Start a Base

Chapter 320 The First Naval Voyage

Wang Shiyan looked adoringly, and in front of him were ten warships nearly 200 meters in length, lined up one by one, and the well-trained guard and navy lined up neatly, accepting Li Yunpeng's review.

Li Yunpeng and Wang Shiyan boarded the battleship one after another under the watchful eyes of all the officers and soldiers.

This inspection is not only as simple as looking at the surface, the newly formed Guard Navy will also carry the Commander to patrol the offshore area and conduct tactical exercises.

The warship that Li Yunpeng boarded automatically became the flagship. It sailed out of the port first and entered the vast ocean, followed by nine other destroyers, two supply ships and a medical ship.

At the bow of the ship, Li Yunpeng stood facing the wind, and Wang Shiyan stood on his right hand half a step back. At this moment, there was no majesty of the chief executive, and there were stars everywhere.

My man is to conquer the stars and the sea. Wang Shiyan shouted proudly in his heart.

Shiyan, it's been a long time, and this is the first time I've taken you on a trip, and it's accompanied by military affairs. Li Yunpeng said apologetically.

Wang Shiyan just shook his head in happiness, and gently leaned against his side.

Today, the blue sky is clear, the sea and the sky are the same color, and the majestic gray-white fleet is rowing across the calm ocean. Such large-scale naval operations are rarely seen except for the aircraft carrier battle group before the end of the world.

Li Yunpeng and Wang Shiyan enjoyed the beautiful scenery in front of them to their heart's content. They didn't return to the cabin until the fleet came out of the territorial waters of the Blue Dragon Kingdom and the waves became rough.

Accompanied by his personal maid, Wang Shiyan wandered around on the warship, while Li Yunpeng went to the combat command room. The scheduled exercise was about to begin.

Report to Commander, the drill is ready, request instructions.



After receiving the order, the fleet immediately formed a battle formation, and the radar power was fully turned on to search for suspicious targets.

The navy of the guard army selected some heinous prisoners of the foreign allied forces, and gave them two ocean-going fishing boats to make them escape for their lives.

These captives could hardly believe it when they heard that they were let out. It was not until the guards caught up with the unguarded ocean-going fishing boat that they woke up like a dream, and hurriedly organized people to escape by boat.

But what they don't know is that it looks like a pie, but there is a deadly danger hidden inside. These two ocean-going fishing boats are the targets of the first stage of the exercise of the Guards Navy.

When the radar of the warship showed the trajectory of the two fishing boats, the soldiers immediately reported to the command tower.

Spotted two unidentified ships, 135 nautical miles away, 16 knots, escaping northeast.

Lock the target!


The missile is locked, request to launch.

The captain looked at Li Yunpeng, and after receiving his nod, he immediately said, Launch!


From the destroyer's missile silo, two missiles were ejected immediately, and then they shot towards the target with tail flames.


The captives on the two ocean-going fishing boats completely relaxed their nerves when they came to the high seas. They sang and danced on the deck, cheering and celebrating, and finally escaped from the tiger's mouth.

Akita Jun, back home, have you thought about what to do?

Well, I haven't thought about this question, but I must hide my name and stop joining the army. The Blue Dragon Kingdom is too scary.

Yo Xi, Akita-san, see you!

Some of the captives were celebrating the rest of their life after the catastrophe, and some were imagining their future life, but suddenly, the fishing boat in front exploded violently, and the supersonic missiles made it impossible for everyone to hear the sound of breaking through the air.

Akita and the others were dumbfounded for a moment, feeling an ominous premonition in their hearts, but before they could react, they felt a flash of white light in front of them, followed by dizzying dizziness.

In the Command Room of the Guard Flagship.

Report sir, both shots hit!

it is good!

Li Yunpeng sighed in admiration, and then there was thunderous applause in the command room.

The two wrecked fishing boats were slowly sinking. Those who were lucky enough not to die in the explosion were also frightened and cried for their parents.

Floating in the endless sea, without ships, without food, the chance of survival is almost zero.

But the guards didn't even give them an almost zero chance. Before the captives could figure out where to escape, two Apache helicopter gunships flew over the sky.



The aircraft-mounted heavy machine gun fired immediately, directly smashing the floating prisoners on the sea to pieces.

Even so, the armed helicopter did not leave, and did not raise its altitude and return to the fleet until it searched the nearby waters and found no complete body.

Only half of Akita's body was left, and his eyes were full of despair.

After the two Apaches returned to the fleet, the Guard Navy began the next test. This exercise not only included remote annihilation, but also supplies, medical treatment, and tactical coordination.

He even specially inspected the firepower situation of the medical ship.

In the evening, with the moon hanging high, Li Yunpeng and Wang Shiyan had a romantic dinner on the deck.

But luckily, the meal was only halfway through, and the captain rushed over, Commander, a large fleet has been discovered, and the enemy and us are unknown.

Huh? Li Yunpeng took a look at the chart. The current location is about 500 nautical miles southwest of Dejiang Province. Get ready for battle, contact the other party, and confirm your identity.


Seeing that this dinner was too much to eat, Wang Shiyan saw something

In an emergency, Li Yunpeng hurriedly urged Li Yunpeng to go to the command center first. She took her attendants to clean up briefly and returned to the cabin, so as not to cause trouble to the combatants.

Li Yunpeng came to the command tower, but he had not contacted the other party here, but first received the radio from the other side.

The opposing fleet, please identify yourself. This is the Blue Dragon Kingdom, the Blue Sea Fleet. Keep your distance to avoid misunderstanding.

When Li Yunpeng heard what the Blue Sea Fleet said, he immediately relaxed. The sea area here should be the patrol area of ​​the Zebin Squadron of the Blue Sea Fleet, Lu Qianshan, old man Lu.

Prove your identity to the other party, Li Yunpeng said.


We are the naval formation of the guard army, and we are conducting military exercises nearby. We are hereby reporting to our friendly forces.

After the radio was sent out, there was no reply for a long time.

When the Blue Ocean Fleet got the news, they didn't believe it at the first time. It is well known that Li Yunpeng's army is strong, but I heard that he doesn't even have a sampan. How could such a large-scale fleet suddenly appear? So quickly report to Lu Qianshan.

After Lu Qianshan got the news, he directly picked up the call and specified that he was looking for Li Yunpeng.

Hello? Commander Lu, I'm Li Yunpeng.

Hearing the familiar voice, Lu Qianshan was relieved, but then another question popped up.

Li Yunpeng, where did you get so many warships? Did you rob Liu Jianbin?

Li Yunpeng is speechless, what the hell is this image of Lao Tzu in your hearts?

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