Start a Base

Chapter 11 Out of Jedi

Ma Fen sat on the ground and trembled, the smile of the young man in front of him made his hair stand on end.

There are densely packed zombies outside the supermarket, and someone must attract their attention before they have a chance to break out.

Li Yunpeng continued: I will give you a chance to live. You take your men and leave here. I will not hold you accountable.

As soon as Ma Fen heard that he was leaving, he immediately grabbed Li Yunpeng's trouser legs, with snot and tears streaming down his face: Sir, please spare me, there are monsters eating people outside, if you go out, you will die!

Li Yunpeng kicked him away, glanced at the situation downstairs, turned his head and said in an unquestionable tone: I'll give you half an hour to prepare. After half an hour, you can either choose a direction to run by yourself, or I'll let someone run from you. Throw you upstairs!

Ma Fen and the others were ashamed immediately, they had no doubt that Li Yunpeng could do this, so everyone huddled together, discussing something.

Wu Gang!

Li Yunpeng yelled, Wu Gang quickly dropped the food in his hand and ran over, Li Yunpeng said to him: You tell everyone to clean up, we will break out in forty minutes.

Okay, I'll notify you right now.

Wu Gang turned to leave, but Li Yunpeng held him back and said, There is one thing to be careful about, don't carry too many things. During the breakout process, if someone falls behind, I won't wait for him for a second.

Wu Gang nodded to express his understanding, and then left to inform the survivors to prepare.

Li Yunpeng asked the team leaders to lead the soldiers to wait at the gate on the first floor, check the weapons and ammunition, and prepare to break out.

He observed the situation alone by the window. Most of the zombies are now gathered between the supermarket and the dormitory. There are more zombies in the distance that were attracted by the explosion before. The distance is about a few hundred meters. After observing for half an hour, Li Yunpeng left In front of Ma Fen.

Now it's time for you to set off and run for your lives.

Ma Fen and his group stood still as if they hadn't heard it.

Li Yunpeng had expected this situation, these people did not cry when they saw the coffin.

He pulled out the pistol and loaded it, picked up a piece of torn clothes on the ground and wrapped it around the muzzle of the gun, which can have a noise reduction effect, then pointed to Ma Fen and said: I will count to three. If you don't act, I don't mind killing you now. for you.


Everyone looked at Li Yunpeng's fierce eyes, and felt that it was not a joke, and their legs trembled in fright.


Li Yunpeng had already set the gunpoint on Ma Fen's head.

Just when he was about to read three, Ma Fen shuddered, gritted his teeth and said quickly, I'm going! I'm going! Don't shoot.

Anyway, he was dead, and there might be a chance of life after running out. After speaking, he glanced at his companions and walked downstairs.

Li Yunpeng moved the muzzle of the gun horizontally and pointed it at other people. Everyone who was pointed at shrank their heads and followed them downstairs.

Ma Fen led a group of people to the corner of the first floor, cracked open the window, looked outside for a while, then turned around and said, We're dead today, and there's still a glimmer of hope. There aren't many zombies outside here. , let's go out quietly, as long as we run out of the east gate, there will be a bridge, and the bridge will be sparsely populated, maybe we can survive.

The others knew in their hearts that they were all grasshoppers on the same rope. They had done a lot of bad things with Ma Fen, and their fates were all tied together, and they all expressed their obedience to Ma Fen's arrangement.

Seeing that everyone was quite convinced, Ma Fen continued, If we can survive today, we will be brothers who have gone through life and death. From now on, no matter how old or young we are, we will treat each other as equals.

it is good!

Everyone agreed.

Under the background of the heroic and dry atmosphere, a man with a little more courage climbed out of the window first, then looked around the surrounding environment, said to the inside that it was safe, and the others climbed out one after another.

The direction Ma Fen was looking for was really good. The zombies were all attracted to the supermarket and the dormitory, but there was not a single zombie here, and the group walked towards the east gate in fear.

Seeing a group of people sneaking away from the zombies, Li Yunpeng sneered in his heart, took off the torn clothes wrapped around the muzzle of the gun, and stuck the muzzle out of the window.

Bang bang!

Two gunshots sounded, and Ma Fen and his party were sneaking carefully. Suddenly they heard the crisp gunshots, and almost peed in fear. The zombies were awakened by the gunshots, and suddenly became irritable, and soon found Ma Fen and his party.

Run! Found by zombies!

Ma Fen let out a loud roar, and, ignoring his stealth, threw off his arms and strode forward.

His run attracted the attention of more zombies, and they roared and chased after them.



These people lost two of their three souls, how could they care about others, and rushed eastwards. Those who hadn't sobered up ran slowly, and were the first to be knocked down by zombies, and they were eaten before they even had a chance to become zombies. clean.

Ma Fen has a big belly. Although he ran in the front, he was slowly overtaken by the people around him. He was very anxious, and seeing that he was about to fall behind, he grabbed the collar of the person in front and tried his best to escape. After a pull, the man fell to the ground, Ma Fen overtook him, and ran forward without looking back.

Ma Fen! You...ah!

Before he had time to say anything, his neck was torn apart by the chasing zombies, and his face was torn beyond recognition within a few breaths.

This person didn't expect until his death that he was just commenting on his brother, and he was sold by Ma Fen in the blink of an eye.

Li Yunpeng watched everything coldly upstairs, Ma Fen was born to step on everything around him to climb up, and he would not hesitate to kill everyone around him for a chance of survival.

Seeing around the door of the supermarket

The zombies were attracted away by Ma Fen and his group. Li Yunpeng went downstairs and said to everyone: Team 1 is the vanguard, Team 2 is the vanguard to supplement firepower and guard the flanks. Base breakout!


All the subordinates took orders in unison.

Attention everyone, if anyone appears to fall behind, then you can ask for blessings, I will not send anyone to rescue you, so please be careful. Li Yunpeng warned.

Wu Gang organized the survivors to wait on the sidelines, and when they heard Li Yunpeng's words, they all nodded to express their understanding.

Set off!

With a big wave of Li Yunpeng's hand, someone next to him opened the shutter door, and the two teams rushed out first. Li Yunpeng took Liu Zide by his side, and followed the team in front. The survivors in the middle followed behind Li Yunpeng. Quietly out of the supermarket door.

Although the zombies at the door were attracted by Ma Fen and others, some of them were attracted from a distance. When they saw the crowd, they rushed towards them instantly, and the soldiers in the front row took the lead in shooting.

Bang bang bang bang...

As soon as the gunshot rang out, all the zombies around were immediately attracted to them.

Li Yunpeng and his group quickly headed towards the east gate of the park. Fortunately, there were not many zombies in the east, and the resistance to advancing was small, but the zombies encircled by the north and south sides were getting closer and closer, and even Li Yunpeng had to raise his gun while walking.

The soldiers of the guards cooperated tacitly, and they were automatically divided into two groups, shooting alternately to avoid a lack of firepower. However, even so, two zombies rushed into the team. Although they were quickly eliminated, they still lost ten A few survivors and two soldiers.

The vanguard team arrived at the east gate first, and there were no zombies outside. They stood on both sides of the gate and supported the team behind them. With the fire support from the front row, the people behind finally rushed out of the park without any danger.

Quick, follow the bridge and run to the opposite base!

Li Yunpeng shouted to the survivors, there were too many zombies gathered in the park, the zombies in front were blocked by firepower, and the ones behind jumped directly over the heads of the zombies in the front row, like a billowing torrent, the momentum was astonishing.

As soon as the words fell, the survivors used all their breastfeeding strength and ran towards the opposite bank. At this time, they only hated their parents for giving them two missing legs.

I won't leave, I'll help you! Liu Zide said through gritted teeth.

The situation was urgent. Although Li Yunpeng was moved, he kicked his ass and said, Fuck off, you can help me here.

Brother Peng!


Liu Zide thought about it carefully, he really couldn't be of much help here, his calves would cramp as soon as the zombie approached him, it was simply a burden, he gritted his teeth, turned around and ran towards the opposite bank with the survivors.

After driving away Liu Zide, Li Yunpeng continued to assign tasks.

Segmented attack, orderly evacuation. Li Yunpeng shouted, leading half of the soldiers to run towards the bridge, and the rest of the soldiers stopped on the spot.

When Li Yunpeng led more than 40 soldiers in shooting positions at the bridgehead, the soldiers behind began to retreat.

The blocking task was handed over to the bridgehead position, and the withdrawn soldiers crossed the bridgehead and ran to the end of the bridge to establish a blocking position.

More and more zombies rushed out of the gate. Due to the narrow gate, many zombies crowded around the courtyard wall, stacked Arhats, and jumped over the wall directly.

Li Yunpeng looked at the overwhelming wave of zombies in front of him, and his hand holding the gun was trembling slightly. The scene was too shocking, and he felt like a boat in front of the wave of corpses, which could be swallowed at any time.

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