StarCraft: Attack on Zerg Overlord

Chapter 005

Swift Zergling (alias Puppies):

A level 1 raptor is about the size of a typical house dog.

As its name suggests, it has four strong limbs full of explosive power unique to insects, and two sharp front paws, acting like a running dog.

Both eyes are shining fiercely all the time, and the whole body is covered with a relatively weak carapace.

There are two pairs of four-leaf wings unique to insects on the back, and symmetrical, long and hard jaws on the mouthparts, which are extremely fierce.

It is the ground force of the Zerg and one of the most important arms of the Zerg. It moves quickly and has a strong bite force.

Because the sex ratio of hatching swift springtails is extremely high, it will undoubtedly become the main role of Zerg blasters, and the upper limit level is 15.

The swift springtail that came out of the cocoon was like a worker insect, and immediately ate up the cocoon fragments in front of it.

Then trembling all over on the spot, he slowly opened the small wings on his back, flapping them non-stop.

The 20 swift springtails flapped their small wings at the same time, making a burst of humming.

But they can't fly, the wings on their backs are just to make them jump forward faster.

Qin Zhen's face was full of excitement, and then he turned his attention to the swift and fierce jumping insect that was closest to him.

An order was issued to it.

Almost as soon as the thought was released, the swift jumping insect rushed towards Qin Zhen in a bouncing manner.

Have you ever experienced the joy of a dog running towards you?
It was only at this moment that Qin Zhen truly realized what this feeling was like.

Surprise and surprise.

When the swift springtail came to Qin Zhen, he lowered his head, expressing his submission.

All the bugs clearly knew who was their master when they were born. This was deeply embedded in their genetic memory. They had a close spiritual link with Qin Zhen, so that they could receive his orders in the shortest possible time.

Strictly speaking, the current ones are all produced by Qin Zhen's cells.

Qin Zhen bent down and patted the head of the swift springtail lightly, with a kind of fatherly love in his eyes.

The swift jumping insect seemed to have noticed Qin Zhen's gaze, lowered its head tremblingly, and let out bursts of neighing.

at the same time.

The 2 vision king worms also broke out of their cocoons.

The vision king worm slowly rose into the air after eating the cocoon fragments around it.

King of Vision:

The eyes of the swarm, its shape is more like a jellyfish.

It's like a jellyfish covered in insect carapace, but it has rows and rows of dense eyes, which makes it an extremely high-definition camera.

The densely packed eyes can make trypophobia feel shivering, and goose bumps all over the body with the hair bursting.

The attack is average, mainly to provide a strong vision for the swarm, and there are many tentacles growing on its abdomen, which are used for self-defense.

The vision king worm above level 2 can also split a mosquito-sized insect to protect itself.

It can be directly connected with Qin Zhen's consciousness. As long as Qin Zhen puts his mind on it, he can instantly accept all the pictures forwarded by the vision king worm.

As if he saw it with his own eyes.

The status of the vision king worm is particularly important. It can convey all the vision within a few kilometers to the master through itself, but it moves very slowly, just floating slowly in the air, and generally does not leave the base sky.

It can observe all the enemy's movements at the first time, and convey it to the master, thus directing the attacking thinking of the insect swarm.

Bioinformatization operations should not be underestimated.

When the vision king worm slowly floated high above his head, Qin Zhen immediately turned his consciousness to it.

Every plant, tree, insect, and grain of sand within a radius of several kilometers, and even small ants hiding in the crevices can be clearly observed.

He saw solitary beasts as ferocious as tigers pouncing on their prey, and creatures similar to wolves plundering their prey in groups.

It's just that the size and appearance of these animals are quite different from the beasts on the blue star.

The solitary beast was like a saber-toothed tiger, but with a single horn shrouded in lightning on its head.

And the same is true for the wolves, whose size seems to be almost the same as the buffalo on the blue star.

Moreover, their hair is blue and white. Qin Zhen was surprised to see that when they were chasing their prey, one of them could release a ball of energy from its bloody mouth as an attack.

This scene scared Qin Zhen coldly and trembled all over, "Damn!"

Then he pulled his vision back to the area closer to the base, and a giant python as thick as a bucket was slowly crawling towards him, wriggling its body.

"Hey! This is definitely not Blue Star, what kind of world did I come to!" Qin Zhen couldn't help exclaiming.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but I was startled when I saw it, and I was surrounded by ferocious beasts, and there were dangers everywhere.

Thinking about it now, I was very lucky, but lost two worker insects.

If I had met these guys earlier, I guess there would be no scum left.

Qin Zhen withdrew his vision, feeling a little scared, but fortunately, he now has 20 swift and fierce springtails.

Looking at himself again, he was completely naked, not even a single leaf covering his body.

"System, can I give you some clothes, even a pair of underpants." Qin Zhen asked angrily in his mind.

[Master, you are a level 1 insect body, and you already have the unique exoskeleton armor of the Zerg master. 】

"Exoskeleton beetle?"

Qin Zhen became confused, and then rummaged around, and even penetrated into the interior of the mother worm base.

Qin Zhen asked in confusion: "Where, where do you put it? Where is the exoskeleton beetle you mentioned?"

Is it possible that I have to live by myself again?

Or is it evolved by using larvae to consume energy points?

【Master, you only need to use your mind to use the Juggernaut exoskeleton bug armor, it is a part of yourself. 】

The system tells the truth.

Hearing this, Qin Zhen was very displeased: "Hey! Why didn't you remind me earlier, I'm naked all day, and the dick is not uncomfortable at all."

【I thought you, the master, have this kind of perverted habit. 】

"I'll go, you actually think I'm a pervert." After hearing the system's answer, Qin Zhen was speechless.

[Not as if, but to dominate you is a pervert. 】

Qin Zhen: "Okay, let's stop here, I don't want to talk to you anymore."

Qin Zhen didn't mean to be angry when the system said this, after all, it was just a system in his own consciousness.

Strictly speaking, it is also a part of its own body.

Without too much hesitation, Qin Zhen immediately issued an order to wear the exoskeleton.

The moment the command was issued, black liquid gushed out of the pores of his body.

"No! It's not a liquid, it's actually... nanoworms!"

These tiny bugs crawling out of the pores of their skin are so small that they can't be seen with the naked eye at all, because there are too many of them to think it is liquid.

Qin Zhen couldn't help being stunned.

"It's really against the sky!"

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