Star Instructor, Master Baek

Chapter 143: To the Valley of Evil (2)

TL: FoodieMonster007

Baek Suryong traced his fingers over the letters ‘惡人谷’ left in the ashes. Though there was still a faint warmth, quite a bit of time had passed since the person who drew it had left.

“The Valley of Evil, huh… Well, at least this confirms we’re on the right track. Our target was even kind enough to write down his destination.”

Of course, Baek Suryong didn’t trust the message at face value. Being a former villain himself, he knew better than anyone how sly they could be.

This could be a ploy to throw us off. I’ll take note of it, but following the trail closely comes first. Where is the Valley of Evil, anyway? I’ve never heard of it. It wasn’t around fifty years ago, that’s for sure.

While he was lost in thought, his students, who had been chasing after him using their movement arts, arrived one by one.

“Huff, huff…”


“Mr. Baek, how can your movement arts be so fast…?”

Sighing and tossing them a water bottle, Baek Suryong asked, “Has anyone heard of a place called the Valley of Evil?”

“Me, I’ve heard of it.” Geo Sangwoong, the son of the Golden Dragon Trading Company Chairman, raised his hand. Given his background, he was familiar with various rumors and stories from the murim. “The Valley of Evil is a deep gorge where all sorts of bad guys gather. About thirty years ago, demonic practitioners and criminals started hiding there to avoid the Murim Alliance… Wait, don’t tell me Cheon went there?”

“See for yourself.” Baek Suryong gestured to the ashes beside him.

The students gathered around to inspect the writing.

Geo Sangwoong’s already pale face grew even paler. “This is bad! If he’s entered the Valley of Evil, we may never see Cheon again!”

“Senior, why are you saying such unlucky things? Isn’t it just a valley where a few runaway villains are hiding?” Hyonwon Kang remarked casually.

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Frustrated, Geo Sangwoong thumped his chest. “You idiot. This isn’t the time to be relaxed. The Valley of Evil is home to two of the Ten Great Villains!”

“The Ten Great Villains?” Baek Suryong frowned as he repeated the name. While he wasn’t fully up-to-date with modern murim affairs, he knew about the Ten Great Villains.

Although today’s murim was dominated by the orthodox sects, these ten powerful unorthodox martial artists still roamed around freely. Among them, the strongest three were known as the Three Blights (三凶), and they were even ranked among the murim’s Ten Supremes.

Baek Suryong narrowed his eyes. “Are those two in the Valley of Evil part of the Three Blights?”

“Thankfully, no. The two in the Valley are the Bloody Ripper (血手鬼翁) and the Nine Yin Witch (九陰魔女).”

Baek Suryong recalled the details about these two. Even though they weren’t among the Three Blights, both were still incredibly dangerous.

The Bloody Ripper’s claw techniques, which could slice through steel like tofu, had earned him a fearsome reputation decades ago. The Nine Yin Witch, a master of ice techniques, had roamed the jianghu for over a decade before finally settling in the Valley of Evil.

Most importantly, between the two of them, they had murdered well over a hundred orthodox martial artists.

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The group’s mood grew heavy as the gravity of the situation set in.

Hyonwon Kang kicked at the ashes left by the Scarlet Tiger Boss, muttering, “What the hell has the Murim Alliance been doing, letting people like that run loose?”

“They’ve tried to take them down several times,” Geo Sangwoong explained, “but every time, they’ve failed. Dozens of people have died or been injured entering the valley, only to find it empty when they got there.”

“……” A heavy silence hung over the group.

Looking at his students’ tense faces, Baek Suryong sighed, “This won’t work. You should all head back. I’ll go alone.”

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“What? What are you saying now?”

Baek Suryong pointed to a towering peak ahead of them. “Do you really think that you kids, who have been whining all the way here, can keep up with me? The trail leads over that mountain. Judging by your endurance, I guarantee all of you will collapse within two hours.”

“……” The students bit their lips in frustration. They wanted to argue with Baek Suryong, but deep down, they knew he was right.

Sensing their feelings, Baek Suryong softened his tone. “The Azure Dragon Academy will send out a pursuit team soon. Join them and follow me at a more reasonable pace.”

Hyonwon Kang immediately protested, “But…!”

“Hyonwon Kang, now’s not the time for this,” Geo Sangwoong interjected, grabbing Hyonwon Kang’s shoulder to stop him from arguing. As much as it stung, Baek Suryong’s plan was the best option. Saving Wiji Cheon was the highest priority, and they couldn’t afford to slow their teacher down.

Realizing this, the students hung their heads in defeat.

Suddenly, Ya Suhyeok, who had been quiet so far because he was the most junior student in the group, pointed to the mountain in front of them and suggested, “Mr. Baek… I think I can find a shortcut through that mountain.”


“If we take the shortcut, we can halve the distance we need to travel.”

Baek Suryong narrowed his eyes, skeptical. “You figured that out just by looking?”

Ya Suhyeok scratched the back of his head. “I’ve been hiking in the mountains since I was a kid. Also, I might be able to find some friends to help us out. You know how it is with us mountain dwellers…”

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Baek Suryong regarded him seriously. “Can you guarantee you’ll find a path? We don’t have time to waste.”

“If you give me a chance, I’ll prove it to you,” Ya Suhyeok said determinedly.

Baek Suryong nodded. “Alright. I’ll give you a chance. You have half an hour. If you don’t find a shortcut in time, I’m moving ahead without you.”

“Then everyone, please follow me. The path we’re on right now isn’t the best for business. That one over there’s better.”

“Business…?” Geo Sangwoong repeated, eyeing Ya Suhyeok suspiciously.

Grinning, Ya Suhyeok led the group forward. Not long after, they found out just who these ‘friends’ of his were.

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The flimsy wooden gate of Whitewood Keep, held together by little more than a few branches, exploded into pieces as a group of strangers stormed in.

“W-Who goes there?!”

Caught completely off guard by the sudden invasion, the Whitewood Keep Bandits, who had been peacefully grilling venison, scrambled to grab whatever weapons they could find—axes, sickles, rusty swords—but their reaction was pitifully slow, especially in the face of martial artists.

Ya Suhyeok strode toward them, radiating confidence with every step. “Are you guys the ones doing business on this mountain?” he asked.

At the sight of his massive, muscular figure, the bandits lost what little courage they had left.

“Hyung-nim, maybe we should’ve just surrendered at the start…” one of the bandits muttered nervously.

Baekdu, the Chief Bandit of Whitewood Keep, shook in terror. “Damn it… Are they martial artists? What were the lookouts doing?!”

Ya Suhyeok walked up to Baekdu and casually rested a hand on his shoulder. “Sorry to interrupt your meal, but we’re in a bit of a hurry.”

“W-What do you want?” Baekdu stammered. Even though he was clearly much older than Ya Suhyeok, he simply couldn’t muster the courage to speak informally in front of the big boy.

Grinning widely, Ya Suhyeok flashed his pearly whites. “How about we have a quick chat? It’ll only take a minute.”

“P-Please… spare me…”

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Wearing a kind smile, Ya Suhyeok led the trembling bandit off to the side for a private conversation.

Hyonwon Kang shook his head in disbelief. “What’s up with him? We’re in a hurry, and he’s wasting time raiding a bandit hideout?”

“Let’s wait and see. He must have a reason for it,” Geo Sangwoong replied, scanning the area. The bandits were trembling, barely able to hold their weapons.

Ever the gentleman, Geo Sangwoong smiled warmly at them, saying, “We’re not here to cause trouble. Please, go ahead and finish your meal.”

Hyonwon Kang snorted. “Seriously, Senior? You think they can eat after a giant bear storms in and threatens them?”

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“I think they’re more scared of your face than anything else, Wonkang.”

“My face? When was the last time you looked in a mirror, huh?”

“Now you’ve done it. Wanna go at it?”

“Enough, both of you. You’re just as bad as each other,” Yeo Min sighed.


Luckily for the bandits, Ya Suhyeok and the bandit chief soon returned soon.

Now looking much more at ease, the bandit chief exclaimed, “Hoho! Young friend, if that’s all you wanted, you should’ve said so from the start! I’ve lived on this mountain for ten years, so I know every shortcut! Everyone, come over here and let’s go!”


“Didn’t you say you were in a hurry? Follow me, quickly!”

With Baekdu leading the way, the group was shown the fastest route across the mountain.

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Puffing out his chest, Ya Suhyeok approached Baek Suryong. “Mr. Baek, how’d I do?”

“…Not bad,” Baek Suryong praised.

Delighted with the rare compliment, Ya Suhyeok went back to chatting with his new friend Baekdu, grinning from ear to ear.

Baek Suryong shook his head in disbelief. “This kid sure knows how to be useful in the weirdest situations. Still, does he really think we haven’t noticed…?”

Thanks to the bandits’ shortcut, the group crossed the mountain far quicker than expected.

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After crossing the mountain and waving goodbye to Baekdu, the group spent the rest of the day chasing the Scarlet Tiger Boss’s trail. To save as much time as possible, they ate as they ran, never stopping to rest and pushing their bodies to the limit.

Nevertheless, when Baek Suryong gauged that the students were one step away from fainting, he called for a stop.

“Let’s rest here for a while.”

“Huff… huff…”

“I can still… go further…”

“Just a little more…”


Hit on the forehead by Baek Suryong’s Black Dragon Pointer, the protesting Hyonwon Kang, Geo Sangwoong and Ya Suhyeok instantly fell to the ground.

“Rest when I tell you to. If we run into enemies while you’re in this state, you won’t be able to defend yourselves.”

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Seeing the logic in Baek Suryong’s words, the exhausted students quickly lay down on the floor to rest and recuperate. Even Baek Suryong began to stretch his muscles, which had become sore after two days of non-stop running.

At least we’ve closed the gap, he mused. So far, he’d managed to track the Scarlet Tiger Boss without too much trouble. Or rather, never mind hiding his trail, the man had even occasionally left traces behind, as if inviting them to follow.

Why is he doing this? As expected of a lunatic, he’s impossible to read.

Baek Suryong fell into deep thought. He had gathered a lot of information about the Scarlet Tiger Boss during the pursuit. The difference in depth between the left and right footprints suggested that he was carrying Wiji Cheon over his shoulder, yet the length of his stride remained consistent.

His movement arts haven’t faltered at all despite the arduous chase and the additional burden. He’s stronger than I thought.

Staying calm was key in moments like this. To rush in carelessly just because their goal was in sight would only lead to mistakes.

Looking at the students, Baek Suryong instructed, “We’re catching up quickly, and Cheon seems to still be alright. We’ll rest here for two hours. Circulate your qi and loosen up your muscles.”


Seeing the boys groan in acknowledgement, Baek Suryong got to his feet. They had finished their jerky earlier in the day, so he planned to hunt or gather something from the surrounding forest.

“I’ll help,” Yeo Min offered, joining him. Compared to the guys, who were all completely wiped out, she was barely panting.

Worried, Baek Suryong reaffirmed, “You sure you don’t want a break?”

Smiling cheekily, Yeo Min replied, “I’m fine. After all, thanks to a certain someone, I’ve been training my movement arts every day.”

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Unlike the others, she had focused mostly on movement arts in preparation for the competition at the upcoming Heavenly Martial Festival. As a result, she had the most stamina out of the group.

“How are the others holding up? I didn’t get a chance to observe them closely since I was leading the way.”

“They’re hopeless. Those idiots didn’t even notice the blisters and abrasion wounds on their feet,” Yeo Min sighed.

Regardless, despite her frequent complaints, Baek Suryong knew that Yeo Min had been quietly caring for her friends, treating their wounds and encouraging them whenever they started to fall behind.

He asked warmly, “How goes your training?”

“Tough as always. By the way, I have a question about the movement arts you taught me previously…”

“Ask away.”

As they walked through the forest, the two caught a few birds for dinner, but when they returned, they found the boys fast asleep and snoring away.

Watching the birds roasting over the fire, Yeo Min asked quietly, “Erm, Mr. Baek… Who do you think the Scarlet Tiger Boss really is?”

“He’s probably connected to the Bloody Ripper.”

“What?” Yeo Min’s eyes widened at the mention of one of the Ten Great Villains.

“Don’t worry, I’m quite sure he’s not the Bloody Ripper himself, but the man’s disciple or junior brother.”

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According to Cheoldu, the Scarlet Tiger Boss used a claw technique that stained his fingernails red, which was strikingly similar to the Bloody Ripper’s style.

“Aren’t you scared, Mr. Baek? You might end up fighting one of the Ten Great Villains.”

Baek Suryong shrugged nonchalantly. It was one thing if it was one of the Three Blights, but he didn’t see the Bloody Ripper as much of a threat, especially if he went all out. Still, he had no intention of fighting the Bloody Ripper if he could help it. His goal was to catch the Scarlet Tiger Boss and save Wiji Cheon before more variables popped up.

“I’ll catch him before we even get to the Valley of Evil,” he said confidently.

Impressed, Yeo Min quietly murmured, “You’re always so confident, Mr. Baek.”

“Self-confidence is the mark of the capable.”

“You sure know how to boast…” Sighing, Yeo Min crouched down and stared blankly into the fire. She may have been in better shape than the others, but she was clearly still tired.

For a while, Baek Suryong watched her in silence.

“By the way…” he suddenly began.


His gaze rested on Yeo Min’s hair, illuminated by the fire, where strands of white could be seen peeking through the black.

“I’ve been meaning to ask… what’s that medicine you take every day?”

Yeo Min flinched.

Translator’s Note: I have the flu, so updates will be slow this weekend… Take care and get the flu vaccine if you can, this season’s flu is nasty.

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