Start a Face Slap System

Chapter 265

Chapter 265 Got nothing

“Big Brother Ye!”

Suddenly, a sad voice came from Ye Chen’s ear. After looking back, he saw a beautiful figure, rushing toward him, and fell into his arms.


It was Zhu Lingyue who came here, but for half a month, Zhu Lingyue had experienced successive accidents with her brother and best friend, and her heart had almost collapsed.

Ye Chen was holding Zhu Lingyue, and he could clearly feel that the other party had become thinner again, and there was almost no extra meat on his body.

“Lingyue don’t cry, I’m here, don’t cry!”

Ye Chen said softly while helping Zhu Lingyue wipe the tears.

However, Zhu Lingyue seemed to have found her support, and all the strength she had pretended to be put down, she burst into tears suddenly.

Ye Chen had no choice but to gently pat her shoulder while comforting her gently.

It wasn’t until a long time before Zhu Lingyue gradually calmed down, but she still sobbed a few times from time to time.

“Sorry, Big Brother Ye…”

Zhu Lingyue twitched her nose and said in tears.

Ye Chen stretched out his hand, gently wiped her tears, and said.

“It’s okay, it’s okay to cry, you must have suffered during this time.”

Hearing this, Zhu Lingyue suddenly shed tears, Ye Chen panicked when she saw it, and then hurriedly interrupted.

“By the way, what happened to Lu Zhengfeng?”

Hearing Ye Chen’s question, Ye Lingyue wiped away the tears again, and then said intermittently while twitching her nose.

Ye Lingyue was emotionally unstable. After speaking for five or six minutes, Ye Chen finally understood.

It turned out that yesterday afternoon, Lu Zhengfeng and a group of friends went racing, but while racing, he seemed to have met a woman, and then the two left the racing track together.

And when Lu Zhengfeng was found out of the accident, it was already last night. At that time, a gangster found Lu Zhengfeng’s sports car in a remote place and was about to steal something, only to find that the car was dead. Lu Zhengfeng.

After listening to Zhu Lingyue’s words, Ye Chen’s brows also frowned.

There is no doubt that Lu Zhengfeng was murdered just like Ye Feiyong, and he was murdered in the same way. They were all taken away by a woman, and finally had an accident.

And that woman also completely disappeared, as if she hadn’t appeared at all.

There is no doubt that the woman at this time is the biggest suspect in these two cases, but there is no evidence.

The police have also been investigating. Both the Zhu family and the Lu family are well-known families in the sea city. The police have been working overtime during this period, and they have tried everything, but in the end they found nothing.

“Lingyue, do you have the inspection report of your brother and Lu Zhengfeng?”

Ye Chen frowned and asked suddenly.

Zhu Lingyue was taken aback for a moment and didn’t understand what Ye Chen wanted this for, but he nodded sobbing and said.

“The police have it, I’ll get it for you!”

After a while, Zhu Lingyue came over with two copies of the test report, each of which was dozens of pages thick and very detailed in content. It seems that the police have indeed made great efforts.

Afterwards, Ye Chen frowned and kept flipping through it.

After watching for nearly half an hour, Ye Chen carefully read the two reports, and at this time, Ye Chen also had a trace of doubt in his mind.

There is no doubt that the methods and even all aspects of the two cases are extremely similar. The police have also combined the two cases and can basically conclude that the two cases were done by the same person.

Ye Chen also agrees with this conclusion, but it is not helpful to solve the case at present, because everyone guessed that the murderer was the woman who took the two of them, but no one knew her identity, let alone her presence. where.

The police once drew a portrait of this woman based on other people’s oral descriptions, but the woman drawn these two times does not seem to be a person.

This makes the police fall into doubt again. Are the two cases one murderer or two murderers at all? The truth is that these two cases are one murderer or two murderers in the first place. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The police also searched around based on the two portraits, but found nothing.

Ye Chen was also very puzzled about these, but he did not pay too much attention to these, but noticed several problems in the report.

First, Lu Zhengfeng and Ye Feiyong had a relationship before the accident, and they lost their lives soon afterwards.

Second, the cause of their deaths seems to be due to excessive blood loss, but the police did not find any too big wounds on both of them, which is very puzzling.

Third, according to the description of witnesses at the time, when they left, they seemed very numb. When someone greeted them and asked them why they left early, they did not answer, and their expressions looked very dull.

Fourth, the expressions of the two at the last moment looked very strange. Ye Chen looked at the expressions of the two carefully for a long time, and finally seemed to understand a little bit. It was shock. The last expression of the two before the accident was shock, but What shocked them so much, no one knew.

There are many other clues, Ye Chen also remembered all of them, but none of these four points made him feel puzzled.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Chen still didn’t figure it out, so he shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

But for some reason, an inexplicable sense of crisis began to spread in his heart…

It seemed that there was a pair of insidious eyes in the dark, staring at him tightly…

This made Ye Chen’s mood gradually sink!

Because he never feels wrong…

The next day, Ye Chencai and Zhao Xiaohu returned to Jiang City.

He had a thorough understanding of Lu Zhengfeng and Ye Feiyong’s affairs, but he still had no clue.

And Ye Lingyue, under Ye Chen’s consolation, the collapsed mind finally recovered a bit, Ye Chen was relieved a little bit, otherwise she was really worried that Ye Lingyue would do something stupid.

Of course, Ye Chen’s comfort is serious comfort, and people who are not serious will have misunderstandings.

After returning to Jiang City, Ye Chen came to Han Hana’s hotel again. Han Hana had already called him yesterday, as if she came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, but Ye Chen was really not interested, and she ignored her after a few words.

This made Han Hana angry!

Okay! If you have a newcomer, you will forget my old one!

This is Han Ha Na’s thoughts at this time.

But when Ye Chen appeared in front of her, just as she looked angry and was about to ask her guilt…

“Why didn’t you talk to me yesterday? Is it because of Ya…”

But before she finished speaking, she found a trace of something wrong, because Ye Chen’s face was full of sorrowful expressions at this time…

It was the first time that Han Hana saw Ye Chen’s appearance, and she felt inexplicably distressed in her heart for some reason.

What’s wrong with Ye Chen?

What happened to him, how could he become like this.

And the anger that was full of anger suddenly disappeared. In her heart, all that was left was that she cared very much about Ye Chen. She wanted to resolve the grief on Ye Chen’s face and let him return to his previous appearance.

So, she hurriedly walked to Ye Chen’s side, took his hand, and asked cautiously and caringly.

“Dear… honey, what’s the matter with you?”

Ye Chen said with a forced smile on his face when he heard Han Hana’s words.

“It’s okay, I’m fine!”

But the more Ye Chen said that, the more worried Han Hana was. She threw herself into Ye Chen’s arms, sobbing and crying.

“My dear, don’t be like this, I’m so scared, can you tell me what happened to you, I want to share the burden with you.”

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