Start a Face Slap System

Chapter 196

Chapter 196 Just be a mascot

The next day, the four set off from the hotel early and went to the forum location. For this forum, Ye Chen made a great sacrifice.

Because she was afraid that Huang Binglian could not get up and could not participate in the forum, he stopped early last night.

But even so, when Huang Binglian got up in the morning, Huang Binglian’s feet were still a little buoyant, and there was still a trace of flushing on her face.

And she looked at Ye Chen’s eyes, and she became even more obsessed, even obsessed…

This woman is getting more and more poisoned…

When the four came to the venue, many people were already seated inside. Under the guidance of a cheongsam beauty, the four found their place, and it was actually in the first row.

And it happened that they met with Hengxin Group again. Ye Chen and the others were sitting in the front row, while Hengxin Group was sitting in the back row. Ye Chen looked back and found that Mr. Kong was sitting behind him, and then to the right. , It was the Lu Lanxuan who looked bright and beautiful last night.

Ye Chen smiled slightly at the two and greeted them, and the two smiled back. The scene was very harmonious, and no one mentioned what happened last night.

Because the forum has not yet officially started, the people seated at the forum began to talk in low voices. Everyone held the flow chart of this forum in their hands, so the content of the peers probably knows, but we still need to discuss the details.

While waiting, Ye Chen also scanned the venue and found a strange place. It stands to reason that the corporate forums in Ningjiang and Jiang should be equal, but in fact, the camp here in Jiang City is worse than in Ning City. A lot.

There are nearly 15 Jiangshi enterprises participating in this forum with more than 100 people. These enterprises are all leading enterprises in Jiangshi. The biggest is naturally Ye Chen’s Taifeng Group. Other enterprises have the least market value. Several billions, in general, the strength is quite strong.

However, in Ning City, there were nearly 200 people sitting under pressure, and there were nearly 30 participating companies. According to the list of participants, Ye Chen even discovered several companies with a market value of tens of billions. Huatian Group, the number one company, has a market value of more than 100 billion yuan, a properly super giant. It’s not a little bit stronger than its own Taifeng Group.

So Ye Chen looked up, frowned and asked softly in Qin Xiaoyu’s ear.

“Why is the Ningshi corporate team so strong? I feel that the two sides of this forum are no longer equal.”

Qin Xiaoyu immediately responded in a low voice when he heard his question.

“This forum is held every two years. Now this is the tenth session. Nearly 20 years have passed. When the forum was originally held, the two cities had similar development levels. However, since Ning City is close to the sea, the economy has advanced advantages. We have developed advantages, so we have gradually left Jiangshi behind, and now the economic scale of the two cities has a huge gap.”

“And now it is said that it is a forum for the exchange of enterprises between the two places, but in fact it has become a channel for Jiangshi to come to attract investment. Enterprises in Ningshi just want to gain more access to the Jiangshi market through this forum, so At present, this forum is basically dominated by Ning’s enterprises, and we in Jiang City are looking for people to do things.”

Hearing Qin Xiaoyu’s words, Ye Chen also suddenly realized…

Dare to love this forum is a poverty alleviation conference, and it is a poor person in Fujiang City, Ning City. Ye Chen suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

But Ye Chen is also very strange. Ning City and Jiang City are clearly nearly a thousand kilometers apart. What links these two cities together?

Later, Qin Xiaoyu solved his puzzles. It seems that she really made preparations for this forum.

It turned out that a leader who was in charge of Jiang City was later transferred to Ning City, so he used his personal connections on both sides to organize such a forum.

It was originally called the Ningjiang Two Cities Economic Exchange Forum, which was an official organization event, and then gradually became a non-governmental spontaneous event. The name was also changed to the Ningjiang Two Cities Enterprise Exchange Forum. Of course, there was also official support behind it.

However, as the economic gap between the two places is getting bigger and bigger, the support from Ning City is getting smaller and smaller. For example, for this opening, only a deputy mayor was sent to speak, and a second-in-command was sent in the previous two sessions. Come, before that, it was always the leader in person.

Soon, the forum officially began, the old process, first, the leader spoke, reviewed the past, talked about the present, and looked forward to the future, and then everyone clapped desperately.

Four or five leaders went up and took the manuscript to speak, and they were all big words. Ye Chen yawned at the hearing, but Qin Xiaoyu squeezed it hard, and it started to cheer up.

After they finished speaking, more than an hour had passed, and at this time, the forum was considered to have really started.

Ye Chen doesn’t care about this at all, just sit here and be a mascot…

Because everything has the little secretary Qin Xiaoyu.


Although Ye Chen was sitting on the chair with his eyes open, his thoughts had drifted to some place, as if he was in class at school…

In such an important meeting, he used his soul to wander around.

Then I walked around all the women, including Zhou Ruoxue, Xiang Xiang, Zheng Xiangrong, Han Hana, Shen Xinlan, and Hu Mei… (It should be a small number, I feel dizzy.)

At this moment, Zhou Ruoxue was attending class in school, sitting carefully taking notes.

Xiangxiang is still lying on the bed and sleeping…

Zheng Xiangrong changed another city, and it was still at night, falling asleep deeply on the bed.

Han Hana was wearing a **** costume and was working as a model at the auto show, attracting many spectators to take out their mobile phones to take pictures, and Ye Chen naturally watched it for a long time.

Shen Xinlan is tidying up at home, wearing only a white vest.

As for Hu Mei, she was still recuperating on the hotel bed… The wound was smeared with medicine…

“Ye Dong… Ye Dong…”

Suddenly, Ye Chen heard a soft call…

Ye Chen hurriedly returned to his senses, and then separated from Hu Mei, his consciousness returned to his body, and then turned his head to see that Qin Xiaoyu was frowning and looking at him angrily.

“Ye Dong, you won’t fall asleep anymore!”

Qin Xiaoyu stared at Ye Chen and gritted his teeth and said.

Ye Chen blushed and hurriedly defended.

“How is it possible, I’m listening.”

Then he quickly changed the subject.

“Don’t talk so much nonsense, just talk about it.”

Qin Xiaoyu glared at Ye Chen again…

I said I didn’t sleep. Everyone had been discussing it for half an hour just now, but I didn’t even know what it was.

However, Qin Xiaoyu did not delve into it, but re-examined the topic discussed earlier.

Ye Chen suddenly realized after hearing this…

It turned out that the two cities of Ningjiang wanted to jointly establish a Jiangshi characteristic industrial park to sell Jiangshi’s products and resources, such as various specialty products, through the market and channels of Ningshi, and even export them abroad.

This idea is indeed very good. Although Jiang City is relatively backward, it is rich in resources. There are many kinds of special products that are famous in the province and even the whole country, but they are limited to output and sales channels, and they have not formed too much. Economic benefits.

The purpose of this project is to increase the output of these specialty products through mechanical and technological means, and then package them to form a brand and sell them all over the country.

The idea is very good, not only can make money, but also increase the income of local farmers, so it has received strong support from Jiang City officials, but unfortunately the discussion ended in a deadlock.

Because of…money…

For such a large project, all kinds of investment, after preliminary budget, need to invest nearly 5 billion. Originally, the two cities of Ningjiang and Jiangxi each divided 2.5 billion in half, which is reasonable.


But there is not so much money here in Jiangshi…

After discussing for a while in Ning City, it was agreed that Huatian Group, the number one company, would invest 2 billion yuan, and the remaining 500 million yuan would be shared by several other companies.

But Jiang Shi has reached a deadlock…

This project does have prospects, but the investment is too large, and the benefits are not so fast, so these companies in Jiangshi hesitated.

But in the final analysis, it’s still a matter of money.

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