Star Of the Weasley Family

Chapter 21. Coming Clean

Merlin’s tits! Why did I come here?!

Ron froze seeing his older brother. "Shouldn't you be with Mum and Dad? At the safe house?"

"Moody called me back. They needed trusted hands in the Ministry. What about you? Why aren't you at the school?" Percy asked him back, scrutinizing his strange clothing that looked quite dirty. 

Ron couldn't possibly tell him about his secret business so he changed the topic. "I came here to see Moody. What about you? How's everything going on? When are you marrying Clearwater?"

Ugh, you dumbass. Who asks so directly? He's gonna be suspicious now. 

"What? Why would I marry her?"

"Because… you're dating her?"

Percy scoffed and folded his arms. "No, I'm not. That obnoxious, needy girl! She demanded that I be more like you and the twins. She said I'm no fun and… forget it. We broke up just before finishing Hogwarts. And why are you even bringing that up?"

Thank you! Thank you, Merlin! I’ll stop cursing your tits from now on. 

"Nothing. Just saw her at Diagon Alley before coming here. Anyway, I gotta go." Ron picked up his bag and walked into Moody's room to avoid Percy. Although he wasn't called in, he turned the doorknob and walked right into it. 

Before Moody's real eye could, his fake one moved and glared at him. 

"I didn't call you in yet, Weasley." 

"I know, but I'm in a rush." Ron shrugged, noticing there was only Shacklebolt and another ministry worker from a different department in the room.

At Moody's gesture, the third person was sent away. Shacklebolt was in on the whole plan, so the man remained behind to see what Ron wanted to say. 

"Is this place secure? Can anyone from the outside listen to us?" Ron asked them. 

Moody huffed and waved his wand. "Not anymore."

Ron scratched his head and threw down the bag he was carrying. "That’s Fenrir Greyback in there. Had to go into the Forbidden Forest and hunt him down, didn't I? Bit of a nasty business, that. Anyway, they're planning something on the eighteenth of June."

Eyes agape, the two Aurors looked at each other's faces for a moment. Then, they looked at the bag and finally digested the information. 

"You… went alone?" Shacklebolt asked. 

Ron nodded. "Of course."

"Of course, he says," Moody growled, a rough chuckle escaping as he settled back in his chair, his magical eye spinning wildly. "Eighteenth of June, is it? That'll give us something to work with, alright. I'll have someone collect the body and see to it the papers get a proper story."

"Don't do that! Not until after the attack. Fenrir’s a wild one, sure, and nobody’s going to miss him if he vanishes, but if he ends up dead, that’ll set off the Dark Lord. We’ve got to play dumb until we’ve won." He paused, having thought about this plenty. "Let's not mess this up now."

"He's right." Shacklebolt agreed. "Knowing the date gives us the upper hand. We can't afford to tip off the Dark Lord or his hidden allies within the Ministry, so we keep things business as usual. No sudden moves."

"Constant vigilance, huh?" Moody looked annoyed as if the opportunity to boast about Ron in the papers was more important than finding the Dark Lord. "Let's do that then."

"Great! I'll head back to school tonight." Ron said and turned around to leave. "See you on the date."


Shacklebolt frowned. "How will he join the battle when he's in Hogwarts?"

"He'll find a way. Tough kid, that one," Moody blurted as if a matter of fact and got to work. "Enough chit-chat, let's get moving. Open the bag. I never did get a proper look at Fenrir's mangy mug before."


Ron left the Ministry as secretly as he could and soon stood in front of the Bones family mansion. Just informing Moody wasn’t enough in his book. He needed the support and the understanding of the woman he could truly trust. 

So, he went ahead and knocked on the old wooden doors. Surprisingly, it opened on its own with magic.

He had been there before so he walked the known corridor and entered the main living hall of the house. He could smell the scent of baby powder in the air and smiled at the sight of the cradle placed near the couch. 

"Good morning, Amelia," he greeted the figure reclining on the couch. Surprisingly, she seemed to have returned to her work mode. Her dress was a modest gown with a thin strap that held a cut on her neck that went to her waist, probably for nursing. Her hair cut short once again, and the reading glasses on her charming face. 

Amelia looked at him and removed her glasses. She checked out his clothes from head to toe and narrowed her eyes at the little hint of blood stains. "What did you do?"

"I…" Ron scratched his head. "I went hunting."


She didn't even ask what. Is my reputation that bad? 

"Fenrir Greyback," he grunted, eyes locked. Before she could so much as blink, he pressed on. "I caught him, dead to rights. Took him down myself. Reported straight to Moody and delivered the body, no loose ends."

Amelia said nothing for a long time. She folded her arms under her bust and just sat there, looking at him. 

Am I fucked? 

"Are you hurt?"

Maybe not..?

"Not a scratch!" He proudly replied. 

But Amelia frowned at his proud smile. "Are you senile?" 

Perhaps I am fucked…

"Not at all." 

"Then why go after him? Alone, I presume. He was responsible for causing the most infections in the last few years," Amelia said and glanced at the cradle. She lowered her voice. "What if—"

"But it's done." Ron interrupted her. "I killed him and now I know when they'll make a move. The exact date, Amelia."

"Take a seat." 

"Yes." He stiffly walked over to the couch and sat beside her, maintaining a professional distance between their bodies. "I made sure I was ready before going in, Amelia. Gosh, it was almost too easy to take him down. That’s what really threw me off."

"Shhh~" Amelia suddenly stopped him. 

Next thing Ron knew, her strong hand reached for his shoulder and pulled him down. He felt his head land gently on her lap, and all he could do was admire her elegant face. She never showed emotions openly, and she didn't do it now either. But something told him he already knew what was hidden behind that cold look.

"Ron." Amelia's thin fingers combed through his overgrown red hair. Her other hand patted on his chest as if trying to make him fall asleep. "Do you know how many people I have killed in my entire career?" 

That question threw him off. Like a lifeless doll, he laid there straight, unmoving, head on her soft flesh. He didn't blink while looking at her as she matched his gaze. "I don't kno—"

"Three," She said and continued. "Do you know how many people Moody has killed in his career?"

Ron remained silent, too confused. 

Amelia didn't waste words. "Five." 

"He's great," Ron remarked. 

Amelia shook her head. Suddenly, her brows creased together, a rare show of emotion. "You’ve killed twenty."

"Oh…" Ron felt his body feel a little heavier as if he relaxed completely. His thoughts trailed off to the many incidents. He did use powerful and deadly curses, after all. His weapons were the same. "That's… a lot."

"Ron, I still see their faces sometimes. Hear their last cries and pleas in my dreams. It's not easy to carry that weight, it stays with you forever."

Ron's eyes looked a little hollow at that moment. He chuckled self-depreciatingly and sat back up again. "I just don't think about it. Besides, none of them ever cry or plea against me. They just call me brat or… blood traitor."

"You haven't had the luxury to dwell on that. Once this is all over…" Amelia didn't finish her words and placed her hand over his, a quiet assurance, "When the dust settles, and it will; you know where to find me."

“I never knew you had this side,” he chuckled, glancing at her face. “Honestly, I'm just a bit hacked off. I shouldn't have to do all this, should I? It's like… What’s the point of the Ministry if it can’t even do the basic stuff, like keeping wizards safe? Grindelwald ran circles around them, and now Vol—Dark Lord… Promise me that you will change it once this is over. Topple it and start anew.”

"That's impossible, Ron. A lot of influential families have their interest—"

"Then use my name. If they don't play nice, I'll just call them out as blood supremacists and Death Eater scum, plain and simple. By the time they get to trial, their names will be muck. I’m too bloody famous and trusted these days, for some reason." He ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. "I've got Malfoy gold now and I can push more families to chip in. This is our shot, and if we don’t take it now, we’ll never get another one."

"How many more will die for that?" She asked him. 

"I don't know…" Ron frowned and focused back at her. He turned his hand and clasped it with hers before inching closer to her. "Please don't get angry about what I'm about to do."


Ron suddenly pulled Amelia with him to lie down, her body over his chest. 

His large frame supported the tall, slender, slightly fuller body due to pregnancy, with ease. His strong arms grabbed her waist and hugged her tightly as her face rested on the crook of his neck.

"I… I need this… Somehow… Something warm, rather than all that chilling talk about death.” He mumbled and looked at her face just a few inches away from his. 

He knew this was absolutely wrong, but he didn't know who else to go to. Fleur was too immature. Only Amelia had the brains, and also a history of intimacy with him. 

Amelia sighed, her surprise fading away. She looked at his eyes intently as she caressed his face. Somehow she noticed the subtle changes in him, his maturity starting to show its charm. Perhaps it was the things he had to face, or maybe the endless chase for his life, she didn't know. She was just grateful he still had that kindness in him.

"Me too." She muttered. "And perhaps this…"

Her soft lips placed a kiss on his cheek, gentle and warm. Ron could feel the care and affection she had for him, but he couldn't help but want more. Being trusted, needed, wanted, so close that warm feeling would wrap around him like a shield from all the chaos out there. Perhaps, just not feeling “alone” in all the muddle.

Ron started kissing her cheek, going lower to her neck as he raised his head.

Amelia closed her eyes, allowing him to worship her pale, soft skin with his lips.

"You know… I know this isn’t right, but for some reason… I'm really into you." Ron shyly confessed, caressing her covered back with both hands.

"I can feel it,” Amelia blurted. 

A bit wide-eyed, Ron realized that his cock was as hard as a dragon’s horn. The hill on his pants was pressing against Amelia's covered core. Even with her legs straight on top of him, his mischievous erection found its target. 

He embarrassingly smiled. "Well… It is what it is."

Amelia chuckled faintly with a subtle smile. She suddenly spread her legs, placing each knee at Ron’s sides, and straddled his lap while still leaning on him. Her magnificent, maternal breasts squished between them."Perhaps it is, Ron."

She suddenly kissed him back. This time, she didn't hold back with a gentle peck. Her tongue recklessly parted his lips, digging into his heated mouth. Ron loved her hot mouth and the scent of whiskey present on her tongue. He chuckled inside, wondering if she was under stress too. Perhaps this was her way of forgetting the outside world too.

His hands started to slide down her small back, kneading her fleshy bottom and tasting her fuller figure. His fingers danced lightly, pulling up her dress bit by bit, letting the ends crawl up her smooth thighs.

Slowly, the hem of her dress came up, and his hand found the tight cotton pantie she was wearing. Without waiting, his hand slipped under the waistband, finally getting to feel her skin on his palm, caressing it like a treasure.

He gripped her fleshy, shapely ass, letting his digits sink in the heat of her softness. At times, his fingers came dangerously close to her back hole, but it was all without a thought. All he wanted was to melt into her scorching tenderness.

Their heated kiss turned even more passionate and hot as Amelia raised her chest a little without stopping for air, and started unbuttoning his shirt. 

Soon, she playfully licked his neck, leaving butterfly kisses in her wake while she moved her lips to his naked chest, going lower and lower. All the while her hips moved back and forth, grinding for more attention.

Ron could feel his body shivering from the kisses, ticklish but arousing nonetheless.

When Amelia reached the lowest point she could, she sat back and looked at him intently, plain face, but a little flushed. 

"Ron… You don't have to do this if you don—"

"I want to!" Ron blurted without a second thought. "I'd love to!"

Amelia took a deep breath and looked away from him. 

In the next instance, she pulled up her gown from over her head entirely. Her nursing breasts were naked, shapely, and much larger than what he remembered.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her body as she sat there on top of him, wearing nothing but her pure white cotton panties. No wonder they were now tight, her tender hips were full, gently sloping in all the right places.

Noticing his gaze, she covered her brazenly exposed mounds with her arms, slightly averting her eyes. 

“Don’t stare…” She muttered.

“Why?” Ron couldn’t care about being wrong now, as he could already feel the craving drying out his throat. He quickly grabbed her waist and turned them both around. He placed her on the three-seater sofa, and quickly took off his shirt and pants. 

All the while he admired her face, her slender, tall frame, some wounds on her shoulder, and her heaving, honey-soft peaks. At last, he got rid of his underwear too, revealing the rigid, sizeable, veiny cock. His tall shadow loomed over her body as he knelt between her parted legs. 

“I’ve… Put on weight… After Edgar…” Amelia felt his rigid source of heat rest on between her legs as Ron inched closer to her, but she still couldn’t look at his expression.

Ron pulled down her panties, letting the tip of his fingers glide down her smooth, silky legs. Finally, he got a view of the curly mound of tawny hair. He couldn’t care less how she looked down there since he understood a lot more after Fleur told him stuff about giving birth, stuff he wished he could forget.

He looked at her face and noticed expectation, flusteredness, and pursed lips.

“I think…” Ron started as he aimed his stirring manhood at the cave of wonders. “You're gorgeous!” He continued, pushing his cockhead past her flushing petals.

Amelia was a little startled at how far his cock could stretch her. His heat caressed her damp walls until they were soaked. He moved so slowly and lovingly that she could feel every inch brush against her sensitive spots. 

“Ummmm…” A moan escaped her lips as Ron’s length reached just a little below her belly button, so deep and thick.

Ron’t didn’t move fast and frantically this time, letting his cock stay there as he soaked in all the blissful throbbing of her inner walls. He wanted to enjoy this time they had together, comfort, and fulfill her needs as she did him.

He leaned down over her body and caressed her cheek with his hand. 

“You're beautiful,” he said and kissed her glossy lips.

“Brave,” he said, licking the crook of her neck as his fingers danced over the scar on her shoulder.

“Wise,” he added, cupping one of her breasts in his hand while his lips moved to tease the other. Ron continued to tease her nipple with his sucking lips, his hips gradually started to move back and forth, grinding slowly into her pelvis.

“Ohhh...” Amelia could do nothing but moan, her arms gently hugging his head as her hips replied in rhythm. The embarrassment she felt as her body had changed slowly melted away by the heat of his body. 

Ron kept moving slowly, submerging himself in the heavenly kneads of her pussy while listening to her melodious mews. Every inch of his cock could feel the delightful pulses of her pelvic muscles, milking him with greed. He groaned into her marshmallowy flesh, almost wanting to bite into her. However, he stopped himself when he felt some milk leaking from her nipple.

“Ohh.. Ron….” Amelia cried out his name, letting herself go.

Ron felt his cock twitch a little, the thought of her calling out to him excited the swelling in his loins. So, he leaned forward onto her even more, pressing her breast with his chest. He kissed her lips, claiming them with gentle bites.

With a sudden hard push, his entire cock landed inside her, only to resume faster than before, slapping his pelvis every time he reached her deepest spot.

“Ummmhhh!” Amelia abruptly moaned harder. "Yes, like that…" 

She likes this? Ron wondered if Amelia wanted him to be a little domineering, something he never thought of doing with her.



“Ah!” She cried each time his cock collided with her tightening flesh.

Ron couldn’t control his craving now, as each of her cries sounded like pleading, wanting him to go harder, faster, stronger. His cock urged him to go deeper, his thirst taking over. He straightened up a little, placing both his arms under each of her knees. 

Letting her jolting breast squeeze between her knees, her ass went higher and he plunged in deeper. She almost folded under him, pressing his weight on his hands behind her thighs as his cock plunged into her.

He dove in deeper and deeper, his cockhead spearing deep until the mouth of her cervix. He could feel her loins tightening even more around his cock. He gripped her lower thighs tightly, leaving finger marks on her flesh.

“Ah!! Yes! … so deep! Ah!” Amelia muttered as her feet dangled up in the air. 

Her ass jolted on the couch cushion every time Ron thrust in, her body shivered as her toes curled and her nails scraped over his arms. In a blinding, pulsing moment of release, her climax started to ooze, engulfing his struggling manhood with the warmth of her loins.

Seeing her satisfied subtle smile, Ron finally let go of her legs, leaning down once again to kiss her blushing face as his cock kept moving. “See… you are beautiful.”

Amelia pursed her lips, trying not to feel annoyed as she saw his playful smile. It was easy enough for her, as his throbbing hardness was still teasing her insides. She couldn't help but circle her arms around his neck, holding him closer to avoid his eyes.

Ron wasn’t done yet, his cock still throbbing with his need for release, but his knees were already complaining. 

So he stood up and lifted Amelia's body with him as he changed position. Her arms clung to him, while her naked legs locked around Ron above the waist, his cock pressed inside her.

Ron carried Amelia to the nearest wall and pushed her against it, planting his feet firmly so he could continue thrusting into her pussy. His face buried in her neck as his hips slowly moved once again, spearing deep. 

Amelia could feel the cold wallpaper on her sweat-streaked back. His digits were digging into her tender thigh as his lips claimed hers. Her nails left marks on his shoulders as she gripped tightly with every deep thrust of his cock, aided by gravity. Her pussy throbbed and twitched, urging him faster, begging him to make her come again. 

"Ugh… Am-Amelia… I…" He muttered when her walls tightened around him, feeling the last barrier finally cracking.

Amelia hugged him closer, taking a deep look into his eyes. She gave him a nod and went back to kissing him. Her body trembled once more, taking in the ecstasy his cock gave her. Her belly knotted up, feeling the uncontrollable, shuddering contractions. She came with a long, wordless moan.

Just as Amelia reached her second climax, Ron too reached that blinding light at the end of the wondrous cave. 

With a masculine grunt of satisfaction, he bucked within her. He felt his hot seed spill into her, flooding her insides with a fresh coat of his virile cream. Painting her walls until she truly felt the viscous warmth moving inside of her folds. 

She simply cherished the warmth by hugging him and letting her flesh quiver around him. They clung to each other, sticking together as they both rode out the waves of their orgasms. 

As Ron went soft, not just his cock but his whole body, Amelia kept holding him while resting her head against his shoulder. He took her head in his hands, kissed her lips more softly this time, brushed her damp bangs away from her face, and smiled at her. 

Ron carried her respectfully to the couch and laid down again, keeping her body on his own in the same position. He knew his size was big, so he understood her needs. 

A few moments later, wordlessly Amelia got up and left for the private bathroom in her own bedroom. As she walked, she paused and pointed at the guest bathroom, gesturing for him to use that one.

Ron nodded, grabbed his clothes and vanished into the bath. 

A few minutes later, Ron returned to the large living room, dressed as he had arrived. To his amusement, he noticed Amelia already there in a fresh set of clothes, a book in her hand, and glasses on her face. As if nothing had happened just a few moments ago, despite the scent in the room.

Better not to talk about it. 

So, Ron walked over to the cradle and looked at the sleeping, chubby baby. "I hope he's not too troublesome to care for."

"He sleeps well," Amelia answered without looking at him. But the freshly fucked glow on her face was yet to vanish. "A nanny wi—"

"I’ll tell Mum about him," Ron said, looking determined. "She can help take care of him, better than a nanny. We can’t be trusting some outsider right now, not with everything going on."

"And Fleur?" Asked Amelia. 

Ron looked down at his feet in shame. "I'll… tell Mum about her too."


Amelia suddenly shut the book and stood up. She walked closer to him and turned him to face herself. Both her hands rose up and rested on his shoulder abruptly. "Good luck."

She leaned closer and pecked on his cheek, very close to his lips. Honestly, it made his heart a little jumpy, and groin a little excited. It was truly a curse to have a high libido. 

"I'll need a whole lot of it."

Amelia said nothing and returned to reading her book. 

Shy and secretive type? He tried to read her face but failed. Better go to the safe house—Hell it is. 

"I'll go then." He caressed Edgar's cheek once and nodded at Amelia. "Be safe."

"You too, Mr. Weasley."

Ugh, this one was from the Minister, wasn't it? 

"Understood, Minister Bones."


Ron left Bones mansion and quickly made his way to the safehouse his parents were at. He had to use a broom since using any Portkey, or Floo Network was risky. It took him hours to reach there, but it was all worth it to ensure safety. 

Knock! Knock!

He knocked on the door of the secluded house. It was a large piece of pasture land that surrounded the house. The place was decently sized, enough to house them all. But thankfully, only Arthur and Molly were present at the moment. 


"Mum." Ron forced himself to smile and hugged her before entering the house. "Where is Dad?"

"Oh, he's inside with his nose in some Muggle book. Come in, dear, I’ve just put the kettle on." Molly ushered him into the house, leading him straight to the kitchen. "You have a lot of explaining to do, young man. What’s all this we’re hearing in the papers? Ten Death Eaters at Once? Have you completely lost your senses? You’re going to give us all heart attacks with this recklessness!"

Ron wanted to tell her that he also hunted down Fenrir. But since they had no idea about the Ministry ambush plan, he kept it to himself. 

"It wasn't that hard, Mum. Honestly, they were weaker than a Flobberworm," Ron boasted. There was no other way to explain it to them. "And besides, just look at me—fit as a fiddle, not a scratch on me!"

Arthur set his book aside and pulled his son into a warm hug, his face beaming with pride for his youngest boy. "Ah, Ron, just in time! You know, it’s been maddeningly quiet here without a word from the Ministry. I'm itching to hear all the latest—you wouldn’t believe how out of touch we’ve been, tucked away like this."

"Oh, let him take a breath first." Molly chimed in and made him take a seat. Soon she brought steaming hot tea and some scones. "How are you, dear? And George, Fred, and Ginny?" 

"They're all fine, Mum," Ron mumbled, rubbing his hands together under the table. He'd never felt this nervous before—not even when facing a load of Death Eaters. Fighting dark wizards was one thing, but facing your mum and dad was something else entirely. "It was Daphne Greengrass who asked for my help. Her family was mixed up with You-Know-Who, trying to lure me into some sort of trap. So, I, uh, walked right in and flipped the whole thing on its head."

"Hah! Fantastic!" Arthur clapped, but he calmed down once Molly glared. 

"Ron, it's wonderful that you're helping others, truly, but you mustn't take such dangerous risks. What if something happened to you, dear? I couldn't bear it." Molly pulled his hand up and grabbed it. 

"That's why I came here today, to…" Ron took a deep breath. "I have something to tell you both."

Molly and Arthur looked at each other. They don't remember ever seeing Ron that serious and nervous. That, in turn, made them nervous too. 

"We're all ears, dear," Molly assured him. 

Sadly, those ears won't be too happy to hear this. 

"So… Remember the time I helped Fleur save her sister during the second task?" He started from the easy and slow part. Also, Fleur was likely going to be more digestible to Molly. "Then I also saved her life in the final task."

"No you didn't!" Molly jumped up all of a sudden. 

Ron looked down and continued to speak. "We got a little close after that whole thing and… She didn't tell me either. But a few days ago she gave birth to a girl… and I-I'm the… father." 


Even Arthur stood up, pushing the chair back and toppling it with a thud. But he stepped closer to him and put his hand on his shoulder. "Then why are you sitting here? Go bring her here… This place is the safest!" 

"She’ll return to France until this Dark Lord situation is over," Ron replied. 

"Wait! Why are you not reprimanding him? He did something stupid! Something for which… Ugh, we can't even ground him anymore. Ron, how could you make such a blunder? A child, Ron! Do you have any idea what a tremendous responsibility that is? You're a father!" Molly fumed, her breath already panting. "Y-You…"

Ron rubbed his face and decided to just get over it. "Also, remember the time I was attacked by Mr. Malfoy and other Death Eaters?"

"When Madam Bones was taking you to the Ministry?" Arthur asked. 

Ron nodded and got to his feet, looking a bit sheepish. "Yeah, we… ended up in the forest that night, and, well… things sort of happened. And, uh, she had a baby boy about a month ago."

"You're the mystery father?!" Arthur boomed in utter shock. 

"Oh Merlin!" Molly just fell down to the floor. 

Ron rushed to her. "Mum!" 


Molly swatted his hand away and got up on her own. "That hag! How dare she lure my son like that! That… I will go to her an—"

"You'll do no such thing!" Ron snapped, his voice suddenly sharp and colder. He loved his family, but he had also accepted Fleur, their daughter, Edgar, and to some extent Amelia as his family too. He wanted no harm to any of them. 

"Look, it was mutual, alright? And I started it! Madam Bones doesn't want anyone to know about Edgar's parentage—never did. All she ever wanted was a child, and she's thankful she's got one, even if it’s with me and all that messy business. It happened, yeah, and I know it was a bloody mistake, but I'm owning up to it. I came here to tell you two my biggest secret, not to get judged—so please, if you can't be part of this, then at least don’t wreck it for me."

Silence fell between the three. A long, cold silence. Ron felt tugs in his heart as he knew his words were harsh. But he had to do this, knowing how forceful Molly can be at times. 

"I-Is that how you will speak with your mum now?"

Ron rubbed his face tiredly. "Mum, I’ve killed twenty people by now. The only reason I'm not having a cozy chat with the Dementors is that I'm on the 'right side'. And I'll do it again if it means keeping you and them safe. I love you, Mum... but you didn't raise me to be a coward, did you? I messed up, I'll admit it, and I'll fix it. Madam Bones doesn't even want to reveal it, so it's just between us for now. As for Fleur, we’ll figure something out. What I need from you two is your support… please."

"Do you love them?" Molly asked.

Ron sharply looked into his mother's eyes. "Love? I don't know. But I would kill for them."

"That settles it then." Molly stepped closer to Ron and patted his chest, her eyes tearing up. "No stupid business from now. Be a man and act like a man—I… It's not how I expected it, but… I'm a grandma now! Blimey…!" 

"And I'm a grandpa." Arthur also came to his side and placed an arm around his shoulder. 

"Thank you." Ron pursed his lips before saying the next part. “But I’ve got to ask you something more—an Unbreakable Vow. To keep quiet about the parentage of those kids, and my secrets too. Until… well, until You-Know-Who's dealt with. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t about not trusting you—it’s about keeping all of us safe.”

Molly was already too shocked to be shocked more by that. She just hugged her son. "I understand, dear."

Ron looked at his father then. 

Arthur beamed with pride, giving his son a hearty pat on the back. "Son, I'm proud. You not only caught the eye of the most beautiful witch but also the most powerful w—"



Arthur received an angry smack on his chest from Molly before he could finish. 

Ron chuckled at their antics and hugged his dad too, grabbing his parents in his arms. Though, somewhere deep in his heart, he knew another hell awaited him. 

Hermione will kill me. Merlin's tits—save me once more. I'll really stop cursing you then. 

"So, when can I meet my grandkids?" Molly asked him as soon as she stepped back. 

Ron beamed with joy. "Right away. Madam Bones needs a nanny, so I suggested you, Mum."

Molly's smile vanished, however. 

"Is that why you told us your secret?"


Sadly, Ron realized too late that he had dug his own grave.

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