Star Of the Weasley Family

Chapter 23. Confessions & Battles

June arrived at last and Hogwarts became calmer than most other months. It was the month of exams. OWLs and NEWTs made many anxious, and even the best of wizards and witches fell to the endless nights of self-study.

Ron did it too, and so did Harry. The two knew that Hermione needed no help, so they tried their best to not be left behind. They trained together in the seventh-floor training room, they did mock battles with each other to practice their spells.

Before they knew it, the first exam was on them. The first thing in the morning was a career advice gathering. After that, the written Charms OWLs were taken. It happened in the Great Hall itself, fitted with desks and chairs with equal gaps. There were multiple examiners in the hall, making rounds to ensure there was no cheating.

Let's do this. Ron looked down at the question paper and started to write. The questions were based around characteristics of certain charms and their effects, or their counter. For example, 'What is the color of sparks of Vermillious charm.' and more.

Ron didn't have to use too much brain to answer the questions since he had already used those charms and had seen firsthand what the color was. The same was the question asking for the incantation for the Exploding Charm.

Bloody hell. Actual battle experience does help in the exam. He realized. If not for having cast those charms, he remembered the others as he was hit by them before.

There were twenty-six questions and the time to finish them was one and a half hours. It was all theory that was derived from practical uses.

Perhaps for the first time in his history, Ron finished the exam in just an hour. He looked around after that and noticed too many frowning faces. It was confusing, but then he realized something. It wasn't that the others didn't know the right answer. It was the confidence that they lacked to satisfy their minds that 'yes, this is the right answer.'.

Ron had no such troubles thanks to his fantastic luck and exploding self-confidence.

"Are you done?" Asked the examiner who noticed Ron relaxing in his seat. She was a witch from outside and not a school faculty member.

Ron nodded.

A few chuckled around him, thinking he just didn't know the answer. But Ron didn't mind since he already started imagining the battle that was merely a few days away. He didn't want anyone to die, but he knew not everyone had the same luck as him.

At that, he looked at Hermione, sitting a few rows ahead of him on the column to his right. He softly chuckled seeing her hands frantically moving, her bushy long hair being adjusted again and again by her free hand.

Let's do it after the last exam.

He then looked at Harry and found the Boy-Who-Lived confidently writing. Of course, Ron had shown him all the spells he knew, so he didn't doubt Harry would do wonderfully.

What the hell was it that I drank that time? He wondered in silence. His life had changed so much since then, after all. I'll have to ask Professor Snape once the battle is over.


A strong bell rang all of a sudden.

"Hands away from the papers! If you spill the ink, you will be responsible!" The examiners announced and with a flick of their wands, started collecting the sheets from each row.

Soon after, everyone was asked to leave the Great Hall as the practical exam would be conducted next in just an hour. Many dreaded the practical exam more than the written one since this time it was like a personal interview.

"How did it go?" Ron approached Harry and Hermione and asked. He had stopped being too distant from Hermione in order to relax her mind so she could focus on the exams.

"Good, I guess," Harry replied, not so sure.

"It was easy." Hermione proclaimed. "What about you?"

"I can't believe what I'm saying but it was easy," Ron replied, chuckling to himself. "I've used all the spells mentioned in the paper."

Hermione stared at him, narrowing her eyes. "You better get an 'O' then."

"I just might," he boasted.

Right then, the Great Halls door opened and an examiner stood outside with a list in her hand. She started calling names right away, but it was alphabetically from the last names. So, Ron being 'W' had his number near the last few.

"Good luck." Ron patted his two best friends on the shoulder and went over to the side to sit down on the brick fence that separated the corridor and the small open area beyond. Many others were sitting there.


"Isn't he being weird?" Hermione asked, it was just her and Harry. "He seems… distant?"

Harry sighed, not aware if this was because of Ron's secret or the upcoming battle. Or perhaps the life and death battles had changed him. It was hard to understand his redheaded friend these days.

"I don't know."


One by one, the fifth-year students entered the Great Hall. Some came out excited while others crying. However, everyone who came out quickly got surrounded by others who were yet to go in, interrogating what happened inside.

Eventually, he saw Hermione going in and coming out in record time, with not a single change in her expression. But Ron and Harry knew what that faint smirk on her lips meant.

"Easy?" Ron asked.

Hermione shrugged. "I don't know what they're crying for. It was too easy."

Later, Harry was called in. Surprisingly, this was the longest any student took as Harry came out almost half an hour later. But he showed a thumbs-up to Ron right away.

"What took you so long?" Ron inquired.

"Well, there were three examiners. Usually, only one asks the questions, but this time, all three of them had a go, each with their own. I reckon I did alright, though."

But why? Ron wondered silently.

It was a long wait. Ron almost fell asleep waiting for his turn. The waiting area had almost been emptied by then, most having gone to eat their lunch.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley!"

"Here!" Ron jumped from the wall and strolled to the door. The examiner opened the door and let him enter. The entire Great Hall had been emptied and only a lone, long table was set at the end with three chairs for three examiners.

What the! It's them?

Ron frowned seeing who they were. Moody, Dumbledore, and an old woman that he had never seen, but the fact that she winked at him made it clear that this was likely someone in Polyjuice disguise.

"Professors." Ron greeted them.

Moody sat in the middle, his fake eye rotating like crazy as always. "It's safe to talk here."

Ron nodded. "Did something happen?"

"No, we came here to see how well you prepared your friends. We're impressed." The woman added. "Harry cast a corporeal Patronus charm. Did you teach him?"

Ron chuckled. "No, that one's his true achievement. He actually taught it to me and a couple of others. It wasn't easy, but doable."

"You can do it too?" Dumbledore inquired, stroking his beard.

Ron nodded.

"Can you show it?"

"Is this a part of the test?" Ron asked back.

"It is," Moody stated.

Ron shrugged and took out his wand. Unlike Harry, Ron had plenty of happy memories to pull from, so he flicked the wand quickly. A blue burst of light emitted from the tip of his wand, followed by an animal figure that flew around the Great Hall. It was large, majestic, with a mane—It was a lion.

"Fits well." The woman among the examiners commented.

Moody nodded strongly at the sight. "He did enter an ambush of ten Death Eaters alone and came out alive."

Ron, satisfied with the showcase, stopped casting the charm and focused back on the table. He expected to receive a few more requests.

But instead, Moody fiddled into his coat pocket and took out a palm-sized antique stopwatch. "Take this, Weasley."

Ron approached the table, confused. Carefully, he picked up the watch and inspected it. "What's this for?"

"It's a Portkey out of here. You can use it to leave the school on that day." Moody revealed, "Dumbledore's not keen on you joining us, but the Minister—well, she's got other ideas."

Of course, she does. Ron pocketed the watch silently and stepped back a little to resume the test.

He stared at their faces, and they stared at his face.

Ron ended up scratching his head in confusion. "Is… the test over?"

"It's been over for quite a few minutes now." the woman replied.

"Oh." Ron thanked them and left.

Who is she? I feel like I know her but I've never seen her. Wait, did I pass the exam?


The very next day it was the Transfiguration exam. This was a subject that he struggled with since it wasn't really handy in battles. However, he had studied plenty and did decently well in the written exam. Meanwhile, the practical exam went more than well as he felt his luck helped a lot.

Like that, Herbology came the next day, a mere written exam. Then, a day after was DADA written and practical, where he once again aced. After that, he finally had a day to rest since Ancient Runes wasn't his game, and only Hermione among them took it.

The weekend passed, and eventually, the Potions exam went by. Ron did well this time as he had used a lot of potions in his battles and with some more study, it wasn't that tough. The practicals were even better where he made the best potions.

Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy theory, then Divination, and at late night the Astronomy practical.

Then at last, on 16th June, Ron took the final exam, History of Magic. Sadly, unlike most others, he and a few of his friends couldn't take a sigh of relief.

As soon as the exam ended, the group of students that he and Harry had gathered to train over that whole year met on the seventh floor, a total of ten. Although there were more, Ron and Harry had only called the ones who were strongest.

Ron cleared his throat, looking around nervously before speaking. "Look, everything we've trained for... it's happening the day after tomorrow," he began, trying to ground everyone in the moment. "It's not going to be a walk in the park, it's dangerous—some of us might not make it. That's why no one's forcing you to come along. You can back out, no one's going to think less of you."

He glanced at Harry before adding, "Harry's got his reasons, and I've got a bone to pick myself. But the rest of you... you're here because you're our mates, and that's more than enough for me."

"We're going," Padma responded. "If he wins, we'd be killed on sight no matter our blood status."

"If you're going, we're going too." Fred and George said at the same time.

Ron sighed and let Harry talk to them. He had already given the Portkey to Harry since he wasn't planning on staying in Hogwarts. Instead, he looked at Hermione now and then, gathering enough strength to tell her everything.

Eventually, Harry finished talking with all of them and ended the meeting with the plan to meet again on the 18th. After that, Harry nodded towards Ron and left the room with everyone else.

"Hermione, can you hang back for a sec?" Ron blurted, stopping her before she could join the others.

Brows furrowed, Hermione looked back at Ron. She had gotten a little used to fewer interactions with Ron, no matter how much it hurt. She just folded her arms. "Sure. What is it?"

Ah, I deserve this. What was I thinking all this time?

"Hermione, I know you've noticed. That I've been avoiding you lately. It's been driving you mad, hasn't it?" Ron swallowed, his face serious as he met her gaze. "I didn't mean to hurt you, not really. But I need to explain why. Why I think... maybe we should stop getting involved like 'that'."

"What do you mean by 'that'?" Hermione asked.

"Sexually." He answered without holding back. "We need to stop this, Hermione. I... I have to tell you everything today. I've never been sure about us, not really. It just sort of happened, and now I can't go on pretending. After the Triwizard Tournament, something happened between me and Fleur, and... A few months ago... She… She had a baby."

Lips went dry, and Hermione stumbled back. Her brows furrowed and relaxed, then creased again. Disbelief, anger, disappointment, sadness, and confusion swapped on her face. Her heart failed to control its rhythm and her lips failed to move.

"B-baby!? What–?"

"Fleur had a baby with me… It's a girl," Ron replied, trying his best not to step closer and help her maintain balance. "It wasn't planned, but it happened and…"

Should I tell her about the other girls? Ron wondered to himself. No, I can't tell her about Amelia. It's for Edgar's safety.

"Ron, is this one of your stupid jokes!?" Hermione asked, looking miserable.

He remained serious, his expressions unchanging.

Hermione looked down. "I-I…"

"Hermione, we can still step back. We haven't crossed that line yet. We can go back to being good frien—"

"No, we can't!" Hermione lashed out, clenching her fist in self-restraint. "Why are you so blind, Ron? I loved you! I've loved you for so long."

What? Ron lost himself there. Over the past few months, he had treated her differently, closely, and intimately, but never romantically. He never saw her as more than a good friend, but he had noticed the signs recently. Signs that only became clear when it was too late.

I… I never had romantic feelings for her? But I liked being with her. Love? I… don't know… I'm going mental.

"Since when?" Ron questioned her.

Tears rolled down Hermione's eyes. She finally walked closer to Ron. "I don't know, but I wanted to be close. I wanted… I wanted you to ask me for the Yule Ball, Ron."

Ron went through a quick flashback all of a sudden. The memories of the days when Yule ball was approaching. The way Hermione gave him the strange look and the weird temper she had. How she was annoyed with him that entire school year.

Why? Why so late? Ron felt hurt by that. If he had known, everything could have been avoided.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked back. "Why didn't you say it to me?"

"I tried! I gave you hints, I gave you all the chances. You never did, you never tried."

That angered Ron a little. "No, you never showed it! All you did was avoid me! All you ever did was be annoyed at me! I'm not a mind reader, Hermione—How was I to know your feelings for me? I… You're the smartest girl in this school and somehow I was supposed to think that you were into me?"

Ron rubbed his face tiredly, annoyed at everything. If only Hermione had confessed instead of expecting him to be a mind reader.

"Do you love her? Fleur?" Hermione suddenly asked, not even wiping away her tears at that point.

Ron looked away from her and thought of Fleur. Her smiling face flashed in his thoughts, and how to the point she had always been with him.

Yeah, I guess I do.

"I do." He replied to Hermione.


Hermione stepped closer to Ron and slammed her forehead on his chest. She cried there for a while, sobbing with noises. She mumbled many things, like having imagined a future together, days ahead, or the next two years of Hogwarts.

I can't betray the family I've made, Hermione. This is necessary.

He didn't embrace her, nor try to console her. It was better to cry it all out all at once.


She softly smashed her fist on his chest and stepped back.


With tears in her eyes, she punched his chest with a little more strength. Maybe as much strength as she could muster. Ron flinched a little but accepted it.

Silently, she turned around and walked towards the door. "Good luck."

I've ruined it. Ron felt horrified with himself. All that luck and I used it to shag women.

Hermione didn't look back and just left in silence.

Ron wanted to stop her but he had no idea what to say to make her feel better. There was nothing that could make her feel better.

Friendship ruined?

A little afraid, Ron walked out of the classroom after some time. It was turning dark already, so he went to the the Gryffindor dorms. Since the exams were over, it was almost a celebration in the common room.

But, avoiding all the mayhem, he arrived at his dorm room. It was only Harry there, packing his bag since the year was coming to an end.

"How did it go?" Harry asked.

Ron sighed and started packing his luggage too. "Tears, anger, and possibly a friendship ruined."

"She'll forgive you," Harry added.

Ron felt angry by that. Just a little, but he felt it. Not much had happened between him and Hermione yet, and also the fact that Hermione never confessed when it was the right time.

"Harry, you know Hermione fancied me since the fourth year? She was just waiting for me to ask her to the Yule Ball. Can you believe that?"

Harry frowned. "When did that happen?"

"Exactly! She somehow expected me to read her mind." Ron frustratingly just flicked his wand to make the bags pack themselves while he sat down on the bed. "It's annoying. She should have said it back then."

Harry scratched his head and did what Ron had done. He also got down on his bed. "So, what will you do now?"

"I don't know. I'll need to figure things out, but I'll need your help."

"Sure, what do you need?"

"A way out."


A way out literally meant a way out for Ron. The very next day, he took Harry's help to leave the school. He used the same portkey that Moody had given him. Once he was out of the school, he sent Harry back with the Portkey.

Of course, Moody had not given him a Portkey straight into the Ministry. Instead, it was somewhere around London. But it was also where Ron wanted to be, as his destination was Knockturn Alley. He needed some supplies to prepare himself for the next day's battle.

He had brought his large coat with him and used a hood to hide his face. Then, looking as sketchy as anyone else, he traversed the Knockturn Alley. Potions, small magical exploding devices, and much more. The goal was to go all out this time.

Poison, acid, explosions, and potions to ignore pain for a while. Everything was available in Knockturn Alley.

But Ron tried to be as quick as possible and move without getting anyone's attention. He moved to an old muggle house after his shopping, a safehouse he had prepared for himself. Inside, he fitted all the potion flasks, the exploding devices, and other things inside his coat.

With his large size, he felt comfortable using physical and magical means to battle, so he tried to maintain his body as well. He started taking potions to enhance his physical abilities already, aiming to load them up slowly until he felt truly strong.

My good luck, take the wheel.

Eventually, night approached once again. He started to feel slightly nervous, but it was a luxury he couldn't afford. He left the safehouse and flew on a broom to the countryside. It was a large isolated mansion that had recently been purchased by a certain French family.

Knock! Knock!

Ron knocked on the main door.


"Ah, Monsieur Weasley!"

Ron smiled and greeted the elegant woman inside. It was Apolline Delacour. "Good evening, Mrs. Delcaour."

The older woman throatily chuckled and welcomed him inside. "Ah, do not stand out in ze cold, Monsieur Weasley. Come in, you 'ave arrived just on time for dinner?"

Ron thanked her and walked inside. It was a very lavish mansion. Then he looked at the woman, dressed in a loose gown made for comfort, but tight around her full, curvy waist and bust.

No more.

"Where is Fleur?"

"Hehe, so impatient? But do not worry, she is nursing ze little bébé. Until zen, you will have to keep me company at ze dining table." Apolline said, her half-vela allure was too much to handle. But Ron's sheer willpower was off the charts that night.

"Of course." Ron took off his unarmed coat and hung it on the hanger. He followed the busty woman into the large dining hall and sat beside her at the table, starting with a quick tea. "Has Fleur thought of a name?"

"It ez for you two to decide."

I did promise to help her with the name.


Right then, Fleur's sweet Veela voice came from the side. Ron stood up quickly and saw the tall, slender Fleur having turned a little plump around her hips and breasts. Her white cottage dress was charming, and the little baby girl was also in her arms.

He smiled warmly at the sight. Seeing Fleur with her hair tied in that mature bun made him feel like a father returning home after a long day out working.

"Ayaaaa!" The baby girl cried.

Ron walked over quickly and extended his arms. Small and cute, he felt an innate desire to protect this tiny life. He received the baby from Fleur and carefully held her near his chest, hugging her.

I guess it's not wrong. I would definitely kill anyone for you.

"Have you thought of a name?" He asked.

"Anne!" Fleur replied.

Ron smiled and nodded strongly. "How about Anne Delacour-Weasley?"

Fleur's eyes widened at that small, seemingly insignificant suggestion. It meant a lot more, after all.

"Let's eat first." Apolline interrupted them.

Ron agreed and took his seat again. But that night, instead of eating much, he just played with his daughter. Her tiny hands refused to lose the grip on his finger. Her sparkling eyes seemingly held his entire world.

I wish Edgar was here too. He felt like a failure towards Amelia and their son. I should do something about it later.

As time passed, dinner came to an end. There were house elves working at the mansion already, so the plates vanished right away.

But Ron got up, looking at Fleur. "Let's sit somewhere more comfortable."

"My room has a couch," Fleur suggested.

"Wait, why don't you give Anne to me? You two must 'ave so much to talk about." Apolline suggested all of a sudden.

Ron looked down at the baby and shook his head. "No, I d—"

"Merci, Maman." With a delicate move, Fleur took Anne and placed her in Apolline's arms. Then, with a swift motion, she took Ron's arm, her voice tinged with command. "Viens, Ron, let us go."

A few moments later, Ron entered the spacious room with a canopied king-sized bed and a large couch. He took a seat on it and watched Fleur move around.


Fleur locked the door with its latch and turned back to Ron. With her dragging walk, she approached Ron on the couch.

"So Monsieur Weasly," Fleur circled the couch, standing very close to Ron, right in front of him.

What's she doing?

At first, Ron thought she wanted to sit right next to him, but to his surprise, she made herself comfortable on his lap, knees spread wide around his sides. She placed an arm around his nape, while the other hand pinched his chin to make him look up at her straight in the eyes. "You look az if you had a bad day? Care to share?"

Ron still couldn't shake off some of the guilt he felt after seeing Hermione's expressions. Even if they weren't in a relationship, he did still consider her a good friend. It was frustrating how everything could have been different.

However, he wasn't about to push Fleur away, placing one hand around her soft waist, the other on her skirt-covered thigh.

"It's–It's okay. I'm just tired, too much to do, too little time… Too many people to think about," he muttered.

"Zen, maybe I can help you relax. Make you feel refreshed." Fleur's face came closer and closer, the clear sparkle in her eyes very visible to him.

His brows knitted together. "Refreshed?" He asked stiffly. "I… don't think it's the time for that."

She shrugged. "There ez never any time, mon amie. Unless you make time. Right?"

She leaned closer and slid her arms up over his shoulders.

But he grabbed her wrists and held them firmly, a bit too firmly. In reaction, she still smiled at the hint of him restraining himself. Sometimes she wondered how such a man could be so naive; all he had to do was say yes. Well, he was a Weasley, after all.

"Are you telling me you don't like this?" She wiggled her ass on his lap, her finger pointed at the noticeable hill in his brown pants, her gaze never leaving his face. Her cheeks blushed a shade of pink, her eyes clearly saying she wanted him.

Ron looked down at his crotch and growled softly. Of course, I do! I'm a man!

He resisted the urge to move his hand from her waist to her plump, soft bottom.

But the words that came out of his mouth were a little flustered, filled with a sense of seriousness and concern. "I don't… I don't know. We just can't… I can't."

Fleur's glossy pink lips curved into a mischievous smile. She untied her messy hair bun and let it loose. "Then, let me zo it… all you need to do ez relax."

Fleur's lips pushed against his own with a sudden jolt, biting his lower lips as she gazed squarely into his eyes. She continued to deepen the kiss, her tongue invading his mouth wildly. His lips were frozen stiff for a moment but melted completely under her warmth.

Ron's hand moved on their own. They left her waist to tangle in her hair, pressing against the back of her head, holding her there. His other hand was still stroking her thigh, subconsciously pulling her skirt up bit by bit.

She felt his lips were surprisingly soft today; his tongue traced the fullest part of her mouth, and she found herself twisting her fingers in his hair and opening her mouth up to him. He tasted bitter and sweet at the same time. The slender digits of her other hand danced over his shirt-covered abdomen, looking for the hem of his shirt to dive in, making him imagine wicked, lustful things.

He explored her mouth eagerly, hungrily, with deep velvety strokes that made her forget to breathe. Her waist twisted towards him as she leaned in even more on his chest, her breasts squeezing softly.

Ron's mouth began to work its way over her jaw and down her neck, his kisses becoming licks and bites that made her gasp and clutch at him. "Oh Ron," she whispered in thirst.

Ron responded with a humm, one hand toying with the zipper on her back.

"Ron. My lover, please..."

As Ron pulled her zipper all the way down her back, Fleur let the top part of her dress slide down her shoulders. Ron wasn't surprised that she wasn't wearing anything underneath. Her perfectly nectar-filled breasts didn't need much to hold up. Her hardened nipples clearly waiting for his touch for a long time.

"I have been waiting for ziz." She kissed him all over, muttering whispers between kisses, licks, and bites on his neck. "Please… Please…"

Ron sat her up straight by the shoulders, effectively pulling the collar of her dress around her upper arms even lower. Fleur had to sit there with the long sleeves restraining her lower arms to her sides, her magnificent assets jutting out for him.

As Ron closed his mouth around her nipple and suckled a wet gust of sweetness; she gasped so loudly it was almost a shout, and dug her fingers into the material of her dress, clenching for dear life.

"What were you waiting for, Fleur?" he said between licks, circling his tongue around her pink, sensitive, nipples, already leaking the white nectar. His warm breath on her skin, his hot mouth and slithering tongue, teasing her to no end.

Fleur couldn't think straight, let alone form a sentence. She was so wet he could feel the dampness of her core on his other palm, a deep throbbing ache that gnawed away at her sanity.

"Ron... Please. Je te conjure…" Her words came out slurring, a mix of moans and pleading.

That was it. He lifted her and took her to the bed in a princess carry. With his arm across her lower back, reaching around her slender body, his thumb could caress her sensitive mound from the side, teasing it to an aching craving.

He carried her to the bed and softly launched her down on the soft bedding. He kissed her fiercely, pressing her until she was almost sinking into the bed. It was a welcomed kiss, opening up to him, drawing him closer with her arms around his neck.

After a full minute of being kissed that thoroughly, Fleur could barely remember to breathe, let alone undress completely.

Ron was already sliding his hand down her leg, bunching up her flowing skirt up to her smooth belly, rolling them off the shimmering skin of her thighs. His other hand molded her breasts with wild fondles, gripping tightly around her jiggling flesh.

He took a moment to kneel on the bed, his eyes seemingly transfixed with the slick glaze on her flushing petals. In one fluid motion, he pulled off his shirt and T-shirt, and revealed his muscular chest.

Fleur's legs shifted and one of her dainty little feet stretched, letting her small toe caress the middle of his chest, all the way down to the waist of his pants. She smiled, "I missed zis, too much…"

Ron quickly unbuckled his belt, his straining erection already badgering him with constant throbs, urging him to go faster.

Now completely naked, he leaned toward her ethereal form. His breath felt hot on her sensitive skin.

"I missed this too." Ron kissed her thighs, slowly moving up to kiss her. His mouth was rough and insistent, trailing up her thighs to her pale breasts.

His cock was pressed against the top of her thigh, hot and throbbing. The fingers of his other hand parted open her lovely, drenched lower lips and one finger slipped inside. She shuddered as he rubbed her sensitive bundle of nerves, his digits swirling slickly around her heavenly gates.

He caressed a little harder, earning a long, melodious moan out of her. "Oohhh… My lover… yessss–"

"Always a pleasure to see you like this." Ron leaned back, his fingers pushing in and out of the blushing beauty very slowly, torturously slow. He smirked and crooked them, his rough thumb swirling against her nub in circles.

She arched, a coil inside of her tightening, her essence starting to soak his fingers thoroughly.

"Oh Ron… Just take me… I can't wait any longer. Take me…" Her tone was almost begging; knowing they only had a little time before her mother would call for her to feed their baby.

Ron groaned when she eagerly arched up and got her hands wrapped around his cock, stroking him as she helped him aim toward her sweet spot. All the while he leaned into her, kissing her neck, coating her swan-like grace with his saliva. His head was burrowed into the crook of her shoulder, his breath against her ear.

Ron held tightly to her bare, oozing mounds while her bare legs were tangled up around his waist.

His cock slowly pushed forward, parting the slick wetness of her excitement. He took his sweet time, grinding into her and listening to her sweet moans as he felt all his bumps and grooves scrape slowly against the flesh of her inner tight walls. Her pussy contracted around him, suckling on his iron-hard cock as those lower lips dragged around his girth.

"R–Ron… Faster. Please, faster! Fuck meh…" She breathlessly pleaded in blissful torment, craving him.

Ron smirked a little, enjoying his little teases. "Alright….."

His hands suddenly moved, pushing both her legs up with his hands under each of her knees, arching her back.

Fleur's ass went up, her legs parting even wider for Ron. She could almost see her knees bending to each side of her face, folded like a gymnast. She blushed even harder when she saw how he was looking at her wide-open pussy, so stretched and so… exciting.

He relished the sight, her unblemished pale bottom framing her blushing petals so beautifully. The wet gloss on her throbbing petals betrayed her hunger. Without hesitation, he smeared his cock all over her throbbing pussy, letting her sweet honey lubricate all around his rigid source of heat.

Fleur couldn't help but whimper lustfully, feeling his large cock brush against her tender pussy. In that stretched, locked position, she had no desire but to take him in.

"Ahh!" She suddenly cried out in bliss as he pushed his cockhead in, filling her up and stretching her insides.

Ron shoved with a brutal pace, pushing himself into her and pulling out almost all the way before slamming back in. His primal desires urged him to do more, pushing him into fucking her even harder, harsher, with no holding back. Her excited moans did little to stop him.

His hands gripped her lower thighs on both sides, fingers sinking into her soft flesh. He pushed further, raising her ass higher as he almost sat on her lower ass, his thrusts went in like a drill, downward, as deep as he could, his cock colliding with the entrance of her cervix.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah! Ye–yes Ron! Fuck meh! Oh god!" Fleur cried out with abandon, sinking deep into ecstasy as her flexible body bounced on the bed from his powerful thrusts.

Her fingers trailed down to where he was plowing into her, rubbing around her own clit as the slippery coating of his cock spread all over her entrance, lubricated thoroughly. Her pussy clenched tighter around him from double the pleasure, her muscles knotting up, and bliss creeping up her spine like wildfire.

She could feel his cock twitching for that last release. Not wanting him to pull back at any moment, she forcefully slid her legs to her sides, free from his grip. She let him fall on her as her legs circled around his waist once again, keeping him there inside her as she rode the wonderful waves of pleasure—A good, primal, missionary fuck.

She bit at his ear, teeth trailing down from his ear to his neck, biting harder at his skin as she came. The floodgates of her core shattered with intensity around him.

"Fl–Fleur—" Ron gasped and slammed into her one last time, almost shattering that creaking bed. Before groaning, his voice rumbled through his chest. He didn't want to fill her up again, but he couldn't really stop right at the last second.

She felt a rush of warmth and slickness coat her insides as she hummed, kissing him on the lips. He rolled his hips in slow circles for a few more moments, riding out the rest of his orgasm. His white cream filled her up to the very last drop.

What have I done again. No!

Ron slumped a bit, weighing down on Fleur's tired body. He let his exhaustion sink in before rolling onto her side. He wiped his face with a palm before staring at her in shock and confusion.

"You—You made me… I came inside… We…"

Finally having time, Fleur pushed her wrinkled and completely ruined dress down her waist and smirked as she rested her head on his arm while kicking the dress off her slender legs. "Don't worry, my lover. Even I'm not ready for a second child right now; I will take ze potion. But it does feel quite good inside, non? What do you zink?"

Ron sighed. I did… It felt amazing.

"Hehe." Fleur giggled and turned around, scooting back against Ron's bare chest to get some romantic, after-sex spooning. She felt his heavy arm quickly hug around her waist and hold onto one of her drenched breasts, his sticky cock settling between her thighs. That mess of sweat behind her back felt extremely hot to her.

Yeah, I think I like her.

"Ron." Fleur softly spoke. "Zen why did you come 'ere tonight, hmm?"

"Because tomorrow… There's going to be a battle… a dangerous one."

"What if you die?" She asked back.

Ron failed to answer her instantly. That prompted her to turn around and be face to face again, a mere gap of a few inches separating their lips. She hugged his chest against herself in need.

"I won't," Ron replied, gently tracing her sideburns and playing with the lock of silver blonde hair. "I can't."

"Then…" Fleur smirked mischievously. "You came here because of ze battle?"

"Because I wanted to see you and Anne."

Fleur breathed out deeply and pecked on his lips. Her head also reached for his face and traced his jaw, and then the ear. "I love you, Ronald Billius Weasley. I'm smitten."

Ron felt his heart run like it was a quidditch world cup and he was the only one without a broom. He blankly stared at her extremely beautiful face, and for some reason that face loved him. The confession wasn't unexpected, but hearing it made it so… important.

I do… I like her. I like the way she talks, and the way she thinks. She's amazing.

But he couldn't call it love yet.

"I…" Ron tried to reply. "I…"

Fleur shook her head and placed a finger on his lips. "Shhhhh~ It ez not a request, Ron. I know, you still 'ave plenty of life to explore. Don't force yourself. As long as you know, I'm happy. My dear lover."

"Let's get married, Fleur."


Confidently, sternly, Ron spread his palm on the side of her soft, flushed face and repeated his words.

"After tomorrow's battle, let's get married."

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