Start a Base

Chapter 70 I'll Protect You

Zombies were constantly being thrown into the city. Li Yunpeng equipped Zhang Tao's security team with pistols. This man was ordered to deal with all the ordinary zombies.

The security team's usual training subjects include the use and maintenance of pistols. Although it is the first time to conduct actual combat, the structure and use of pistols have long been familiarized in their hearts.

It was the first time to participate in the battle, although it was a bit jerky, but in the face of the life-and-death crisis, they were quickly adapting, and a group of several people killed the zombies thrown in one after another.

But the good times didn't last long. Suddenly, a ghostly figure was thrown in among the ordinary zombies, and entered the security team. Li Yunpeng's pupils shrank, it was a fast-evolving zombie!

The security team couldn't deal with this kind of monster at all. In an instant, more than a dozen people were torn to pieces, and the broken bodies were scattered all over the ground. The remaining security team members were frightened and fled in all directions.

Li Yi, arrange someone to kill that evolved zombie. Li Yunpeng said.

Immediately, a small team was drawn out, and they formed a circle back to back to prevent the agile zombies from taking advantage of it.

This ghost is not low in intelligence. Seeing no chance, it ran into the base, but what it didn't expect was that there was also a machine gun bunker under the outer wall of the administrative area. The soldiers inside caught its trajectory and fired decisively. He broke his calf and fell to the ground as soon as his body was tilted. The soldiers who followed him would not let go of this opportunity. Thirty rifles fired at the same time, smashing it to pieces in an instant.

When Li Yunpeng saw the surge of 100,000 points, he knew that the evolved zombies inside had been wiped out, but the situation was still not optimistic, and more evolved zombies were still outside the city.

Xia Mengdie was looking for Li Yunpeng at the beginning of the battle, turned around and finally found his figure, and ran a few steps to his side.

Seeing her, Li Yunpeng asked, Why are you here?

Xia Mengdie's charming face looked tense: I'll help.


Li Yunpeng thought in his heart, when it's my turn to use you for help, I'm about to die, he said: Don't make trouble, go down quickly, you go and help me take care of Wang Shiyan, don't come out without my order.

With a stubborn face, Xia Mengdie grabbed a spare rifle and shot at the zombie. The rhythmic vibration of the rifle made her delicate body tremble.

He quickly shook his head and looked at Xia Mengdie's shooting angle, surprised in his heart, this woman's head accuracy is not so good, within a distance of 100 meters, she almost shot to the head.

Li Yunpeng didn't want to talk about it, but Huo Feng'er's marksmanship was really touching. Li Yunpeng could only order her to help Wang Shiyan coordinate logistics and provide protection along the way.

Huo Feng'er didn't really want to go at first, but the battle situation was critical, she dared not disobey the commander's order, and led the team to withdraw and went straight to the logistics department.

At this time, the base was surrounded by zombies, and even the wall facing the river was full of zombies. Li Yunpeng had to lead several teams of soldiers to guard it himself, and Xia Mengdie naturally followed him every step of the way.

The back road was cut off, and now Li Yunpeng couldn't leave even if he wanted to. Only by fighting hard can he win a chance of life.

Fortunately, there are no powerful zombies on this side, so the pressure is not too great. When the firepower of the base was stalemate with the army of zombies, the city wall next to Li Yunpeng was suddenly hit by bullets from the opposite side. He squatted down quickly, and a soldier beside him was shot .

Fuck, who is it?

The entire base was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, and the sound of gunfire was even louder. He didn't find the person who fired the gun for a moment.

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