Star Of the Weasley Family

Chapter 3. The Greatest Weasley


Triumphant, Harry came out of the water with Cho in his arms. Following just behind him, Ron appeared with Hermione and Gabrielle at his side. As expected, confusion was on everyone's face. No quick announcement was made since the rules were unclear, and even the three headmasters had no clue.

Meanwhile, Hermione and Gabrielle woke up coughing water, along with Cho. The three girls stared at their savior in confusion since this wasn't the person they expected to be saved by.

"You!" Hermione felt somewhat shocked to see Ron holding her waist so tightly. "You saved me? But… What happened to Krum?"

Ron shrugged and answered for all to hear. "I woke up when I was in the water. I couldn't just leave you there with those Merpeople. What if something happened to you? So, with Harry, I brought your two along."

"You were worried for me?" Hermione muttered in disbelief.

"Well, of course," Ron nodded and looked at Gabriell, Fleur's little sister. "What I'm confused about is why Miss Fleur is out of the lake before Harry."

"She was attacked by the Grindylows and couldn't go on with the task," Neville came over and explained, cheering both Ron and Harry. "Harry won first place and… You're second? I don't know what's going on."

What Ron said was heard by Dumbledore and other headmasters as well. Clearly, they couldn't blame Ron for saving his friends when seeing them stuck underwater. But as expected, it annoyed the Headmaster of Durmstrang, which prompted him to growl and complain. But in the end, everyone saw what happened.

"After carefully discussing the events, Mister Potter has been awarded first place. Mister Krum is in second place for reaching the place of interest the quickest after Mister Potter. Likewise, third place goes to Mister Diggory and fourth place to Miss Fleur," Dumbledore announced with his magically amplified voice.

Ron merely smiled internally, knowing this was going to help his best friend in some way. But, to his surprise, he found some rewards for himself too. And this one came a little too quickly.

"Oh, merci beaucoup... Thank you so, so much, Monsieur Weasley. I owe you zis one."

Fleur came crying to Ron and sat down on her knees in front of him. Still in her bathing suit, Ron gulped at the sight of the graceful, blonde beauty with an attractive, lithe body, whose magical allure woke up the little friend inside his pants. Her thin lips, deep blue eyes, and fair skin once again reminded Ron of why he foolishly asked her out to dance that night.

"Thank you for saving Gabrielle." Fleur almost cried and, surprisingly, hugged him tightly in her embrace. She then showered kisses on his cheek, one, two, three, and then a few more. Now, just seeing Fleur was enough to arouse men, so what could such closeness do?

Ron found the answer as his hands rose on their own and held her by the waist. Her slim frame was amazing to touch, and the heat from her body was tantalizing.

"I will thank you properly later, Monsieur Weasley." Fleur finally realized how awkward it was and got herself away from Ron.

"It did what was right, Miss Fleur," Ron responded quickly, retracing his hands from her waist and returning to his senses.

Fleur suddenly blushed and stood up, "Just Fleur, Monsieur Weasley."

Good gracious, Merlin's beard! She's so pretty. Ron tried his best to hide his dreamy trance.

"I'll see you around then." Ron waved and looked to his side at Hermione, "Are you alright?"

Hermione nodded vigorously, biting her lips. "J-Just… cold."

"Oh." Ron quickly placed his blanket around her shoulders. He didn't know when he had become so quick to take action. But, when confidence oozed in every single thought, he found it so much easier to do things.

And just like that, the second task came to an end. But he didn't expect the aftermath.

When morning came, and the newspapers flew into the Great Hall, the first page had an unlikely headline.

[Not The Champions, A Young Weasley Wins the Second Task!]

Surprisingly, it was an article written by Rita Skeeter that demeaned the four Champions, but while doing so, she added some unnecessary praises for the 'Young Weasley'—unofficially crowning him as the fifth Champion.

The loud murmurs across the Great Hall, the various turning gazes and laughs, made Ron feel a little extra alert. But that didn't mean he didn't enjoy the attention. In fact, he loved it. Especially the newfound attention the opposite gender seemed to be showering him with.


For the coming few months, other than hiding from Snape, who seemed to be getting interested in him, Ron spent time playing around with Padma whenever he could. Without speaking, both of them acknowledged that this was a mere relation of carnal pleasure, nothing less and nothing more.

But Ron couldn't lie. He was starting to grow bored.

It was amazing, no doubt. He loved the sex, and Padma was equally wild at it. But he wanted to taste a different flavor now. Besides, with his newfound fame, he couldn't help but look at each desirable girl walking past him as a hopeful partner. However, what he feared was commitment. He didn't want to meet another crazy one like Lavender.

But before he could settle for one candy out of so many, the third task was upon them. And once again, he wanted to help his best friend because he felt like he could. After the second task's debacle, he understood how easily the rules could be changed.

Alright, I got the broom, the dirty bombs from George, the camera, and the invisibility cloak. He prepared himself to fly over the big maze created for the task. Harry, you better be indebted to me for the rest of your life.

"What are you doing?" Hermione saw him trying to leave the viewer's stand.

Awkwardly, Ron tried to avert his gaze and chuckled, "Nothing… Just feeling hungry. I'll bring you something."

This went along with his usual attitude, so Hermione simply hummed and looked back at the four champions that gathered. "It's about to start. Come back quickly."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll be watching it very closely," Ron mumbled and left quickly to pick up the items he had prepared.

He waited until Dumbledore's loud voice echoed, and the students started cheering. He knew Harry would be entering first, so as soon as the students cheered, he donned the invisibility cloak and took to the sky.

Now, the champions weren't allowed to use brooms, but he was no champion. So, without any restriction, he watched Harry enter the complex maze that closed up behind him. It was pretty dark, but Harry, using his wand to illuminate his way, allowed Ron to follow him more easily.

Viktor is too fast. Cedric as well… Ah, Fleur is already suffering. He had the best spot to watch the events unfold. Oh, she's struggling against the vines. Wait, is that… Krum attacking her? What in the… What's going on?

"Aaaaa…" Fleur screamed.

And right then, Ron thought of a pretty nice idea. He quickly flew down and took out his wand, pointing at Viktor Krum.

"Stupefy," he whispered and struck Krum without being seen. The spell hit the man right from behind, throwing him unconscious. But by then, Fleur was already down and being swallowed by the vines.

"You're alright." Ron quickly got Fleur out of the vines and placed her beside Viktor's body. She was awake but in a daze. It was game over for her, so Ron flicked his wand at the sky and sent out a burst of light.

With this, Hogwarts will win no matter what. But why was Krum attacking her?



"What?!" He noticed the maze violently closing around him as if trying to trap him. Quickly, he jumped with his broom and flew out, barely saving himself from the claw-like vines trying to catch him.

By then, he noticed the entire maze had started to show activity as if it was alive. Furthermore, it was closing. So, Ron quickly flew around and found Harry, but Cedric was also there. He didn't want to cheat, so he let them be and simply watched until the final moment.

You can do it, Harry. No! No, throw him aside. Wait… He fell! Yes! Ron felt a multitude of emotions as he came down and stood beside the Triwizard Cup and watched the two champions run towards him.

No! Why are you stopping, Harry? Wait, why aren't the vines attacking Harry?

Somewhere in his heart, Ron slowly began to feel suspicious about the entire situation. Harry's name being thrown in, him winning all the way, and even now—it was as if someone wanted him to win. Someone much better at their job than him.

Come on, Harry. Ah, so you're going to save him. Ron watched as Harry saved Cedric from the vines, and then both made their way towards the trophy. Ron felt annoyed that Harry was giving up his win and decided to kick the cup towards Harry instead.

This isn't cheating, right?



"What th—!"

Just as he kicked the cup, Harry grabbed onto one handle, and Cedric tripped on a vine and grabbed Harry's shoulder.

But then the feeling of his stomach churning came. Shocked, and confused, Ron groaned alone and looked up, finding himself in a strange place.

A graveyard? He realized.

"It's a Portkey!" Cedric exclaimed just then. "Harry, the cup is a Portkey!"

Ron heard it and stood up. The invisibility cloak was still on his body, and the broom was right beside him. He decided to come out and show himself as well since he felt like vomiting.


Harry! Ron heard Harry's painful groan and got steady quickly. He jumped onto the broom and took it towards Harry.

However, just as he reached some altitude, he noticed a person coming out of the nearby building. Cedric pointed his wand toward the man, but Ron felt his blood boiling.

T-That's… bloody Peter Pettigrew! That filthy man! I slept with him for years! He felt disgusted and enraged. You won't escape today, bastard!

"Killlh da sp—"

Right when a hideous, whispering voice came from whatever Peter was carrying, Ron threw something from the sky.


The ball exploded at Peter's feet, creating dense brown smoke and spreading the nasty smell of dung.

"Cedric, run!" Harry shouted right then.

Ron took action as well and dived straight down to Cedric, who was the closest, and picked him up on the broom, shocking him that he was there. "Calm down and hide under the robes. That bastard… we have to catch him today."

There was focus and a firm will in Ron's eyes. He wanted to wait for a perfect opportunity since Peter still had a wand, and he knew he wasn't strong enough to duel a wizard who served the Dark Lord.

"Quiiick~" The hissing voice resounded from the dirty mist, coughing. "Ignore the spare…"

"Of course, My Lord," Peter replied and quickly stepped forward out of the mist. He pointed his wand at Harry, who was running away while stumbling, feeling the searing pain on his forehead. He levitated Harry's body back, only to eventually bind him to the tombstone.

"Do it! Now~!"

Peter stepped back from Harry, lifted the little thing in his arms over the cauldron, and threw it into the steaming liquid. Then, he moved his wand and levitated a bone resting on the side.

"Bone of the father…"

Meanwhile, in the sky, Cedric kept nagging at Ron to do something, "Why aren't we stopping this? He's trying to revive the Dark Lord. It's obvious!"

"I know! But not yet… As long as he has a wand, we can't win." Ron smartly measured each step he was going to take. "Don't worry, I will go down soon. But remember, show Peter no mercy… He's very cunning. He'll try to act innocent and pathetic to find an opportunity to escape. Use a freezing charm on him as soon as we step on the ground."

"Peter? You know him?"

"...I" Ron felt disgusted, remembering how he used to adore the rat. "Forget it. What's important is that we capture him."

"...Unwillingly given." Peter continued, unaware of the floating broom behind him. "Flesh of the servant willingly sacrificed."

"Wraaaaa…!" Peter cried in pain as soon as he cut his own hand, the wand wand resting inside the coat.


Ron landed behind Peter right then and raised his wand, "NOW!"


"Petrificus Totalus!" Cedric roared much faster than Ron and struck Peter on the back.

But Ron wasn't done, not even close to done. "Petrificus Totalus! Stupefy! Expelliarmus! Stupefy! Stupefy! Stupefy! Take one more, bastard! Stupefy!"

"..." Cedric watched helplessly as Ron never stopped, even after taking the wand with Expelliarmus.

"Ron!" Harry was excited to see his best friend. "Let me down."

Cedric quickly did that. Meanwhile, Ron went ahead and transfigured a rope with Peter's clothes and tied his hands behind his back. Being more than paranoid with this one, he left no stone unturned to ensure the man couldn't escape.

After all that, he walked over to the cauldron and kicked it, overturning everything what was in it, including the filthy body of whatever creature it was. It looked like a baby, but demonic.

"What do we do with this?" Ron asked.

"That's Voldemort!" Harry shouted and raised his wand at it. "Let's take it back. There is no bigger proof than these two."

Ron nodded and took off his jacket. "Put that thing in this. Don't touch it… just in case. Constant vigilance, like what the Professor said."

"It all makes sense now," Cedric muttered, realizing why Harry was forced into the competition. "If Ron hadn't come, I'd be dead, and Voldemort would have… returned."

"Stupefy!" However, Ron was still focused on Peter and kept one foot pressed on his back. Whenever the unconscious man breathed too harshly, Ron felt like he'd escape. "Let's get back quickly."

Harry and Cedric nodded firmly, levitating the Dark Lord's groaning body into the jacket, and wrapped him carefully so they wouldn't touch its skin. The creature was gasping for breath as whatever ritual they were doing was interrupted.

"Come, put a hand on my shoulder," Ron felt the need to rush and called them over. Then, as soon as Harry and Cedric touched his shoulder, he flicked the wand. "Accio!"

The Triwizard Cup flew and fell into Ron's hands. And with that, they vanished from the spot.


The next thing they knew, they arrived at Hogwarts, in the arena where everyone was waiting for the winner.

"And the winner is Ron Wea… What?!"

Cameras flashes. Trumpets, loud claps, and cheers echoed all around, but they were instantly engulfed by chattering, full of confusion. Why was Ron Weasley holding the cup? Why was he stepping on a man's body? Why were the two champions holding Ron's back?

"This man is Peter Pettigrew!" Ron shouted at the top of his lungs so everyone could hear.

He noticed Harry and Cedric place his jacket on the ground and open it to also show the demon baby. "This is Voldemort's body! The Triwizard Cup was a Portkey! Peter tried to resurrect the Dark Lord with Harry's blood as a sacrifice!"

One after another, the bombshell announcements came. Ron wanted to make everything known before anything wrong could occur. Having lived with Harry for four years, he had no doubt how quickly things could derail.

"Noooooo! How dare you!"

For no reason, Professor Moody suddenly roared in rage and swung his wand at Ron, sending out an unknown curse.

"Not on my watch!" Dumbledore roared similarly and neutralized Moody immediately with his superior magic. He rushed to Ron and stood in front of him, taking a glance at Peter's face and Voldemort's hideous body.

"It is my oversight that you three had to face such a thing. Mister Weasley, we shall have a talk about this later."

Harry thought his best friend would be in trouble and clarified everything, "Ron saved me, Professor. Without him, Voldemort would have fully returned."

"He saved my life as well," Cedric added. "He doesn't deserve to be punished… This competition was a farce to lure Harry from the start."

Dumbledore shook his head, "Punishment? He will be rewarded thoroughly, you two. Do not worry. I shall take care of it from here."

Immediately, Professor McGonagall neutralized Moody fully, taking his wand and freezing his body. At the same time, the other professors, the Minister for Magic, and a few others made a circle around Peter and Voldemort's body.

"Cornelius, I believe there is no doubt about the Dark Lord's return anymore?" Dumbledore spoke with Minister Fudge while looking at the demon baby.

"N-No… No doubt… Albus," Fudge couldn't catch his breath.


Everyone looked and saw Ron flick his wand again at Peter's body.

Ron noticed the gaze and embarrassingly stepped back. "H-He moved… he can turn into a rat, so be careful."

Clearly, that was the hidden trauma speaking. But no doubt, everyone's gaze returned to the Triwizard cup still in Ron's hands.

Putting everything aside, now the question was, who won?


Harry was chosen as the official winner of the tournament since he was the champion who touched the cup first. However, nobody seemed to care about it, as the revelation about Peter and Voldemort's living body brought chaos throughout the wizarding community of Britain.

The real Professor Moody was found, and Barty Crouch Jr.'s ploy was revealed. Aurors went to the graveyard and also confirmed the existence of the cauldron and an attempt at a very dark ritual.

Ron, Harry, and Cedric were individually questioned by Minister Fudge, Dumbledore, and the Head of DMLE, Amelia Susan Bones. In the end, Ron's revelation about Viktor's attack and the strangeness of the maze cleared more things.

Once the statements by the three boys fully matched each other's, everything that happened that night was widely accepted, with no doubts or conspiracies left. Furthermore, the arrest of Peter meant Sirius now had a true shot at real freedom and exoneration.

There were celebrations in the school the entire night and the day after. Especially the Gryffindor house, since Ron's actions and Harry's victory brought great merit to them. However, Ron felt somewhat suffocated after constantly being showered with praises; more so when there was something heavy weighing on his mind.

So, to find some peace and calm to collect his thoughts, he left the common room and headed to the edge of the Forbidden Forest near Hagrid's hut. He was alone, and it was evening, probably two hours until sunset.

After walking past a few trees, he stopped and sat down on a fallen log. Donned in a regular, full-sleeved t-shirt and brown pants, he stared at his wand in confusion. "I cast so many spells last night. Some were even high level… How did I cast them so perfectly?"

Of course, he knew he wasn't the greatest spellcaster. And considering his previous record, he felt there was something different about himself.

"Was it because of that potion?" He wondered. "Everything started changing from then on, after all."

He sighed and stood up to try casting the spells again at a tree, "Stupefy!"

"Expulso… It didn't work." He noticed he couldn't cast the stronger, more complex spells anymore. "Expelliarmus!"

Once again, he felt nothing from his wand. And it confused him since he had cast this exact spell the previous night.

"Expelliarmus… Ah, still nothing."


Suddenly, the sound of someone stepping on a twig came, followed by a melodic voice. "You're very good with your spells, Monsieur Weasley, truly. But just a leetle mistake in ze wand movement, I think."

Ron noticed it was Fleur. What a beauty, he thought at the sight.

She was wearing something different, not her school dress. It was a white cardigan with a large cutout for the neck, and below was a loose, knee-length, dark blue flowery skirt. Her silver blonde hair was untied, falling around her neck and parting in the middle in many locks.

"Movement?" Ron tried to act as normal as possible. "Umm… Care to help?"

"Okay." She walked over and stood behind him. So close that her chest was softly pressed against his back, her breath blessing the side of his face as she was only slightly shorter than him.

"Keep ze arm relaxed, please. I will direct eet, and upon my cue, cast ze spell, if you will."

But it took everything for Ron to focus as she placed her other hand on the right side of his waist while her left hand guided his left hand, her face behind his shoulder and peeking.

Control yourself, Ron. You stopped the Dark Lord. This is eas… He felt her breath and low hums so close to his ears. This isn't easy at all!

"You must glide with ze grace, like zis, and zen with a turn, delicately so... and now, if you please, repeat ze incantation."

"Expelliarmus!" Ron voiced.


The wand reacted, and the spellcasting was a success. He felt exalted and turned around abruptly, "That was great, Fle…"

He found the words stuck in his throat. Having turned so abruptly meant Fleur was still standing too close to him. So much so that her body almost touched his. Their faces were just a foot apart. He felt his heart skip a beat while his eyes remained locked with hers.


She smiled and moved suddenly. She caught both his hands in hers while maintaining the close gap. "Merci beaucoup for everything, Monsieur Weasley. First, for saving my sister, then myself... then so bravely saving 'Arry and Cedric... and for all ze other things you 'ave done."

Honestly, Ron found her accent sexy. "Ron… Just call me Ron."

"Ron." She spoke his name so sweetly, and let go of one of his hands before placing it on his shoulder. Then she guided his other hand to hold her graceful waist. "I 'ave regret, you know, for saying no to you for ze Yule Ball. Might I 'ave ze honor of a dance with you now?"

Ron gulped, pressing his lips together shyly before nodding strongly.

"Hehe, merci."

She initiated it, and he followed. Slowly swinging left and right like waves and wind. Smooth steps and turns as they smiled and stared at each other's faces. Ron definitely was enchanted, but the expressions Fleur gave weren't that different.

But he was still a man, and she was a quarter Veela.

While it started with just his palm on her waist, he soon slowly shifted closer and pulled her in, eventually wrapping his entire arm around her waist. He felt her soft breasts press against his chest and her face a few inches away. It was so hot to feel her intoxicating scent in that breezy forest with the chirping of nature around them.


"Hmm?" He hummed as she got closer, folding her arm that rested on his shoulder until her elbow touched his upper chest.

A blush formed on her face, and a sparkle appeared in her eyes. "Je... puis-je vous embrasser?"


He was confused, but not for long. Immediately after she said something in French, she closed in whatever gap was left between their faces and kissed his lips sweetly, deeply, passionately, and so much more that Ron couldn't describe.

The dance stopped, and Ron found his other hand also wrapping around her waist while both her arms wrapped around his neck. He felt her smooth, thin lips melting into his. It soon turned into a smooch as they moved their faces to accommodate each other's lips. Soon, her tongue probed his lips, and he accepted her.

He felt like his heart was about to explode. But he cherished this moment with her and stepped forward, pushing Fleur slowly towards a tree. Once her back was against the tree trunk, he closed his eyes and savored the taste of the quarter Veela.

Lost in the heat, he responded in kind and flicked his tongue in her mouth as well, cherishing every inch of her heat.

"Umm… Ron," She moaned between the kisses while taking a deep breath.

The feeling tingled her sense. Uncontrollably, her satiny leg went up and rested the fold of her knee on Ron's hip. His hand trailed down her waist, catching a moment to squeeze her supple hip, and took hold of her malleable thigh, supporting it from below.

Taking in the wild scent of her body, he couldn't help but take it a step further. Letting go of her lips, his tongue started to lick her delicate jawline. Kissing little butterfly touches on the smooth curve of her neck, flicking down and slathering his glistening saliva on her delicious skin.

Her tantalizing body responded. Her perfectly formed mounds heaved in great pleasure, feeling his digits sinking into her lustrous soft skin. Her hands carelessly tugged on the hem of his t-shirt, quickly finding its way to dive under.

Her adorable, slim finger finally found its way to his tight, clenching abdomen, trailing up the curves of his developing muscles. Feeling the stroke of her fingers, he sighed breath onto her spit-coated neck, tickling her senses.

His other hand did the same, plunging under her cardigan, and tasted the creamy soft skin of her undulating belly with his reckless fingers. She shivered as his hand moved up, crawling towards her plump, soft mounds.

She sucked in a deep, withering breath, as he finally cupped his palm around her breast. The scent of his flaming red hair stimulated her thirst.


Ron clenched his hand around her, spilling some of her gentle flesh out of her taut bra.

Ron couldn't believe such softness, such creamy indulgent. His staff started to strain, imagining if the other parts of her were that intoxicating. He wanted to taste her more and more.

Suddenly, in a moment of surprise, Fleur pushed his body back a little, breaking their passionate moment, releasing her sensitive neck from his slippery tongue.

"Ah… sorry," Ron suddenly felt like she didn't want to, a bit guilty. His face was still inches away, and he could feel her hot breath on his skin.

"I'z not that, Ron. I 'ave something to give you... something zat is very personal to me. But I believe zere is no one better zan you to receive zis gift from me," Fleur said with deep emotions in her voice and also arousal. "Please, be gentle."

Ron wasn't that silly young man anymore and understood what gift she was talking about. There was only one thing that would require being gentle.

"Fleur… I… I don't know what to say. Of course, I will be gentle," he responded and lifted her cardigan. She smiled and let him. "You're… really beautiful."

He complimented her once her alabaster skin, smoother than any he had seen, greeted him. She was so silky to touch and warm, and her red bra also accentuated her looks. That hunger, that lust in her eyes that he enjoyed looking at.

"You too," she muttered, raising his shirt, easily removing it. "Ooh… Savoureux"

Of course, she liked Ron's body as well. He was not muscular but had toned muscles that were visibly developing. Besides, his broader frame, in comparison with hers, made her feel utterly hot.

Fleur quickly leaned over for another kiss, suckling on his bottom lip, biting and teasing him thoroughly. Ron pressed on, catching her warm tongue in his mouth. His hands gently brushed the soft, curving flesh of her lower back, reaching the clasps of her sensual, red bra.

With a flick of his fingers, he instantly unclasps them, pulling the red cloth away from her body. He couldn't believe it was that easy, almost thinking that he was too lucky at it.

Taking away the last barrier, his digits started to search for those erotically jutting lumps of flesh, caressing and kneading her skin as they moved up. Finally, he could feel them between his fingers, fondling her rosy-pink buds. He plucked and prodded, squeezed and tugged, claiming her magnificent peaks.

Fleur shivered and trembled, exhaling moans into his mouth. Ron tasted every inch of her mouth as their tongues twisted and tangled, melding into each other's heat. Then, his tongue went down her once more, savoring the milky crook of her neck, reaching her mounds.

He cupped a nipple with his mouth, flicking her nub and suckling on it. Her flavor was as delectable as champagne, rousing and intoxicating. He sucked and kissed every inch he could get, sending shivers up her spine.

Ready for more, she fervently moved her hands to the zipper of her skirt, quickly pulling it down. It allowed Ron to pull her skirt down first, then the sexy red panties, and quickly expose her private, moist, satin flesh. His fingers searched for her hot sheath, massaging and twirling on her steamy, little kernel of pleasure. Already craving for him, her essence covered his fingers; her petals twitching, sucking on the tip of his finger.

"Ah… Ron…Your 'ands are… cold," she breathlessly muttered as her hands caressed the straining bulge under his pants. "Feelz… so… good."

Her Veela allure was killing him. His rigid source of heat throbbed and twitched. Her spoiled, begging voice egged him on. Ron couldn't wait any longer, wanting to taste her, and eat her up entirely. Her receptive body was just too seductive, a fairy that wanted every inch of him.

He quickly fumbled with his belt and pulled down his pants and underwear to his thighs, allowing his straining phallus to come out. Fleur's eyes widened at the sight, looking a little stunned and impressed.

He held one of her legs higher on his waist, supporting it with his arm. Then, his hips inched closer, allowing the heat of his head to nuzzle on her perfectly moist slit as he pressed her against the tree. "Can I…?" He asked with beaded breaths.

"Az you will, Monsieur," she answered with a seductive smile.

"Ah!" She yelped in surprise as Ron pushed in hastily the moment he heard 'will'.

Ron tried to move in as gently as he could, but her tight and straining walls were too amazing, unyieldingly clenching around his hot cock. It struggled to make its way, gently pulling them slightly apart. He could feel his blood rushing to his core, milked by a virgin grip.

So this is what a virgin feels like?

"Ohhh… Ron..." Fleur squirmed on his chest, feeling every bump of his veins scraping her inner walls. More and more of her juice came out, wildly aiding him to welcome him in further and fill her completely. Her hands clenched on his shoulder, as his free hand went back to her rose-tipped breast.

Fingers clenched shut. She felt slight pain, fear, excitement, and a whole lot of pleasure. But she had made up her mind; she wanted it, and she wanted it from Ron.

He pinched the hard little tip, causing her virgin pussy to tighten around him even more. At the same time, he nibbled and kissed the skin of her neck, teasing her senses.

"Ghh…" Ron grunted excitedly, wanting to stimulate her insides even more. He fondled and kneaded, kissed and licked, pushing all the buttons; Causing her slick, wet heat to clench and shudder, uncontrollably reacting to his touch.

"Ah ahh…. Ohh... Ron, yes…" She moaned and whimpered with her eyes closed.

Ron couldn't hold it in anymore, so his hips picked up the pace, pulling back a bit and shoving deep into her. He could feel her walls adjusting to his girth, accepting all of his length inside her. He dived deeper and deeper, causing her to jerk violently against the tree. But her hips still moved in circles, swaying as his sweating abdomen stuck to her like glue, looking for that last ounce of pleasure.

No longer holding back, Ron reached the edge of infinity. His cock twitched, and he finally abandoned himself to pleasure. In a fiery culmination, he burst inside her abruptly. The heat of his white seeds spread inside, squelching with his final thrust.

"Damn it…" Ron gently stopped his movement, and supported himself with one hand against the tree. He gulped with heavy breaths.

"What ez'… wrong?" She asked harshly and unevenly as she gently placed her hand on his cheek. She could feel the hint of burning, fading pain between her legs. She knew there was blood, but she didn't want to see it yet.

"You're just… too hot, you feel too… amazing," Ron shook his head. "You haven't even come yet." He gently pulled out his steadily relaxing cock out of her.

"Don't worry… it 'ez for you, not me. Your gift." she smiled and suddenly went down on her knees.

To Ron's surprise, she started to lick his cum and juices-covered cock. Daylight was fading, so he guessed she didn't see the blood.

Cleaning every inch of him as she flicked her tongue around his crown. Lost in lust, Fleur didn't care about her image anymore. All she wanted was him, his body, his cock, and that sweet, sweet release.

Ron started to feel the surge come back to his loins, feeling her tongue sloppily lap up every bit of him as her hand caressed his ticklish family jewels. He placed both his hands on the tree, gazing down at her supple figure below.

Oh dear Merlin! Thank you!!

Tracing his veins with her tongue, she slowly suckled on his head as it started to twitch once more. Her eyes locked onto him as if she was begging for the rapidly growing erection to come back entirely. She gulped their juices down, causing her cheeks to clench around him. Her hands fondled her own breasts, seeking more of that pleasurable fuck from his hot cock.

In no time, his little soldier was ready for another battle. His length stood front and center, answering the Vella's summons.

Fleur stood up, pecking at his jaw. "Ready?"

"Oh yes…" Ron answered with a thrill.

"Let us move a leetle. Zis tree is hurting me," she revealed her red back to him, proof that the bark was harsh on her delicate pale skin.

Then she picked up her skirt, placed it on a fallen log, and bent over it. With one arm supporting her, her other hand went down her belly. Her finger reached her core, parting her delicate, soaked petals in a show. She turned and seductively looked at Ron, "Ar' you coming?"

Ron's eyes widened at the sight. Her plump ass high in the air, her gaping wet hole ready to be plundered, and her seductive accent begging him to come to her. It was turning dark, but her paler-than-white body shined so well, like a trophy waiting for him to take.

Slowing down was no longer in his vocabulary as he moved behind her and quickly aimed his iron-hard arrow toward her pussy. He placed his hands on her sensual waist and thrust himself in with a single hard thrust. This time, he shoved himself in easily as she bucked beneath him.

"Ahhh! Yess…yess. Ron, yess…" She cried out melodiously for him.

Ron shoved it all in. She lifted her hips to his thrusting body. He pounded into her with a fierce rush, craving the sound of her cry of ecstasy. Her cushiony bottom slapped against his muscles, resounding through the woods around them.

That primal sensation took over as he felt her slick walls contract, milking him inch by inch. She yelped and moaned for the heavens, no longer caring to speak in English. Ron felt even more heated, grunting and groaning every time his hot cock struck her deepest walls. She pressed her hips frantically against him, her body rocking in hot, wet, abandon.

Then, with a sudden ecstasy-filled serene scream, her well-oiled love hole burned to a cinder with a flood of honey-sweet lava. Ron could feel the heat on his cock, setting off an uncontrollable wave of blissful sensations throughout his body.

He also came for a second time, bursting with extreme rapture. His belly twisted and clenched, sending out every last bit of juice from his loins. He managed to jolt in one last hard thrust, causing her to sweetly scream out his name.

Ron's knees buckled as if his final release took everything in him. He groaned and gulped, breathing heavily, supporting himself with his hand still on her soft, curving waist.

Fleur panted, her lithe body weakly leaning over the log. She wearily tried to stand up as she felt Ron carefully pulling out his limp member.

"Hah…" He breathed heavily. "Thanks… for this gift."

"Umm…" She was so lost that only little moans and hums came from her lips.

Ron pulled up his pants and looked for his shirt while Fleur gathered her clothes, albeit stumbling a bit on her quivering knees. They both smoothed down their clothes, trying to look as normal as possible and slowly walked back to the school, hand in hand.

However, as they reached the large doors of the school, and Fleur had finally found some strength in her legs, she dashed away without a word.

Ron could only helplessly look at her receding back with wide eyes, wondering if he had done something wrong.

Girls are hard to understand.


Since the celebrations for the end of the Triwizard tournament were still to be held, the parents of the champions were in the castle. So, Fleur ran to find her mother quickly in her room. After making sure her father wasn't there, she hastily asked for help.

"Maman, s'il vous plaît...… give me that potion."

"What potion?" Apolline Delacour confusedly stared at her daughter's messy hair.
"Where 'ave you been? And just look at your 'air!"

"Maman... Ze potion! Zat potion! Quickly, give it to me!"

"That po… What?!" Apolline turned red in anger immediately as she realized what potion Fleur wanted.

"Who was 'e? Who's ze boy?

"Maman, stop. Just give me ze…"

"Who was it?!"

"Monsieur Weasley… Ron… Weasley."

Apolline's eyes flickered dangerously. "Him? I shall go and 'ave a little word with 'im, then."

"Maman… No~"


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