needed to return to their lodgings before midnight everyday. One could linger outside, but needed to carry their key on them to prove that they were the city’s guest.

These were very humane rules! Lacking a key only meant that one would be expelled at first opportunity and not killed. Only those who resisted the authorities would be killed.

They give people this many chances? The overseers of the city didn’t seem the bloodthirsty sort. They were understanding and reasonable, even flexible, and offered many chances. Trespassers were only thrown out and no further trouble made for them.

Granted, Li Hao didn’t know what manner of banishment took place. Regular people might resist if they didn’t understand. All would be over for them then.

So we are safe only with the key on us?

Li Hao continued flipping through the pamphlet. It also denoted some other conditions such as guests being forbidden to enter residences and storefronts. That was private property and as such, sacred and inviolable.

There were exceptions, however. The army could open doors and carry out legitimate inspection duties. A final point could be found on this page—how to join the Battle Heaven Army.

The northern quadrant belonged to the military and the recruitment center was also located there. Visitors could visit the northern quadrant to join. There were numerous benefits to joining the army; a high compensation package went without saying, one would also receive support from the city’s fortifications.

The entire city was an enormous weapon that supplied massive quantities of energy to the army. All were welcome to be a part of it. One could become a proud member of the glorious Battle Heaven Army if they were approved and passed the test. The army possessed one important mission—to protect all of humanity and safeguard the city…

There weren’t that many rules, but one point in particular was emphasized. Deserting the field of battle meant death without mercy! The soldiers needed to be bold and lion-hearted.

Li Hao was briefly tempted when he read the description, but resignation quickly set in. There was no army anymore, just suits of armor with lingering obsessions. They probably weren’t recruiting, were they?

Well…. that was difficult to say! Perhaps they could try?

The training facilities in the army seemed superior and more sophisticated than the ones in the hotels. It was the army that enjoyed the best treatment in the city.

Li Hao continued to flip through the pamphlet, finding more rules that stated visitors were not to set foot on military property, that they should refrain from entering important bases, and that some free facilities could be found throughout the city for no charge.

The biggest library, for instance, was available to guests with keys and residents with IDs. Those lacking such items were forbidden from entering. One should not destroy public property without cause. Compensation would be demanded in those instances and consequences would be levied if it was not paid!

And so on and so forth. There were numerous related rules.

In addition, the pagoda tree tunnel outside the city was also a point of interest. The special tunnel formed by a pagoda tree ten thousand years ago should not be defaced by carvings, graffiti, or other uncivilized actions. One could not gather the tree’s vitality without permission, but could toss some mysterious power stones in a certain area. If the tree was willing, it might trade some vitality in return.

Li Hao’s eyes widened. So the long tunnel outside the city really is a tree? A tree spirit? He flipped to another point in the pamphlet—visitors were strictly forbidden from entering the city lord manor. The manor was a stronghold of authority and off-limits to tourists. But those with business or a member of the eight families could head to the city lord manor for an audience…

Li Hao blinked. This was his first time seeing the eight families clearly denoted in an ancient text. It spoke of not the eight families, but the eight guardian clans.

Guardians… Director General Zhao had once said the same time.

Li Hao quickly paged through the pamphlet, not minding that the pool’s energy was dwindling. Both He Yong and Hong Yitang seemed much younger. Their hair was black, as was He Yong’s beard. Their newfound youth was an obvious sign that the benefits they’d gained from the pool were far greater than the stones they’d paid.

He Yong was elated and wanted nothing more than to soak himself in the pool a few more times!

Li Hao finished looking through the pamphlet. It was just a guide and not an encyclopedia. Some things were mentioned only in passing, as opposed to a detailed description. But that was enough!

The young man raised his head with joy, but quickly glanced at He Yong. “Martial Uncle He… You should probably go out now and take the second passageway again. It’s best if you can get a key. If you can’t, you should try the ancient house again and again until you do. Otherwise, you’ll have a tough time surviving here!”

“……” He Yong blinked and stared at the young man. “Um… must I? Aren’t I just fine right now?”

“Then you’ll have to stay here and not leave. This is fine for the day, but not at night.”

Is there even day and night here?

“Why?” mumbled a baffled He Yong.

“The city expels all unauthorized visitors at midnight. It’s expulsion the first time and execution if resistance is shown! Do you think you can withstand the attacks from the city, martial uncle?”


Of course not.

“Must I really get a key?” He Yong asked with distress. That was the crux of the problem.

“You’ll face no restrictions in the outer city,” Li Hao responded. “We stayed there three days last time without being thrown out or killed. Martial uncle can stay there too.”

He Yong looked on with resignation.

“There’s another method we can try—join the army!” Li Hao offered after some thought.


“Become a soldier and part of the Battle Heaven Army!” Li Hao laughed as he glanced outside. “The army is recruiting. We’ll have a legitimate identity once we join them.”

“But they’re all gone…” He Yong said blankly.

“So what’s fighting outside then?”

That was true!

The trio looked at each other. After a moment, Hong Yitang said, “Then let us try. Perhaps joining the army will bring us more benefits. We can also experience for ourselves how strong this Battle Heaven Army is.”

“However, joining now might mean that we’re deployed to the frontlines,” Li Hao interjected. “Which means the eastern city gates and fighting with the city defenders!”

He Yong and Hong Yitang started; both looked at the young man.

“Repelling enemies is the duty of the Battle Heaven Army!” Li Hao declared staunchly. “It is up to you two whether we go or not. If we do, we might have to fight the supernaturals outside.”

“Let’s do it!” He Yong licked his lips and snorted. “What are we afraid of? Not to mention, it’s a fight either way. Those guys outside will be easier than these armored soldiers!”

Li Hao said nothing more. The three quickly climbed out of the dry pool, steamed their clothes dry, then headed for the northern quadrant. Let’s see if they could join the army first.

The sounds of fighting outside began dying down as the supernaturals retreated for the moment. The army called for a withdrawal and clustered inside the city gates.

Li Hao ignored the development. Now was their chance before everyone entered the inner city. They moved swiftly toward the northern quadrant. Thanks to the travel guide, they were extremely familiar with the situation inside the city. They didn’t stop despite seeing numerous houses with open front doors.

There was no hurry to explore that for now. They would have all the time in the world if they could hold the city.

People could not spend a month in Battle Heaven because they could not survive for so long inside. Regular patrols and cleaning house by the soldiers would eventually be the death of anyone who stayed in the city. One also couldn’t linger too long in the outer city as it would eventually be swept by the army as well.

This was why no one from previous expeditions was ever seen after the ruins were sealed off after three days. But if they obtained legitimate identities, they would be able to stay here indefinitely.


The three ran at top speed. Battle Heaven wasn’t too large—they entered the northern quadrant before long. It seemed to be an enormous military barracks.

The trio was blocked at an entrance before they could enter the barracks proper. It seemed to have been a guard post in the past, but there was no one here now. Only a long guardrail blocked their way. Barging into military territory was cause for death and there was also a sign hanging in front written “Military: Restricted Area”.

The three came to a halt. Li Hao looked around them, there was no one. There was a guard office by the guardrail, but it was empty and devoid of people. The guardrail was down and it wasn’t too high.

“We can flip over it…” He Yong transmitted.

Li Hao immediately shook his head. That would be inappropriate! The city was awake, flipping over the rail might lead to irredeemable consequences.

The young man walked up for a look. The office was empty, but the door was open. There was a system in the office, but Li Hao wasn’t familiar with it. He saw several buttons, one of which was a call button.

He paused, should he press it? Would anyone come if he pressed it? Or would trouble appear instead?

etvolare’s Thoughts

Betchu it’s one of those "DO NOT PRESS" buttons.

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