Start a Dungeon

Chapter 179

Chapter 177 Each has its own strengths

“Mental pulse bomb?” Maria and Vickers asked strangely.

Lott scratched his head and explained to them according to the principle of electromagnetic pulse.

We all know that after a nuclear explosion, a strong electromagnetic pulse wave will be generated. By then, all electronic products will be scrapped instantly, including personal computers and mobile TVs, and even airplanes in the sky. At that time, the entire city will be in a state of disuse. Silence, and the sky began to rain’airplane rain’

Similarly, non-nuclear explosions can also produce pulse waves, which are known as electromagnetic pulse bombs. Once this high-power microwave warhead is released, it is lethal to the military of modern electronic equipment.

“The world we live in now is full of magic, in which powerful miracles can be triggered by mental power through a specific voice control code. We call it incantation magic.”

Lott explained the principle of magic in front of the two magic creatures with great interest-of course, the goblin and the white dragon were still confused.

“So, what is the mental pulse bomb you are talking about…” the goblin asked.

“I need this kind of warhead you made to eliminate the mental waves of all creatures in the range at the moment of explosion. In Vickers you can understand, the electromagnetic pulse warhead will generate 30 billion hertz at the moment of explosion. Pulsed microwave beams, which will generate thousands of volts of instantaneous power changes on the conductors and destroy electronic products.”

“So amazing?” Vickers exclaimed. As for science and technology, it can be well understood. The difficulty lies in the fact that spiritual waves belong to the category of biology, which is not its strong point.

This story tells us that the disadvantages of Pianke are obvious.

Of course, whether it is biology or technology, Maria has always been out of condition, but this does not prevent her from whispering and double-clicking 666 from the side-this is the way of learning scum.

In the end, there was no other way but to find Xueba-the little witch Emily was basically proficient in everything, oh no, she was also forced by technology.

Right now, there are scientific and technological talents, as well as biological talents. As for the experimental subjects…Monsters don’t use spiritual power.

Maria said that she could try it, because she can use both spirit and energy, and her own stock is quite full-if even the dragon can’t stand the attack of the mental pulse, then other creatures will be even more useless.

After giving Maria all the means of protection to ensure that she would be safe and sound, the three stored their emotions and memories, and then started making them in the Time Workshop.

When the door of the Time Workshop closed and opened, the Mental Pulse Warhead was made-it cost them a full 500,000 R&D funds, and the energy gained in the morning bottomed out.

Maria did not look abnormal after coming out, but the little witch’s spirit was a little sluggish.

Vickers explained: “It was accidentally affected during the experiment, and the remaining energy was all used for recovery for Miss Deacon, so there was no excess energy to recover for Miss Recorder.”

The witch also uses mental power, but she can use energy to manifest high-level medicinal materials that are easy to restore mental power.

In the end, the little witch said that there was her magic workshop in the library, which contained spare potions, so she went back after she finished talking-her current task is to create “Journey to the West” explained by Lott.

After everything was settled, Vickers installed multiple manufactured mental pulse warheads on the cruise missile, and then let the flying saucer quickly transport it to Vinda. The flying saucer cost 100,000 energy, and currently has two.

“No money.” Lott, sitting on the sofa on the upper deck of the domain space, looked at the giant transparent ball floating on the side, and the energy storage was empty and there was nothing.

Now I am counting on the new-style wizard conference at 12 o’clock, but it’s less than 11 o’clock.

“What would you like to have for lunch?” Maria, in a chef’s costume, pushed the dining car over and asked.

Lott looked at her, thought for a long time, and said, “I want to eat sushi.”


Seeing Maria smiling, Lott explained the general principle to her. For sushi, mustard is of course indispensable. This green seasoning is ground with wasabi and poured in cold water. Steam it for about 10 minutes and let it cool. , Its pungent smell is quite suitable for serving as a material.

This is not difficult for Maria.

As for the sashimi, the simple point is: bleeding the fish, and then carefully separate the fish bones from the fish meat. There should be no blood on the fish. You have to wrap it in a white towel and slowly absorb it. Then cut the fish into pieces and isolate it with plastic wrap. Put it on ice to keep it fresh and ready to eat.

Simple right? It’s difficult to do.

Lott used to work in a sushi restaurant during his internship, so he knows something about it-this is enough for Maria.

Although she knows nothing about science and biology, when it comes to craftsmanship and cooking, almost everyone can’t match it.

Everyone has their own field of expertise. Don’t be arrogant. One day, you will find your own stage and become the most dazzling star.

The delicious sushi is complete. With Maria’s special sauce, the taste is almost nothing to say. In the future, the method of making this food will be taught to humans, so that people all over the world can taste the exquisite food that belongs to the underground city and comes from the earth. .

Lott was very satisfied with this lunch, and at the same time he wondered if he would like to have hot pot at night?

Time flies quickly, just before 12 o’clock Dangdangdang

A: “Good noon, dear audience, welcome to the noon news, I am your old friend A”

B: “I am B”

The two hosts, Skinny A and Fatty B, were still dressed in suits and sitting in the live broadcast room.

A: “Don’t talk nonsense, I will broadcast a heavy news to all adventurers.”

B: “Yes”

A: “According to reliable sources, Lord Lord will release a brand new elf for adventurers at 12 o’clock noon. You are welcome to join the card house at that time. Is Mr. B looking forward to this too?”

B: “Yes.”

A: “Mr. B looks very happy. It will be very lively by then, so now…it will be 12 o’clock. We have our frontline correspondent, Miss C, to bring us a wonderful live report.”

The window on the screen moved to the left, and then a woman with a microphone facing the camera appeared on the right.

C: “Has it started? Oh! Hello everyone, audience friends, I’m frontline reporter C, hello host.”

A: “Hello Miss C, what is the status of the card house now?”

C: “The scene is quite lively, photographer, please give me a shot.”

The suspended smart camera moved to the card house venue under the instructions of the staff nearby.

Now it’s so lively as a vegetable market, there are muscular hooligans everywhere, arguing everywhere, if it weren’t for a famous death knight who shuttled through the middle from time to time, I guess it would have been a long time ago.

After a while, the large square booth in the middle of the venue was brilliant.

“Welcome to the card house!”

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