Start a Face Slap System

Chapter 317

Chapter 317 Too much charm

In the end there were twelve people in the group, and seven boys and Ye Chen. There are five girls plus Mu Xue, and how do the group say they are also classmates. Maybe the usual exchanges are not too much, but it is not unfamiliar. Now the relationship between high school students is no better than university classmates. The relationship between classmates in a class is still good, if you go to university. Maybe a classmate in a class still has classmates who don’t know each other in a few years, think about whether it is a bit embarrassing.

Ye Chen, I don’t know why Chen Summit is so active. When I asked, I realized that this time everyone came to eat and drink together. It was all his appointment. Except for Mu Xue and a few girls, the boys were all called by Chen Feng. Good fellow Ye Chen is still in the dark.

Everyone is still a student, and no one is very rich. Of course, everyone is AA system when going out to eat, and no one thinks how much money he has. You should invite everyone to dinner, which is actually not good. Everyone hasn’t graduated and don’t need to do this.

Not long after leaving the school, a group of people followed Chen Feng to a hotel.

The hotel is not very luxurious, but it is not the kind of roadside stall either. I also called a box, how can I say, anyway, there may be no chance for a dinner like this in the future. Everyone still wants to take this opportunity to have a good chat, bragging all over the world.

Because the organizer is Chen Feng, between the gaps where the dishes have not yet come up. He is also ready to say a few words.

“Students, everyone coming here today shows that we are definitely friends, and we must have a deeper relationship than our classmates. Only then came here with us. Isn’t this getting closer to the college entrance examination? I also want to take advantage of it. Now there is still time to get together. Otherwise, after the college entrance examination, everyone will run away, and it will be difficult to get together again. So there is today’s dinner, and I also hope that everyone can relax a bit when they come out to eat today. People who should drink, and those who can’t drink can also reminisce about the past.”

Everyone responded one after another.

The dishes ordered soon came up one after another, and everyone did not order any expensive dishes. They are also some home cooking. Twelve people gathered around and made a big table. It was all the classmates who came to have a dinner together. It would not feel good to make two tables.

It may be that Mu Xue and the arrival of these girls made these boys feel a little unwilling to eat and drink, and everyone was consciously restrained. But doing so just made the dinner party disappear.

No one actually knew about Ye Chen and Mu Xue, except that Chen Feng was told by Ye Chen. The others are kept in the dark.

When the meal was in progress, Chen Feng pushed Ye Chen with his arm. He gave him one night, and then whispered into Ye Chen’s ears, “Look at the atmosphere of eating today, everyone can’t get active. Do you want to tell everyone about you and the monitor? I’m such an amazing news. I believe everyone will be extremely happy even if they eat melons.”

Ye Chen hesitated, he actually wanted too many people to know about him and Mu Xue. Although everyone is a classmate and certainly not nagging like a parent, but they are also afraid that it will inevitably be exposed.

After thinking about it for a long time, Ye Chen still felt nothing. And everyone is a high school classmate who is about to graduate, so what does it matter if you know it? Everyone is also a classmate, if this is also hidden from everyone. It’s really not so good.

Besides, in Mu Xue’s heart. She definitely hopes that Ye Chen will make her public in the class. Girls will have this kind of psychology. Unless this girl is a Haiye, then I’m not sure. Of course, at this time, girls are not as open as later generations, and they are all very conservative.

Ye Chen gave Chen Feng a few glances and asked him to get closer.

“Yes, it can be said. It’s not embarrassing that everyone is classmates, besides, they are all friends. It seems a bit wrong to hide and tuck.”

After receiving Ye Chen’s permission, Chen Feng was as happy as having found today’s subject. Finally, there will be topics for everyone to talk about next, just to bring the focus to Ye Chen Muxue.

“Everyone stay quiet, I have something to say. In fact, our class has always been hiding a big news, I don’t know if any of the students guessed it. Today I will tell you this gossip, and let everyone eat melon. Why? Kind of.” Chen Feng suddenly stood up and said.

“Oh, oh well.” A group of people were booing.

Even Mu Xue is one of them, knowing that she will be the heroine in the story.

“Just tell me, don’t go around. We are all old classmates and we don’t know what gossip is there.” It was a girl who was speaking with Mu Xue. Her name is Zhou Yun, and she is also the kind of girl who is particularly popular in the class, that is, the kind that takes both sexes.

“I promise you don’t know about this. I just learned about it not long ago, and the two people I mentioned are among us. Can you guess it?” Chen Feng released a message for everyone to guess.

Among these twelve people, everyone, look at me and I look at you. Looking at each other, they were not sure to pay attention. But they didn’t think it would be themselves, Ye Chen Muxue’s eyes met, and she couldn’t help but let out strange eyes. I understand everything that I understand, but I didn’t let everyone notice it.

“After watching for a long time, have you guessed who it is? You said you guessed it, Zhou Yun,” Chen Feng said, pointing to her.

“No, there are only four girls here. I really can’t guess who it is?” He said that he kept looking at the girls sitting next to her. See whose eyes dodge.

“Forget it, all of you may be silly studying, or you are too nervous to tell the college entrance examination. I still don’t let you guess. I can’t guess if I guess tomorrow.” It was also a meal. chatter.

“In order that we can still drink this wine tonight, I’ll tell you, otherwise you won’t be able to tear me up. In fact, the heroine is…that’s what you all think is impossible…that’s our big squad leader… …Unexpectedly. I also find it incredible, who has chased the most beautiful squad leader in our class, then guess who it is?” Chen Feng left a question and said.

After that, everyone was staring at Mu Xue, with incredible expressions in their eyes. It can be said that there are many people pursuing Mu Xue in the three years of high school, and there are many outstanding talents in everyone’s eyes. But Mu Xue refused one by one, and she had never seen any man close to her. But today I suddenly said that she already has a boyfriend. This melon is not small.

“Who is Xiaoxue’s boyfriend?” This sentence was said by a girl next to Mu Xue.

You may have guessed a little bit. Several people looked at Ye Chen, also because Ye Chen and Mu Xue had walked closer recently. Leave everyone with doubts.

Ye Chen was also very helpless to find that everyone was looking at him. Today I will definitely not be able to escape. In this case, it is better to admit it and share it with you.

“Okay, okay, don’t guess everyone. Actually, I didn’t expect it, I and Xiaoxue. Actually, if we weren’t together, I didn’t expect Xiaoxue to look at me. I think I’m a little smarter and smarter. It doesn’t seem to have any advantages. Maybe the charm is too big, I really don’t blame Xiaoxue.” Everyone looked at Ye Chen so narcissistic, and they wanted to stand up and beat him, it was too cheap. But why did Mu Xue fall in love with him again? Don’t be too irritating.

When Ye Chen talked about the relationship with Mu Xue, Mu Xue was indeed a little embarrassed. Although she is the monitor in the class, she is just a little girl outside now.

“My mother’s little calf, he has taken over all good things. It’s just a shit, no matter how many more drinks you have to drink today. To relieve my hatred.” The one who said this was sitting in Chen Feng. The boy next to him is named Zhao Yi. However, there are elements of jokes and envy in these words. Anyway, the goal was directed at Ye Chen himself.

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