Star Odyssey

Chapter 3066: Achieving Immortality

Even with his hazy vision, the man was able to make out Di Xia. Even more shocking was that Di Qiong was also present. The man immediately bowed and greeted the ruler of the Third Scourge, “Greetings, Your Excellency Di Qiong.”

Di Qiong stared at the man. "What happened?"

The man was also confused. What happened? What had just happened? Everything that had happened recently was too strange for the man.

He thought back to when he had encountered Ye Bo and their subsequent spar. However, the man could not understand how Di Xia had suddenly appeared, apparently from underground.

At that moment, a cosmic door opened far away.

Di Qiong turned to look as Ye Bo returned.

Lu Yin had raced to the Heavens Sect to inform Wang Wen of the recent developments so that he could devise a plan. Lu Yin had then immediately hurried back to the Third Scourge. He did not dare to linger in the Heavens Sect for any amount of time.

The only issue was that Lu Yin was not certain when Di Qiong and the others would attack the Five Spirits Alliance.

Lu Yin quickly approached Di Qiong and gave the man a respectful bow. "Greetings, Di Qiong."

Di Xia stared at Ye Bo, confused as to why he had lashed out at this man with a palm strike. It seemed possible that Ye Bo had disturbed Di Xia’s cultivation.

Even so, the corpse king was impressed that Ye Bo had been unharmed by the palm strike. There was a reason why Ye Bo had been able to defeat Xin Wu.

“What happened?” Di Qiong asked.

Ye Bo answered nervously, “I was sparring with someone when, unexpectedly, we both fell underground, where I ran into Di Xia. He attacked me with a palm, so I assumed that he was using the opportunity to help Xin Wu get revenge against me. Then, I immediately escaped…”

Di Qiong showed no reaction after hearing the excuse that Lu Yin offered.

The entire matter was only a minor incident. No one had known that Di Xia had been hidden underground, and it was normal for him to react reflexively when his cultivation was suddenly interrupted.

Di Qiong left, seeing that the matter was unworthy of his concern.

Di Xia also left. Since his location had been found, he intended to find a new place.

Only the man who had been sparring with Ye Bo was left completely baffled. "Lord Ye Bo, what just happened?"

Lu Yin retorted coldly, "How should I know? However, it turns out that you were neighbors with Di Xia, which isn’t bad, is it?"

The man grew horrified. He would have never imagined that Di Xia had been so close by. Had the man known, he would have never built his tower there.

Not even underground was safe. However, that begged the question, why had Di Xia been underground in the first place?

The man suddenly felt very nervous.

He decided to dig up all of the ground in the surrounding area. Without being certain that it was safe, he would never be able to sleep again. Not knowing what might be hidden underground was simply too terrifying.

"Let's spar again sometime," Lu Yin commented before leaving the bewildered man alone. The man felt like everyone around him must have gone insane.

After returning to his own tower, Lu Yin finally let himself breathe a deep breath of relief. The problem had been solved.

He only needed to wait for Di Xia to come looking for Ye Bo.

During Lu Yin’s brief visit to the Heavens Sect, he had also learned that the Infinity Empire had fled from the Origin Universe.

Truthfully, he felt that their retreat was a pity. The Infinity Empire was also a human civilization, and having additional allies in the war against Aeternus would have been of tremendous help. It was not that the Infinity Empire was particularly strong, but they did have the means to fight against sequence powerhouses. Unfortunately, they had fled too quickly.

Lu Yin had also learned of the death of God’s Domain’s three elephants, which he also regretted.

The death of the three elephants had essentially crippled God’s Domain. Without the elephants, the Divine Maiden was no better than an ordinary human.

The only good news was that God’s Domain had not suffered too many casualties from Di Qiong’s attack. Most of the people had been rescued.

Karma existed in everything. Because of Lu Yin, the Sixverse Association had invaded the First Scourge, which had led to Aeternus’s other Scourges sending support. That had prevented Di Qiong from immediately destroying God’s Domain. Beyond that, Then, the Infinity Empire was ultimately caused Lu Yin to inadvertently arrive in God’s Domain just in time to save their people.

Simply put, things were too coincidental.

Lu Yin looked up at the dark sky. He could not help wondering if there really was such a thing as a karmic cycle.

Seruzen’s Karmic Fruit allowed him to see people’s karma, and from that, their sense of guilt. Mu Ji was able to see people’s evil. Everything in existence, both material and immaterial, had its own destiny. But in that case, who determined that destiny?

If the Lu family’s exile was predetermined, then who were Lu Yin’s true enemies? Was it Shao Yin and Wang Fan, or the one who had arranged everyone’s destinies?

When humanity faced destruction, should they seek revenge against Aeternus, or the one who had determined their fate?

If things were truly destined, then was the existence of Aeternus a part of that destiny?

If there really were predetermined destinies, then humanity as a whole was no more significant than ants.

Lu Yin had no idea when Di Xia would look for him, so he decided to roll his die again. This time, he intended to use the power of the Arboreal Realm. Lu Yin wanted to see if he could Possess Mu Ji.

He was extremely wary about Mu Ji, and he was not certain of the man’s true intentions.

If Lu Yin could Possess Mu Ji and learn his true goals, it would be ideal. If the man was not trustworthy, then suicide was also an option.

When Lu Yin had Possessed Di Xia, he learned that Mu Ji had not shared his suspicions about Ye Bo with Di Qiong.

Mu Ji had dared to curse True God, which showed that he felt no loyalty towards Aeternus. Lu Yin hoped that Mu Ji was actually a human spy who had been planted within Aeternus.

However, if Mu Ji really was a spy, then it would mean that a significant portion of the True God Guard Captains were human spies, which would be rather pathetic of the Aeternals.

Time passed, and Lu Yin continued to roll his die. Pilfer, Enhance, Gift Copy, Timestop; more and more rolls, but not once did he get Possession.

Before he knew it, more than a month had gone by, and it was finally time for Di Xia’s visit.

Ye Bo cautiously looked at the corpse king.

"No need. From what I see, last time, because I was, surprised and disturbed. I, lashed out. Attacking you, was an accident," Di Xia stated.

Lu Yin stared. "What do you want?"

Di Xia's face could not be made out, but Lu Yin could feel his stare. "Attack the Sixverse Association."

Ye Bo was taken aback. "You want to attack the Sixverse Association? Just you?"


"Who else?"

"Three Pillars and Six Skies."

Lu Yin was startled. "The Three Pillars and Six Skies are going to attack the Sixverse Association? Why?"

Di Xia explained in a low voice, "Aeternus's, Scourges cannot, tolerate arrogance. The Sixverse Association, attacked the Scourges, multiple times. Aeternus has, decided to completely, eliminate them. Three Pillars and Six Skies will, all take action. The Sixverse Association, will not, survive. Di Qiong asked, me to see, if you want to join. You can eliminate, your enemies in your, universe. The Lu family, right?"

Ye Bo adamantly refused. "I'm not going."

Di Xia's tone suddenly changed. "Why?"

Ye Bo’s voice was earnest as he replied, "You don't realize just how strong the Sixverse Association has become, especially the Origin Universe’s Heavens Sect. They are unbelievably strong. Ever since that Lu Yin took over, one peak powerhouse after another has joined them. They even managed to defeat the First Scourge. I’m not committing suicide."

"The Three Pillars, and Six Skies, are attacking, this time," Di Xia stated.

Lu Yin shook his head. "True God himself is currently injured and in seclusion, so there’s no need to even mention the Three Pillars and Six Skies. As far as I’m concerned, the Three Pillars and Six Skies have the means to protect themselves, and they won’t be in any danger of dying. However, I won’t be so lucky."

Di Xia remained silent for a moment. "So, you don’t, want to get, revenge anymore?"

Lu Yin stared at Di Xia, trying to make out the corpse king’s face clearly. "You know about my grudge?"

"No. But you hate, humanity. This is, your chance."

"I will find a way to get my revenge, but not yet. I think that joining the Divine Selection and reaching the same level as the Three Pillars and Six Skies will make it easier for me to get my revenge in the future. This won’t be my only chance," Lu Yin said.

Di Xia did not continue to try to persuade Ye Bo. "Alright, but if you, change your mind, you can find me. The Sixverse Association, will be, attacked in ten, days. They will be, wiped out."

With that, Di Xia left.

Lu Yin watched the corpse king leave. Ten days? That was quite an exact date. If Lu Yin had not known better, he would have absolutely taken action, even if he suspected a trap. After all, this was presented as something that concerned the continued existence of the entire Sixverse Association.

Of course, there was another, unlikely, possibility. It was possible that the Aeternals already knew that Ye Bo was really Lu Yin and that they were deliberately using this method to lull him into complacency so that the Sixverse Association would be unprotected, even after they announced the attack. However, Lu Yin felt that there was almost no chance that his real identity had been discovered, and even if it was a possibility, Wang Wen had been informed, and he and the others in the Sixverse Association would make the necessary preparations.

If all of the Three Pillars and Six Skies moved out, it would not really matter whether or not the Sixverse Association was prepared for the attack.

The Sixverse Association simply could not defeat the full strength of the Aeternals.

He continued rolling his die. Lu Yin was determined to Possess Mu Ji. There were only ten days left before the attack. Lu Yin could only hope that it would be enough time.

Luck seemed to be with him. Although Lu Yin had failed to roll Possession while waiting for Di Xia’s visit, on the day that Di Qiong and the others left, Lu Yin succeeded.

He used the Arboreal Realm’s power to roll the die, so when his consciousness appeared in the dark space, he only saw a single ball of light. It was not particularly bright, which meant that this person was not stronger than Lu Yin.

He excitedly rushed towards the orb and merged with it.

The next moment, memories started to surge into his mind, and Lu Yin opened his eyes. He was thrilled, as he really had Possessed Mu Ji. Finally, he had succeeded.

Lu Yin could not wait to look into Mu Ji’s memories. Since Lu Yin had only cultivated a small bit of the Arboreal Realm’s power, his time was extremely limited.

The most important thing was to confirm whether or not Mu Ji had shared his suspicions concerning Ye Bo with Progenitor Xi or anyone else. Even if Lu Yin felt that the man had kept things to himself, nothing could be more reliable than the man’s own memories.

Following that, Lu Yin looked into Mu Ji's thoughts about Hui Wu and Wang Xiaoyu, as well as where Mu Ji’s own loyalties actually lay. All of these things were details that Lu Yin needed to confirm.

Given his extremely limited amount of time for the Possession, Lu Yin was unable to fully review Mu Ji's memories before the Possession ended.

Lu Yin stared off into the distance. How should he put it? He felt both relieved and rather emotional.

Humans were complex creatures, and this complexity also applied to their emotions, thoughts, actions, and everything else. No one could fully understand another person, because people were constantly changing.

Naturally, this was also true of Mu Ji.

He was a true genius, an absolute prodigy. His Roulette of Life and Death had led him to become one of Mu Shen’s disciples, and it had also caused his name to be recorded in the Arboric Scriptures. This was an incredible honor for anyone in the Sixverse Association. Even in the Cyclic Universe, Mu Ji’s status would have only been slightly below that of the Three Sovereigns and Nine Sages. In many ways, it could be said that Mu Ji’s path had started where many people’s journeys ended.

Mu Shen had greatly valued Mu Ji, and in order to nurture him, Mu Shen had not only meticulously taught Mu Ji cultivation arts, but Mu Shen had also made it a point to deliberately increase the young man’s knowledge, sharing a great deal of information with him. Mu Ji had learned about the once peerless Heavens Sect, as well as the various rulers of the Sixverse Association. He had even learned about Ortusers and Dukkhans. In fact, Mu Ji had even learned that it was possible to achieve Immortality after one overcame Dukkha. Because of this, Mu Ji had developed an unimaginable obsession with Immortality from the very beginning.

This was precisely why Mu Ji had ended up going down the wrong path.

Mu Ji had once asked Mu Shen, “Master, can you achieve Immortality?”

Mu Shen shook his head. “I can’t. I’ve never heard of anyone in all of history reaching that level.”

“Can the Great Sovereign become an Immortal?”

“Not yet.”

“What about the once resplendent and splendid Heavens Sect? Could any of them reach Immortality?”

“None of them.”

“Who is powerful enough to reach Immortality?”

Mu Shen considered the possibilities. "Right now, the one in the entire megaverse who is closest to achieving Immortality might be Aeternus’s True God. That’s why we are always at a disadvantage. Mu Ji, you must remember to cultivate very diligently. All of us need to do our very best to fight against Aeternus and save humanity from destruction. We must protect humanity and the Sixverse Association."

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA

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