Start a Dungeon

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Can it be resurrected? ? ?

There are three buildings on the first floor at once. There are not many people who know this at present, because one third of the people are squeezing in the lottery room and shouting, and one third is on the second floor underground. To find the trouble of “Xu Xian X Dream”, the remaining one-third are all in the awake personnel outside the tavern.

Although there are many places to complain, but compared with the previous gang of people who took risks for life in a muddled way, now they are living for their own desires from the bottom of their hearts.

In the second layer of light-filled prairie, Jill, like other adventurers, is engaged in a fierce battle with the monster.

escaped a bomb attack by Dream X. The mercenary rose with a knife and immediately chopped it over. After the monster fell to the ground, the ruby ​​on its nose fell off and fell to the ground, and its body also turned into stars and disappeared.

“30! Haha, I made a fortune this time! Try your luck later!”

The mercenary cheerfully picked up the newly obtained red crystal and put it in the bag, tied the rope, and threw it over his shoulder while humming, and planned to walk back.

“Do not!”


At this time, a scream sounded, Jill looked back and saw the adventurer’s body lying beside a scorched pit, and Doraemon, who was not far away, immediately turned his head towards the others after killing the guy. The local adventurer ran away.

“Oh oh I got rich and got rich ”

Seeing the corpse of the adventurer, Jill approached while whistling. He didn’t care about this guy. Since he was doing the business of licking blood, he had to be prepared for death. Since the dead cannot come back to life, then Let him do his best to the last bit.

The mercenary smiled and came to the corpse. After squatting down, he stretched out his hand and tried to touch the corpse to see what valuable things were, but the hand just touched the corpse. He was shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw a yellow halo with electromagnetic effect around the corpse. As soon as he touched his hand, he was immediately shocked, as if he was protecting himself.

“The corpse will protect itself?”

Jill was a little confused for a while, what’s the situation? This guy is obviously a warrior, and even if he is a conjurer, how can he produce spells after death?

“Is it a body protection treasure?”

Thinking of this, the greedy mercenary stretched out his hand again, until he was electrocuted again.

“What the **** is going on here?!”

Gilton was a little annoyed when he looked at the untouchable body.

At this time, he found two silver knights walking in the distance, the kind of very powerful guards unique to the dungeon.

As soon as he saw the soldiers coming, Jill immediately stepped aside, and then he was surprised to find that there was a suspended cross coffin behind the knight.

“what’s the situation?”

The mercenaries watched the two silver knights come to the corpse in a daze. One kicked the lid of the coffin next to him with his feet, and the other stretched out his hands to grab the clothes of the corpse and lifted it directly. The trash was thrown into the coffin, and then the other kicked the coffin lid again. After closing it again, the two guys walked back leisurely, a pair of rogue oily soldiers.

This time Jill was taken aback for a while, this dungeon also has a corpse recovery business? I do not know how?

The mercenary who was curious for a while quietly followed the two silver knights. When they saw the corpse on the road, they immediately approached, and then threw a capsule. After exploding, it was a suspended cross coffin. After throwing it in, he continued on the road.

After a while, there were 6 more floating mobile coffins behind the knight.

“Where are they going?”

The people around Jill gradually increased, and they were also curious for a while, but no one dared to ask these two soldiers.

The people who followed talked a lot:

“Are you planning to transport the body back and burn it?”

“Isn’t it, don’t all the corpses left in the past disappear slowly?”

“Could it be…for monsters to eat?”

” No way?”

Along the way, a group of people whispered and commented, and Jill followed quietly without saying anything.

More and more people followed, and finally they found that not only here, but also in many other places, Silver Knights appeared. They all packed the corpses into the suspended coffin behind them and dragged them back. Some of the teams were followed by a lot of crying and crying. The adventurers in this place seem to be sending money away like a funeral party.

And there is only one direction for all teams, and that is the entrance from the second underground floor to the first floor-the large magic teleportation array.

What exactly is going on?

Everyone followed the coffin team all the way to the first floor with curious thoughts. After arriving here, they discovered that there were three more buildings here. At the same time, a large cross was hung in front of a building with a huge crowd. , There are bursts of cheers inside from time to time.

The people around Jill glanced at each other, and then hurried over.

squeezed into the crowd, and finally, they discovered the truth. The scene before them made them couldn’t believe it.

I saw the hall of the auditorium filled with cross coffins.

On the high platform in front, a priest in a ceremonial robe looked at the coffin below, UU read with both hands, two fierce electric sparks crackled and crackled. After a few seconds, the light disappeared and the coffin lid opened. The person who had died in it miraculously came back to life at this moment, and it seemed that the memory only stayed at the moment before death.

“I…Am I not dead? I remember I was…”

The resurrected adventurer looked at his hands in surprise, and just about to raise his head, he saw a knight next to him stretch out his hand in front of him, as if asking him to hand over something.

“Chenghui, 1,000 gold coins.” The priest on the high platform said with a smile.

The adventurer suddenly widened his eyes, touched his pocket, and said with a sad face: “I don’t have that much money…”

“If you have no money, you can sign this contract. If you owe us 1 gold coin every day, if you don’t pay it within 1 month, you will be refused entry into the dungeon. All the facilities here will add you to the dungeon. Blacklist, in the future, even if you die, we will not resurrect you, understand?”

The priest said as he motioned to the Silver Knight to hand over the contract, and after the adventurer took it, the people around suddenly shouted:

“Hurry up and sign the broken agreement! There are still people waiting here!”

“It’s only 1000 gold, just hit a few rubies! Fuck!”

“Tell me, hurry up, my brother is still waiting for his resurrection!”

Finally, the adventurer gritted his teeth, signed the loan contract, and ran to the second floor without looking back with his sword after going out…


In the domain hall, Lott looked at the live broadcast on the screen, frowning and thinking… (If you like, please vote for the recommendation, don’t send red envelopes! Thank you!)

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