Start a Base

Chapter 29 Expanding the base

Pan Hui had already been hit in the chest by a stray bullet in the chaos. Before he died, his eyes had been looking at the door in despair. Ma Fen crouched on the ground with his big fat buttocks sticking out, his body trembling constantly.

Hey, Director Ma, we meet again. Li Yunpeng said standing in front of him.

Ma Fen has been praying in his heart not to be found out, but God's wish did not come true. He was shocked when he heard Li Yunpeng's voice, then stood up slowly, with a smile uglier than crying and said: Boss Li, look For the sake of my previous colleagues, you just treat me as a fart and let me go.

Hahahaha... Li Yunpeng burst into laughter, Director Ma, you are a big shot, how can you be a fart, I'm tired today, sir, I'll take care of you when I have time!

Ma Fen still had a little luck in his heart when he heard that, but in the second half, his smile froze on his face.

But the last hope of survival still prompted him to say: Boss Li, spare my life, let me do whatever I want, I will be your cow and horse.

Fuck off, you don't even look at your virtue, let's put our grievances aside, we will know how to deal with you in a few days! Li Yunpeng scolded coldly.

Seeing his face change, Ma Fen didn't dare to say anything, and slowly knelt down with his head in his arms.

Li Yunpeng gathered the civilians in the base together, and made some things clear first, so that the people in the province were panic-stricken and guessed wildly.

The crisis was successfully resolved, the commander was safe and sound, and everyone had relaxed smiles on their faces.

Li Yunpeng said loudly: First of all, after this test, we have recognized some people, and we would like to express our gratitude to you who have stood firm.

Secondly, I will deal with the traitors separately. The specific plan will be formulated by Zhang Tao and handed over to me for review.

Also, Wu Gang mistakenly believed in a villain, and has already filled his army to atone for his sins, and offered to send him to fight on the front line. Everyone, don't hold on to his mistakes anymore.

The last thing is that Zhang Tao will be responsible for the daily management of the base in the future. Before that, Wu Gang's subordinates should actively cooperate and integrate the work as soon as possible.

After briefly explaining a few things, Li Yunpeng sent everyone to pack up and rest. The soldiers returned to their respective posts. The soldiers who had been poisoned with Mongolian sweat were carried to the barracks to rest. The doctors in the camp checked them and they would recover after a night's rest.

Li Yunpeng returned to the inner city, planning to go to Huang Hu's base tomorrow to bring back the survivors and food, which should satisfy the conditions for upgrading the barracks to level 1.

The area of ​​the base also needs to be expanded. Now the inner and outer cities add up to only 40,000 square meters, the population is increasing, and the administrative and military units are also mixed together. This kind of space seems a bit small.

Li Yunpeng summoned the system and asked: Can the completed facilities be sold for points?

System: The facilities can be sold, but only 80% of the points will be returned.

I wipe...

Li Yunpeng did not expect that there would be a handling fee, and 20% would be cut off at once, which made his heart ache.

But after thinking about it, he felt that it was okay. After all, the base is developing, and the structure will always be eliminated. It doesn't cost a dime to dismantle it, and the recycling can still get 80%, which is a good deal after thinking about it.

Li Yunpeng set it up in the system to remove the inner wall and expand the inner city to 100*100 meters, 10,000 square meters.

The outer wall remains unchanged, still 200*200 meters, and a 500*500-meter wall is built outside the outer wall, so that the three walls separate three partitions.

The center of the entire base is the commander's private territory, including some important buildings, the Red Police base, barracks, arsenal, and the open space reserved for the future.

The middle division is changed to an administrative and military area, mainly including the Ministry of the Interior, the Logistics Department and the military camp. The outer area of ​​the management area is where ordinary residents live. It has a full area of ​​200,000 square meters. In addition to the living area, some food can also be grown inside the base. Vegetables solve part of the problem of eating.

After such a toss, more than 200,000 points were spent, and half of them were empty at once. Li Yunpeng was worried, when will these points be used?

When people woke up the next morning, they were shocked to find that everything inside the base had changed. Not only the inner city expanded, but a huge city wall was added on the outside. Although they were puzzled, no one answered them. A group of people are used to it. At first, a wall suddenly appeared to stop the attacking zombies.

The newcomers had heard it from the old people, but they didn't believe it. Now that they saw with their own eyes that a 500-meter-long wall was added overnight, they couldn't help but disbelieve what the first batch of people who came to the base said.

This can never be done by manpower, no one can complete such a large project quietly overnight.

Everyone instinctively believed that all of this must have something to do with the commander. Whether it was the ever-increasing number of soldiers, or the inexhaustible rations and ammunition, it fully showed that the commander was absolutely extraordinary.

But they will not be bored to explore the reason. If the commander is angered, they may not be able to stay in the base. Even if they know, what can they do? Every soldier is loyal to the commander. , can't turn over a wave.

It was difficult for everyone to accept the fact that the base had undergone tremendous changes. Everyone regarded Li Yunpeng as a god, and they must have been sent by heaven to rescue them.

Zhang Tao was the first group of people to come, and he didn't feel too surprised, but was a little shocked by the huge wall.

Wang Shiyan was different. When she came to the base, everything was a foregone conclusion. Now that she suddenly encountered such a big change, she didn't know how to do it. Is it true that the commander is a god like outsiders say? Down to earth?

Li Yunpeng called Zhang Tao and Wang Shiyan into the inner city. Due to the re-division of the base, the following

There must be a lot of work.

Zhang Tao, your Ministry of the Interior needs to organize people to do infrastructure construction in the new outer city and use the land rationally. It is estimated that a group of people will arrive in the next few days. During construction, it is planned to double the population of the base.

Zhang Tao agreed, and took a notebook to write it down word by word, for fear of missing important information.

Shi Yan, your logistics department should plan the materials in the base and build larger warehouses and granaries. In the future, whether it is grown by ourselves or collected outside, we must store it reasonably and use it according to the principle of first in first out. To avoid waste, we must set a warning line for food reserves, and we must find a way before reaching the warning line, and we must not run out of ammunition and food.”

Wang Shiyan also took out her notebook and wrote it down. Since she became the head of logistics, she has been careful and careful every day.

Material distribution is a big question. After the population increases, there will always be some people who want to eat more and save more. It is understandable, but this situation must be avoided. If everyone does this, it will be detrimental to the public and private interests. Many dynasties are like this The next, let alone a small base.

Li Yunpeng looked at the two of them and felt that he still didn't have enough capable people under his command.

Now that there are few people, two simple departments can manage it. When the scale of the base expands in the future, the authority will have to be subdivided, so I ordered the two to pay attention to observing talents on weekdays. If they find good conduct and special talents in a certain area, they can give them to him. Make a report for recommendation.

Both Wang Shiyan and Zhang Tao left in a hurry. There were a lot of things to do next, and the base started vigorous construction activities again. If you haven't seen the end of the world outside, you would think that this is a construction site under development.

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