StarChaser: Another (18+)

Autumnhollow Chronicles – Interlude 2.5 – At The Gates of The Storm

Story so Far:
The team attends a briefing at the Teth-Odin's Jormungandr Guild.
Ingrid learns Zefir is seen as a "Pounding Boy"; a bottom for being surrounded by girls.
People make jokes about Ingrid being a bed warmer for a snooty backed-up elf (Siria)
Ingrid adopts a Fae Hare and names him Cuddly.
Cuddly needs snacks!
The team is briefed on what monsters to not attack as well as the current sub-optimal conditions of the dungeon right now.
Neith, Selphie and Cuddly are registered as adventurers.

Autumnhollow, Two Days Later:

The Control Center, as it was now called, was the former study or guest bedroom located at the ground floor of the Autumnhollow house. It was the room where the computers and other devices were set up so Zefir and Gwen could perform their task as Mission Control.

Like the master bedroom, the room has been expanded, a process that Zefir had yet to understand how or why it happened. In his mind, the Control Center was now divided into two zones. The Mission Control area, that was the desk with the computers and other comms devices, and the War Room which consisted of a big table and chairs, these furniture he bought from a local shop in Teth-Odin.


At one end of this table, facing against the wall was Ingrid’s position, with a matching tall high-wing chair on wheels. This morning however, Ingrid stood as she addressed the team before they began their dungeon crawl.

“Alright, let’s talk strategies and tactics.” Ingrid began, pausing a bit to allow Philia and Zefir to lay down coffee for everyone as they sat down. Ingrid glanced at the new latest members of The Whales. 

The first one was Selphie, she was a dryad which basically meant she looked like an elf with the pretty features and pointy ears as well as antler-like branches on her head. Compared to the first time she saw her, her branches were more like antlers which turned out not to be good as a healthy dryad needed foliage. Now she had her leaves back and even had small flowers blooming along her branches.

Cuddly was a Fae Marsh Hare. Like Tixi Mice they had near-sapient intelligence, probably more, as Cuddly himself was capable of using spells. Two days ago, Cuddly was rather thin and a little weak from being malnourished from his long unsuccessful journey of finding someone to adopt him as a familiar, that was until Ingrid fattened him up and adopted him. Now he sat on Sammy’s lap, busily eating a carrot.

“What’s the difference?” Zefir asked as he took his seat, Ian jumped on lap to receive cuddles which he promptly obliged.

“Strategy is long term. Tactics is short term and what you do to enact strategy.” Philia replied, giving Charles ear-scratches as the mouse quietly squeaked happily.

Ingrid nodded and continued. “Let’s talk about dividing the teams and setting who’s in charge of what. We’ve all taken a look at the Gate Houses, the fortress-like structures that surround the entrances to the dungeons. We’ve seen the injuries there and the casualties…” As she turned around, some giggled at the sight of Arthur clinging to her back, his tail wagging happily.

“It’s like Vietnam down there.” Cecil remarked. His was the opposite, he was cuddled on Chris’ and was being petted and patted by his plushy paws.

“Vietnam?” Kvaris asked, not understanding the reference, Aiden was playfully nibbling on her ears causing her to twitch and let out small titters.

“Picture the world’s greatest empire going to war against a much smaller kingdom.” Philia said as she rubbed Charles’ cheeks. “With the numbers and technology, it should be an easy win right? Instead you have thousands and thousands dead, hubris does that. You start with hopeful warriors expecting to finish their tour of duty in a few days, they find themselves trapped for weeks in a war zone where waking up the next day is just a miracle.”

“Not that it happened like that, but you get the picture.” Ingrid added, reaching up behind her to pat Arthur’s head. “That’s going to be us if we’re not prepared. Now…” Ingrid stood aside and gestured at the whiteboard behind her and began writing down names.

“We’re the Whales, that’s our entire group as a whole. Obviously, I’m the leader and Philia is XO, or second-in-command. In the field, when we’re out adventuring, so long as swords need to be drawn, Siria is in charge of those matters next to me for obvious reasons. Kinu, Kvaris, Sammy, you’re our advisers.”

The ones named by Ingrid nodded, their movements mirrored by their mice.

“Our mice have subdivisions, collectively, the mice in Cecil’s Room are known as Iroquois, while the mice on foot are known as the 189.”

“Yup, I remember that.” Sammy said. Cuddly on her lap quietly continued to chew on his carrot.

“Same.” Chorused the Enthanas. The mice assigned to that group squeaked excitedly as one.

“Cecil’s portal is manned by himself as well as the mice acting as his gunners. His group in the portal is collectively known as Iroquois. These will be divided into two subdivisions; those directly using Cecil’s portal will be team Apache, led by Cecil with Ralph as his second-in-command.”

“Roger.” Cecil replied, followed by the squeaks of his crew.

“The four sub-portals will be team Kiowa, led by Aiden.” Ingrid said and the newly-appointed Kiowa squad squeaked in reply. 

“The Mice on the ground, you guys remember their team name?” Ingrid pointed to the group.

“The 189” Kinu said as she rubbed Lester’s belly.

“Yes, let’s subdivide them now. Arthur and Sully, you two will be the Montessa team, Charles and Oscar, you’re Aviz. They’re names of knight orders in my world.” Ingrid explained, now cradling Arthur, his back was turned to the group as he was reading the diagrams on the board, and his tail continued to wag.

“They did sound familiar.” Zefir remarked as he scratched Ian’s lower back  “I majored in history back in college.”

“And then there's the Gold Team, consisting of course, our Golden Mice.” Ingrid continued. “Now, when we’re out dungeoneering our group will consist of three teams.”

Everyone leaned forward as Ingrid paused for effect and to rub Arthur’s back.

“Three teams will be Alpha, Center, and Omega. Alpha Team will lead the expedition, followed by Center Group, and Omega will bring up the rear.”

“Sounds simple enough.” Viel remarked, squeezing paws with Aiden, who responded by gently nibbling on her hands.

“I will lead Alpha team, Sammy, you’ll lead Omega team, and Siria, you lead Center Group.”

“Very well.” Siria replied, scratching the top of Brody’s head, causing the mouse to close his eyes and make contented chirps.

“Guess my chieftain training begins now.” Sammy smiled. Ingrid smiled back.

“Most of you will be in the Center Group; Philia, Viel, Iohann, and Neith.”

The ones Ingrid mentioned voiced their assent.

“Accompanying me on Alpha team will be Cuddly and Selphie, and Sammy for now is the sole permanent member of Omega team.”


“What about the rest of us?” Cecil asked, still being patty-caked by Chris’s paws.

“Good question and I was getting to that.” Ingrid said “Kinu and Kvaris, I would like you two to alternate between Alpha and Omega, your excellent sense of smell is best used at both ends of the teams as a whole.”

“Understood.” The sisters chorused.

“Montesa and Aviz I would like you two pairs to do the same, one pair will come with me, the other will follow Sammy.”

Arthur, Sully, Charles, and Oscar squeaked and saluted.

“Gold Team, you will guard the Center.”

Immediately the four gold mice squeaked.

“Finally our fourth team is Iroquois, by default you’ll follow Center Group unless we need you elsewhere.”

“Copy.” Cecil replied.


“Now…” Ingrid paused and made sure everyone was listening “Let’s talk about fighting. In our world when we encounter something we aren’t sure isn't the enemy we usually identify ourselves first and tell them what they should do. Philia, can you give a sample?”

“Yeah…” Philia replied “Halt! We’re The Whales! Show yourself or we will attack! Something like that?”

“Yup, that will do.”

“I got the bullhorn though, so I guess I’ll be doing that most of the time.” Cecil remarked.

“Now if a fight breaks out,” Ingrid continued, “Selphie, shoot the first enemy you see, then everyone gathers around the Center Group. Sammy, Kinu, and Kvaris, you three will form a new sub-group, let’s call you-”

Kvaris interrupted with “Valkyrie”

“Oh those warrior goddesses, Philia told us about.” Sammy smiled, “I like that name.”

“Valkyries it is.” Ingrid said. “You three will intercept anyone who gets past me or if a new front breaks out.”

“Affirmative.” Kinu replied.

“Montesa and Aviz, provide them fire support. Gold team, keep sending your simulacrums to assist them, but you yourselves focus on protecting the center.”

The mice squeaked in response, pumping their paws in the air.

“Siria, Philia, and Cuddly, provide ranged support to those who need it most, that’s usually the Valkyries, Iohann you’re our last line of defense. Deploy your Nyx Fish Yogzolom at your discretion.”

“You know I can YOLO a bit.” Philia said, “I have a recalling charm that lets me teleport back to Neith if something does try to go through my protection.”

Ingrid paused, “Very well, but don’t push it.” She then turned to Cuddly, “Cuddly, if possible, use your Fae Harriers to harass the most powerful enemy you see, keep it distracted.”

The big hare cutely wheeked in reply.

“As for Iroquois, Apache will focus on clearing out the thickest mobs possible.” Ingrid said. “Kiowa will provide fire support where needed. As for me, I’ll obviously fight the most dangerous battles.”

Ingrid paused as everyone digested the information.

“Selphie.” Ingrid began. “So long as the fight is going on, don’t be shy about using up your wood pellets to make Whipcrawlers, we can always make more. Always have one or two around to keep the monsters infighting.”

“Understood, Ingrid!” Selphie said, imitating the mice’s salute.

“Also, we have Neith controlling the drones Aquila and Falcis. Aquila will be scouting ahead and Falcis will help watch the rear. In addition we have Zefir and Gwen who will at times pilot Oberon and Titania respectively to scout ahead for areas of interest.”

“Now…” Ingrid said after finishing her coffee. “Any questions?”

Everyone shook their heads.

“Right.” Ingrid continued “Now, let’s assign a callsign for Selphie, suggestions?”

Philia raised a hand, Ingrid frowned “Not Yggdrasil, please!”

“I was gonna say Suika on account of her antler-like branches on her head.” Philia said.

“Suika it is.” Ingrid declared, “unless anyone has other ideas.”

There were none.

“Very well, let’s get breakfast!” Ingrid told the team. “Then we check our equipment and start earning.”



“Take care out there…” Zefir said, holding the door open. He was meowing and purring as the girls gave him a quick smooch or hug on the way out. The mice and Cuddly were already lined up at the patio, they’ve really taken to those clips of soldiers lining up for inspection as Arthur, Charles, and Gerald checked each of their teammates’s rifles and armor.

“No heroics please!” He called. Ingrid waved back at him, Philia blew a kiss, and the Enthana sisters and Sammy bared toothy grins and the rest made their acknowledgements in return. As the team stepped out of the boundary; Autumnhollow’s Wolia guardians, Amalla and Kaolla tapped their chests with a fist as a warrior’s sign of regards and watched them go.

And then the team headed out.

As they passed by the storefront, Mink and Roofe waved back, having taken the right-most shop, next to the gate. It was slow-going on the first day but the two kobolds reported an increase in sales the following day due to the novelty. Arek had supplied them with the cans that had a pull-on tab as nobody had a can opener in this world and had taken out all the labelling and replaced them with a generic sticker. The two ciltran errand-boys from Irons, Bryce and Bosco happily called out to them, wishing the team a “fortunate quest.” Ingrid couldn’t help but want to give the four a quick snuggle, especially with the two fluffy dog-people.

“Keep your earpieces on.” Ingrid said quietly to Mink and Roofe. “Let us know if anything happens.”

The two adorable dogs nodded.



Storm Gate Fortress, Teth-Odin:

The Storm Gate Fortress was one of the forts that surrounded the entrance to Teth-Odin dungeons below. Some have called it a “reverse fortress” as it was meant to prevent monsters from coming out as opposed to keeping them out. High crenelated walls provided archers and mages a way to safely rain shots and spells into the courtyard below to stem a theoretical outbreak.


That morning, The Whales saw the same sobering scene as two days prior. The once brave and boasting adventurers outside were replaced with a sight of the injured and the lifeless. The banter and clapped hands over shoulders outside the walls were replaced inside with the desperate pleas for their friend to hold on; the hand held in theirs no longer returned the squeeze. The friendly arguments of who could better in the dungeons of Teth-Odin were replaced with lone explorers belting out wails of regret and despair.

Teams of big burly trolls industriously hauled monster carcasses and the dead into the courtyard.  

Elsewhere, teams of healers triaged the survivors. More than a few adventurers were held back by their friends, demanding angrily, desperately to go back and see if they could save those who sacrificed themselves so they could escape. 

One pair of adventurers, badly beaten, staggered along, gasping and laughing on how they made it. It was clear however that his companion was not going to live long but he continued to speak hopefully as they made their way to a healer running over to them. Ingrid saw the healer take his barely conscious friend away. The man, glad to see his friend attended to, slumped to the floor and ceased moving. He had spent every ounce of his remaining vitality to make sure his friend would live. 

In one corner a group of badly beaten up survivors were chuckling amongst themselves, talking animatedly about how they’ve cheated death. One then suggested they hit the tavern and as they stood up and left, they noticed one of their own still slumped on the wall. The laughs of elation turned to screams of despair as they realized one of their friends had succumbed to his wounds.


“We’ll make it,” Ingrid assured everybody. She glanced again at the two latest members of the team. Cuddly and Selphie now bore amulets that let them take advantage of the Rhokalian Dress Form’s carbon-fiber-like vest. They also had tac-cams and earpieces on as well as Traveler’s valises with the standard Everyday Carry as everyone else. For bags; Selfie opted for a purse with a short strap, while Cuddly bore a small backpack. 

For weapons, Cuddly’s wand was improved on while Selphie now had a wooden repeating pellet gun. Flowers and vines grew on it, with the latter capable of reaching into her belt pack to refill its ammo. Both wore small bucklers on their hand, enchanted with the Pavise charm which Ingrid learned meant they basically had a forcefield the size and toughness of a thick wooden door.

Ingrid smiled, they both looked healthy and well equipped. At least as well equipped as they would be, she planned to give the two armor later on, something like the ones Siria used perhaps, but that was a concern for a later time…


Aside from the scenes of tragedy was commerce and hope. Various stalls were lined up offering protection charms, weapon repairs, and other supplies such as rations for a long stay in the dungeons below. Adventurers orphaned from their teams mixed and matched up, more than a few planning mutual vengeance against the monsters that destroyed their former teams. There were also food stalls where people were either refueling after a hard expedition into the depths below or those who had skipped their breakfast.


There was a queue for the gate itself, a formality and a measure against… as Philia called it “stupid drama from the vultures” and as a way to help with the loss of party members if not an entire team as a result. Siria handled the process, as she was once a staff member of the Fenrir Guild, although she took Ingrid and Philia with her in order to show what paperwork needed to be done. 

“Fortunately we don’t have to do this often.” Siria explained as Ingrid signed the last page. 

“What about those who just walked in without waiting on cue?” Ingrid asked as she filled out the pages.

“Those are…” Siria paused.

“Some of them don’t intend to come back…” Philia said.


Inside was the Antechamber, it was guarded by “S-Rank” adventurers, the last line of defense of the dungeon interior against the swarming hordes of monsters below. Priests of various faiths were also present, bestowing blessings each according to their beliefs. Ingrid felt a touch of magical energy ripple through her body, she looked at Siria.

“How long do these last?” Ingrid asked quietly.

“We have an hour.” Siria replied. “They’re not much though, so as not to contradict the protections we already have.” 

As they walked through the cavernous antechamber, a throat-singing minotaur was rendering blessings from above. Various adventurer teams were also laying votive offerings in the various altars of the room, some were candles, others were bundles of incense, while another laid down carved stones.

With that, everyone had dispersed to the alcoves of their faiths to make a short prayer. Ingrid and Philia merely clasped their hands, as they didn’t know which deity had brought them here.

“The entrances are different from the exits.” Siria explained as she came back, “This is to ensure those who need to leave immediately aren’t hampered.”

Huh, so that’s why we’re not seeing anyone coming up.” Zefir said


The passage from the Antechamber led down to more steps below, it was a large donut-shaped chamber. Ahead a large pair of doors remained sealed shut, depicting two war gods.

“That leads directly to the dungeons below, but we won’t use those, those are reserved for major incursions by armies.” Siria explained. “We will take one-way teleporters that lead to the Inner Sanctum of the first level. For our exit, we will emerge from those postern-like doors.” Siria said, pointing to smaller but still imposing doors. They were open and were manned by guildsmen who kept a watchful eye. As they walked along Ingrid glimpsed a group of adventurers making their way up, their voices tired but elated. It seems at the very least they didn’t lose anybody.


“Kvaris, Montessa, up front. Kinu, Aviz, link up with Sammy.” Ingrid said quietly as Siria selected a teleporter for them to use. Like the others they passed by, each was a large arched alcove, a short platform held up a frame of gold-plated orihalcum.

“We activate this portal by putting a bit of our energy into it, only one has to do it, afterwards it stays open for twenty seconds.” Siria said. She then pointed at the walls of the alcove which showed a map of the dungeon as well as where they would pop up.


Turning to the group, Ingrid quietly told everyone “Last chance, check your gear and then we go in.”

The Iroquois mice checked their caddy-mounted devices and made sure they were secured. Those with shields made sure they were strapped on properly and everyone checked their armor was properly on. The Valkyrie squad due to being equipped with Apport rings didn’t need to summon their weapons yet.

Meanwhile, there was a distinct “click” as the 189 unlatched their guns’ safety.

“Ready?” Ingrid asked as she tightened her gloves.

“Ready!” Everyone chorused. 

Ingrid stepped forward and channeled a small amount of mana into her finger as Siria directed, right into the middle of the empty space around the orihalcum frame. The air around it thrummed and rippled before turning into a portal showing the room ahead of them. 

Siria frowned.

“Looks a lot dimmer than usual…” she said, peering into the portal and seeing the corridor head of it nearly pitch-black. “Viel, Cuddly, ready your illumination spells, cast them once you get in.”

“Let’s go then!” Ingrid asked, putting more energy to extend the portal’s uptime.

Ingrid, Cecil, and Philia rushed in first, followed by the mice, then everyone else in short order.

The Expedition had begun.


INDEX: The Whales Party Sheet

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