Star Of the Weasley Family

Chapter 14. Tables & Toilets

"Hey, Ron." Cho suddenly stepped forward and gave Ron a light hug as if they were very close friends, which certainly was not the case.

Ron, unmoved, didn't even raise his hands to hug her back. He just heard her whispering voice into his ear, and felt her shivering hand as it clumsily tried to hug him.

"Please don't tell him." She whispered into his ear before stepping back and raising her voice. "What are you doing here, Ron?"

I knew it! This… Ron didn't like to curse, so he held back his thoughts. No wonder she was so willing to get shagged by him. That's all she was after, innit?

"Not much. Just looking for a bag," Ron replied.

"Come with us. We're going to eat something." Cedric invited him all of a sudden, holding Cho's hand very tightly. "I've joined the Quiberon Quafflepunchers. So I'll be busy with my quidditch practice later on."

"You joined the French team?" Ron exclaimed, wondering if Cedric just wanted to live away from Britain and Voldemort.

"I cleared their selection. But I'm just a reserve for no—"

Cho suddenly pulled Cedric's hand away, trying to leave as she felt uncomfortable under Ron's constant, scrutinizing gaze. "L-Let's not disturb, Ron. I'm sure he's very busy."

"I am," Ron replied, removing his gaze from Cho. "I'm in a rush to bring something to Harry."

Cho's eyes went wide, and she pulled Cedric to leave forcefully. "Then… We won't hold you back."

"Alright, take care, Ron. Let's get Harry someday and hit the bar," Cedric waved and left.

However, before they went downstairs, Cho looked back at Ron with a pitiful face and moved her lips in a very animated way so he would understand her silent words.

Please? Ron understood it and scoffed. Still has the audacity.

Ron didn't waste any time after that. He grabbed a bag quickly before returning to Madam Malkin downstairs. He handed her the bag to be charmed. The friendly woman didn't take much time either, saving Ron plenty of time.

Quickly after, with all his luggage, Ron headed back to 12 Grimmauld Place. Like always, it was empty, as Sirius was always out working on something.

"Harry!" Ron shouted as soon as he entered. He ran upstairs and quickly knocked on Harry's door. "Harry, are you in there?!"

"Ron?" The door opened slowly, with Harry rubbing his eyes as if he just woke up. "What happened?"

"Madness!" Ron blurted and walked in. He locked the door behind him and looked at the condition of the room. There were books everywhere, some closed and some open. "You were studying?"

"And fell asleep," Harry exclaimed with a yawn, stretching his arms above his head. "What's with your face? You look like you've just stepped on a nest of Acromantula!"

Mate, you'd be the one screaming.

Ron pushed Harry towards the bed and made him sit down. Then, he stepped back and took a deep breath. He hated to be the one to tell him, but he couldn't betray his best friend. Especially when Harry looked like a little lost sheep with that messy hair.

"Brace yourself. I saw something at Diagon Alley."

"What?" Harry asked.

Ron rubbed his forehead and explained why he was there in the first place. "I went to Madam Malkin's to buy some clothes and a bag with an expansion charm. I went upstairs looking for a bag and… I saw a boy shagging a girl behind a hanging rack of robes."

Harry's brows furrowed. "That's very courageous of them, but why are you overrearc—"

"It was Cedric and Cho!"

Harry fell speechless, his gaze frozen at Ron's face. Harry's own eyes went wide in shock, his heart pounding in his chest. He doubted he heard Ron wrong, but he knew he didn't.

"W-What? What are you saying? Why would she do that?"

Ron stepped closer to Harry and patted both his shoulders. "You told me she always tried to change the topic whenever you talked about your future together. About living together after school."

"She did, but she was just…" Even Harry lacked words to find excuses when everything was put into perspective.

Ron didn't want to leave his friend in depression. "You can have my memories and see it for yourself in that… saucer thing. She was loving it, Harry… She never broke up with Cedric."

Harry started to rub his face, putting away his glasses. "But why? She was so happy… I was so happy… Why cheat?"

But right then, Harry jumped to his feet and put the glasses back. He took a jacket from the side and wore it to head out. "I'll go and ask her face to face. It's better Cedric learns about this too. He's been cheated too."

"And he'll believe you?" Asked Ron. "The entire school knew you had a crush on Cho. You didn't make it much of a secret during the Yule ball, either. She can just call you a liar, trying to break her relationship."



Harry frustratingly walked to the closed door and punched it. "Then what should I do? Just accepted it? That she toyed with my—ugh…"

As Harry's emotions flared up, he suddenly clutched his forehead where the curse mark was. He groaned in pain and fell back into the bed, curling his legs up to his chest.

"Harry!" Ron rushed up to his friend in worry. Seeing him squirm scared Ron. "I'll go get someone!"

"N-No! Don't tell anyone!" Harry growled, trying to calm himself down. "J-Just knock me out!"

Ron didn't use the Stupefy Spell and instead grabbed his expansion pouch. He took out a potion bottle from inside, the calming draught he had just purchased. He quickly poured it into Harry's mouth.

The effect took a few minutes to show, but Harry eventually fell asleep.

Ron removed Harry's glasses and made him lie in the bed properly with a quilt on. Meanwhile, he sat away at the study table, thinking about a way for his best friend to get some payback.


"Ugh…" Harry woke up two hours later and tried to sit up. He still felt heavy in the head. "Ron?"

"Still here," Ron remarked from the study table, chair facing Harry as he sat there. "Better now?"

Harry looked down and touched his curse mark. "You can say it… I know I was a fool."

"No, you weren't," Ron said with assurance. "You were too good to her, but a trophy easily won is never respected—you, Harry Potter, are the greatest trophy in the school among all boys."

"What are you getting to?"

"Wanna get revenge?" Ron asked him.


Ron sighed and stood up before walking towards the door slowly. "I have something in mind. It might sound too evil to you but… It's honestly fair. We'd expose her to Diggory at the same time… Red-handed!"

"What's the plan?"

Ron smirked wide, and reached for the doorknob but didn't turn it. "Pretty simple… something we humans have been doing since inception."

Like hell I'm letting her off so easilyShe better pay Harry back with interest.

"What is it?" Harry asked back.

"Fucking… a lot of fucking." Ron finally turned the knob. "I'll explain everything later. Just make sure you act like I haven't told you anything when you see her next time."

Harry frowned, looking for more than a vague answer. "How will that help?"

"It's a surprise. But for a hint, let's just say she's gonna be super accommodating. You can have her however you like, any way you fancy, whenever you like—no limits!"


Ron left, but Harry couldn't help but feel a twitch in his groin.


Sadly, the entire plan regarding Cho couldn't be implemented until they were back at Hogwarts. So, Ron had a few days left to focus back on finding Voldemort before he could hurt anyone he cherished.

It honestly felt strange to him; How he had almost taken Harry's place when it came to finding trouble with Voldemort. But he knew why it was all happening. He'd feel the same way if some pesky redhead boy came out of nowhere and ruined his reincarnation soup.

However, surprising to Ron, he received an owl from someone he least expected at that time. He wasn't even at the Burrow when he received it, making it more interesting. The contents were also of interest to him.

This isn't the address of the Malfoy Manor. Ron read the last line under the invitation sent by Narcissa Malfoy, suggesting that he visit since she had some credible information regarding the Dark Lord. Did she find a safe house?

Ron suddenly remembered the heated, unceremonious moment between them the last time they met. Imagining her face and her curves, he felt a phantom touch against his palm. Her cushiony ass cheeks were just so delicate.

How in the bloody hell did I have that much confidence? I pretty much assaulted her! Ron exclaimed, almost ashamed of himself for how he had toyed with Narcissa. But she… She hinted at it, didn't she?

Ron looked back at the letter. Could it be a trap?

He was in a muggle hotel room in London. So, he left the hotel quickly after and bought a map from a shop. He looked at it to find the address Narcissa had given him, at least the general area.

It's in London too? He exclaimed. Limehouse?

He quickly hailed a taxi and just pointed on the map where he wanted to go. It was indeed a good ride away, finding himself in awe of the city's size. He had only recently started to explore it, and he knew he was nowhere close to seeing half of it.

Eventually, Ron arrived in the neighborhood and started walking around to find the address. He made sure to keep an eye on anything suspicious as well, careful in case it was a trap. The area looked decently upscale, with rows of houses, and shops around every corner.

Is that the one? Ron finally stopped in front of a two-story house in one of the rows. It looked very modest, with a small, grassy patch in front of the building, and a small porch. There was no car at the curb, and all the windows of the house were curtained as if nobody lived inside.

Ron, wearing regular cotton pants and a loose checkered red shirt, tucked his wand in the sleeve of his shirt, keeping it ready to be pulled out at any moment. Then, he approached the door carefully, pressing the button to ring the bell.


The wooden door silently opened all the way. There she stood, Narcissa Malfoy, her expressions proud and confident.

"Good morning, Mrs. Malfoy. I received your letter," Ron greeted, unable to help himself from glancing at her from top to bottom, noticing her in an attire that showed something other than black for the first time. Her hair was loose, combed and parted in the middle, bunched around her back while a few locks were tucked behind her ears.

A white, buttonless blouse with its sleeves billowing gracefully, enveloped her arms. While a tight collar encircled her neck, drawing Ron's attention to her red lipstick. The cuffs of the sleeves hugged her wrists snugly, while below a long black skirt, tight around her hips, revealing her mature curves.

She sure knows how to maintain herself well. Ron thought, unable to think of any moment in his life when he saw the Malfoy matriarch looking lazily dressed. Gorgeous…

"Mr. Weasley," Narcissa greeted him back warmly, stepped forward, and embraced him in a short hug as if they knew each other intimately.

Soft. The first thing Ron felt was her softer-than-feather bosom. It was sizable, appetizing, and warm.

Narcissa broke away and stepped back to let him in. "Please come in."

Ron heard the door shut behind him, but he looked around at the house to make sure there was no ambush planned.

It was a moderately sized house, bigger than the Dursleys', and very warm inside.

"When did you move here?"

"Just yesterday," Narcissa replied, her voice holding a hint of worry. "I have decided to change homes every three days until a… manageable solution appears. I'm waiting for Draco to return to the school."

"Where is he?"

"He went out to see a friend," Narcissa answered and led Ron to the large open space between the living room and the kitchen. There was a large table in the middle, adorned with a crisp, clean, pure white cloth that draped at all sides, almost touching the floor. Perhaps Narcissa's attempt to replicate the grandeur of Malfoy Manor. "Have a seat."

The table had six seats, two on each of the longer sides, and one each on the shorter. He sat to the right of one of the single chairs at the shorter edge. His eyes never stopped moving, mostly following Narcissa's figure, moving to the kitchen and grabbing a water pitcher.

Living like average wizards must be new to her. Ron thought, wondering how she took care of cooking. Did she get a new elf?

"What credible information were you talking about, Mrs. Malfoy?" Ron asked, getting to the point immediately.

Narcissa came over and sat down at the single seat on the shorter edge. But first, she poured him a glass of water and waited for him to drink it.

Yet, Ron didn't do anything like that. He didn't trust her enough to drink anything in that house. Heck, he even felt too wary to breathe in there. "Thank you, but I'm not thirsty."

Narcissa saw Ron's uneasiness easily and dragged her chair forward until her bosom almost rested on the table. She extended both her hands and grabbed one of Ron's, clutching his palm between hers. "There will be an attack on the Ministry."

"What?!" That felt akin to someone scratching his reverse scale. "When?"

"After the rest of the Death Eaters have made their daring escape from Azkaban," Narcissa replied with a calm demeanor. "They will strike the Department of Mysteries. You-Know-Who desires the full prophecy concerning the Chosen One."

"Harry?!" Ron exclaimed.

Narcissa nodded strongly and leaned further on the table, towards Ron. Her hands clasped his tightly, as if scared he'd leave. "He believes that knowing the complete prophecy will help him avoid his fate and kill his enemy."

I can't let Amelia stay in the Ministry! Ron felt worried for the woman.

"Are you sure he can help them break out of Azkaban?"

"If Sirius Black could escape, why couldn't they all, with some assistance from... him?" Narcissa pressed her point, her tone smooth and persuasive. With a subtle movement, she reached out and placed her hand on Ron's shoulder, delicately sliding it up towards his neck, her fingers gently cupping the side of his face, his ear caught between her thumb and forefinger. "I strongly advise you to flee the country, to go as far away as possible."

Has she gone senile?

"Run? Come on, I'm a Gryffindor! Can't just leave Harry," Ron declared, gently pulling off Narcissa's hand from his face, feeling awkward. But he kept holding it, feeling its warmth. "And as for you. Well, I think I've got a safe spot in mind."

Narcissa's eyes sharpened, and her shoulders relaxed a little. "Where?"

"My family's been moved by the Ministry, so the Burrow is now empty. I reckon everyone's already caught wind that the Weasleys have cleared out, so you ought to be alright there. Unless, of course, they decide to go all symbolic and torch the place."

Narcissa looked down for a moment at Ron's hand, still holding her hand. Then she suddenly made a decision. "I'll move there once Draco returns to Hogwarts."

Run nodded with a casual shrug. "That's great for you and all, but just so we're clear, I've got about as much belief in you as believing a Blibbering Humdinger is real. One wrong move, and you'll find yourself neighboring a cell with your husband in Azkaban. Got it?"

Narcissa tensed and abruptly gripped back Ron's hand with both of her palms. Her brows creased together, her breath slightly heaving with her bosom pacing. "I… I wish to… prove myself to you."

Ron's brows rose up, having no darn clue what she was talking about. "What do you mean?"

"Y-You said back then… that you have stamina and…" Narcissa looked straight into Ron's blue eyes, her determination firm. "T-Top, bottom, front and—"


"Mother, I'm back!"

Fuck! Ron cursed and jumped off his feet, standing up. He looked towards the direction of the voice, the footsteps becoming audible. It was Draco, he knew that voice. But when he looked back at Narcissa, she appeared even more frozen than him. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

"Shh!" Ron gestured for Narcissa to stay silent. Then he quickly pushed the single glass of water towards Narcissa, made the chair he was sitting on normal, and quickly got under the dining table, heavily draped with cloth, giving him enough hiding space.

Ron kept his breath calm, seeing the shadow of two legs appearing outside. Perfect timing, Malfoy. And what was Narcissa saying? Top? Botto—ah!

The realization hit him. He abruptly looked towards Narcissa, and right away, her entire lower body appeared in his view, her black skirt tight around her hips and loose around her ankles. She wasn't serious, right?

"Mother, it's just a matter of time before we're rid of those Weasleys and Potter once and for all. Pansy filled me in on what's been happening. The Weasleys have scurried off into hiding like the insignificant pests they are," Draco growled, his mouth as nastily as Ron knew.

Pests? We're pests? Then what are you? Ron felt enraged, wanting to jump out and call the Ministry on him and his mother.

I put your father in Azkaban. I can put you and your mum—wait, his mum.

Ron looked back at Narcissa's legs, and had a devious little idea. Perhaps I can test how serious she was.

Narcissa felt like sewing her son's mouth. He somehow said the worst thing at the worst time. "Compose yourself, Draco. Dwelling on what's passed won't serve us now. It's hardly the moment for vendettas. We ought to free ourselves from this affair altogether no-oh—"

"What happened?" Draco quickly approached the table, seeing Narcissa yelp suddenly.

"Nothing!" She exclaimed, "Just stressed… a little stress."

Draco shot a concerned glance at his mother before strolling over to the opposite end of the table, where he settled into a seat. Nonchalantly plucking an apple from the fruit basket, he slightly reclined. "Why the anxiety, Mother? Once the Dark Lord regains his rightful place, our fortunes will be restored to us, returned in full."

"Umm…" Narcissa pressed her lips together, shaking her head. "D-Don't… don't take that name here."

"Why? We stand by him, don't we?" Asked Draco. "Mother, why are you sweating?"

Meanwhile, Ron had got to work underneath the table, his hands shifting closer to Narcissa's slender, covered legs. The very first thing he did was remove her footwear.

He touched her ankle and earned a flinch from the woman. He touched her foot. Cautiously, his fingers trailed up the top of her foot as her toes wiggled. Then, he slid his hands upwards, caressing her slender calf as his hand also pulled up the hem of her skirt.

Oh! He realized she wasn't wearing stockings like usual, but he couldn't express his excitement now, trying not to alert Draco.

His hands kept moving up, shoving the ends of the tablecloth up and bunching her skirt up in her lap as well. He savored every soft brush of her warmth on his palm, admiring the unblemished smooth skin.

Silky and hot, fleshy as he reached further and further up. Her legs were so pale, he could see it even in that dim light. He felt her shiver as his hands reached her knees that almost instinctively closed up tight, making her ample thighs squish together, creating a new kind of alluring valley.

So this was her plan? Ron wondered, listening to their discussion.

But he decided to have fun before leaving. After all, Narcissa was in no position to alert her son anymore, or else the shame she'd earn would last a lifetime and more.

Ron finally reached a point from where he couldn't push up anymore as she was sitting. With Narcissa clenching her legs, too, he isn't able to reach her core either.

He scoffed and grabbed both her knees. He spread them forcefully and placed her legs on the shoulder each. When he felt the warm softness of her legs on his neck and cheeks, his own bulging need started to grow.

Narcissa's mind was all over the place. Shame, embarrassment, dread; she was worried that her son would find out. But the way Ron forced her legs to spread for him felt like butterflies in her belly, as if something was starting to burn inside.

But he went a step further and grabbed her legs tight before pulling her down a little on her seat, making her arch her back on the chair as if she was leaning tiredly on the backrest. That made her skirt bunch up even more, revealing the dark shadows between her thighs. With her legs open, Ron could finally see her lacy, black panty, slipped in between her folded flesh.

"Y-You must be tired, Draco," Narcissa tried to send her son to his room.

"Of course I am, Mother. Living like this… like mudbloods is insufferable," Draco sneered, focusing on biting his apple with anger.

Ron pinched the side of her plump hips at those words.

Narcissa didn't say anything, scared a yelp would escape her lips and cause a scene. She simply clenched her fist and hoped Ron would stop with his teasing.

However, Ron only went further. Further than Narcissa had imagined or even Ron had planned.

Ron tucked up her skirt around her waistband, while the lower part stayed stuck under her ass. His hands explored every curve of her legs, tasting the well-maintained beauty's skin on his hands. Grabbing the side of her plump ass, he extended his tongue, licking the fine skin of her legs.

Closer and closer, he licked from her knees, moving between her thighs with each slobbery stroke, going towards her core. He could feel her knees buckling with each wide lick. He could smell the scent of roses getting closer and closer, realizing she had used some perfume on her panties too.

Oh? Did she really prepare that far?

He finally reached the sweltering heat below her belly. But before he did anything, he simply planted his face there between the junction of her thighs. He lifted the tablecloth and caught Narcissa's gaze, grinning playfully. She subtly shook her head, her eyes pleading for him to stop for now.

But Ron, already tasting the scent of roses on his tongue, extended the tip of his tongue and licked her covered pussy. Narcissa reacted with a squeeze of her thighs around his head.

Ron relished in the softness even more, feeling the goosebumps rising on her skin, licking even more slowly as his widened tongue grazed her lace upwards. His hands squeezed her thighs like luxurious cushions.

Narcissa quivered as she felt the prickly tickle of her own lace panties brush against her sensitive pussy, growing damp bit by bit, as his saliva seeped in. Her own petals started to drool from the hot, teasingly slow movement. Her lower lips reacted with a twitch, every time Ron went up and down.

"Mother, do you think I can join the Death Eaters?"

"What!?" Narcissa roared, her arousal and her shock coming out at the same time.

Darco shrank his neck. "I mean… I'm speaking hypothetically."

"Mmmh…" Narcissa hummed, but it sounded more like a moan. "Y-Yo-oh shouldn't… think of such things. Focus on your OWLs!"

Ron shamelessly looked up at Narcissa's beautiful, flustered face. He nodded vigorously, agreeing with her, making his tongue wiggle on her panty as well. The thin piece of cloth between her thighs was now soaked and damp, causing every breath from his nose to feel extra cold on her petals.

Ron honestly loved the view above; her face was charming. It felt embarrassing and, to a degree, taboo. But just the idea of claiming the famed Narcissa's womanhood made him feel excited. It aroused him in a strange way. Every part of her he felt gave him jolts of pleasure.

So, he dove back under the cloth. He could feel heat in her loins and his own arousal straining in his pants. The way she rubbed her legs on his face and her fingers trying to reach for his hair was proof enough for him, she was secretly liking the attention he gave her pussy.

Right then, Ron slid both his hands at the sides of her legs, up her hips, and pulled down her panties entirely. Narcissa further arched her back, sliding down on the chair. Her ass was now dangling at the edge of the chair, and her back slumped.

Ron once again raised the tablecloth, looking into her blue, alluring eyes as he took a long, broad stroke of her bare pussy with his tongue. Strings of saliva dripped from the tip of his tongue, coating her entrance as he licked left and right, giving attention to both blushing petals.

Different from Hermione. Ron realized he tasted something there, something artificial. I should ask her later.

Narcissa couldn't believe herself. Never been thoroughly teased like that before. She clasped her legs around his head, not knowing if it was an instinct to make him stop or do more. The way he locked eyes with her, as if he was enjoying his prey, caused her mind to fluster, lost in all the wonderful sensations he was giving her.

Ron shoved his face on her perfect pussy, letting the tablecloth cover his head again as his tongue started to part her petals. His tongue curled as it gathered her juices and continued to stroke the pink flesh of her wet walls.

The more she squeezed his head between her doughy, soft legs, the more he enjoyed it, feeling each subtle twitch and wiggle of her body.

Her delicate brows scrunched up as she bit her lips, trying hard not to moan in pleasure. The only lucky thing for her was Draco thinking that her expression was one of frustration with him.

"I'll be in my room, Mother." Draco finally finished his apple and stood up.

"Umh… Oh-okay…"

"Are you unwell?" Draco asked, suddenly changing direction. He walked up to Narcissa and gently touched her forehead. "You're drenched in sweat," he said.

"I'm perfectly fine, darling," Narcissa responded with confidence, grateful to Ron for stopping. "I was simply practicing a few spells before. You go and rest now; I'll summon you for dinner later."

"If you say so," Draco said and turned back. He vanished through a corner, and soon, the sound of his footsteps walking upstairs resounded.

"Ah…" Narcissa let out a suppressed moan just then, and finally raised the tablecloth to look down. "P-Please stop… Mr. Weasel-oh~"

Ron did take a pause, looking up at her face. "But you said top, bottom, front, and back."

"Yes, but not her—oh!"

Ron suddenly dived back in, flicking her kernel of pleasure with his tongue as both his hands widened her thighs with force. With his palms at the base of her thighs, his fingers found their way to her love hole, spreading her petals wide as two digits went into her core, plucking in and out as her nectar dribbled to the chair.

"Ooh~" Narcissa whispered melodiously, both her hands clutching the sides of her seat.

Ron felt the raging thirst of his cock throb, aching to fill up the woman, his enemy's mother, an accomplishment in itself. But he knew fucking there was a risk. So, he kept eating her pussy and fingerfucking her cave of wonder, wanting her to submit willingly on her own.

Narcissa, overwhelmed by bliss, threw her head back as she bit her own lips red, trying not to alert the person upstairs. Her hands combed through Ron's hair. Thoroughly enjoying the way his tongue lapped her up and devoured her senses. She was lost in ecstasy.

Ron, using his free hand, took out his cock from the zipper and started stroking himself, enjoying the view from below. The way her smooth legs parted for him, her magnificent breasts jiggled like jelly under her blouse, and her flushed face moaned silently with her red lips parted; everything about her was so erotic he couldn't help himself.

His head locked there by her legs, he kept eating her up like the most delectable treat he had ever tasted. Her nectar felt divine, like a fine aged wine with hints of roses. His tongue started to thrust into her, bringing out more and more of her juices, slobbering all over her pussy and his own jawline.

"Ohhh… No…ahhhh~" She finally let out a sultry whimper, struggling to keep it as low as possible. Her thighs clamped onto Ron's head tightly as she went over the edge of infinity.

Even if she kept a tight lip, her flooding walls betrayed her reckless, overwhelming lust. Her last barrier of control burst open like a crumbling dam. Her toes curled as they tried to dig into the floor, her neck arched back, and her body stiffened. She rode the waves of splendor as her sweet honey coated Ron's tongue, layer after layer.

Meanwhile, Ron's tongue tensed up inside her too, as he brought himself to pleasure with his own need. His cock throbbed with each stroke, finally gaining that sought-after heavenly bliss. His seeds burst out, and large droplets landed on Narcissa's small feet, staining her toes and making them all sticky as they wiggled.

None of them said anything as Ron moved Narcissa's clamped legs around his face and got out from under the table. He wearily pulled back a chair, and sat down, feeling the exhaustion seeping in. He took a napkin from the table and wiped his cock clean, finally realizing how reckless he was being.

"You need to leave!" Narcissa cried, waking up from the sexual trance, and quickly pulled her skirt down. "Please, I beg you… I… I can't fall so low in Draco's eyes."

Ron scratched his chin, looking like he was giving it a good thought as he zipped up his pants. "Low? Well, I was sort of thinking I'd crash here for the night. I mean, I've got my eye on checking out both the top and the bottom, you know?"

"No!" Narcissa panicked, scared of her own voice. "I… I shouldn't have said that… I'm no longer interested, Mr. Weas—"

"So you don't want the safehouse? From the Weasley 'pest' as your son calls me?" Ron looked at her.

Narcissa's breath hitched, her fingers tightening around the fabric of her skirt as she swallowed hard, knees clenched tight.

After a moment of hesitation, she gave a brisk nod. "Y-yes... He's... oblivious. We'll... talk later, Mr. Weasley... At the Burrow... Leave now. Please."

"Alright." Ron agreed and stood up from the table. He hadn't shed any clothes, so he stretched his back and looked at Narcissa standing up and fixing her clothes.

But the very next moment, she walked in a rush. She grabbed his hand and dragged him behind, leading him to the main door. But she didn't open it, scared Draco might see him from the upper floor window.

"Don't get seen by Draco upstairs," she pleaded.

Ron nodded, his gaze fixated on her face. Her worrisome eyes, her slightly disheveled, but still beautiful hair, and her godly curves. He felt a twitch in his rising swell once again. And the very next moment, he felt confidence ooze off his mind, heart, cock, and apparently hands as well.


Ron abruptly scooped Narcissa's waist and pulled her closer.

He suddenly kissed her, suckling on her lips with fervor, eating up her exhale of shock. At first, she didn't respond, but he eventually got a tight squeeze between her lips and got to taste her.

His one hand rested on her plump breast, but he didn't squeeze. As much as his cock wanted him to, he simply let her feel his wide palm on her sensitive mounds, gently rubbing his thumb on the bump below the blouse and lace.

"Yeah, well, figured I couldn't leave without getting a taste of that red lipstick," he grinned, finally opening the door. "Peach, I like it."

Too shocked to make any sense of it, Narcissa just stood there dumbly. She touched her lips with her fingers eventually, feeling the wetness of Ron's warmth still lingering there.

She couldn't believe herself, why her heart thumped.


But she shut the door in the end. She still had to pick up her panties and clean the floor under the table.

"Ah…" But then she realized something and looked down at her feet, sticky with a gooey liquid on all her toes.


After leaving Narcissa's home, Ron rushed back to 12 Grimmauld Place. From there, he used the Floo Network to reach the Ministry For Magic as quickly as possible. Thanks to Amelia's trust in him, his name was permanently registered in the Minister's directory of allowed visitors, just in case he had to see her urgently.

This was one of those moments. He arrived and took rapid steps to the elevator. Then, he arrived in front of the minister's office. He saw the new Senior Undersecretary already standing in front of the closed door—none other than Shacklebolt.

"Wait a moment, Mr. Weasley. The Minister is speaking with Professor Dumbledore," Shacklebolt advised him.

"Old man's here?!" Ron exclaimed, not wasting a second before giving the door two quick knocks and then turning the knob. "Don't worry, they'll understand."

Once again, he felt the difference between outside and inside the office. The place was too mysteriously magical. The high ceiling only made everything feel much more imposing. But he walked forward, his eyes fixed on two figures at the table.

"Ah, Mr. Weasley," Dumbledore reacted, his gaze fixed kindly on him, his fingers idly tracing the edges of his silver beard. "What brings you here? Shouldn't you be buried deep in your studies for your upcoming OWL examinations?"

"I definitely would if I didn't have the Dark Lord putting a bounty on my head, Professor," Ron replied and glanced at Amelia, noticing her gaze being very gentle towards him. "Minister Bones, I've learned of a plot. He will attack the Ministry sometime soon, and his goal will be the Department of Mysteries. Specifically, he wants the prophecy about Harry."

Dumbledore and Minister Bones looked back at each other for a moment as if talking with their mere gazes. Then, they looked back at Ron.

"Not just that, the plan is to first help the rest of Death Eaters break out of Azkaban," Ron added, wondering if he was sounding like a lunatic as he couldn't give them his source.

"And who told you th—"

"I can't tell anyone, Professor," Ron replied, "But it does add up, doesn't it? I mean, if you think about it, what's You-Know-Who been chasing after all this while? He has failed four times trying to catch Harry. Now he's fixated on how to do it right."

"He's not wrong." Amelia took his side and relaxed in her chair, reclining, her significant belly visible.

Dumbledore briefly sighed and glanced at Ron again. "You came here rushing. Did you think of a plan to deal with it too? I heard about what you said to Minister Bones—You refused to go to the safehouse."

"Not without Harry," Ron snapped back, his Gryffindor courage shining through. "Professor, Minister, why not set up a trap? If we strengthen security at Azkaban, it'll just slow down You-Know-Who's plans, not stop him. We know where they're going to strike this time. Let's destroy the prophecy, with Harry's say-so, of course. Stick a fake one in there that screams like a Mandrake when you touch it, alerting the whole Ministry.

"And when that happens, we hit them with Anti-Disapparation Charms. Lock down the Ministry tight, turn it into a fortress, and catch the Dark Lord and his lot in one fell swoop. Bet there'll be a few Ministry folks under the Imperius Curse, so let's keep this plan between us and the topmost leadership of the Order, like Sirius and the others."

Ron didn't know how he brought up the courage to lay out his plan to them, but he felt very confident and satisfied after finishing his speech. He just went by his instincts, like he always did nowadays.

"You planned all of that?" Asked Amelia Bones, her elbows resting on the desk while her chin was on the back of her folded hands. She stared at Ron with a rare faint smile. "You have to join the Ministry after Hogwarts. You'll make a fine Auror."

Ron looked down, his heart suddenly throbbing for no reason. Why am I blushing at her praise?

"Indeed," Dumbledore concurred with a gentle nod, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. "Mr. Weasley's plan merits thorough consideration."

Rising from his seat, he continued, "Regardless of our decision regarding the plan, it is prudent for me to depart and make ready for the impending event. I hold no doubt in Mr. Weasley's intelligence and the accuracy of his information."

"Likewise." Amelia Bones agreed and pressed a button on the side of her desk that looked like a bell. "Let us exercise caution and refrain from any hasty actions that might draw their attention. We must maintain an air of ignorance."

Dumbledore nodded and left. "I shall see you at the school, Mr. Weasley."

Ron nodded and waited for the old man to leave through the door. He continued to stare at Amelia's beautiful, mature face in the meantime. Her short hair was a charm that he never understood why it attracted him. Perhaps it was the air of authority she had. Perhaps it was the feeling of knowing he was likely the only man in the world who was intimate with her.

She didn't put much makeup on, and he liked that. She was tall and fit, albeit with a little bit of flesh added due to the pregnancy here and there.

"How are you?" He asked as he heard the sound of the door closing.

"We met just a few days ago, Mr. Weasley."

Ron awkwardly scratched his head, once again feeling the weird sensation in his chest. He genuinely didn't want anything bad to happen to her, no matter the cost. "I… I will be leaving for Hogwarts tomorrow."

"Be safe and make sure you score well on your OWLs. The path to becoming an Auror starts from there." Amelia tutored him like a senior, rather than a partner. "Don't worry about the Dark Lord. Many have risen before him, and all have met their end in due time."

"But sometimes the cost is too grave," Ron interrupted her.

She nodded. "A price we pay for others to live in peace. As the Minister, it is my job to protect the people, wizard or not."

Ron looked down, embarrassed by what he was about to say, but he felt it had to be said. "And it is my job to protect what's growing in there."

An awkward silence fell, and Ron cringed at it.

"Hm…" Amelia hummed, her lips curving into a more noticeable smile. "I had hoped to spare you from this, but to do what you say is your right."

Ron looked up at her and smiled.

Amelia reached into her desk drawer and withdrew a shard of glass, which she then offered to Ron. "This is a two-way mirror," she explained, "capable of connecting two parties across distance, allowing communication between them. Take one and notify me should any issues arise."

Ron took it quickly. "You too, Minister Bones."

"You should return now." Bones dismissed him. "And take care of yourself. If not for yourself, then—"

"I know, I know." Ron turned around to leave. "For both of you… I know."


Amelia swallowed her words back. She was only going to say 'for him', but what Ron said did make her feel a little more energetic.


Ron spent the last night before school at the new safehouse for his family. The next day, he reached King's Cross on time with the twins and Ginny. They crossed the magical wall and soon found themselves seats on the train.

Ron found Harry already in one of the cabins, staring mindlessly out the window at nothing. "Still annoyed?"

Harry looked at Ron finally. "Morning."

"Morning, you two." Hermione arrived just then, stepping inside with a big smile on her face.

Ron helped her put her boxy luggage case up and finally sat down. But Hermione squeezed beside him, sitting so close that both their legs intimately touched. He didn't mind it, but he couldn't help but feel itchy in his balls just from that touch.

I'm too horny for my own good these days.

"Why the long face?" Hermione noticed Harry's mood right away.

"No." Ron abruptly clenched Hermione's thigh and whispered into her ears. "Cho cheated on him with Cedric. I caught them doing it red-handed."

"What?!" Hermione exclaimed, only to cover her mouth with a hand. "No! How could she… but she…"

"Anyway, did you learn about my family?" Ron quickly changed the topic, seeing Harry's mood. "So much happened…"

Soon, the train started moving, and Harry decided to take a nap by the window. In the meantime, Hermione read a few books, and Ron felt an intense urge to pee.

So he got up and headed to one end of the train carriage. This time he kept an eye around him, making sure Lavender or the Patil twins didn't follow him. He didn't want to take any more risks on the train anymore.

To his luck, he arrived at the toilet cabin on time and locked the door. With relief, he relieved himself, washed his hands, and opened the sliding door.

Oh, come on!

"Did you tell him?"

Right there stood Cho in her school uniform, much to Ron's annoyance. "Not yet, but I will soon."


Cho suddenly pressed on Ron's chest and pushed him back into the toilet cabin. She locked the door behind her and then looked back at Ron. The Asian beauty now had dark circles under her eyes, and her general appearance seemed agitated.

Why the toilet every time? Ron felt annoyed.

"Please don't," Cho pleaded, looking at Ron's face. In an instant, tears welled up in Cho's eyes, and her hands rose and clenched onto Ron's Hogwarts uniform sweater. "Please."

"Why not?" Ron asked back coldly.

"I… I couldn't say no to Cedric…" Cho cried, throwing her head forward and resting it against his chest. "He's my first—"

"And that makes cheating on Harry alright? You know he's been through a lot all his life. The last thing he deserved was being cheated on."

Cho breathed deeply, almost whimpering. She looked up again and stepped closer, pressing her front against Ron's chest. "Please, I'm sorry. I'll break up with Cedric."

"So you haven't already?" Ron sneered. "Truly shameless. You're not crying because you cheated. You're crying because you got caught. I thought you'd have broken up already… It was a waste to even give you a chance."

Cho clenched onto Ron's sweater, almost clawing into his skin. She pressed him harder against the sink fitted on the wall behind, plastering her bosom against his chest.

Trying not to fall back onto the sink, Ron grabbed her waist to balance himself. "What are you doing?"

"P-Please." Cho looked at him in the eye, her tears appearing fake, somehow as not a single drop had slid down yet. "Don't tell him… I-I'll do anything…"

After having gone through so many experiences, Ron knew exactly what she meant. She had pressed her breasts on him for that sole reason, trying to silence him with her body. Although he remained headstrong, his erection did respond by rising for a salute.

"You think letting me shag you will wash away your cheating?" Ron questioned her.

Cho didn't avert her gaze and instead slid one hand down to Ron's belly, and then eventually cupped his hard erection. She rubbed it up and down, making it stiffer. "As much as you want… anytime you want."

Bloody hell! She's desperate to save her image. Ron realized. Should I start the plan right now?

Making up his mind, Ron moved one of his hands, too, up from her waist to the front. Sliding further upwards, he reached her soft breasts. But instead of staying there, he went further up, and lifted her chin with a punch of his fingers. "What do you mean by that?"

Cho didn't reply and simply sat down on the closed lavatory seat lid. Her hands still hooked on Ron's belt loops, pulling him closer to stand right in front of her. Ron complied, realizing what she was doing when she got busy unbuckling his belt and pulling his zipper down.

She lowered Ron's pants, her one hand dove into his underwear and gently gripped his cock, while the other pulled his underwear down to his knees.

She leaned in closer, her eyes looking straight at his face as her mouth opened wide. Her hands started stroking his length when her warm, wet lips covered the head of his swollen member. Pushing thin lips lower and lower onto his length, as her tongue covered his cock with her drool.

Her hands traveled down his girth, cupping his balls and gave gentle massages. Bobbing her head with slobber all over his cock, she suckled, tickled, and clenched him thoroughly, knowing that time was of the essence.

But Ron couldn't get enough of it. The way she looked at him with those watery eyes unleashed a raging beast in his loins. He wanted her to taste a bit of suffering under his cock.

You're going to regret cheating on Harry. He suddenly grabbed her raven hair with one hand, twisting his digits in a little so she wouldn't move back so easily.

He started moving his hips then, thrusting forward with force until his toes supported him, deep into her mouth.

"Umph!" Cho was a bit surprised, trying to breathe through her nose.

"You did say as much as I wanted…" Ron grunted as his hips kept moving. His cock wildly slid in and out of her mouth, feeling the squeeze of her tongue faintly struggling to stop his cock from going deeper.

However, that fueled Ron's craving even more, feeling the tight squeeze as if it was the first time for a virgin. The spit gathering in the vacuum of her mouth only helped him thrust in easier, fucking her face with wild abandon until her gagging groans with the squelching juice echoed.

As he felt his iron-hard cock strike the back of her throat, he held her head with both hands, keeping his shaft locked deep, relishing the milking sensation of her mouth struggling to take him all, trying to swallow his cockhead by instinct.

He didn't pull back, staying there until she gagged and coughed. With her entire mouth filled, the air went to her nose, spurting long, dirty, nasty strands of mucus as he pulled back out.

Only to shove himself back in.

Her tear-filled eyes looked at him with shock. However, she didn't try to stop him, only hoping it would end soon, and he would be happy enough to lie for her. But it wasn't easy to satisfy the now much stronger, six-foot-tall Ron Weasley; his sexual appetite had risen by leaps and bounds.

With both hands still in her hair, Ron kept her face in position, plowing into her throat with vigorous thrust after thrust, quite literally fucking her till she turned sore.

Though he didn't pace himself or hold back, scared someone might catch them. He finally felt the tingle in his balls, the gathered cream finally finding a way out with intense spasms and clenches of his hips.

His cockhead, planted deep, throbbed and released his freshly churned butter into her face hole. He spurted in waves of splendor, his knees emptying out as he coated her throat with his spread, one spray at a time.

He shivered a little as he felt the last drop of seed empty out of his cock, and released her head from his grip.

"Show me!" Ron commanded.

Struggling to breathe, Cho looked up to open her mouth wide, showing him how much she had in her mouth. A few dribbles rolled down the sides of her thin lips and dripped from her chin to her pale neck.

"Drink it. All of it!" He ordered and watched as Cho squeezed her lips shut and gulped down everything in her mouth. The way he could see it travel down her throat with each gulp sent a tickle down his aching, tired length.

"Gah…" Panting, Cho looked up at Ron after swallowing everything, her face a literal mess. "D-Do we have a deal?"

Ron frowned, fixing his pants and zipping up. "Why do you think this will help you? You want me to cheat on my best friend too?"

Cho groaned in frustration. Panicked, she started to rub over Ron's groins again. "Y-You want to do me here? You can… Don't go… Listen to me just… Here…"

Cho turned around suddenly and placed her knees on the toilet seat and her face towards the wall. She struggled to reach behind her with her stretched arms and lifted her skirt from behind, revealing her velvety, pale ass.

But she didn't stop there. She tucked her fingers in the waistband and lowered her white cotton panties to her knees, exposing her soaked slit and virgin pale brown backhole.

Ron gulped at the sight of her twitching, gleaming pussy, dribbling a little with her nectar. It was clear that she was aroused by what he had done. She was into it?!

His cock indeed reacted, slowly gaining back its strength. But, he simply placed his palm on her smooth curving skin, caressing her ass a little. He then gently pressed his thumb on her backdoor, threatening her with the thrill of invasion there.

"Here too?"

Cho gulped, her body shaking. "I-If you want to…"

He then pressed the same thumb on her pussy, rubbing its slick lips and making her moan as he flicked her entrance with the tip.

"What if I finish inside?"

"I'll take the potion," Cho replied.

Ron couldn't lie to himself. He was tempted to take her. But he controlled himself and stepped forward until his now-covered groin pressed on Cho's pussy. He clenched his buttcheeks and pressed his bulge over her exposed, drooling slit, and began to dry-hump her with forceful thrusts, pushing her head against the wall.

Cho moaned in pleasure as she felt the fabric of his pants scrape her hungry, wet pussy, teasing her with the large lump behind it. The feeling of need turned into an obsessive craving as she imagined his size entering her cunt.

However, Ron suddenly leaned down on her back, his lips reaching her ear with a teasing exhale.

"I'm not interested, Cho," he whispered.


"But…" Ron cut her off and added. "Listen, from now on, you gotta make Harry happy, alright? I mean, like, really happy. You know what I mean? Give him whatever he wants, whenever he wants it. Make him fuck you once a day, or at least blow him once a day. Make him happy—if I see him sad even once, I will tell him."

"I will!" Cho exclaimed and stood up as Ron pulled his weight off her back. "I'll do it… Just give me your word you won't tell him."

"I won't as long as he's happy," Ron replied, and this time used magic before leaving the toilet, making sure there was nobody outside. "That's the deal. Take it or leave it."

Finally, Ron exited the toilet cabin safely and walked back into the carriage. Nobody stopped him this time, no Lavender or the twins in sight. He returned to the cabin and saw Hermione still focused on her books.

He chuckled, seeing her bushy hair trouble her every now and then, making her fix them up in annoyance as she read.

Wait a minute. But right then, Ron had a massive realization. Am I a cheater, too?


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