Star Of the Weasley Family

Chapter 12. Milf and Metamorphmagus

"How? Why?" Ron almost shouted at the newspaper's title. "It was a baby… how did he escape?"

How Voldemort could escape from the Ministry was beyond his understanding. It had to be an inside job.


Ron looked up at the stairs and saw Harry standing there. "Harry! Did you read this? How is this possible? I thought Moody would be good enough to handle this."

"Everyone's shocked, Ron. That's why Sirius isn't home. The entire Ministry is in chaos, and everyone's pointing their fingers at each other. The Order of the Phoenix is looking for Voldemort." Harry said, inviting Ron upstairs to his room, "Come up, I've got some snacks in my room."

Ron sighed, unsure of the future, and followed his friend up. "So, how's it all going with Cho?"

Harry smiled ear to ear and closed the door behind them. "It's amazing, Ron. Everything is wonderful, and Cho really likes me."

"You mean, doing you," Ron added.

Harry chuckled with a blush, "I won't lie, it's fantastic. She's always ready to do it, and no matter how many times I want, she never says no. She lets me do anything I want, and she does plenty of things to me."

Ron grinned at his friend's good fortune, "So, how serious are you two?"

Harry's face fell all of a sudden, "I tried talking to her once. I suggested we can start living together once Hogwarts is over. But she avoided the topic, saying we still have two years and who knows what might happen."

Blimey, she's only in it for fucking? Ron's mind quickly went to the worst-case scenario. Or the fame of dating Harry?

"Well, whatever it may be, make sure you enjoy every last bit of her," Ron said, dragging Harry to sit with him. "Tell me, have you tried anal with her yet? I read about it in a book recently."

"Anal? I've heard about it." Harry muttered. It was not his first time discussing deranged things with his best friend. "Cho said we'd try it on summer break next year."

Ron went speechless. What the… I'm supposed to be the lucky one.

"What about you?" Harry asked, lowering his voice, "Who else did you do?"

Ron chuckled, but he kept his matter with Hermione a secret for now, "Just had a threesome with Padma and Parvati recently. They are amazing, Harry—just the freaky stuff that I love."

It was Harry's turn to feel jealous. Although he had no interest in cheating on Cho, a man could still dream. "And who else?"

Ron pressed his lips together and came closer to Harry, "Daphne Greengrass."

"What?!" Harry exclaimed, "B-But she's a Sl…"

"I know." Ron nodded vigorously, "But my newfound name, fame, and wealth attracted their attention. Although she's absolutely stunning, she's somewhat of a psycho. I'm on the run from her now."

Of course, Ron couldn't tell Harry or anyone else about Madam Bones. That was one secret he was willing to take to his grave.

But they still had plenty to talk about. From their sex life to the upcoming O.W.Ls, from Voldemort to what they were going to eat that night. Before they knew it, night approached, and a knock came at the door.

"Harry," It was Sirius, "I heard Ron is here."

"I'm here." Ron approached the door, "What happened? Is everything alright at the Ministry? How did Voldemort escape?"

"I know you have plenty of questions, and so does everyone else. We're having a meeting downstairs, so you should join us," Sirius invited Ron.

"Let's go," Harry was ready.

Sirius shook his head, "Not you, Harry. Not today, at least. My sister is here as well, and I have no trust in her. I'd rather not have you sit in the same room as her."

Harry, annoyed, understood the gravity of the situation and stepped back. Ron winked at him before leaving. They were going to share what happened in the meeting anyway.

"Why is Mrs. Malfoy here?" Ron asked as he walked downstairs with Sirius. "She should be trying to live a frugal life now."

"That is what I don't understand, Ron. I can't read her anymore… not ever since she married into the Malfoys. She could be genuine, or she could be the Dark Lord's spy. We'll have to be careful," Sirius warned him, and they finally arrived at the long table in the hall.

There were a few personalities sitting around it. Narcissa, Remus, Tonks, Arthur Weasley, Kingsley, and even Moody. All with solemn faces, each hiding their own fears.

"Let's fire it up then." Sirius took a seat. "Is there any word of where Voldemort could be hiding?"

Wait, why am I invited? I'm just a student! Ron suddenly wondered; Why such trust in me?

"Moody? Anything?" Sirius glared at Moody, blaming him for everything. The man was the Minister for Magic with limitless power, but he failed. "At least increase the security in Azkaban. If even I could escape from there, it shouldn't be too hard for Voldemort to break his stooges out."

Moody grunted, his face an ugly sight as he had been blamed for the breakout, "My authority is limited now. They'll be appointing a new Minister for Magic before you can say 'Hippogriff.' My bet's on Amelia Bones, mark my words."

"Wha—" Ron suddenly choked on water, and put away the glass, "Madam Bones?"

"She's been at the helm of the DMLE for quite some time, and let me tell you, she's the only one that most sensible minds within the Ministry put any trust in."

Ron merely nodded, feeling delighted for the woman, but at the same time, a strange feeling. The Minister for Magic as the mother of my child? I'm feeling the shivers already.

Just then, Ron also raised his hand. He knew he shouldn't be speaking, but he also knew he was one lucky man, and his confidence had yet to fail him. "Why are we worrying about finding him? Isn't he obsessed with Harry? We just have to make sure Harry is safe, and he'll eventually show himself—make a mistake."

"You want to use Harry as bait?!" Sirius glared.

Ron folded his arms, angry at the accusation. "Hasn't he already been a bait all these years? Quirrell in the first year, Chamber of Secrets in the second year, you and Pettigrew in the third year, and Voldemort himself in the fourth year—when has Harry 'not' been used as bait?"

Sirius and Remus' faces fell, while Tonks mischievously smiled and gave Ron a thumbs-up. Only Moody, Shacklebolt, and Narcissa remained silently serious.

"Anything related to Harry that Voldemort can harm or might require for resurrection is what we should protect. His blood, his hair, his life, or some random prophecies, if there are any." Ron babbled on, only to realize he might have hit the nail on the head as Sirius and Moody shared a glance.

"That's enough for today." Moody stood up, "I remembered something important to do at the Ministry. Shacklebolt, with me."

As the two men left, Narcissa nervously tried to speak, "Sirius, what about my r—"

"No," Sirius barked back.

Narcissa lowered her face, her delicate brows furrowed. Her hands nervously rubbed against each other on her lap, her clothes a full-sleeved, gray winter dress that hugged her waist tight, going all the way to her ankles. The usual earrings were missing, as was the pearl necklace she usually wore. With just a little hint of makeup, she seemed to have accepted her new life with less money than before.

"Then, may I speak with Mr. Weasley in private. It's related to my family's inheritance." Narcissa suddenly looked at Ron, only to realize the boy was already looking at her, "Of course, only if Mr. Weasley agrees."

"Sure." Ron didn't even think about it. They were in Sirius' house, and there was no need to fear Narcissa. Besides, he didn't want to miss the chance to admire the curvy, mature woman before him with a face to die for.

A small gentle smile spread on Narcissa's face, her beautiful blonde hair tied behind her head in a modest bun, while two thick locks of her hair fell near her temples.

What's troubling her now? The money she got to keep was still enough to live in luxury. Ron also wondered silently and got up.

"Follow me, Mrs. Malfoy," Ron said, leading her out of the hall and into a first-floor bedroom that he was using for the night. It was modestly small, with a king-sized bed in the middle, a fireplace, and a study table.

Ron closed the door behind, walked over to lean against his table's edge, and looked at the tall woman from head to toe, her charm otherworldly aristocratic. Not much of her skin was visible, but whatever was, it looked like pristine marble. Ugh, my mind's too dirty.

He had to stand leaning to avoid his boner being visible. "So, what is it, Mrs. Malfoy?"

The ripe beauty smiled at him, stepping closer to him so only a meter of distance remained between them. The perfumes of her body instantly struck Ron in the right places, earning a few annoyed, aroused frowns from him.

"First, I must express my gratitude for the mercy you extended to my dear husband. Your actions were unexpected, yet you not only spared him from the clutches of death but also showed rare selflessness. In the past, I might have deemed your handling of the Malfoy fortune as foolish; But witnessing your recent deeds, I find myself begrudgingly impressed by your decision." Narcissa said with an air of nobility like she was someone superior to Ron.

Ron didn't like that one bit. This woman was an enemy before and still is. "Do you still hold hatred for the muggles, muggle-born, and half-bloods?"

Narcissa quickly averted her gaze, looking to the side. "Does that truly matter…"

Ron scoffed, "Just tell me why you wanted to talk to me. I don't have the whole day."

Narcissa looked up again, stepping closer to Ron, their bodies inches away. Ron could clearly see her subtly bite her quivering lips. The plump and gloss of her red lips made him imagine other things.

"I need your help, Mr. Weasley. The Dark Lord has risen once more, and my family finds itself in grave danger. With Lucius confined to Azkaban, I fear for Draco and myself. I beseeched Sirius to grant us refuge within Grimmauld Place, as this is the only safe place… But Sirius won't allow it…" She spoke in a pitiful tone, like a damsel in distress.

"And h-he shouldn't." Ron interrupted her and took a step back, a little distracted with her weak beauty act, trying to scatter the urge in his loins.

"Harry lives here. And for all we know, you could be the Dark Lord's spy. The Malfoy family isn't really known to be trustworthy, Mrs. Malfoy. We'd rather not take any risk and… regret it later."

Narcissa pursed her lips, her frustration almost unbearably sultry to Ron.

"W-We have no intention of aiding the Dark Lord… Draco will be safe at school... It's my own well-being that concerns me, Mr. Weasley." Narcissa came closer, unwilling to give up.

She placed a hand on his chest, her face getting so close that Ron could see some sort of yearning in her eyes.

Then she whispered to him, her breath as fresh as first snow, "The Purebloods have forsaken the Malfoys, and the others harbor nothing but animosity towards us. I find myself with nowhere to turn. Nowhere in this world feels safe anymore."

Ron sighed, finding some truth in her words. But he couldn't fall for it now, however helplessly tempting and ravishable she was. He was slightly annoyed, partly at his loins, but mostly at her.

"And who's to blame?" he muttered.

Narcissa's gaze fixed upon Ron, her expression anxious as she gently clasped his hand and pulled it closer to her bosom.

Ron didn't know if it was intentional, but he could clearly feel the soft, cloud-like feeling against the tip of his fingers. His loins worked up its magic and reacted to the touch.

With watery eyes, she begged. However, her seductive voice gave off other ideas. "Please, if not here, then perhaps some other place… that's safe. "

Ron sighed, finding the blond-haired beauty so close to his body. As long as it's not here, there shouldn't be any issue.

In the end, he nodded. If she truly didn't want to be involved, not helping her could do more damage. "Fine, I-I'll talk to Sirius and see what we can do."

"Thank you!" Narcissa exclaimed with relief. She gracefully wrapped her arms around Ron's neck and pulled him into a tight embrace against her cushiony mounds.

"I will never forget your help… never." She whispered in his ear, intentional or not, her soft lips brushed against his earlobe.

Ron's body reacted right away, his manhood rising at full mast. He gulped his saliva and responded to the hug in kind, placing both his arms around her waist and holding tight, feeling all of her curvy midriff.

Bloody Hell! Her figure's crazy. And those breasts. Ron exclaimed in his mind. But he didn't lose himself either, wondering if this was Narcissa's game.

"But…" he replied as Narcissa's face rested against his shoulder, her ears close to his lips. He squeezed her tight against himself, "If you betray and…"

Both of Ron's hands, resting on the back of her waist, suddenly shifted, tracing her long, soft dress and sliding against the rising flesh of her rear. He knew he shouldn't but she was inviting him to do this herself. Why would he reject the offer?

He didn't stop and went all the way down until both his palms lay spread on each of her otherworldly, soft ass cheeks.

"Um… Mr. Weasley…" Narcissa exclaimed, a sudden tremor spread all across her body, her hold on Ron's neck a bit tighter and quivering.

But Ron pressed her body against himself, his palms sinking into her supple rear flesh, but he tried his best to not clench them. Though he was sure she felt his erect manhood pressing hard on her pelvis.

"If…" Ron brought his lips closer to her ears, his own arousal peaked. He didn't know where in hell his confidence came from, but he wasn't going to fall back now. "If something happens to Harry because of you. I'll have no mercy left in me. Don't forget, Draco still admires and wants to serve that Dark Lord you're running away from. Just one mistake, and I will have him join his father."

At last, Ron squeezed her supple flesh, so soft and inviting that he couldn't help rubbing his palm all over, making Narcissa lean against his body further. Her magnificent globes squished against his chest.

Narcissa looked up at Ron's face with a craving gaze, "I'll teach my son well."

"You should." Ron finally removed his hand and let Narcissa step away from him. "Don't think I'm a young fool who's still in school… Perhaps I was not long ago, but…"

"No, Mr. Weasly. I've realized that a few moments ago," she interrupted, looking at his tall body up and down.

Ron wasn't sure, but he felt like he knew that look, the same look Apolline had given before. Looks like having her husband locked up was a good thing in the end.

Ron stepped forward abruptly, towering over Narcissa's form. There was a slight smile on her lips, but as their bodies pressed against each other, Narcissa had to take a few steps back until she couldn't, as the bed was behind her.

Ron's hand moved again, one resting on the side of her waist, and the other pinching her sharp chin. He emphasized each word, "Now, I'm a man… young, but still a man. Don't forget that. I can take your offer, but can you handle all of it? I'm not exactly restrained, still a little rough… around the edges, of course, and the stamina of a young man. Top, bottom, front… and back."

His last words left Narcissa in shock. Offering herself up was certainly one idea, but to go that far. Could she, only having intercourse for the sake of reproducing before, go that far?

"I—I..." Narcissa gulped and stuttered, feeling Ron's sizeable bulge pressing against her belly, like an iron rod.

She quickly stepped to the side, rushing to the door with a flushed face, "T-Thank you for all the help, Mr. Weasley… I-I will wait to hear from Sirius."

"But." Ron had more to say, holding her by one arm. He had crossed all lines already, so he didn't want to give up now. "If you can prove to me that you won't falter and betray… I have plenty of ways… to help."

Amelia will be the Minister for Magic soon, after all.

"You, and perhaps even help Draco… both." Ron finished speaking, throwing her own game back at her. He stepped to the door, opening it, "It was a pleasure meeting you."

With a conflicted expression, Narcissa stared at Ron for a long time. She could still feel his hand on her rear, like a phantom touch. She missed that feeling, that feeling of being wanted and protected. But she couldn't get past the confusion of how far she was willing to let him take it. Her body, maybe…. But her dignity?

"And h-how do… how do you want me to prove that?"

Ron shrugged, smiling, "That I'll leave up to you, Mrs. Malfoy. In any case, I wish you safe days ahead."

She nodded and left through the door, her steps short and slow. Somewhere in her heart, she knew the answer and the easiest way to prove it. But how could she stoop that low, a proud Malfoy… but was there anything left to be proud of as a Malfoy?

In the end, she went downstairs and left Grimmauld Place. Her brother not even sparing a minute to talk.



Ron fell back on the bed all of a sudden, spreading his arms wide. He felt his skin crawl, and goosebumps rise all across his skin. He rubbed his eyes and then stared at those same hands with wonder.

"Where in the hell did I gather so much courage from?" He couldn't believe it himself. "And she didn't stop me!"

So soft… Fuck, she's damn pretty.

Ron took a deep breath and raised his head, noticing his erection still hard. Holding Narcissa so closely had woken a beast inside him.

Knock! Knock!

"Hmm?" Ron sat up quickly. Before he could say anything, the door opened.

"Did she leave?"

"Auror Tonks," Ron remembered her name. How could she not after she had flashed him that day with those magical big breasts? Her quirky ability was always in his mind, wondering what other things she could do.

"Hey, just call me Tonks." Tonks walked in with a playful smile, closing the door behind herself.

Her hair was currently short and purple, a choker necklace on her thin neck, small earrings, and a t-shirt with a punk-style leather jacket. Below was just a black skirt that went to her knees, no stockings, only chunky boots with buckles.

Pretty distinct style, I gotta say. Ron nodded silently, admiring the beauty. She wasn't very tall, nor that full in body. Her frame was petite, and yet he knew that didn't matter at all due to her abilities. Can she change her height too?

"Umm… Hey. What can I do for you?" Ron didn't act as crazy with this one, since she was an Auror, not an enemy.

Tonks chuckled and strolled over to sit beside him on the bed, close enough that her shoulder brushed against his. "Just bored. Harry's girlfriend came to visit, and he's 'busy' with her in his room. Sirius and Remus are brooding over Voldemort, leaving this poor lady bored."

"Don't you have Ministry work to do?" Ron asked.

"I am doing Ministry work. I'm assigned to protect Harry," Tonks replied, kicking her feet on the floor as if bored, "But Madam Bones ordered me to protect you as well since Voldemort might seek vengeance against you."

Ron felt a shiver in his body as he just realized that, "I… I should start training harder."

"Umhm." Tonks hummed and yawned before taking off her leather jacket. "So, you got anything interesting going on? Anything you want to talk about?"

Ron gulped, noticing the big hills in her short-sleeved T-shirt. He knew this wasn't her normal size.

"N-No, but I wanted to ask… What else can you do with your Metamorphmagus abilities? Can you change your height as well?" Ron asked, his eyes locked on her breasts.

"Hehe." Tonks noticed his gaze and suddenly tucked her fingers at the base of her t-shirt. "If you're so curious, I'll let you have a look.


With a quick, smooth move, she easily pulled off her t-shirt and threw it away.

"Blimey!" Ron couldn't hold back his shock. She wasn't wearing any bra, and yet her milky large breasts didn't sag at all—creamy pale, light red small areolas, and then the perfect, smooth tiny buds atop.

Ron gulped, his hand slowly creeping up out of instinct. As his finger came into view, he quickly pulled his hand back, a little shocked and embarrassed.

Tonks giggled and teased him, leaning closer towards him. "You can touch if you want."


"Of course," Tonks leaned in even closer, grabbed one of his hands, and placed it on her voluptuous mound.

Ron was a little surprised at how upfront she was about it. As his hand finally rested on the soft skin, his fingers gently sunk in a little on the magnificent doughy flesh. His other hand followed suit, and he patted them to his heart's content. He tasted every part of their gentleness on his palms, pinching her tips between his fingers.

He couldn't believe the wonderful feeling they gave him, subconsciously leaning in closer and closer. There was something about her supple mounds that attracted him, tickling his loins and building up a thirst for milk in his mouth.

He unknowingly leaned in close enough for Tonks to feel his breath on the nubs of her breasts.

"Ummm…" Tonks suddenly moaned, combing through his red hair with her fingers, and pulled him even closer. "You can… if you want… umh."

Tonks crossed her own legs at her own arousal, trying to stifle the warmth salivating between her flexible thighs. She let out a small whimper as Ron's lips finally found her cool skin, even more so when Ron started suckling her breasts, licking and flicking her tips with his tongue.

"Huh? It's… sweet?" Ron's eyebrows quirked, muttering with Tonks' nipple between his teeth.

"Heh, it's… just a small trick… I learned." Tonks replied between bated breaths and slowly leaned back to lie down on the bed, pulling Ron along as her hand kept his own on her body. Her hand caught his hand, guiding him to clench her globes, milking and kneading together as if she were teaching him what to do.

Her other hand combed his hair, keeping his lips around her areola, tasting the deep sweetness that almost reminded him of honey.

Ron felt even more excited by her active nature and got curious about how much she could change herself. He got on top of her and suckled her breasts until he felt out of breath. Then, finally, when he looked up, he noticed the aroused, flushed look on Tonks' face.

The confident and craving look made it all the more arousing, as if she knew what they were doing. But she wanted him to do it anyway.

Suddenly, before he could say or do anything else, Tonks pulled him up by the collar, closer to her face, and kissed him. Her tongue invaded his mouth with a heated desire as if she was going to quench the heat in her body with his saliva. Sipping and massaging his tongue with her own.

Ron could feel the ambers in his belly starting to blaze again, quickly moving his hands to unbutton his shirt and unzip his pants. With experience, he could move quickly now, kicking his shoes and pants off. Now, he was left in his underwear, waiting for her to do the same.

Unexpectedly, Tonks merely kicked off her boots and spread her legs, allowing her skirt to roll up on its own, bunching up around her waist.

No underwear?! Ron was shocked for a short moment, but his mind was overwhelmed by the view. The pale skin between her legs looked amazingly soft, adorned by hints of purple hair, contrasting perfectly with her pink, damp petals. Something about it screamed exotic, but also harmonious; everything was unique, and he couldn't wait to relish the taste of it.

Tonks took him between her legs, sliding her hand into his underwear, and gently wrapped her nimble fingers around his straining length.

"Oh, that's a big one." She moaned into his ear and, just like that, started stroking his length. Every brush of her fingers felt different, sometimes feathery soft, sometimes silky smooth, sometimes as gentle as furry paws, even slimy wet.

Ron couldn't control his hot, bulging shaft, twitching at every turn. All the different sensations interchanging, catching him off guard. He could feel his blood rushing towards his throbbing shaft. The fact that she could change anything at any time aroused him to the core.

Ron started kissing her neck, nibbling at her alabaster skin while his hands kept fondling her breasts.

"Ummmh… I can't wait…" Tonks whispered into Ron's ear and pushed his underwear below his waist with her dainty toes. The movement of her knees caused her soaked petals to brush against his cotton-covered balls for a moment, giving him a teasing taste of the heat.

She took out his prized cock with the delicate touch of her fingers, teasing his cockhead with the tip of her finger. She smeared his precum around his crown with her thumb, causing him to throb uncontrollably.

She masterfully widened her knees like a gymnast and aimed Ron's cock at her petals. She rested both thighs on each side of Ron's waist as his cockhead kissed her soaking petals with its tip, looking at him with wild excitement. "Ready?"

"But…" Ron felt he was at the point of no return and looked at her face with worry, "But Professor Lup—"

Tonks suddenly crossed her calves on his lower back and pulled his whole body down, causing his cock to spear into her hot sweltering furnace. Before Ron could pull back, her hand circled his torso and pulled his lower back, sending his cock down into her pussy with a sharp thrust.

She's tight! Ron could feel every part of his cock squeezed, every inch of his throbbing skin touching her smooth, wet walls, fitting him like a slimy rubber glove.

He was big, and her pussy was tight—she made it that way, wanting them both to feel good from all sides.

"H-He… He never—oh." She cried out and moaned, her large globes rising with her arched-up back. "Never does it… ummm… too scared of his… Werewolf… ah nature."

Even before Ron could move, Tonks moaned from the sensation. Ron's cock filling her up to the brim. Even the slightest movement he made caused a tremor to travel up her spine, filling her with pure ecstasy. She held on to him tightly, her hips moving subconsciously, looking for more and more of that addictive, heavenly sensation.

With the moans that escaped her lips, her ass moved, grinding up towards Ron's penetrating sword. It was clear that she wanted it. She wanted him to move his hips, to have his way with her, to fuck her.

Ron took that as consent and pushed in on his own. He started to grit his teeth, drowning in a sensation he never felt before. So tight and yet so inviting and easy to squeeze in, as if her walls accommodated him in real time. Her pussy shuddered inside, vibrating like a nest of tame and gentle bees; always clenching and releasing, milking him to no end.

Despite his struggle, he couldn't help but groan in pleasure.

"Soooo… you like it?" Tonks asked with a prideful smile. "W-What else? Squid?"

Ron's whole body twitched as he felt small sucking sensations fluttering around his cock, as if it was wrapped around a tentacle, with small suckers fluttering kisses all over his iron-hard phallus.

"Slug?" She added.

Ron suddenly shivered, feeling like something was suckling his dick like no tomorrow. It milked him completely, the slimy brushes massaging him up and down to his base. Every time he thrusted fully in, the vacuum sensation brought him to peak pleasure. Her muscles wiggled inside, kneading him in perfect rhythm.

"Ummmhh… Or maybe… everything mixed together?" She said as she enjoyed the look of pleasure on Ron's face.

Ron couldn't hold it together, shoving his cock all the way in by instinct, much to his shock. Her muscles sulked the tip of his cock, while her walls kneaded and throbbed all over his shaft, slimy brushes of silky smooth flesh teasing every part of him.

It was as if her pussy was made for him, perfectly pressing all the right buttons. But if she was willing, he wanted more.

"Gh… Can you make your h-hair… Longer? Maybe… Gah! These a little softer?" Ron spoke between gritted teeth. His cock was overwhelmed by the sensations, but he wasn't going to give up the perfect opportunity now. He kept fondling her mounds, asking for her to fulfill his wildest dreams.

Tonks complied as he kept thrusting into her, hot and heavy with every ounce of his very being. As he hair grew longer, the purple shifted to an ombre of silver and lilac. Ron shifted one of his hands to the side of her temple, taking in the beautiful colors, feeling like he was fucking a fairy.

His other hand kept molding her breast, sensing the size gradually enlarging and softer as his fingers sunk into her supple flesh.

"Fuck… You're amazing!" Ron groaned with satisfaction, going in harder and faster, striking her inner walls with his straining rod.

Even with his underwear wounding his lower thighs, Ron couldn't care less. He kept going in as deep as he could, exploring her cave of wonders. His crotch slapped against her kernel of love, now flushed pink from his abuse. Her petals throbbed and gaped, sucking him in every time they could.

"Ahhh! Ahhh Yess! Ron! Deeper…. Aaaghh!" Tonks cried out in ecstasy, filled up with his girthy cock. She loved the way it would stretch her fully, causing every inch of her walls to feel his every touch.

Tonk's slim, limber legs spread, her skirt pushed up even more with each thrust, exposing her smooth, pale belly. Ron thrusted frivolously, moving his hands under her thighs, and almost pushing up her entire lower belly. Going deep and strong, causing her body to arch with every plow.

Her muscles knotted up as she finally found that sweet, sweet bliss. Her toes curled up as her hips stayed up in the air, allowing Ron to fuck her hole with ease. In a moment of heavenly pleasure, Tonks cried out, squirting out everything in her loins like a madwoman, her pent-up frustrations and sexual needs finally fulfilled.

"Ahh... Haah Hahh… That was… amazing…." She panted as her body finally relaxed onto the bed.

But Ron didn't stop there. "But I'm not done yet." He muttered as he pulled out of her and moved his knees up the sides of her body.

His erect flesh rested between her magnificent mounds, pressing them together with his hands and letting her could-like bosom envelop his length. He trusted up and down as his hands squeezed her mounds together, the sensation so otherworldly he had to close his eyes to relish in the softness for a moment.

Tonks helped him as she licked his cockhead every time it peaked out between her breasts, sucking and licking at the tip, sometimes even letting the tip of her tongue tease his tiny hole.

"Ghh… this way we won't… have to... worry." Ron groaned with delight, thrusting his hips right above her belly, fucking the tightness between her breasts.

Tonks kept sucking and licking as her hands also helped him hold her bosom together, massaging them against his slimy smooth, thrusting cock. When she sucked hard on the head of his male member, he could feel the final barrier break, releasing his heavy cream.

His body halted with a stiff shiver, and spurts of stringy white, he filled her mouth with his load.

Tonks didn't stop, gulping down everything he could offer. The gulping sensation on her tongue kept pressing his flesh for more, causing some drips of white to roll down her lips.

Ron's body finally calmed down a little, rolling off to the other side of the bed. He panted heavily, still submerged in the aftermath. "That was… Other…worldly."

Tonks smiled as she looked at his satisfied face. She then turned and rolled her body on top of him, leaving a feathery light kiss on his cheek as she continued to move her nimble body off the bed to the side.

Ron couldn't help but feel the fire still burning when her mounds pressed up against his chest, a little regretting that it ended too soon. There were a lot of positions he could think of, exploring her body thoroughly, with every sensation he could think of; soft, hard, glutinous, sticky, squishy… Oh, the endless possibilities.

Standing at the side of the bed with only her skirt on, Tonks took a handkerchief from the bedside table and wiped her sticky, wet lips.

"You could have come in me… you know?" Tonks said as she looked around for her t-shirt, "I could deal with it."

Ron's eyes widened, and he quickly sat up on the bed. "Really?"

"I'm a grown woman, Ron." Tonks leaned in and hooked his chin as she stood in front of his naked body, sitting on the bed. "I know what I'm doing."

Seeing her brazenly exposed mounds dangle inches close, Ron's cock reacted once more, slowly building up its second coming. Ron quickly stood up, holding Tonks' shoulder as he took in her sultry lips in his own.

The kiss was so deep and forceful that Tonks had to gradually step back. Ron's hands moved once more, caressing her back and taking hold of her slender, curving hips.

Eventually he pressed Tonks' body against the door, their heated kiss never releasing. He broke off the kiss for a moment, taking a deep breath as both his hands lifted her up, resting her legs on his waist. Her body was so light and supple it was easy for him to carry her.

Tonks had a petite body, but she still helped him, circling her arms around his neck while she allowed him to kiss and bite her neck. Both her legs enclosed around his waist, holding her steady with her back against the door. Her skirt rolled up once again, exposing her soaked pussy.

Ron couldn't wait anymore and quickly aimed his half-grown erection towards her pussy. He thrust up, letting his cock slide into her still-soaking portal with ease.

"Ummm… So good," She muttered, getting excited once again.

Ron moved in slow and steady, letting his cock flesh out to its full mast, relishing in the wonderful feeling her pussy gave him. Every time he pulled back, dribbles of her first orgasm came out, dripping to the floor at his feet.

With her breasts squished between them, Tonks could feel his hard chest bouncing on her bosom, kneading with every push of his body. She jolted a little with his thrusts, and their sweat intermingled as their bodies stuck together like glue.

Ron kept going slow, enjoying how deep he could go with her body weight pressing down on his cock fully. His cockhead struck her deepest walls with nothing in the way, welcoming him in while her ass wiggled for more pleasure.

Knock knock!

Just then, a knock came from the door.

"Ron, are you in there? Did you see Tonks?"

Ron and Tonks looked at each other in a hint of fear, but Tonks hugged his neck tighter, pressing her boobs on his chest and kissing his neck to muffle her own moans.

Ron felt thrilled, the flames within him tickling his excitement. He kept moving his hips, plowing into Tonks with very slow and teasing movements, causing Tonks to bite his neck in playful annoyance.

"No, Professor…." Ron shouted at the door, and focused on the magnificent woman clenching his cock with her magical pussy.

And they finally heard the footsteps going away.

Ron took a good look at Tonks' face, noting how flushed and watery her eyes were. It looked as if she was begging him to take her harder, finish her, and satisfy himself completely. It looked as if she couldn't stand the tease of his slow thrust, fucking her so gently she couldn't gather the scattered bliss that came and went.

With a little smirk, Ron started to move faster. Drilling his hips up into her, fuck her so hard that her body practically jumped in his arms, the claps of their fucking resounding in the room with wet sounds. The door thumped on her back as he went in with all he could.


At least, Tonks found what she was seeking. Great shuddering, clenching spasms took over her body as her nectar leaked out, bursting onto his cock and drenching the floor.

Ron kept thrusting and squelching into her flooded pussy, coming close to his second release. "I… know… you can… handle it." He muttered between thrusts, his hips kept moving with a frenzy. "But… I can't… take risks… right now."

Ron quickly pulled his cock out and lowered her.

He made her sit on her knees and took hold of her chin. Tonks knew what he wanted and quickly opened her mouth, wrapping her lips around his straining cock as he shoved it all in.

To his shock, Tonks took all of his cock in her throat, relaxing her jaw as she lets him fuck her face as he wanted. He clenched her silvery lilac hair in his fingers, pulling her face closer to his loins. He dug in deep, enjoying the sensation of her slithering tongue wrapping around his hot, swollen flesh.

She snorted a little as his cock struck the back of her throat, tearing up and giggling at the same time. Her hands played with her breasts like a maniac, squeezing them on her own and pinching her nipples, craving the wondrous sensations.

At the last moment of impact, Ron shivered and came in loads. When he felt that her mouth was filled, he pulled out and sprayed some of his seeds on her face and breasts, drowning her nose, lips, and eyes in his white cream.

Ron eased back a little, admiring his work.

The beauty was now covered in his seeds, her face and hair sticky white, as her mounds glistened with his fluids. He couldn't take his eyes off her. The flush of her cheeks simply added to her alluring figure. Those drops of cream, dangling off her lips and flushed pink nipples, tempted him to devour them again.

It was the best sex he's ever had.

"Umm… Not bad." Tonks muttered after gulping down everything in her mouth.

Tonks scooted over on her knees, her tongue extended towards his gradually calming cock. She licked him all over, cleaning every inch of his cock. Ron shivered a little but felt his exhaustion finally setting in.

Ron moved back towards the edge of the bed, sitting down as his knees felt weak.

Tonks scooped up his cum from her body with her hands and licked it away as well, acting as if she was licking the sweetest ice cream. Then, with a bit more sense coming back to her, she took the handkerchief that had fallen to the floor, cleaning the rest from her face and upper chest.

Her every movement was alluring, as her lithe body glistened with sweat at every curve. Ron couldn't believe such a impeccable magical person could exist. She was practically made for perfect sex.

Finally, she went to grab her clothes and wear them. As she went back to looking like how she came in, the smile never leaving her face. Satisfaction clearly etched in her features.

She approached Ron sitting tiredly naked at the edge of his bed and leaned over to kiss his face, her fingers tickling his flaccid cock.

"I'll see you in Hogwarts, Ron." She said as she stood back up and turned to the door.

"What?" Ron looked up, "Hogwarts?!"

Tonks nodded, finally turning the doorknob to leave, "Of course, I'm tasked with protecting you and Harry, after all."


All of a sudden, Ron felt like all his energy was sucked away, and he aged a hundred years. He fell back on the bed tiredly, already wondering if he'd be able to spend even a day without getting himself drained out.

"Twins, Lavender, Daphne, and now Tonks…" Ron mumbled.

He silently wondered if his luck somehow was more focused on his sex life than his daily life.

"I guess it's better than having nobody."

Knock! Knock!

"Ron, are you in there?"

"Who?!" Ron suddenly jumped to his feet and scrambled to grab his clothes. "H-Hermione?!"

But then he noticed the stained sheets and a puddle of filth on the wooden floor.

Bloody hell!

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~MrPlotThickens & Ms.Squirtle

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