Start a Dungeon

Chapter 174

Chapter 172 Yuanjia Road is narrow

“My lord,” Vickers said suddenly: “The knight officer sent a message that he had encountered Sumir City and planned to attack the expeditionary army here.”

When Lott heard this, he suddenly showed an expression of “Is it finally here?”

Maria put a plate of steaming skewers in front of Lott, smiled and asked, “You look very happy?” After that, she poured a glass of orange juice for him.

There are three large skewers on the plate, and the food arrangement of each one is: beef, green pepper, beef, green vegetables, beef, green onion root.

She pays attention to the taste.

Lott smiled and nodded, while smelling the unique scent of skewers cumin, he couldn’t help but move his index finger and drank a drink, just as he was about to start enjoying…

“My lord.” At this time, the artificial intelligence said: “My subroutine came from the battle image at that time. We found something different from it. Would you like to check it?”

Something different?

“Let me see.” Lott bit the beef peeling skewers braving the soup, after chewing a few bites and swallowing his belly, he signaled AI (artificial intelligence) to project the image on the front holographic large screen, which is convenient for the second floor. The goblins on the deck watched together.

Because the front line is too far away, the images sent by Vinda cannot be synchronized in real time. They can only be recorded by AI and packaged and transmitted. That is to say, the images that Lot and the others have seen have already occurred. Over.

After a while, a picture appeared on the big screen:

The huge scarab is suspended on the prairie at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour and is moving forward at a uniform speed. In the far front, a large black human legion is pouring toward the scarab like a black tide.

In the middle of that piece of “tide water”, there are hundreds of giant earth-yellow stone men. They move very slowly, but they look unusually strong, giving people the feeling that “ordinary sword magic cannot be shaken at all.”

The two sides are about to come into contact, but Vinda didn’t mean to slow down the scarab, as if invisible, he rushed straight forward. The suspension was only 4 or 5 meters high and weighed tens of thousands of tons. The 5-meter-high stone men were crushed into pieces in batches…

The surrounding human corps suddenly frightened like ants that had blown up their nests and dodged desperately around them.

Originally, Vader planned to leave directly, but then I remembered that it seemed that the goblins wanted a group of these stone men as toys, and the power of the Golem army was currently only known to be owned by the Sumir family.

After carefully investigating the banner of this army, Vader discovered that it was indeed the expeditionary army of Sumir City preparing to invade the dungeon.

It’s really a narrow road

Then the black warrior ordered the scarab to lay down its limbs, and used the gravity elevator under the abdomen to collect all the stone men who seemed to be intact. After a certain number was caught, the scarab was restored to the suspension mode again, and continued to move towards the original The set route is moving forward.

The goblins must be very happy with so many toys.

Seeing that steel monster go further and further, the horrified humans finally breathed a sigh of relief, but none of them expected that after the evil beetle monster had left a certain distance, a heavy howitzer shot over.


The smoke was everywhere, and everyone was immediately stunned, but fortunately the shells exploded among the stone men, and the humans had already ran away from both sides.

When the first impact point was established, the 600mm giant naval gun located at the tail of the Scarab began to bombard the stone formations in turn. After a while, after confirming that all the stone people were broken into pieces, this Then he walked away contentedly.

As for the human corps scattered and scared to pee, the black warrior didn’t pay much attention to it, anyway, the scarab who guarded the house could handle it.

Lott watched the entire video quietly, and Maria next to her couldn’t help but said: “This approach seems to be like lifting the table immediately after wiping it out.”

Not only did he **** the opponent’s stone man, but also planned to destroy the body after it was over.

But in Lott’s view, his throne knight is testing weapons for the dwarves.

Vader looks pretty good, and he knows how to take care of every colleague’s request. The goblin wants a toy and he catches it. The dwarf wants to experiment with the power of the naval gun and he shoots it. It’s very popular.

However, he was unlucky as his enemy. When Vader first helped the Sith Empire to conquer the galaxy, he encountered enemies such as the Jedi Knights and the Rebels, and almost killed them one by one, and he never left alive.

In a sense, the Dark Lord Darth Vader is a real devil.

When the goblins saw that the knight officer had captured the Golem according to their requirements, they all got up and applauded in excitement—compared to the terrifying Miss Deacon, they still liked the new Mr. Knight.

The stone men used in the dungeon are basically made up of earth elements, which are different from the stone men currently owned by Sumir in structure and production principles.

Based on the principle of ingesting a large amount of external knowledge to enhance themselves, both artificial intelligence and goblins are learning all the time. After all, they have no combat skills, and only use their knowledge to serve the Supreme Lord.

knowledge is power!

“We have a little difficulty, sir.” The voice of the artificial intelligence continued: “The information fed back from my subroutine shows that if the knight officer continues to move forward, there will be a wilderness in front, and a row of mountains farther away. , There does not seem to be the shadow of the sea.”

Lot: “…”

Isn’t it, the message “The sea is in the northeast” is wrong? Or do you have to take a detour?

“Is the energy enough?” Lott’s expression began to become serious. If this giant steel beast is allowed to run around like a headless fly, once the energy is exhausted, it will be troublesome.

“Currently only 2% is consumed, and the situation is not serious.”


Lott answered, then fell into thought.

He only got the information about the sea from Ethel’s words. It is said that some of her strange jewelry was bought from merchants coming from the northeast, and there is a large area of ​​azure blue water that can’t be seen at the end. Follow the trend is salty.

Then, the information sent by the intelligence officer showed that in the northeast, there is a large area of ​​blue waters that communicate with water and sky, where there are endless strange creatures and endless rare treasures.

‘…Neither Ethel nor Yalman has a detailed name for the sea… Maybe the world’s name for the sea is another term. ’

Pokemon like tyrannosaurus is more suitable in the sea, plus going to the beach to play can make the mood become refreshing and happy, which can play an extraordinary role in alleviating the tension of adventurers.

So no matter what, in order to make the life of the dungeon colorful in the future, the existence of the sea is a must!

“I need a reconnaissance aircraft to provide them with guidance. At least I have to figure out the direction of the sea first.” Lott looked at the screen and thought.

When the next goblin heard it, he immediately replied: “Do you need a flying machine? Can you tell us about the style?”

Lott turned his head and looked at it, originally subconsciously planning to draw a sketch of an airplane for it, but then he thought, does it know the concept of aerodynamics?

“Well…what is the thrust-to-weight ratio of the aero engine you can make?” Lott asked.

Don’t talk about aerodynamics, as long as the engine thrust is strong enough, the bricks can go to the sky!

When Vickers heard this, he immediately understood what the lord wanted to say and quickly discussed with his men on the second deck. After a long time, he replied:

“At present, the maximum thrust-to-weight ratio of the aero-engines we have is around 8, because we have mastered the relationship of new materials. If you want a more powerful engine now, we can make a thrust of about… Vector engines above .20.”

At present, the thrust-to-weight ratio of cutting-edge fighters on the planet is the highest at around 13.

“That’s fine.” Lot nodded with a smile, and then drew a flying saucer on the clipboard…


In the VIP box of the clubhouse somewhere on Happy Street, a group of big fat people from Sumir City sat on the sofa and watched the entertainment performance of the front row of ladies.

At this time, the door of the room was pushed open, and a fat old man with eyes came over to let the ladies out, and then took out the tablet in his hand and said to the big guys:

“After Ye Xiao led the team out last night, he didn’t reply for a day. Since the current situation is complicated, we will treat him as dead.”

After hearing this, the big guys nodded their heads as a default.

The old man continued: “Therefore, at around 14:00 this afternoon, I will send the most elite black armored ban troops and 120 golden Grahams in the main city. It should be on the way now. If I get here, I will It will be three or four days later.”

As soon as everyone heard it, their spirits were shocked. As long as the invincible black armored imperial army arrives, then this city is not in the bag? !

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