Start a Dungeon

Chapter 508

Chapter 507 dancing?


Lott agreed, turned his head and walked towards the crowd in front of him.

The teppanyaki boss of the animation department heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the boss was gone.

“Good !!!”


“another one!”

Lott hugged Loli and slowly squeezed into the crowd. Amidst the cheers around him, he finally saw the members of the Robot Research Department.

They are…

They crushed boulders in their chests…

Lott’s eyes twitched as he watched one of the **** guys lying on the ground, the other two put a big square rock on his chest, and then the remaining shirtless began to round the hammer and slam it up.

Damn !

The stone is broken,

“it is good!!”

There was a burst of cheering around again.

And Lot really wanted to say at this time:

If you don’t engage in scientific research, run here to smash a big boulder of wool, and since you want to smash the boulder, then you have to let the robot smash it somehow, what about your research results?

No, why did the magician study robots? !

“Thank you for joining us! Thank you for joining us!”

Just when Lot’s brain was down, the Broken Stone program had come to an end. One of the students took the scoring machine and tray to give rewards and praise to the surrounding audience.

The people present naturally had money to contribute money and work hard. When the other party handed the scoring machine to Lott, Teresa directly reached out and gave a good comment.

The performance over there continued, and Lott left early with Loli in his arms.

“Huh? Why don’t you see more, Master?” Teresa turned her small body to look back when Lott left.

As people shouted again, another big rock was ruined.

“We don’t watch savage performances.”

Lott said, hugging Lolita’s back and facing the air forward and said: “Vickers, investigate, like this kind of animation, do not make animations, robots do not make machines, and use the way of catching the door to get points. how much remaining.”

Vickers: ‘Good lord. ’

When Teresa heard this, she turned her head to look at him, and asked strangely: “Is this bad? I think it’s pretty good.”

“There must be rules in everything. No rules can’t make a circle. I don’t like their tricks of playing Xiao Cong very much.”

Lott hugged her and walked slowly, passing by various juggling stalls. These guys obviously belonged to other clubs.

“Then what if it is all?” Teresa retracted her gaze from the juggling to look at Lott and asked, “Didn’t the animator just say that? Except for some powerful associations, everyone else is making a mistake. Do you plan to stop them all?”

“No, this is a lesson for me.” Lott replied, “Let them fool around in a side-by-side manner. This in itself shows that my point system is not good. They can only make up for it in another way, which is contrary to It’s my original intention to hold a campus festival.”

Lot realized that this compulsory scoring system allowed the students of the club to take advantage of legal loopholes in order to keep their funds. Isn’t it equivalent to teaching them to do evil?

“Lessons are learned, if you hold this kind of garden party in the future, you have to come up with another more comprehensive plan.”

“Oh.” When Teresa promised, she didn’t look at him. Instead, she took the last kebab in his paper bag and asked as she ate, “Then where shall we go next?”

She did not intend to continue this topic.

Lott thought for a while and asked:

“Vickers, find me a group that is doing club activities nearby. It’s a veritable one.”

Vickers: “Understand your lord, your last order…”

“Are there any results?”

Vickers: “Yes, there are 112 clubs in the college, and only 30 clubs are actually performing club activities. ’


Wickers: ‘Do you need to stop them from such violations? ’

“Forget it, the first time it was opened, many things were unpredictable. I am looking for a club that can be seen and recommend it.”

Vickers: ‘3oo meters ahead of you, go right and go 2o meters. The dance club is performing there. I hope you like it. ’


When he mentioned this thing, Lott couldn’t help but think of a certain game when he was a child, and finally smiled.

“What are you laughing at?” Teresa finished eating the last skewers, reached out and took the paper towel that Lott handed her, and dropped the wooden stick in her hand to the ground, while the cleaning robot that had been waiting for a long time rushed past. Soak up the garbage.

“Nothing, um… do you want to watch the dance?” Lott asked.

“Eh dance…”

Teresa’s eyes lit up, and the double circle dance that only appeared in aristocratic dances appeared in her mind involuntarily.

That is the scene that every girl yearns for. After all, everyone has the illusion that Cinderella meets Prince Charming at the ball.

But in terms of Teresa’s current identity, unless the prince is a lo*ic*n, if there is a prom, she can only stay aside, eat cakes, and watch others dance.

“You…Will you invite me to dance, Master?” Lori looked at the “Prince” Lolita in front of her with embarrassment and asked in a low voice.

“Please dance?” Lot asked strangely.

She’s not mistaken, hip-hop herself can’t dance.

“No way?”

Seeing Lolita in her arms raised her head with a disappointed expression, Lott immediately nodded and said: “Okay, but I’m not very good at it.”

“Neither will I. We can just dance. I think other people are turning around.” Teresa looked very excited, and Lott was a little surprised.

Street dance in circles? Does she mean Thomas turning? I really can’t see how fierce this loli is.

Lott sighed in his heart, he also wanted to try hip-hop or something, it was rare for Loli to invite it like this.

Then the two of them came to the corner of the barbecue shop with excitement, and saw a group of people in front watching from a distance, just like the situation on the gravel side. The cheers were endless, but the difference was that the street dance side looked like There are more young people.

“Go and see!”

Listening to the hilarious music over there, Teresa urged excitedly.

She has only read about the double circle dance in the novel It is not clear how it actually is, after all, her identity at the time could not enter the gate of nobility.

Lott hugged her and hurriedly squeezed through the crowd, and the two of them took a closer look.


On the high platform in front, a group of hip-hop young people twisted their bodies into waves like water snakes, as did the others, while the burly group on the opposite side had their feet swaying from side to side like toads, looking like they were doing it. Some kind of ritual.

Teresa was stunned for a long time, and finally asked involuntarily: “They are here…”

“They dance around in snakeskin.”

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