Start a Dungeon

Chapter 462

Chapter 461 Underground forces in the dungeon

“Of course they killed them.”

Wendell turned his head and showed his face, “Is there any other option?” ’Such an expression.

“I don’t object to how you play with them, but don’t make a big noise in my city and cause people to panic. It’s not good, understand?”

Lott walked slowly with his hands behind his back. He wasn’t afraid that the old guy would do anything out of the ordinary. After all, he was surrounded by Tier 5 knights and warlocks helping to suppress it. Only Tier 4 werewolves and vixen couldn’t figure out anything at all. storm.

The number of these monsters is only hundreds of thousands, which is not enough compared with the hundreds of thousands of Tier 5 law enforcement troops.

The national violence machine in the dungeon is now more mature.

“It’s just killing, there won’t be anything wrong, don’t worry.” Wendell patted Lott’s shoulder lightly and smiled.

The kid in front of him is the ruler here no matter what, Wendell still has to take care of his face.

Lott blocked his paw and nodded:

“That’s fine, but the target is just this group of foxes, don’t touch other races, don’t touch the birdmen, understand?”

Now Birdman is Lot’s most powerful ally. Almost any decisions made here are the first to respond at international conferences, including sanctions against a certain country or dungeons intending to send troops outside to conquer troops that lack order to maintain order. They will all contribute money and help. Help in the past.

This saves Lott a lot of unnecessary trouble.

In addition, the current economy is almost integrated with the other party, so there can be no political mistakes in any way.

Wendell looked at him for a moment, and asked, “What if the birdman is a black hand?”

“To tell you the truth, I have a record of every birdman in the city, including their eating and drinking, I have been monitoring them all the time, and I haven’t found any cases of sneaking around. They are better than anyone. High,” Lot said looking at Wendell.

is so taller than you that I don’t know where it is.

This is the difference between a real elite and nouveau riche.

Although the bird people have fragile bodies and some are timid, they are the race that thoroughly implements chivalry.

Therefore, he is very disgusted with the Rulfs who do not have chivalry.

In contrast, the foxes are much worse.

They are like nouveau riche who started by relying on profiteering industries. They have no long-standing aristocratic qualities. Although they are rich, they are of much lower quality. They often rely on their own scams and abductions to be complacent. They are the ones most beaten up by knights. , Even if their diplomats broke their voices, it would be useless. They should kill, they should beat, and there would be no room for negotiation.

Strict law can lead to order, and violence is the only language that hooligans can understand.

But even so, it still can’t stop the enthusiasm of the foxes to move to the dungeon collectively.

After all, any creature will be driven by the instinct to yearn for a better life.

Wendell was a little surprised when he heard that Lott was monitoring the birdmen in the city all the time, and then tentatively asked: “You didn’t monitor me, right?”

The surveillance function of the Domain Hall, the original lord did not tell anyone, including Wendell, who was his friend at the time.

“No, how could it happen, hehe.” Lott replied with a smile.

Lott has accidentally seen Wendell’s activity several times, either on the way to the female ticket Nvchang or to the female ticket Nvchang, and then he didn’t bother to watch it again.

“That’s good.” The Wolf King nodded in satisfaction.

Lott smiled and asked, “Then back to the old question, what are you going to do with those vixens?”

“How do you do it? Of course, send someone to grab these few things that don’t have long eyes, take off an arm and mail it to the other person in charge.”


Where did this guy learn from such a **** gangster?

Or, he is a dark and evil force with a long history?

Lot found that he seemed to underestimate the old guy in front of him.

When he turned his head and looked around again, the foxes who had been staring at this side disappeared.

Are they gone?

“After running one, don’t worry, my subordinates will take care of it.” Wendell patted Lott’s shoulder with a kindly gaze and comforted.

Unknowingly, the old guy had ordered his elite werewolves to cover their mouths from behind the fox monsters in the crowd, fainted, and drag them away quickly.

In fact, the evil wolf gang formed by Wendell is the largest evil force in the area.

But because Lot’s feelings were taken into consideration, he didn’t take action against ordinary people, and he never showed anything, so few people know it, and it only spreads among other powerful gangs.

There are black forces stationed in every part of the world, and this is just like the bacteria and viruses carried by the human body, which cannot be eradicated.

As a leader, there are only two options, either increase efforts to eradicate or recruit security.

The former is useless and will affect the innocent. More importantly, a new batch will emerge when a batch is shoveled. Therefore, the best way is to control the greatest power and let them control other gangs.

Wendell, as an old friend of the first generation, has been betraying him, so he has been blaming himself until now. For Lot’s words, more just want to make up, so he has been helping Lot to secretly control several large gangs in this place.

And these, Lott only learned about it later in the in-depth investigation.

“Need help?” Lott looked around and asked He was worried that the one who ran away would shake things out. After all, these fox monsters are new black forces, they are very wild and can do it. What can’t be guaranteed.

“No, it has been solved.” Wendell calmly pretended to force, “My men are all elites among the elite, it was just an accident.”

“Hehe, is it?” Lott smiled and asked casually, “By the way, just find an adulterer who abets your daughter. Is it necessary to drive him to death?”

“Isn’t this enough? Those newcomers have to beat them to let them know who has the final say!” The wolf king’s arrogance looked quite arrogant.

But after Lott heard this, he couldn’t help turning his head to look at him: Isn’t it me who has the final say?

“What?” Wendell asked strangely.

“It’s nothing.” Lott shook his head, looked at the girls who were talking and laughing in front of him, and suddenly felt emotional: It’s better not to let them know about those dark things.

Just as several people were discussing where to go next, suddenly Fiona stopped.

And Wendell next to him stared at the front as well.

It was a temporary open-air stage built on a small scale, and its function was to allow some new singers to show off and promote themselves.

At this moment, there is a woman holding a microphone standing above, she is discussing something with the props master next to her.

“What’s the matter?” Lott found that the father and daughter were stunned there, which was a bit strange for a while.

“Mom…” Fiona whispered softly.

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