Star Instructor, Master Baek

Chapter 93: All Humans Make Mistakes

The chaos settled quickly once the Azure Dragon Academy experts arrived on the scene.

“There’s poison in their mouths! Pin them down and seal their acupoints!” Namgoong Su commanded the instructors even as he personally took down the assassins. With each flash of his sword, an assassin lost a limb, yet miraculously, the young teacher’s white martial arts uniform stayed pristine.

“Mr. Namgoong!”

“Vice Principal.”

“W-What on earth is happening?” Vice Principal Kwak Cheolwoo stuttered, looking pale and shaken.

Namgoong Su almost sighed at the pitiful sight but instead, he calmed Kwak Cheolwoo, saying, “We’re being attacked by trained assassins. We still don’t know who they’re after, but first, we need to suppress them.”

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Well, I have my suspicions, but I don’t think I should share them with the Vice Principal right now.

“Y-Yes! Let’s secure these bastards!” Kwak Cheolwoo shouted.

It wasn’t long before the chaos eased. There weren’t many assassins left to begin with, and once Namgoong Jaehak subdued the Third Captain of the Black Forest, their morale shattered.

Namgoong Su heaved a sigh of relief. It’s a miracle this ended as well as it did.

There were surprisingly few fatalities. The assassins had intended to cause chaos, not death, so they aimed to wound painfully and provoke screams rather than kill silently. In fact, the ensuing stampede injured more people than the assassins’ knives.

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“Get the injured to a physician immediately.”

“I-I’ll see to it right away.”

As Vice Principal hurried off, Namgoong Su’s eyes searched for someone.

Baek Suryong. The moment the bloodshed began, that guy immediately shouted, “Protect the Elder!”. Did he know this would happen?

If Baek Suryong had known and stayed silent, it was unforgivable, regardless of personal feelings.

“What’s going on here?”

“Mr. Baek, we need to talk.”

Wearing a stern expression, Noh Goonsang, along with an icy-eyed Namgoong Jaehak and Gongson Su, confronted Baek Suryong. As it turned out, Namgoong Su wasn’t the only one who found his behavior suspicious.

Though the four appeared to be talking, they must have employed some sound-blocking technique, as nothing could be heard. Only after a moment and a sigh from Noh Goonsang were the last words faintly audible.

“Let’s move to another location and talk.”

Turning away, Noh Goonsang, his voice filled with the qi, solemnly declared, “The entrance exam is temporarily suspended.”

Shortly thereafter, Namgoong Su received a telepathic message from Noh Goonsang, [Mr. Namgoong, you come to my office too.]

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Glaring at Baek Suryong’s retreating figure, Namgoong Su sighed unconsciously, “Since that guy arrived, the academy hasn’t had a moment of peace.”

The mood in the Principal’s Office was tense. While there were few fatalities, dozens had been seriously injured and rushed to the physician, among them Hyonwon Kang, nursing a deep chest wound.

“He’s a resilient kid. He’ll be up in no time,” Shadow reassured.

“He’d better be…” Gongson Su replied weakly. Although he had avoided serious injuries thanks to his many protectors, his mind was anything but calm. Is this old man’s life really worth that much…?

The room was crowded. On one side of the large desk, Noh Goonsang, Namgoong Jaehak, Kwak Cheolwoo, and Namgoong Su were seated, representing the Azure Dragon Academy and the Ten Kings. Opposite them, Gongson Su, Shadow, and Wiji Cheon represented the White Dragon Manor. Along the wall, the temporary instructors Ak Yeonho, Myeong Il-Oh, and Jaegal Soyeong stood in a line, their demeanor suggesting a heavy sense of guilt.

At the head of the table, Baek Suryong sat straight, resembling a defendant at trial.

“…It was a miscalculation on my part,” Baek Suryong began, revealing Gongson Su’s identity, the truth behind the assassination attempt, and that he had enlisted the help of the temporary instructors to thwart the attack. Still, he kept some details to himself, such as why he hadn’t informed Noh Goonsang earlier.

Noh Goonsang and Namgoong Jaehak fixed their piercing gazes on Baek Suryong.

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“…You didn’t trust me,” Noh Goonsang said, intuitively reading between Baek Suryong’s lines.

Baek Suryong nodded, his smile tinged with regret. “I apologize. I wasn’t sure how far the enemy’s reach was, so I disclosed only what was necessary to ensure security.”

“Why did you exclude the Prime Minister?” Namgoong Jaehak interjected sharply, his stare cutting through Baek Suryong.

I cannot lie in front of these masters, and it seems that half-truths will not satisfy them, either. Facing such skilled martial artists, any deception could have severe repercussions. Baek Suryong recognized the precariousness of his situation.

“Tell us the whole truth. Why didn’t you warn the Prime Minister about the assassins?” Namgoong Jaehak. Having been by Gongson Su’s side since the initial rescue, he was puzzled why Gongson Su seemed to be in the dark about the assassins.

“It baffles me why you wouldn’t inform the very person you’re protecting about a threat,” Namgoong Jaehak pressed, ready to extract the truth by force if necessary.

“…I intended to use the Elder as bait to draw out the assassins,” Baek Suryong admitted.


“That’s madness.”

“Have you lost your mind?”

One after another, Noh Goonsang, Namgoong Jaehak, and Namgoong Su chimed in, their foreheads slick with stress. Using a former Prime Minister as bait was unthinkable. If Gongson Su had perished, who would have answered for it?

“Hoho…” Gongson Su himself remained calm, briefed by Shadow beforehand.

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Baek Suryong continued, his tone steady, “Given the circumstances, it was the best strategy. We couldn’t tell friends from foes, nor estimate the enemy’s strength. Fleeing or hiding would only play into their hands. Merging into the crowd seemed wiser…”

“Are you out of your mind?!” Kwak Cheolwoo stood up from his seat, pointing at Baek Suryong. “Don’t you understand the principle of inviolability! You’re jeopardizing the academy!”

Noh Goonsang quickly attempted to soothe him. “Vice Principal, please, sit down and calm yourself.”

However, Kwak Cheolwoo’s rage was unabated. “How can I stay calm?! This involves the Imperial Palace. You should’ve reported this to the government instead of letting it escalate…”

“Must I silence you forcefully?” Noh Goonsang warned, his subtle threat carried a hint of killing intent. “Sit down. We have guests.”

“I-I misspoke,” Kwak Cheolwoo stammered, his face paling as he quickly sat down.

In the growing tension, Namgoong Jaehak addressed Baek Suryong gravely, “If you didn’t trust Principal Noh, it’s likely you didn’t trust me either.”


“I’ve always found the title ‘Blue Sky Sword King’ a bit too grand, but to think I’d be suspected of colluding with assassins…” Namgoong Jaehak’s voice trailed off, his mere presence suffocating the skilled martial artists in the room.

After a pause, Baek Suryong spoke up, “I never suspected you of collusion, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

“What exactly do you think of me, or the Namgoong Clan?” Namgoong Jaehak shouted, increasing the pressure on Baek Suryong.

Yet, Baek Suryong held his gaze.

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He doesn’t look away. Whether it was courage or audacity, Namgoong Jaehak couldn’t decide. One thing was clear: he was far from pleased. “This isn’t a trivial matter. Many innocents were hurt, and the entrance exam was ruined,” he added.

“I know.”

“And who would you say is most responsible?”

“……” Although the assassins and corrupt officials were obviously the culprits, Baek Suryong felt a slight pang of regret. If he had foreseen their tactics, he might have been able to come up with a better strategy that wouldn’t endanger innocent lives.

“If you had sought help from me or Principal Noh earlier, none of this would have happened. Do you acknowledge that?”

“I do.” Baek Suryong nodded, his face grave. Innocents were hurt, and if Namgoong Jaehak hadn’t stepped in at the critical moment, Gongson Su might have died. He had no excuse.

If this were the Blood Cult, I’d be executed for this failure.

He was ready to face the consequences. With a stern look, he said, “I will take responsibility for any problems that arise.”

“Responsibility? How?”

“Now, now, Jaehak, I think you’re going a little too far…”

“Be quiet, Goonsang. Your kindness is exactly why the temporary instructor felt emboldened to act behind your back.”


Namgoong Jaehak turned back toward Baek Suryong. “So, how exactly do you plan to take responsibility?”

“If you wish, I’ll resign from my teaching position…”

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“Enough is enough!” Gongson Su suddenly interrupted, standing up and fixing Namgoong Jaehak with a fierce glare.

“S-Sir Prime Minister?” Namgoong Jaehak stammered, taken aback. Gongson Su, the biggest victim of the incident, was the last person he expected to shout at him.

“I’ve kept quiet out of respect for the Azure Dragon Academy, but I can’t stay silent watching this unfold. Are we here to persecute Mr. Baek?” Gongson Su scolded.


“If you have any grievances, take them up with me. I am the assassins’ target. Everything Mr. Baek did, he did to protect me.”

“We’re just trying to piece the full story together…”

“You’ve already heard what you need to. Why keep hounding Mr. Baek?”

Namgoong Jaehak, momentarily at a loss for words, desperately tried to explain, “Because he chose not to report to his superiors, and that oversight led to civilian injuries…”

Gongson Su scoffed, “Mr. Baek wasn’t wrong. I have many enemies within the Imperial Palace, and some of them are allied with murim sects and clans. In the end, if a whole bunch of powerful figures wished me dead, do you really think no one in your Namgoong Clan would give in to them?”

Namgoong Jaehak had no grounds for denial; it was the bitter truth.

“I won’t allow the man who saved my life to be unfairly punished. If Azure Dragon Academy dismisses Mr. Baek, I’ll appoint him as a military general.”

“What?” Baek Suryong couldn’t hide his shock. Supporting me is one thing, but making me a general?

Namgoong Jaehak’s jaw dropped, his astonishment mirroring Baek Suryong’s.

“I have something to add,” Shadow suddenly said. “I supported Mr. Baek’s plan from the beginning, so I should rightfully share the responsibility for this incident. If he is punished, I will also cut off one of my arms in apology.”

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“What…?” Baek Suryong stared at Shadow, stunned by her drastic vow.

“May I say something too?” Wiji Cheon raised his hand timidly.

Baek Suryong braced for more surprises.

“If Mr. Baek leaves the Azure Dragon Academy, I’ll withdraw my application.”


“I don’t wish to study here if he’s not present,” Wiji Cheon declared, bowing his head.

Noh Goonsang, Namgoong Su, and Kwak Cheolwoo instantly tensed up, alarmed. We can’t afford to lose such a talent!

Noh Goonsang shot Namgoong Jaehak a terrifying look. [Apologize to Mr. Baek, now!]

[What? Why should I apologize…]

[Just do it, you fool! Now!]

Compelled by the forceful telepathic command, Namgoong Jaehak found himself apologizing, albeit reluctantly. “I-I apologize for my behavior. I was too emotional.”

“…It’s fine.” Gongson Su clapped his hands once, then sat back down. “No need to feel sorry, all humans make mistakes. Now, let’s discuss our future plans.”

Translator’s Note: New series “The Fatebreaker’s Codex” is now up! NovelNexts will be updated soon too!

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