Star Odyssey

Chapter 3063: The Domineering Ye Bo

It took Xin Wu several days to reach the Corpse King Monument and see Ye Bo there. He was standing at the very front of the crowd, facing the monument.

"Is Ye Bo really cultivating the Corpse King Transformation?" the pink-haired woman exclaimed in surprise.

The blue-haired man watched from a distance, puzzled by Ye Bo’s possible intentions.

Chong Gui yelled, "Get him away from there! Get him away!"

Xin Wu moved closer to the Corpse King Monument. After being injured by Shao Yin, he was nursing a good bit of resentment towards the First Scourge, and he scoffed at the thought of someone from that place trying to cultivate the Corpse King Transformation at the monument.

Just as Xin Wu was about to reach Ye Bo and disrupt his cultivation—a move he felt entitled to make given his status in the Third Scourge—someone nearby suddenly shouted, "The rankings changed!”

The lesser giant turned in surprise and looked at the list. The rankings for the Corpse King Monument had not changed in many years. Even when Zhong Pan had gone to the First Scourge, Xin Wu had not been able to surpass him. Why had it suddenly changed?

Everyone's eyes shifted to look at the rankings.

They saw that a new name had appeared at the bottom of the list. "Ye Bo" had replaced the previous name listed there.

"Ye Bo? Who’s that?" someone asked.

The man who had been explaining things to Lu Yin immediately turned and looked at him. While the man did not recognize the name "Ye Bo," it clearly referred to the unknown man. No other unknown peak powerhouses had visited the monument recently. There was only one person whom the man did not recognize.

But how was that even possible? How could this man have entered the rankings in such a short time? This had to be a joke.

Xin Wu was stunned, and he stared at Ye Bo. It was simply too shocking for someone to enter the rankings within such a short amount of time.

The lesser giant had intended to disturb Ye Bo’s cultivation, but he could no longer do so.

Xin Wu could not afford to interfere with the cultivation of anyone on the rankings list for the Corpse King Monument, as Di Qiong would never allow such a thing to pass.

Suddenly, another shout rang out.

Xin Wu looked over, only to see that the rankings had changed yet again. The name "Ye Bo" was steadily moving up. It was replacing one name after another, and the progress shocked the entire Third Scourge.

Xin Wu could not believe what he was seeing, as it should be impossible. How could anyone improve so quickly? What’s more, Ye Bo had only spent a short amount of time cultivating the Corpse King Transformation so far.

The man who had been speaking to Lu Yin was completely dumbfounded, and when he thought back to what he had been saying earlier, his face flushed with embarrassment.

In the mental space of the Corpse King Monument, Lu Yin let out a breath. He now intimately understood what this technique did.

The Corpse King Transformation bound a body's tissues at the microscopic level, which instantly increased the body’s strength tenfold. While it was a technique, it could also be regarded as a different cultivation method.

However, the drawback of the technique was that the binding not only involved physical muscles, but also emotions.

Human emotions originated from their bodies’ tissues, and binding those tissues meant binding everything together.

While the binding strengthened the body, the process erased an individual’s emotions. This was the greatest drawback of the Corpse King Transformation.

For Aeternus, this was not actually a drawback, but rather an advantage, as corpse kings did not need emotions. However, Lu Yin needed his emotions.

He could not erase his emotions to cultivate the Corpse King Transformation, as doing so would transform him into something that was neither human nor corpse king.

For Lu Yin, mastering the Corpse King Transformation was relatively easy.

He easily grasped the microscopic structure of human tissues, having already reached the Creation level of stellar energy control. That previous accomplishment allowed him to easily adapt to the Corpse King Transformation, and he quickly advanced to the level of the Specter Eye Transformation. If he wished, he could have even pushed to the Pupilless Transformation.

However, everything that Lu Yin was doing was with the body of a corpse king. If he was unable to cultivate the technique with his own body, he would not be allowed to stay in the Third Scourge.

He needed to find a way to undergo a Corpse King Transformation with his own body, which would draw Di Qiong’s attention and secure Ye Bo’s stay in the Third Scourge.

Lu Yin had already stopped training in the Corpse King Transformation and had shifted to thinking. He needed to find a way to successfully use the Corpse King Transformation with his own body.

For other people, the moment that Lu Yin had mastered the Specter Eye Transformation with the Corpse King Monument, he had moved up to fifth place on the ranking list. He was directly beneath Xin Wu.

Xin Wu had been stunned. How had this happened so quickly?

The corpse kings and all the other various creatures that surrounded the Corpse King Monument were utterly silent at this moment.

Dual Bladeform felt terribly confused.

Chong Gui was dancing about animatedly, but he said nothing. He was clearly quite shocked as well.

Days passed, and Lu Yin's consciousness returned to his own body. He had decided to give the technique a try.

When he turned around, he discovered that countless eyes were staring at him. Directly behind him loomed a shadow. "Xin Wu?"

Xin Wu looked intently at Ye Bo. "What do you think about the Corpse King Transformation?"

Lu Yin nodded. "It’s pretty impressive. I decided to try it for real."

Xin Wu's face twitched. Try it? This person made it sound as unremarkable as making a trip to the market to buy groceries. Who would dare claim that it was easy to master the Corpse King Transformation?

How long had Xin Wu spent to master the Pupilless Transformation? How many in all of Aeternus were able to reach that level?

Besides, this was not the way the Corpse King Monument was supposed to be used.

Who was able to master the Corpse King Transformation in the Corpse King Monument all at once without having ever practiced it with their own body? Such a thing had never happened before.

Typically, everyone would visit the Corpse King Monument to train. They might go dozens, hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of times. They would use those visits to familiarize themselves with the technique before returning to practice on their own. They would go back and forth countless times until they succeeded. Even after that, many people would return to the monument to try to gain a higher level of mastery in the Corpse King Transformation.

That was the proper way to use the Corpse King Monument.

That was what Xin Wu had done, and it was also what both Fei and Di Xia had done. So just what was going on with Ye Bo? After his very first visit to the Corpse King Monument, his mastery had already nearly matched Xin Wu’s own. What’s more, this had been done without Ye Bo even once trying to use the technique for real?

Xin Wu stared at Lu Yin for a long time. "Di Qiong has ordered me to take you back to the First Scourge."

Lu Yin refused. "I’m not going."

Xin Wu frowned. "You don’t want to return to the First Scourge?"

"I want to master the Corpse King Transformation."

"You can practice it in the First Scourge as well."

With the threat of being exposed by Mu Ji temporarily removed, Lu Yin could return to the First Scourge, but there was no need for him to do that. He wanted to take Wu Tian with him, which meant that Lu Yin could not leave the Third Scourge.

"The First Scourge doesn’t have the Corpse King Monument," Lu Yin stated.

Xin Wu started to grow irate. "You no longer need the Corpse King Monument. Come with me."

Lu Yin’s eyes turned cold. "Out of the way."

Xin Wu had an imposing stature, and he loomed over Lu Yin as he blocked the path. "Come with me to the First Scourge. Don't make me repeat myself."

"I've already told you to get out of my way," Lu Yin replied firmly.

Xin Wu clenched a fist. "You asked for this!"

There was no further hesitation. The lesser giant’s eyes turned red, and he reached out to grab Ye Bo. The hand tore through the void as it stretched forward.

There were times when things happened abruptly, no matter if it was among humans or within Aeternus. If Ye Bo did not qualify to speak with Xin Wu as a peer, then the lesser giant would have never bothered talking; he would have simply dragged Ye Bo back to the First Scourge.

However, Lu Yin was able to stand up to Xin Wu.

Xin Wu attacked mercilessly. He was well aware of the strength that a True God Guard Captain had, and for that reason, he immediately underwent a Red Eyes Transformation as he reached for Ye Bo. With this, Xin Wu was confident that Ye Bo would not be able to slip away.

Lu Yin watched with cold eyes. When he had been on the Wu Tian Observatory, he had not been able to do anything to the woman who had attacked him, but this was a good opportunity. He could vent his frustration on Xin Wu while also showing Di Qiong that Ye Bo deserved to stay in the Third Scourge.

Ye Bo’s performance in the First Scourge had only been average at best, though that changed after he used divine energy.

When the Lord of Lightning had invaded the Scourge, Lu Yin had been disguised as Ye Bo, and he had used divine energy to stop Moon Fairy, which had caught even Progenitor Xi off guard. While facing Xin Wu, divine energy was still Lu Yin’s best disguise.

Dark red energy surged, and it instantly covered his body. Lu Yin also raised a hand to grab Xin Wu’s arm.

Two hands collided: one large and one small. Xin Wu reflexively grabbed Lu Yin's arm, intending to capture the smaller man. However, the lesser giant went bug-eyed the very next moment, and he quickly let go as he retreated. He looked down and saw that there was a deep hand print pressed into his own palm. The imprint was bleeding.

It was the mark that Lu Yin had left. His hand had utterly overpowered Xin Wu's.

Enraged, Xin Wu's eyes continued to change. He shifted through the Specter Eye Transformation to the Pupilless Transformation. His overwhelming strength caused the area around him to tremble, and a terrifying aura shot into the sky.

Everyone nearby, including the corpse kings, fled.

Given the size and strength of a lesser giant, the Pupilless Transformation caused Xin Wu’s aura to surge. He felt as large as a colossal giant as his presence pressed down upon Lu Yin like an angry mountain.

"Terrifying! That’s terrifying!" Chong Gui shrieked.

Dual Bladeform exchanged glances with each other. Xin Wu's strength was intimidating even to those at the True God Guard Captain level. Unless they used divine energy, they would not be this lesser giant’s match.

Lu Yin looked up as Xin Wu's hand fell. The sky split, and the earth started to crack. The entire Scourge seemed to be within the grasp of this single hand.

Lu Yin’s expression turned grave. His heart started pounding, and his divine energy surged out even more fiercely before suddenly shooting up into the sky. At the same time, the nearby rivers of divine energy started to boil over, creating a dark red mist that swept towards Lu Yin. It was as though the divine energy itself was being drawn to his body.

Di Qiong watched from a distance. The stirring of the divine energy had drawn his gaze, and he recognized that Ye Bo had an incredible talent for cultivating divine energy.

There were people who were naturally suited for cultivating certain energies. In Di Qiong’s view, Di Xia was particularly well suited for the Corpse King Transformation. As for Ye Bo, he appeared to have a unique talent for cultivating divine energy.

As Xin Wu's hand covered the sky, it froze in mid-air. There was a dark red flash in the depths of Lu Yin's icy cold eyes, and the sight of it unsettled Xin Wu.

Xin Wu’s hand was blocked by nothing but divine energy.

In a place like the Scourge, which was covered with divine energy, Lu Yin was practically a king. Opposing him meant going against divine energy itself. Who in any of the Scourges could survive against divine energy?

Lu Yin leaped up. He clenched a fist and threw a punch.


The shockwave shook everything. Everyone felt as if they had been slapped across the face. The blast swept through the area, affecting even the peak powerhouses who were present.

Lu Yin’s fist broke through Xin Wu's hand and sent the lesser giant tumbling back.

Lu Yin grabbed a finger. "Get over here!"

An irresistible force latched onto Xin Wu's finger, and he was violently dragged forward. His face was smashed into the ground.

Xin Wu’s left hand pushed down on the ground as he braced his body, but Lu Yin was already above him, and a foot kicked down. There was a thunderous crash as Xin Wu was smashed deep into the ground. Dark red divine energy swept out in all directions, tearing the ground apart with new fissures as dust and debris were kicked up.

The entire exchange was quite brief, but it shocked the entire Third Scourge.

Xin Wu was acknowledged in the Third Scourge as only weaker than Di Xia and Fei, and yet he was being pushed into the ground and stepped on right now.

Lu Yin stood on Xin Wu’s back, finally feeling that some of his pent-up frustrations had been released. It was an exhilarating feeling.

Chong Gui froze in a bizarre, dance-like pose, and he did not move again.

The pink-haired woman stared in disbelief. "Brother, is that… Ye Bo?"

The blue-haired man was similarly stunned. He had never seen Ye Bo lash out in such a manner before. Fighting against one of the most powerful individuals in the Third Scourge in this manner was reckless, let alone standing on him.

The other corpse kings and cultivators in the surrounding area all fell silent as they stared, dumbfounded. The Third Scourge had never witnessed such an event before.

Lu Yin looked around, but at this moment, no one dared to meet his eyes.

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA

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