Star Gate

Chapter 526: Yuan Shuo’s Resentment (IV)

Li Hao didn’t say anything. He simply overshadowed the town survivors with his ship, bringing everyone on board. He even took all of the bundles of belongings that the soldiers had put together. That was perfect, it would prevent the Sword Sect from being in the hole with their new expenses.

Indeed, he was going to dump all of the people onto the Sword Sect. It was out of sight, out of mind for Li Hao. He would explode if he had to handle it all himself. Hong Yitang could deal with everything.

The young man grinned. Sorry… Hong Yitang. This is the first and I don’t know if there will be a second. Perhaps, perhaps not. But if there are, I’m sending them all to you!

There was no helping it, the Sword Sect was very well versed in this. Hong Yitang had rescued almost all of its thousand members. Now that he’d picked up a few himself, Li Hao was going to take them all to the sect. He wasn’t in the mood to counsel them one by one, that wasn’t his style and neither did he have the relevant experience.

Li Hao turned around, the ship flying with him as he left. It was quite impressive that the Vast Kun Ship could fly. He needed to catch up to Hong Qing and the others as soon as possible to save them a second trip.

The young man was smiling much more radiantly now, he didn’t even mind the burning town behind him. The dead could not resurrect; it was enough that the living survived. He smiled brightly because it was enough to see and experience certain things. The last sliver of hope in his heart had been erased. Li Hao felt that he ought to thank these guys for teaching him a lesson, a very important lesson.


Aas Li Hao quickly escorted the Seabrink survivors away from the scene, news swiftly spread of his earlier exploits. Gossip that the Demon Hunters disseminated that morning was flying by noon like it had wings. Preparing to cross the sea, Hou Xiaochen blinked and stared dumbly at a row of characters displayed on a jade pendant.

“Director…” Manager Yu reminded. “It’s time to board the ship. We’ll reach the central region in a few hours…”

“Look at this!” Hou Xiaochen handed the jade pendant to the woman.

She also stared blankly at it. “He… the guy…”

“Isn’t this interesting?” Hou Xiaochen grinned.

“Um…” Manager Yu couldn’t gather her thoughts. “What’s he doing patrolling the seas in the middle of the night?”

“Director!” Golden Spear caught wind of a keyword and quickly stepped forward. “What’s happened at sea?”

“Li Hao!” breathed the manager. “The kid took the Demon Hunters on a patrol of the sea last night and ran into the White Shark Raiders. He killed their Faceless Shark and Sea Shark commanders, as well as more than five hundred supernaturals.

“He then hung the bodies on the pirate ships and parked them close to Southern Ford, sending word for White Shark to clean his neck for execution. Li Hao said that he’s going to exterminate the White Shark Raiders!”

Golden Spear blinked, unable to believe what he’d just heard. Moments later, he spoke with difficulty, “How… is… that… possible? The White Shark Raiders are strong and I know of Sea Shark. He was a peak Solar two years ago and barely escaped from my hands. He made it to mid Nova in less than two years and apparently Faceless Shark is a late Nova…”

“He might be able to do so if he coordinates with the dog,” Hou Xiaochen chuckled. “I just hadn’t anticipated that he’d go gunning for the pirates as soon as I left. He was an obstinate donkey before and wouldn’t budge no matter what. He always ran away when he saw me, as if I spend my days plotting against him. How would I ever?

“What an interesting little guy!” the man laughed heartily. “I thought he was going to be indifferent to the times until the end of the world, until Yuan Shuo returned from the central region. Now look at this, I haven’t even left yet and he’s gone to provoke the pirates. How very damned interesting!”

He shook his head, unsure of whether he should laugh or cry. Many words bubbled up his throat and he suddenly didn’t feel sad about leaving. Instead, Hou Xiaochen wanted to laugh or sigh with resignation. Li Hao, ah Li Hao. You’re… such a strange kid!

“Let’s cross the sea and be on our way!” Hou Xiaochen boarded the ship with another rueful shake of his head. The people behind him quickly followed suit. Golden Spear and Manager Yu were still incredulous. This had come from the Li Hao they knew? They could barely pick their jaws up from the ground.

According to their understanding of the young man, he should be hiding in the Guards barracks and furiously cultivating. He should be blind and deaf to events outside, waiting for his strength to develop further before emerging and surprising his enemies with their own deaths. He would then go back into hiding, continue cultivating, and continue tricking his enemies…

Indeed, that was what they expected of Li Hao. But their expectations were smashed to pieces today!

Hou Xiaochen was still laughing heartily and looked out at the churning North Sea. “North Sea pirates are fierce and look to be heavily backed by many different factions. They’ll be sad to lose so many supernaturals in one go.

“What a pity that we don’t have enough time. I’d love to go for a spin otherwise and visit White Shark, maybe send him on his way. But… eh, let’s leave him to Li Hao!

“We should leave for our fun in the central region. The little guy can have the North Sea! I bet Yuan Shuo will be very surprised by the news if he receives it today. He might have a total mental breakdown, hahaha!” His bark of laughter was very different from his usual gentle chuckles.

Manager Yu looked sideways at him. Was there a need to be so happy even if Li Hao had taken high profile action and killed numerous pirates?

Hou Xiaochen continued laughing merrily. The rest didn’t understand! Li Hao was of the eight families and, on the surface, the only living representative. Those like Hou Xiaochen who knew a bit of the significance of these families did not wish to see Li Hao purely motivated by only hatred.

Sadly, their efforts hadn’t been very fruitful thus far, but today’s report brought them some joy and hope. A Li Hao like this was truly worthy of the glories of the eight families. Even if it was only the glories of the ancient civilization that he inherited, they didn’t wish for such scintillating personages to turn into mindless, modern day killing machines.

What a wonderful development!

A merry Hou Xiaochen continued south to the central region.


At the same time, the North Sea.

White Shark listened to the reports from his men, his expression stiff as he looked into the distance. Li Hao…

Sea Shark was trash and Faceless Shark… was a son of a bitch! They were both trash!

White Shark’s facial muscles twitched. It wasn’t just a matter of losing face with the two bastards dead. The key thing was, the White Shark Raiders had suddenly suffered an immense blow to their strength. If he remained unmoved, the other seven factions might choose to quickly devour his group!

“Li Hao… how unexpected!” White Shark breathed out and scanned the shuddering men below. “What are you sorry lot afraid of?!” he barked out. “That Li Hao will come for your heads? Will he dare come? I’ll put him through his paces before he has a chance to! Li Hao courts death! When I put our affairs in order, I’ll eradicate those so-called Demon Hunters and avenge Sea Shark and the others!”

His most pressing concern wasn’t to go for Li Hao—there might be a trap waiting. He should first consolidate the supernaturals left by his number two and three. They would probably all run off if he didn’t.

White Shark would naturally go for Li Hao once he obtained sufficient information and secured the right timing. He couldn’t brashly set out on the spot, there were two dead Novas to consider, after all.

“We will avenge our brothers!” screamed the pirates below, as if they would vent the fears in their hearts by doing so.

White Shark sighed to himself. This couldn’t stand. He had to bring back the bodies of Sea Shark and the others, at least. It was too great of a blow to morale if they continued to hang in Southern Ford. The White Shark Raiders would lose all of their prestige.


The news traveled south, spreading rapidly. Many factions soon received reports and the title of Demon Sword grew ever more famous. Li Hao had already won some prominence for himself when he fought six Solars alone and killed them. He was now hailed as foremost among the new generation of Silver Moon martial masters.

After leading the Demon Hunters against the White Shark Raiders and killing hundreds of supernaturals as well as two Novas, his name was known far and wide after hanging their bodies in warning.

On this day, everyone everywhere knew Demon Sword Liu Long of Silver Moon! He was no longer affixed with the descriptor of the heir of the eight families.


In the central region, the province of Southern Range.

Yuan Shuo panted heavily, overjoyed at having just killed an initial Nova. Hot damn, I’ve finally killed a Nova! Although it’s not one from Red Moon, but from a trashy Yama bastard who insisted on causing trouble… at least I’ve reached my goal.

My disciple killed six Solars ten days ago. He’s almost catching up to me! Today, I kill a Nova. There’s a significant cultivation gap between Solar and Nova.

Beaming with delight, Yuan Shuo breathed out and wiped away the blood on his face. He looked at the heavily injured Jadelight Sword nearby. “We won! Not bad, Jadelight. That last sword stroke of yours was the equivalent of mid Solar. Not bad at all…”

Jadelight didn’t want to talk, she was dealing with her wounds. Besides, it was only a mid Solar that they’d taken. She wasn’t inclined to be proud of that. She was progressing too slowly! Although she was much stronger than when she first left the mountain, she was extremely dissatisfied. Yuan Shuo could kill Novas, what about her?

“Don’t be in a rush,” Yuan Shuo laughed. “We’re in no hurry. Your Jadelight Sword hasn’t quite been perfected yet. You might be able to fight Novas after a while, you just need some more blood pearls…”

A jade pendant in his pocket started vibrating.

“More big news?” Yuan Shuo chuckled. “Has Hou Xiaochen died in an ambush? Now that would be interesting…”

This jade pendant wouldn’t vibrate unless it was earth-shattering news. He fished it out for a look, immediately put it away, and smashed the corpses beneath him to dust with a punch. The traces he’d left behind of their fight were obliterated.

“What?” Jadelight looked strangely at him. “Didn’t you say you wanted to leave marks behind so that everyone would know that Yuan Shuo killed a Nova here today? Didn’t you want the world to know of the Five Styles King?”

What an eccentric old bat! You’re the one who set up the scene earlier and purposefully added the unique traces of the Five Styles to the corpses. You wanted nothing more than for people to know that you killed the Nova. Now what?

etvolare’s Thoughts

Um... Jadelight, you might wanna run away from the epic temper tantrum that’s coming...

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