Star Odyssey

Chapter 2935: Deliver A Message

Part of the reason why the Aeternals had not been eliminated during the Heavens Sect era was because the Origin Universe’s humans had grown too arrogant. They had looked down upon the Aeternals.

Why did the Cyclic Universe hate the ancient Heavens Sect so much? It was because of their arrogance. If Aeternus had been dealt with all those years ago, this dire threat to humanity would have never risen up.

The ancient Heavens Sect had paid a terrible price for that mistake, and Lu Yin did not want to repeat it in the current era.

That was how history worked. Failure to respect history was essentially betraying both the past and the future.

Lu Yin quietly listened to Madam Nalan. This was not the time to try to correct the situation. Rather, it was important to take time and not rush. Attempting to correct things too soon would only be counterproductive.

"Are you saying that everyone in the Merchant Exchange is deliberately hiding things from you?" Lu Yin asked.

Madam Nalan seemed troubled. "They don't dare to offend me, but they also won't let me get close to them. Even Bi Lan maintains some distance from me, either intentionally or unintentionally."

Lu Yin tapped the void with a finger. It seemed like he was in real trouble this time. If the Merchant Exchange was clearly keeping its distance from him, had he been pushing them too hard?

If that was the case, then the only choice was to leave the Merchant Exchange alone for some time. Lu Yin remembered that Bi Lan had mentioned that Luo Shan also had access to parallel universes with different rates of time flow. So, Lu Yin could only go after the Monarch.

Madam Nalan left, and Lu Yin secretly asked Wu Heng to visit the Heavens Sect.

Wu Heng was excited to receive Lu Yin's summons. Finally, Lord Lu had remembered him. The Arborean could not wait to go to Heavens Sect.

"Wu Heng greets Lord Lu."

Lu Yin gave a small smile. "Thank you for coming all this way."

Wu Heng jumped in fright. "It is my honor to be able to serve you, Lord Lu. If you have any orders for me, then just say it. I will serve Lord Lu to the death!"

Lu Yin’s smile grew slightly. "It’s nothing that exaggerated. Tell me, what has Mr. Daheng gotten up to recently?"

Wu Heng replied, "Mr. Daheng has remained in the Liberation Palace. He has not gone anywhere."

"Has he asked you to do anything?"

"Yes. He ordered your servant to hide on the Endless Frontier in the Three Monarchs Universe. If I notice any movement, I am to immediately report it to him."

Lu Yin frowned. Even though he was the one in possession of the Peaks and Rivers Rock, Mr. Daheng had not stopped staring at Luo Shan. Clearly, there was something more than just the rock in this matter.

"Does he not know about your trip to see me?" Lu Yin asked.

Wu Heng bowed. "I am certain that he does not. He cannot monitor your servant’s whereabouts."

Lu Yin felt satisfied. "In that case, please deliver a message to Mr. Daheng. Tell him that Chen Le has gone to the Three Monarchs Universe."

Wu Heng was taken aback. "Chen Le?"

Lu Yin stared at the man. "Can you do it?"

Determination filled Wu Heng's eyes. "Yes, Lord Lu. Do not worry about it."

Wu Heng quickly left, not asking any questions about his task. Lu Yin was quite satisfied with the man’s attitude. Mr. Daheng had used rather despicable means to gain control of Wu Heng, and the matter meant that Wu Heng lacked the arrogance and pride normal to a peak powerhouse, which made him a rather ideal subordinate.

Chen Le suffered from the same sort of mentality.

Once Wu Heng left, Lu Yin immediately ordered Chen Le to go to the Three Monarchs Universe and make a point of investigating the spatial passage that connected the universe to the Fifth Mainland. Chen Le was allowed to conceal his cultivation during his time in the Three Monarchs Universe so that he would not be noticed by Luo Shan.

Chen Le felt rather confused by his orders. Go to the Three Monarchs Universe? That was a place he did not want to visit, as he did not want to risk running into Luo Shan.

Despite his misgivings, Chen Le needed to listen to Lu Yin’s orders, which meant that the Monarch had no choice but to hide his cultivation and do as he was told. Everything would be fine as long as he was not discovered by Luo Shan.

It was impossible for Luo Shan to actively monitor the entire Three Monarchs Universe.

At the same time, Wu Heng had returned to the Liberation Palace in the Arboreal Realm, and he delivered Lu Yin's words to Mr. Daheng.

The man stared at Wu Heng. "Are you sure that you saw right? Chen Le?"

Wu Heng replied, "It is definitely him. Although he hid his cultivation, I easily recognized his figure. He thought that no one would notice him, but he was out of luck, and he happened to pass right over my head."

Mr. Daheng's eyes flickered. Was Chen Le really in the Three Monarchs Universe? Why?

In the past, Mr. Daheng had considered two different possibilities. The first was that Chen Le had submitted to the Heavens Sect and that they had helped him eliminate the seal that Mr. Daheng had placed on the man, which was why Chen Le had successfully broken through and become a Monarch. The other possibility was that Chen Le had been ordered to join the Liberation Palace and that Monarch Luo had been behind all of Chen Le’s actions, manipulating events from the shadows.

The problem with the first option was that, if Chen Le was under Lu Yin’s control, then the Peaks and Rivers Rock should have never been given to Luo Shan. Given Lu Yin's personality, as long as he understood the importance of the stone, he would never allow it to fall into Luo Shan’s possession. For this reason alone, Mr. Daheng could not bring himself to suspect solely the Heavens Sect. Also, even if he did confirm his suspicions, the Heavens Sect had already gained the power that prevented Mr. Daheng from taking any action against them.

The second possibility seemed far more likely to Mr. Daheng, mostly because he was very familiar with Luo Shan. The Monarch was quite extraordinary, and with all that had happened between them, Mr. Daheng was confident that Luo Shan had manipulated Chen Le in a plot against Mr. Daheng.

As for the time when Chen Le had given the stone to Luo Shan, that incident had not been hidden from Mr. Daheng because it did not matter if Mr. Daheng knew about it. Also, it was impossible to enter the Mirari Realm with a single stone. There had simply been no reason for Luo Shan to hide anything, as he had wanted to use the presence of the Peaks and Rivers Rock to negotiate with Mr. Daheng. Unfortunately, too many things had happened before that opportunity had appeared. The Three Monarchs Universe had been plotted against by another universe, and Monarch Luo had been seriously injured. The man had been left with no choice but to give the stone to Lu Yin in front of Mr. Daheng.

The fact that Chen Le was hiding himself while secretly visiting the Three Monarchs Universe only served as further confirmation of all of Mr. Daheng’s suspicions.

The man spent an entire day sitting in the Liberation Palace, concocting various plans. However, they all resulted in nothing. There were too many uncertainties in the current Sixverse Association, and Mr. Daheng was not confident that he could deal with Luo Shan.

He had previously wanted to sneak attack Luo Shan on the Endless Frontier because the Monarch had been injured during the battle in the Transcendent Universe between Lord Wei and Shaman God. Enough time had passed where it was possible that Luo Shan had greatly recovered.

Without confidence, Mr. Daheng could not take action, and yet he had no choice but to push forward.

Mr. Daheng considered many things before ultimately making a trip to the Heavens Sect.

In the Heavens Sect, Lu Yin received Mr. Daheng in the main hall.

The two had fought together against the Aeternals while on the Endless Frontier. While Mr. Daheng had been forcefully drafted into the crusade, he had still fought there, and the grudges between him and Lu Yin had been erased.

"Why have you come to our Heavens Sect, Mr. Daheng?" Lu Yin asked with a smile. There was absolutely no indication of any animosity ever having existed between him and Mr. Daheng.

The Arborean offered a slow bow. "I'm disturbing you, Lord Lu."

Lu Yin waved the comment away with a hand. "Both of us fought in the crusade on the Endless Frontier, and you are welcome to visit this place. I was already planning to invite you to join our next crusade when it launches. I hope that you won’t refuse us, haha."

Mr. Daheng answered with a smile, "I wouldn’t think of refusing your invitation, Lord Lu."

Lu Yin nodded.

They then enjoyed some tea for a bit. Lu Yin was in no hurry to speak, so Mr. Daheng took the initiative to chat with Lu Yin about a few random topics. The atmosphere between the two grew quite relaxed.

Before long, Mr. Daheng took a sip of tea while asking, "Lord Lu, I wonder, what is your opinion of Chen Le?"

Lu Yin looked confused. "Chen Le?"

Mr. Daheng nodded.

Lu Yin considered the question. "He’s a fierce fighter and an excellent archer. He’s a great support on the battlefield."

Mr. Daheng pressed, "Have you ever suspected Chen Le, Lord Lu?"

Lu Yin did not understand the question. "Why would I suspect him?"

"Chen Le might have been deliberately sent to your Heavens Sect," Mr. Daheng stated in a serious tone.

Lu Yin was momentarily stunned, but then he quickly let out a laugh. "You’re overthinking things. That’s impossible."

Mr. Daheng remained solemn. "Why do you say that?"

Lu Yin replied, "Mr. Daheng, do you know that, when the Tea Ceremony was attacked, my Heavens Sect was also attacked by the Aeternals? At that time, Luo Shan also arrived, and he specifically tried to kill Chen Le. If not for Monarch Xing stopping Luo Shan, Chen Le would have died. Why would a traitor take such a risk? It was clear that Luo Shan wanted to kill Chen Le for betraying the Three Monarchs Universe, so how could he have placed him within the Heavens Sect?"

"This sort of brilliance is exactly what Luo Shan is capable of," Mr. Daheng said in a soft voice. "Lord Lu, you don’t understand Luo Shan, but I know him very well. He will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. That one attack and attempt to kill Chen Le caused you to trust him without any reservations. The risk was certainly worth taking.”

Lu Yin still did not believe it. "If anyone learned of Luo Shan’s attack against Chen Le during the Aeternals’ attack on the Heavens Sect, he would not have been able to resolve that matter so easily. Such an attack would make him be labeled as a traitor to humanity, which is no small price."

Mr. Daheng shook his head. "At that time, the Heavens Sect did not have even a single expert capable of stopping Luo Shan."

This comment startled Lu Yin, and he frowned as he considered the possibility.

The change in Lu Yin’s expression caused Mr. Daheng to quickly continue. "To Luo Shan, as long as his attack was not discovered, there would not have been any risk. Given his strength, he would not have left any evidence of his attack behind in the Heavens Sect, and the Aeternals would have been thrilled to see us humans have internal fighting. Thus, they would not reveal anything either.

"Lord Lu, have you ever considered that, given the level of trust that you place in Chen Le, if he ever turns on you and helps Luo Shan attack your Heavens Sect, it is very likely that the rising glory of your Heavens Sect will come to an end?"

Lu Yin answered with open contempt, "Just because of Luo Shan?"

Mr. Daheng continued to suggest caution. "Luo Shan is a sequence powerhouse, and while your Heavens Sect has many such powerhouses, as well as the members of your Lu family, your enemy is all of Aeternus. Luo Shan could very well be the final straw."

Lu Yin stood up and walked to the door of the hall, his hands clasped behind his back as he silently stared off into the distance.

Mr. Daheng casually rose to his feet as well, silently observing Lu Yin.

"Why do you suspect that Chen Le might have been sent by Luo Shan to join the Heavens Sect?"

Mr. Daheng let slip a sigh of relief. This question meant that Lu Yin believed Mr. Daheng’s suspicions as well. "Where is Chen Le right now?"

Lu Yin immediately replied, "The Transcendent Universe’s border warfront."

"He's not there," Mr. Daheng retorted.

Lu Yin’s eyes grew cold. "Are you watching the people of my Heavens Sect?"

Mr. Daheng bowed. "Lord Lu, please don't misunderstand my intentions. I’ve been observing the Three Monarchs Universe."

"Is Chen Le in the Three Monarchs Universe?" Lu Yin's voice chilled.

Mr. Daheng bowed lower.

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed, and he used his wireless jincan to send a message, ordering someone to find Chen Le in the Transcendent Universe.

Less than half an hour later, someone reported that Chen Le had entered seclusion.

Lu Yin lowered his wireless jincan.

A smile spread across Mr. Daheng's face. In seclusion? How ridiculous. Chen Le was clearly in the Three Monarchs Universe.

The Arborean did not try to push Lu Yin, simply standing motionless behind the young man, waiting for Lu Yin's decision.

"There is no evidence. Chen Le is a Progenitor-level powerhouse who enjoys a high status in my Heavens Sect," Lu Yin spat out coldly.

Mr. Daheng was secretly thrilled by this reaction. "I am willing to help you deal with this matter."

"Tell me why. Don’t give me any bullshit. You and I are not friends. While we may have erased our past grudges, you still hold some resentment towards me in your heart."

Mr. Daheng replied, "I want to deal with Luo Shan."

Lu Yin grew puzzled. "Do you have a grudge against Luo Shan?"

"You can say that."

Lu Yin waved a hand. "I have no interest in your grudges, but are you confident that you can handle him?"

Mr. Daheng shook his head. "I’m not."

Lu Yin stared at Mr. Daheng. "So that's why you came to me."

Mr. Daheng bowed again, still saying nothing.

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA

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