Start a Dungeon

Chapter 374

Chapter 372 Create mountains


Following Bailong’s other paw violently waved towards the ground.

The stones that had gradually gathered below were scraped to pieces.

But more stones are still pouring in from all directions.

“All right, my lord?!”

Bai Long was a little nervous now, holding the left paw where Lott was standing, and hurriedly covering him with his right paw, just like protecting a small insect in his hand when he was a child.

Just as all the rocks approached quickly, and Maria was about to use her body to block them, the boulders flew halfway, stayed still in the sky for a second, and then all fell bang.


When Bailong heard it, he moved his hooded claws, and saw Lot, standing in the heart of his claws, holding the cute earthy yellow light in his hands, and he felt like he couldn’t put it down.

This is the earth spirit?

“Find a flat place and let me go down.” Lott lowered his head and stared at the elemental spirit in front of him and said without looking back.

When Bailong took him to a flat ground, Lott jumped from the dragon’s claws, and there was a loud noise behind her back, Maria regained her human form, still wearing a beautiful white nightdress.

“Eh! Hey!”

As soon as Sister Long turned back into a human form, she immediately rushed to Lot’s back and hugged him around his neck, smirking like a little girl.

This is reminiscent of the story of young boys and girls dating in high school-even though the two in front of them are old drivers.

Feeling the heat exhaling from his ear, Lott held his mind down and looked down at the earth elemental spirit in his hand, and asked: “What is this thing called, do you know?”

Maria took a probe, shook her head, clasped her arms, and said in response to the other’s tone: “What is this?”

“If you use it together with the water element, you can create an unprecedented mountain and river soil vein without wasting a bit of energy.”

“Oh My lord knows so much ”

Maria seemed to be amazed at Lott knowing so much, but she didn’t even take it to her heart. She was now full of thoughts about what kind of exciting gameplay would be later-is it directly here?

Lott listened to Maria’s compliment and said with a smile: “It’s nothing, I also know from the second generation lord.”

The Skeleton Lord seems to be obsessed with life, nature, exploration, and research. In its inherited memory, it is almost full of many weird anecdotes and research experiences. The level of knowledge is as rich as Wikipedia. Eye-opener.

And 90% of the collections in the Great Library were collected by the Skeleton Lord after traveling around. It can be seen that during the century when he was in charge of the dungeon, he hardly stayed too much in the city.

And when the whole land was almost explored by it, I wanted to go overseas. Feeling that the identity of the demon king was a drag, I immediately found a shadow monster and stuffed it with the city, and then went to travel alone with the baggage on his back. .

Maybe, the undead are hard-hearted-the three female demons stay in the room all day long and stay behind closed doors. Ms. Yisha sits there watching the warm lights all day long, while the Skeleton Lord is full of curiosity about everything. .

“As for this earth element, it has also been involved, but it is in the literature and has not seen the real thing…what are you doing?”

Just as Lott watched the earth element talk freely, he felt Maria’s hand reaching into his jacket and groping in front of his chest.

“Nothing, please go on.” Maria said and stopped the action at hand. She could see that Lott seemed to be more interested in earth elements than anything else. This feeling was as excited as a child getting a new toy.


Lott slowly squatted down with the elemental spirits in both hands, and Maria, who was lying on his back, seemed to have no intention of leaving, just like that while holding his neck while pressing him, then smiled and asked against his cheek. : “What do you want to do?”

“If you really have the ability to create mountains and rivers as stated in the inheritance, in the absence of water elements, it should be no problem to make some big mountains, and then make some snow on the top of the mountain… Be a ski resort ! That’s right!”

“Oh Ski resort ” Maria smiled.

Lott also laughed-this Nizi had never seen Xue, her new consciousness came with her arrival.

In other words, people just echoed absently.

“Vicks, have you seen snow?”

Lott lowered his head and asked, as far as he knew, the environment of this place seemed to belong to a normal temperate climate, with hotter, snowy scenes and other things that were not even documented in the literature.

Vickers: ‘No adults, what is that? ’


Lott just wanted to answer, but found that he didn’t know where to start. Then he thought that among the many monsters in the dungeon, there seemed to be an ice snow monster.

But the place where it was originally stationed is a desert, and it has nothing to do with snow.

“When the old man brought it from the dream, he didn’t prepare the corresponding ice and snow environment for it. It’s really difficult for it.”

The snow monster is covered in white and smooth long-haired skin, which should be suitable for the ice and snow, but when he arrives here, he is walking back and forth in the desert.

“But now, let me try the power of this thing.”

Lott smiled and looked up and swept around, thinking of the location of the snowy mountain in his mind, and then said: “Vickers, take 50 million to extend the first area by 500 square kilometers.”

Vickers: ‘Oh, my lord. ’

“Huh?” Just when Maria felt strange, the surrounding space changed and Lott took her to the first area, but even so, she still had no plan to get off Lott’s shoulder, just looking up. Glancing at the deserted environment around.

They are now in the first district, which is 200 kilometers away from the main city.

“Then, it’s up to you now, little guy.”

Lott looked at the earth element with wings in his hand and smiled and said, “Don’t let me down.”

Goblins can make mountains and rivers at any time, but the premise is that they need a huge amount of energy, and Lot doesn’t want to waste energy on this unless it is necessary.

If you use the earth element to make it, it’s different.

This guy can convert all the particles in the air into soil, and most importantly, it doesn’t need any energy.

These are Lot’s introduction to the earth element based on the Skeleton Lord and when this thing ran away just now, without any external assistance, it was still able to continuously generate Golems.

This evidence is sufficient.

“Bring me a mountain, one with a diameter of about 300 kilometers and a height of 5,000 kilometers… Vickers, won’t you break the roof?”

Vickers: ‘Uh…we can try to automatically form a separate domain space around the mountain. ’

Like Feilong Amusement Park, the outside is only a few thousand square meters, but the inside is like a big world.

“That’s fine.” Luo Fei nodded, using his consciousness to control the earth element to fly into the distance. After reaching a certain distance, Daxueshan began to make it.

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