Star Gate

Chapter 502: Cultivation, Promotion, Farewell (IV)

“Get in!” Golden Spear’s tone was calm. Li Hao said nothing and swiftly jumped into the back seat to sit next to Golden Spear. Kong Youyun climbed into the driver’s seat and started up the car.

Golden Spear sat ramrod straight, like a spear. His voice was as calm as before. “You guys will be the only ones here after we leave. There are some items left in the warehouses, as well as some mysterious power stones and cubes. There’s also the dao comprehension weapons—not in the warehouses, but in storage rings!”

He tossed a ring to Li Hao.

“You wouldn’t be given custody of this, but since you’re the one staying, you get to keep it. There isn’t much inside, we’re taking most of it with us, but we won’t leave you high and dry either.”

Li Hao quietly caught the ring. He hadn’t anticipated that the Silver Moon Guards would leave him some resources before they left.

“These are the ruins that we’ve explored over the years.” Golden Spear handed a book to Li Hao. “This is the information that we’ve compiled on them, take a look. Mu Lin might have told you already that I discovered a ruin a while back, but didn’t have time to explore it. It’s a bit dangerous inside, so do as you see fit. Their information is all inside the storage ring as well.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“No worries,” Golden Spear replied coolly. “I couldn’t explore it because I lacked sufficient strength. You might be able to, so there’s nothing to thank.

“Also, be careful of the pirates from the Moon Sea. We have some information on them as well and you need to be on your guard. There’s no concern regarding their weaklings, but there’s a possibility that their powerhouses will enter the Moon Sea to raid and loot once they learn that the director is gone.

“So be very careful! Some of them are quite strong with even peak Nova heavyweights among them. A few of them even keep major monster spirits as pets. You must exercise extreme prudence!”

Li Hao nodded again.

“And don’t think of ever relying on your master,” Golden Spear added. “Don’t walk in his footsteps your entire life. The Five Styles is wondrous, but I hope you can also carve out your own path. I don’t have the right to say anything, but I know that once there is a heavy mountain on your head, it is too hard to try to shift it!”

Despondency appeared in his eyes as Golden Spear looked around with weariness. One could not tell if his expression carried regret or resignation. He was the leader of the Three Spears of Silver Moon, but now couldn’t even measure up to Light Sword of the Seven Swords. The last expedition had crushed his pride and bestowed him unspeakable discomfort. He didn’t know the way forward, so he couldn’t progress. Golden Spear had been a shell of himself lately.

Li Hao didn’t say anything to the man. Some things needed to be tackled by oneself. No one could comfort him—neither was it needed.

The man sat back with his eyes closed. Li Hao remained quietly next to him as they took the car to the Night Watcher headquarters.


The Night Watcher headquarters.

Everyone was present on this day. Large numbers of supernaturals were present as Hou Xiaochen was about to leave. He had been the leader of the agency since the Silver Moon Night Watchers were first established twenty years ago. Today, this local tiger was finally leaving.

Even Hao Lianchuan wore a pained expression on his face. The Silver Moon Night Watchers would greatly decline in importance once Hou Xiaochen left. The Silver Moon Guards were following the director, leaving just Hao Lianchuan, a mid Solar, holding down the fort of this massive agency. Thankfully, there were other Solars present as two deputy directors had ascended two days ago.

The metal attribute Deputy Director Zhou and water attribute Deputy Director He had both advanced to the Solar stage. That had much to do with the large sum of mysterious power stones that they’d received from the ruins.

These three Solars were the main core of Night Watcher strength. But… was such a force… strong? They might’ve thought so before, but now they weren’t worth a mention.

“Director, why don’t you have Manager Yu stay behind?” Hao Lianchuan looked on with a face of longing.

“……” Manager Yu served him a glare that could kill.

“I won’t be able to hold on by myself!” A mournful Hao Lianchuan ignored the woman’s vicious look. The situation was oh so tragic! “If we can, we should find someone else to take over as director. I can’t be acting director…”

Indeed, somehow he was the acting director! The central region hadn’t sent anyone to replace Hou Xiaochen—perhaps they were all afraid to die? And so no one was willing to come?

Whatever it was, it left Hao Lianchuan in the position of acting director of the Silver Moon Night Watchers. Far from the joy of receiving a promotion, he was only panicked and resigned. I really can’t do this, especially when the last director was the domineering Hou Xiaochen.

“Don’t worry, there won’t be much to take care of here once I am gone.” Hou Xiaochen grinned. “The three great organizations have mostly been exterminated and they won’t send further powerhouses to the province after I leave.”

How is that possible?! Hao Lianchuan regarded his assurance wordlessly. I’m not a fool, it’s the best time to go for Silver Moon once you’re gone! Li Hao of the eight families is still here, so how are you telling me that the three great organizations won’t continue to send people to us?

Don’t joke around, my mind’s still pretty clear!

“Don’t be afraid,” Hou Xiaochen chuckled. “Find someone to help you if you really need help.”


Hou Xiaochen looked outside and smiled. “Help is here.”

Hao Lianchuan followed his gaze and happened to see Golden Spear and Li Hao alight from a car. He blinked and looked at Hou Xiaochen.

“Doesn’t he love being high up in the bureaucracy? Let him have his wish!” Hou Xiaochen laughed. “Since he’s not leaving, he can shoulder some of the responsibility. Except, he might not really care about that when old hatreds and grudges rear their heads. It’s up to you. You might not have many good qualities to you, but you are genuine in your treatment of others. Li Hao needs a bit of special attention…

“Li Hao of the Silver Moon Guards is hereby promoted to high level chief commissioner,” Hou Xiaochen’s voice rang out in the next second. “He will be a deputy director of the Silver Moon Night Watchers and assist acting director Hao Lianchuan in managing the provincial agency!”

Li Hao froze in the process of getting out of the car, one foot over the ground. What in the world? He wanted that promotion a long time ago, but they never gave it to him. It was his now, but how was he also a deputy director and jointly managing the Night Watchers with Hao Lianchuan?

A few more cars rolled to a stop in the distance; some heads poked out of windows in surprise, but no one said anything.

“In addition, the Silver Moon Guard designation remains in effect! Li Hao will be the acting ranking officer and safeguard the Moon Sea coastline to prevent pirates from attacking! He will ensure Silver Moon’s peace and make it impossible for pirates to set foot on our homeland!”

Li Hao frowned slightly. He might not stay in Silver Moon for much longer, but now he was a deputy director and the acting ranking officer of the Silver Moon Guards! What did Hou Xiaochen have in mind?

The man had just wanted the young man to go with him to the central region, but gave him so many positions when Li Hao refused. What was this for? There were only so many in the Demon Hunter team!

“The Night Watchers and Silver Moon Guards must ensure the province’s safety. Only then will they be worthy of the hard earned labor of Silver Moon’s citizens. Whether it is military rations or monthly supplies, all of it comes from Silver Moon. You must keep that in mind, Li Hao!”

Down below, Li Hao still had not said a word. Hou Xiaochen had walked out of the building and looked coolly at him. “Do you not accept your orders, Li Hao?”

“……” A skeptical expression appeared on the young man’s face and he struggled briefly before snapping his legs together in a sharp salute. “Understood!”

Hou Xiaochen smiled and inclined his head, tossing a storage ring over. “This is information regarding the Night Watchers and some lists of names. I leave them in your hands. You must aid Hao Lianchuan well and ensure Silver Moon’s peace and prosperity!”

He took a step forward, strode across the ground, and entered a car in a series of smooth motions. “We set off! Everyone, I will see you on the morrow!”

“We set off!” Golden Spear rumbled. Almost two dozen trucks ignited their engines.

In the distance, Director General Zhao, Huang Yu, Kong Jie, and leaders of various departments alighted from their cars.

“I wish you a smooth journey,” someone sighed softly after a long moment. “The dragon has lurked in the abyss of Silver Moon for too long. It is time to see the world!”

Hou Xiaochen was as dashing and carefree as ever. He didn’t exchange words with any of them and simply left with his team. Li Hao was the one left in a daze. So… the man was gone? Just like that?

It suddenly felt very strange. His teacher had said to have Hou Xiaochen protect him when he left. Although Li Hao had had many doubts, he’d always felt that he had a backer when Hou Xiaochen was present. The same went for Hong Yitang and He Yong…

Hou Xiaochen was gone now and He Yong would also leave today. Hong Yitang had completely cloistered himself in the Sword Sect and refused to see visitors…

Li Hao suddenly trembled when he looked around him! He was in a den of vipers and all of his backers seemed to have disappeared in a split second. He was abruptly back to where he’d been a year ago. His best friend wanted him to run, but where to?

Darkness wrapped around Li Hao. So it turned out that that treacherous guy had still imparted a certain degree of safety to the young man when he was here, even when he didn’t do anything. What a laughable realization!

The young man was deathly silent and next to him, Hao Lianchuan seemed to have become a widower. His expression was pained as he watched Hou Xiaochen’s departure.

etvolare’s Thoughts

Okay okay, who wants to bet on what’s going to blow up in their faces first?

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