Star Gate

Chapter 536: Light Sword (II)

The four generals looked on solemnly. A person walked over from a distance. Their footsteps were loud, but they looked young. They wore a red cloak visible through the darkness.

“And if I’m thrown into the mix, Light Sword?” The man was very young.

“They say that the Heaven, Earth, Black, and Yellow Generals are stronger than the North, South, East, and West Generals. But I thought it would be the Heaven General participating, not the mere Black General.”

“They have other duties to attend to. I alone am sufficient.” The young man abruptly flared his dominating presence. If Li Hao was here, he would sense that the newest addition to the group was stronger than the snake of Ash Mountain, but less than the other three major monster spirits.

The young general was peak Nova and just one step away from entering metamorphosis to ascend to the next stage. That made for four late Novas and one peak Nova. Five Novas surrounded Light Sword.

“You might not die so long as you come quietly with us!” the newly arrived Black General said coldly. “You should not have entertained other thoughts or possibilities! The Steadfast Duke treasures your martial expertise despite your failure to properly protect Sir Xu. It has been the duke who supported your cultivation these years. Light Sword, must you be someone who prepares their master?”

“Betrays their master?” Light Sword burst out laughing. “Where do those words come from? I came for the Windchaser Boots when I joined the Steadfast Duke back in the day. Old man Xu Qing promised to give me the boosts so long as I served the Xus for twenty years.

“When circumstances changed later on and prevented me from using the boots, his grandson Xu Feng could. The old man wanted me to… to marry his grandson and become one family. While I know that it is simply an arrangement of mutual profit, I have exerted myself to the utmost for the duke and his household over these years.

“Today marks twenty years!” she sighed. “Why do you think I came back only today? Time is up and the Windchaser Boots should be mine today according to our agreement. I bear some responsibility for Xu Feng’s death since I did not protect him well, but I devoted my energies to his protection that day. There was nothing I could do since I could not overcome my enemy. You can’t have me die as well, can you?”

She looked into the distance, her voice ringing like a bell. “Are you unwilling, Xu Qing? Are you going to turn your back on a promise made twenty years ago?”

Her voice was loud, but a frightful quiet answered her from a distance.

“I understand, I didn’t hold much hope to begin with,” Light Sword sighed. “I just hadn’t thought that you’d evacuate all of the surrounding civilians to move against me. It looks like you’ve made up your mind that I shall not be leaving alive!

“I am a gentle soul compared to some of the others,” she laughed at herself. “Or I would’ve fought to the death a few years ago and not be thus, to be actually nursing some hope…”

Indeed, her personality counted among the more placid of the thirty-six. Part of that was due to a comparative weakness to others, another part was wishing to quietly complete the conversion of her method. Never did she consider that she would ultimately reach this step after twenty years…

“Then… let us fight!” A sword appeared within the world, one that illuminated the sky!

Light Sword shouted and partially snapped the locks of her heart, lungs, and liver. She was swift and decisive as this was the Steadfast Duke’s territory. It was no place to engage in a protracted fight. If time dragged on, she wouldn’t make it out alive even if she snapped all five locks. The woman was well aware of how dangerous this place was, the battle needed to be over quick!

The skies shattered and earth fractured! A piercing ray of light glimmered. The five generals roared and brandished their weapons!

“KILL!” Light Sword screamed, erupting with strength that surpassed what He Yong had brought to bear in the ruins. She swept a sword through the void and severed heaven and earth. BAM!

The formidable Black General quickly stabbed out with his spear, but it instantly splintered upon a loud collision. It took only a split second before Light Sword shouted again and partially snapped a fourth lock. Her battle strength ballooned!



The long sword exploded in all directions, marking a large fissure in the earth. The houses around fight collapsed into the opening. The Black General roared incessantly beneath the blow, incredulous that he couldn’t block it!


A line of blood appeared on his head as the sword descended. Light Sword screamed, ignoring him as strength that threatened to immolate the world surged out of her. It didn’t feel like fire, but more like the sun’s rays searing everything it touched.

All of the houses in the vicinity disappeared when she swept her sword in a circle, like they’d been vaporized! The other four generals rushed her, but all five abruptly froze in the next second. Petrified disbelief shone out of their eyes.

Minor detonations sounded from Light Sword’s body as she bled from all orifices. Her organs were breaking into pieces, yet she smiled a ghastly smile that was slightly crazy. “Do you… not know… Silver Moon martial masters?”

She leapt into the air and crossed one thousand meters in a heartbeat, placing her close to the duke’s complex.

A vicious look entered the gaunt Steadfast Duke’s eyes as he stared down Light Sword from afar. “Think carefully on your actions. You are dead without a doubt if you continue in this vein. There is no hope of you surviving beyond today even if you seize the boots!”

He understood! Or rather, he saw clearly what state Light Sword was in.

The woman didn’t respond. Instead, she slammed her palm on her chest and broke another lock with an explosion! Blood streamed down her face, giving her the appearance of a demon. “Hadn’t it over… If I am to die, your complex will no longer stand after today unless you unseal yourself!”

“So… you’ve… reached this step…” murmured the duke. He suddenly kicked at Light Sword with an incredible flaring of his presence. “Then it must first be seen if you have the ability to do so!”


A tremendous detonation rocked the four corners as a hole blew through the enormous complex. Countless structures collapsed as multiple servants exploded as well.

No one thought that the wizened Steadfast Duke could demonstrate such overwhelming strength, but Light Sword seemed to have anticipated it. She rocked the world again with another stroke and brightly lit up the surroundings. KABOOM!

The duke backed away, blood welling out of his mouth. The look in his eyes shifted—was one so much stronger after unsealing themselves? He was tempted to do so himself, but sighed when he saw how Light Sword’s organs were collapsing and the woman was on the brink of complete insanity.

“Take it and leave. Don’t force me…” He tossed out a storage ring.

“Only one?!” Light Sword shrieked when she caught the ring.

“Do you want them both?!” retorted the duke. “I just don’t want to pay too high of a price. Do you think the current you is confident of killing me?”

Reluctance glinted in Light Sword’s eyes, but she could sense her condition. She grit her teeth and instantly vanished when she took to the sky. In the distance, the frozen generals exploded the moment she disappeared!

Rushing over, the duke’s two sons jerked with horror at the sight. Dead?? Five generals dead in a split second?!

“Father!” The two rushed over, quickly followed by a few Novas and Solars. Eldest master Xu Zhen asked urgently, “Why did you give her the Windchaser Boots? You just needed to engage her for a bit longer before…”

“She knows she’s dead if the fight dragged on any longer.” The duke looked coldly at him. “I would be crippled even if she doesn’t kill me. Use your brain!”

He could match Light Sword in her state only if he unsealed himself, but that would lead to more trouble. The duke hadn’t anticipated that the woman had cultivated to these levels. More importantly, the old witch had actually snapped all of her supernatural locks… She wasn’t long for this world even after seizing the Windchaser Boots!

Her organs would fail!

“Have someone follow her, she’s not getting away!” snorted the duke. He frowned when his eyes landed on where the generals had been.

Twinges of pain and regret pricked at him. The five generals could kill targets at the level of metamorphosis if they acted together. Light Sword had sealed off their battle strength and killed them all!

Even he was unhappy at the outcome. That was five powerhouses under his command! And, did his eldest son want him to die sooner?

Light Sword was obviously very strong, but he wanted me to keep her engaged for a bit longer… Already displeased with his eldest son after Xu Feng’s death, the duke’s dissatisfaction mounted!

Light Sword’s condition outmatched everyone, but she would also collapse soon. Where could she run to? They would not be losing the Windchaser Boots and she only had one of them that she couldn’t use. There wasn’t much point in seizing it.

Moments later, swathes of powerhouses chased Light Sword in the direction she’d vanished in. They didn’t dare draw too close as she was too strong, but they followed closely on her tail and waited for the woman to deplete herself.


What happened in the east quickly spread throughout the land, yet Li Hao had already left White Moon City. He didn’t know that Light Sword would act so quickly or that the woman was running toward Silver Moon at an unbelievable speed.

She was very, very far away, but there was hope.

Unfortunately, Li Hao was already heading for the ruins. He wasn’t doing this on purpose, he could promise that!

etvolare’s Thoughts

Oh awkkk... is she gonna be able to find him? We’ll have a berserk, invincible swordswoman setting fire to the province if she can’t.

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