Star Instructor, Master Baek

Chapter 136: The Delinquent and the Student Council President (7)

TL: FoodieMonster007

“Ugh…” Dokgo Jun groaned, slowly opening his eyes. His head throbbed like it was splitting apart, and his throat felt like sandpaper.

“Finally awake, huh?” a familiar voice cut through the haze.

Dokgo Jun turned his head to face the speaker, dislodging the damp cloth that had been placed on his forehead.

“You moron. I put that there for you, and already you’re messing it up.”


“……” Annoyed by the nickname, Hyonwon Kang snatched up the fallen cloth and slapped it in Dokgo Jun’s face.

Not having any of it, Dokgo Jun swiped the cloth away and glared at the delinquent, but before he could retort, Hyonwon Kang let out a long yawn.


Dokgo Jun studied his classmate more closely, startled by the unusual sight. Hyonwon Kang was sitting cross-legged, looking absolutely exhausted as if he hadn’t slept in days.

Concerned, Dokgo Jun immediately tried to sit up, but the old bed beneath him creaked loudly in protest. Scanning the room, he realized that it wasn’t just the bed; everything in the room was old, worn and dirty.

This is definitely not a physician’s clinic.

“W-Where are we?” he asked, confused.

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Yawning again, Hyonwon Kang stretched lazily before answering, “We’re in that run-down inn with the shitty noodles. Mr. Baek said it was better to get the poison out of you quickly, so we brought you here instead of to a physician. Since your injuries weren’t too serious, I just slapped on some ointment and bandaged you up.”

“……” Despite hearing the explanation, Dokgo Jun barely understood any of it. He could feel the bandages wrapped tightly around his body, but everything else was a blur…

“Wait. Mr. Baek?”

“What, you don’t remember? Baek Suryong knocked you out and carried you here.”

“When did… Ah!”

Dokgo Jun’s memories came flooding back to him. Fighting with the underboss of the Scarlet Tiger Gang, killing him, ruthlessly cutting down the other fleeing thugs, and…

“W-What have I done?” Dokgo Jun gasped, the blood draining from his face as the image of him almost killing Hyonwon Kang flashed through his mind.

Unable to meet Hyonwon Kang’s gaze, he hung his head in shame, mumbling, “I… I’m sorry.”

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What have I done? Haunted by my inner demons… I almost murdered a friend with my own hands. If my sword had struck Hyonwon Kang…

Just the thought alone made Dokgo Jun tremble uncontrollably.

“I-I swear, I didn’t do it on purpose,” he stammered. “I couldn’t recognize anyone… I was blinded by something. My head felt like it was on fire. I thought… I thought I saw a way to make a breakthrough in my swordsmanship, and I tried to grasp it. But… it was my first time… killing someone. I thought, because they were evil, it was okay. But now… Damn it, no matter what I say, it’s all just excuses. I’m really sorry. I’ll definitely atone for this. I almost committed an unforgivable crime against you…”

“Forget it, you idiot,” Hyonwon Kang interrupted, cutting through Dokgo Jun’s spiraling thoughts.

Dokgo Jun looked up, eyes wide with disbelief. “F-Forget it?”

Yawning yet again, Hyonwon Kang shrugged nonchalantly. “If you’re that sorry, just treat me to a feast later. No alcohol though, I quit drinking.”

“I can’t just let it go that easily,” Dokgo Jun muttered, shaking his head. Hyonwon Kang brushed it off like it was nothing, but he couldn’t just move on. “I made a terrible mistake, and I can’t just gloss over it. My family taught me to always settle all my debts and grudges properly.”

A broad grin spread across Hyonwon Kang’s weary face. “Look at you, back to being a model student already! Remember what you yelled while swinging your sword around? ‘Die, vermin!’ Does that ring a bell?”

“W-What?” Dokgo Jun’s face burned with embarrassment. He didn’t want to remember, but Hyonwon Kang’s teasing brought it all rushing back. Still, he tried to lie, saying with a stiff expression, “Did I…say that? I don’t…remember.”

Unfortunately, it was impossible to fool the sharp-witted Hyonwon Kang with such a clumsy act.

“Oh, please. You look like you’d rather crawl into a hole. Die, vermin! Die!” Hyonwon Kang mocked, waving his arms wildly and making ridiculous faces in a crude impersonation of Dokgo Jun.

Dokgo Jun’s face flushed deeper. “S-Stop it.”

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“Oh? You don’t remember this either? Then what about this? Die, all of you! I, the Sword Dragon, will bring justice to the murim!”

Dokgo Jun exploded, “I never said that! I swear I didn’t…”

Hyonwon Kang grinned smugly. “Aha! Didn’t you just claim to remember nothing?”

“…Fuck.” Realizing he’d been played, Dokgo Jun sighed in defeat. “Fine. I remember everything. Now stop.”

“Vermin must dieee!”

“I said stop, you bastard!”

Fuming, Dokgo Jun hurled a pillow at Hyonwon Kang, who dodged it easily and smirked, clearly enjoying himself.

“Looks like you’re feeling better, judging by that energy.”

“You…” Dokgo Jun clenched his fists, but instead of getting angry again, he let out a dry laugh. How could he not see it? Hyonwon Kang was only teasing him to lighten the guilt weighing him down.

Sighing softly, Dokgo Jun muttered, “…Thanks.”

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“Whatever. Enough with the sappy stuff. Take your medicine. Mr. Baek personally went and bought it from the physician.”

“Mr. Baek did?”

Hyonwon Kang warmed the medicine with his qi and handed it to Dokgo Jun, who quietly took it and drank it.

“Ugh… so bitter. Got any sweet snacks?” Dokgo Jun complained, grimacing.

Hyonwon Kang smirked. “How about a smack instead?”


In an effort to ignore Hyonwon Kang and distract himself from the taste of the medicine, Dokgo Jun’s thoughts drifted back to the final phase of the battle right before he blacked out.

Baek Suryong… He was unbelievably strong.

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Although Dokgo Jun hadn’t been at his best physically or mentally, he had really tried to kill Baek Suryong.

Even though I was poisoned, that last strike was the strongest I’ve ever delivered. Despite that, he didn’t dodge, didn’t parry… He just met it head-on and even broke my sword in the process.

Dokgo Jun recalled the words Baek Suryong had spoken as his consciousness faded.

“If you ever have questions, come find me. I’ll give you advice anytime.”

“Where’s Mr. Baek?” he asked, placing the empty medicine bowl on the bedside table.

“In another room. Busy writing a new martial arts manual or something like that.”

“…He’s writing a new martial arts manual?”

“Don’t even try to understand him,” Hyonwon Kang said with a shrug. “We’ll never get what he’s up to. Why are you suddenly asking about him anyway?”

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“Uhh…” Dokgo Jun hesitated, weighing his words.

In the end, he decided to be honest. Something about Hyonwon Kang made it easier to speak plainly, even when the subject was difficult.

“…My martial arts has plateaued for months. No matter how hard I train, I feel like I’m not improving.”

“So?” Hyonwon Kang, uninterested, lazily picked at his ear.

It was rude, but Dokgo Jun didn’t mind anymore. Over the past few days, he’d learned that despite Hyonwon Kang’s callous attitude, he always paid close attention to what others said.

Dokgo Jun continued, “During that fight with the Scarlet Tiger Gang, I had a breakthrough. It was just a small one, but…”

“Then that’s good, right?”

Dokgo Jun frowned. “…But the enlightenment I gained doesn’t suit my family’s beliefs. You saw it too, right? My swordsmanship was rough, wild and simple… all things the Dokgo Clan despises.”

Dokgo Jun laughed bitterly. The Dokgo Clan, founded by the strongest freelancer in history, was now a prestigious noble family more concerned with appearances than anything else.

I didn’t realize it until I came here.

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If he hadn’t patrolled the slums, seen their harsh reality, confronted criminals, or felt that burning anger, his Nine Swords of Dokgo would’ve stayed unchanged.

He stared down at his hands, hardened and calloused from years of gripping a sword.

“I’m confused. Swordsmanship so raw and unrefined… That’s not what I’ve been taught all my life. Is this really the right path?”

Doubt gnawed at him—doubt about the sword he had dedicated his life to. The shock of taking his first life had only deepened the confusion, pushing him toward the early stages of qi deviation.

“I couldn’t figure it out, but Mr. Baek said…”

“Don’t lose the insight you gained today and keep practicing. You’re on the right track to mastering the Nine Swords of Dokgo.”

Even in his foggy state of mind, those words had brought him peace.

“I want to confirm it with him again,” Dokgo Jun admitted. “I need to know if I’m really on the correct path, and if so, how to move forward. I really don’t want to be a nuisance, but…”

“Let’s go,” Hyonwon Kang said, standing up abruptly.

Dokgo Jun widened his eyes in surprise. “Right now?”

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“If there’s something you want to know, you should ask him right away. It’s not like he’s asleep.”

Without giving Dokgo Jun a chance to protest, Hyonwon Kang dragged him out of bed and led him to Baek Suryong’s room, where they found Baek Suryong wide awake and sitting at his desk, surrounded by piles of documents, ink and paper.

Baek Suryong glanced at them, raising an eyebrow. “What’s the matter? You shouldn’t be up and moving around yet, Dokgo Jun.”

Despite having foreseen this, Hyonwon Kang stared at the scene incredulously. Does he ever rest? Even at the White Dragon Manor, he’s always the first to wake up and the last to sleep! Most importantly, none of us have ever seen him relax or laze around!

Exasperated, Hyonwon Kang gave up thinking and nudged Dokgo Jun forward. “He’s got something to ask you.”

Dokgo Jun hesitated for a moment, then stammered, “I-I wanted to ask you about the sword. If you’re busy, I can come back later…”

Baek Suryong closed the document he’d been reading and grinned. “Take a seat. If it’s about the sword, I’m always happy to talk. What did you want to ask me about?”

Dokgo Jun sat down, a solemn expression on his face. When it came to the sword, he was more serious than anyone else. “…I want to ask about the direction of my swordsmanship,” he said.

Baek Suryong nodded approvingly and leaned back in his chair. “Looks like this will be a long conversation. Let’s take our time and go over everything. Remember what I said about the Dragon and Phoenix Tournament? You’ll need to make it to the top eight, at least.”

“Wait, what?”

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Baek Suryong shot a glance at Hyonwon Kang, then turned back to Dokgo Jun. “Why? Are you not confident? Among the third years, you’re the only one who can pull it off.”

“…No, I’m confident.”

Baek Suryong smirked, satisfied with Dokgo Jun’s bold reply.

Just then, Hyonwon Kang, who had been standing there with his arms folded, said loudly, “Yaaaawn… I’m heading out. I haven’t slept in days! I need to rest.”

As soon as Hyonwon Kang left, Baek Suryong leaned close to Dokgo Jun and grinned mischievously. “Did you see the look on his face just now?”


“Wonkang. He’s not going to sleep well for days. You really fired him up.”

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The truth dawned on Dokgo Jun. Baek Suryong’s earlier comment that he was the only contender for the Dragon and Phoenix was a deliberate act of provocation.

Bewildered, he asked, “Do you always stir up competition between students like this?”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to win the Heavenly Martial Festival. Wouldn’t you?”

“…As the Student Council President, I can’t argue with that.”

Baek Suryong’s gaze sharpened. “So, what’s been bothering you?”

Dokgo Jun straightened up, and the two of them talked late into the night.

When Dokgo Jun finally left Baek Suryong’s room, fatigue was clearly visible on his face, but there was also a new sense of relief, as if a heavy weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

“The Grand Champion of the Heavenly Martial Festival, huh…” he murmured, watching the first light of dawn creep across the sky.

It was a goal he had never dared to imagine. Until now, the Student Council’s biggest wish had been to avoid finishing last.

“Perhaps we can really do it.”

Clenching his fist, he shuffled back to his room, already itching to pick up his sword and start training again.

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