Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 525 Commander Chen

Seeing the light shining again in the eyes of those children, Ye Chuan's heart felt as if it had been struck by a hammer. He bent down and stretched out his hand towards the pothole: "Is it okay, kids?"

The children suddenly smiled. Although they were scared, they did not rush out. Instead, they were carried out one by one by Ye Chuan.

"We found a buried child here!" Ye Chuan shouted after rescuing a few.

After the team not far away heard this, they quickly ran over. They skillfully took out the stretchers and carefully carried the injured children one by one on the stretchers and sent them to the medical center. The remaining children who were in better condition were left temporarily. Following the team back to the camp, many children were dehydrated after being buried for so long, so everyone prepared light salt water to restore their strength first.

"Well done, young man!" After the strong man captain saw that seven or eight children had been rescued, he slapped Ye Chuan on the back, but the force was so strong that Ye Chuan almost lost his balance.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. I just heard something moving over there. Go there and dig out the rocks and take a look." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and said to the other side.

"Really? I'll go take a look." The strong man and the strange force beside him left.

Ye Chuan's waveguide power sensed it, and with his perception, he naturally knew the whereabouts of those children.

However, there are also some thin figures who have lost their waveguide aura and are buried in the ruins without any reaction...

Ye Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly and shook his head unbearably: "Fortunately, Shiyu didn't come."

"Do you need my help?" Chaomeng's voice sounded through telepathy.

"No, you can't fully control your power, and the children buried in the ruins are in very bad condition. I'm afraid that your powerful mental power will accidentally affect them," Ye Chuan said.

"Understood." Chaomeng said.

But at this time, Ye Chuan's palm also glowed with purple light.

"Simple telekinesis is no problem. I can share telekinesis with you, so you can command me to move the stone, and I don't need to come out."

"Okay." Ye Chuan showed a faint smile, then stretched out his hand towards a big rock in front of him, shrouded in purple light, and lifted the rock.

This makes it much more convenient.

Yechuan used waveguides to cover the ruins to prevent secondary collapse caused by excessive movement of rocks, thus ensuring the safety of the children inside.

"Be careful, there is a violent big rock snake here!" At this time, there was a slight sound on the ground. Everyone looked to one side and found that a huge big rock snake suddenly came out of the ground. It had both eyes. Blood red, making a low roar.

"It's the elves who fell into chaos due to the earthquake. A team, suppress the big rock snake, and ensure that the venue is not destroyed!" shouted the strong man.

Then several senior trainers appeared and summoned elves to join forces to suppress the big rock snake!

The whole process takes less than half a minute and is very efficient.

After realizing that he didn't need to worry about the matter, Ye Chuan continued to rescue all the children nearby. As for some children who had lost their vital signs, Ye Chuan also gently took out the bodies and put them aside, handing them to other members of the army. .

Because the earthquake occurred at night, the remaining students in the school were basically children staying overnight, and the number was not very large.

"Brother, please save our teacher, he, he's bleeding a lot!" He found another place, and after Ye Chuan took out a little girl, he found that her eyes were red and she hugged Ye Chuan tightly:

"The teacher used his body to block the stone. Wuwuwu."

Ye Chuan glanced at the figure inside. He was probably a man in his twenties. His body had long been stiff, but he still maintained a posture of protecting the girl. His shoulder was penetrated by the steel bar, and the blood on the steel bar had long been It's dark red.

Losing too much blood for too long.

Ye Chuan glanced at the girl in his arms who looked at him with pleading eyes, and could only smile:

"Your teacher will be fine. Just go back to the camp with those uncles first, okay?"

"Okay, okay..." The little girl's voice had already become hoarse. She first glanced at the figure behind her, and then couldn't help but ask in a low voice:

"Teacher, are you dead?"

Ye Chuan was silent for a moment, and then explained: "No, he went to a very far away place, and all that was left behind was his body."

"Then will I have a chance to see the teacher in the future?" The little girl's eyes lit up.

"There will be." Ye Chuan couldn't help but glance at the man again:

"Will do……"

After sending the child away, Ye Chuan and a few people immediately got the man inside out. There was no doubt that he had lost signs of life for a long time, but after seeing his stiff posture, everyone present had very serious expressions. complex.

This man used his shoulders to provide the child with the last refuge.

"Why are you standing there? There are more people in need of help!" After seeing the expressions of Ye Chuan and the others, the strong man immediately shouted:

"Hurry up, don't stop!"

Ye Chuan glanced at the strong man in the distance and nodded.

Time passed gradually.

Ye Chuan wiped the sweat from his forehead, and Youyou on the side took out a towel: "Ye Chuan, Ye Chuan, wipe off the sweat!"

"Where did you get the towel?" Ye Chuan smiled slightly, and Youyou stretched out his hand to wipe his sweat: "Youyou just found a locker with clean and unopened towels in it."

"Really?" Ye Chuan planned to take a short rest.

He has been releasing the waveguide at high intensity for several hours. Under the waveguide, he not only has to lock the child's figure, but also share the waveguide with the elves, and observe how to move the stone to prevent it from collapsing and causing secondary damage. There is no doubt that it is very mentally taxing for Ye Chuan.

"It's hard, drink some water." Rob came over and took out a bottle of water.

"Fortunately, I will continue to search later." Ye Chuan said.

"Sorry, your elf's ability is too strong. Everyone relies on you a little. After all, in such a big place, there are not enough elves responsible for detection." Rob said with a smile.

"It's okay, as long as I can save people." Ye Chuan glanced at Rob and then asked:

"What was the situation like during the earthquake?"

"During the earthquake?" Rob thought for a while and looked at his girlfriend again:

"I felt like the world was spinning and I couldn't stand still. Not only that, my ears were hurting very much from the various noises. The road next to us collapsed at that time. If I wasn't careful, I might have fallen."

"But I have to say that the efficiency of the alliance is really high." Rob sighed with his arms crossed:

“I remember that after the earthquake, within about an hour, rescue teams from the alliance from nearby cities arrived. At that time, dozens of helicopters flew over. It was quite shocking to see those planes with their lights on at night. "

"More and more people are being rescued now. I hope this city can recover soon." After Rob finished speaking with a smile, he suddenly looked at Ye Chuan with interest:

"By the way, how old are you, Ye Chuan?"

"Eighteen." Ye Chuan said.

"Oh, you're still quite young...eighteen?" Rob looked at Ye Chuan in surprise: "You're not just a high school student, are you?"

Ye Chuan smiled: "Yes, he is a high school student."

Rob and his girlfriend looked at Charizard and the others, and suddenly felt that Ye Chuan seemed to be something special.

"Okay, enough rest." After Ye Chuan felt that his brain had recovered a little, he walked towards the depths of the ruins.

"Aren't you going to dig here?" came Rob's voice.

"There's no one over there anymore, I have to go a little further inside."


the other side.

An Shiyu and others also came to Lingshui.

"This is too..." After seeing the collapsed ruins, An Shiyu realized that what he saw in the photos was completely different from what he felt in person.

The aura of destruction that hit his face was conveyed, and there was nothing complete that could be seen.

"You, you guys, can you come over and help me? I found that there are a few injured people here and there are not enough manpower!" At this time, a man suddenly ran over and said anxiously to An Shiyu and the others.

He pointed not far away, where several people in rescue suits were moving rocks.

An Shiyu and Ye Lin looked at each other.

"It's important to find my brother." Ye Lin said after seeing An Shiyu's questioning eyes.

Ye Xiaoyi looked at An Shiyu, she had no idea of ​​her own.

"I think Aye should be helping somewhere, so..." An Shiyu walked towards that direction, going to help without hesitation.

Ye Lin took a look at the skirt An Shiyu was wearing and couldn't help but shook her head:

"At least change into clothes that are easier for you to move around."

But despite saying that, Ye Lin and Ye Xiaoyi still followed up to help.

The sun is gradually setting, and the dim city makes rescue operations more difficult. However, the rescue team will not rest just because of the night. After all, this is a critical moment for life-saving. Every minute in the morning, a life may be saved.

"Everyone here has probably been rescued." Ye Chuan looked back.

"What's going on?" The strong man asked the team members on the side.

"The superpower elves have not detected their breath, but we do not rule out that there are still people buried deeper." Someone said.

"Then let's keep the manpower here. Let's go back to the camp to exchange manpower for dinner and change shifts with other teams."


At this time, the strong man also noticed Ye Chuan not far away. At this time, he was bending down to comfort a little girl.

"Young man, you've been tired for the whole day. Go back and rest for a while. We'll switch shifts with other teams to search here." The strong man walked to Ye Chuan's side and said:

"I didn't expect you to be a senior trainer. Those elves were really helpful."

"It's okay." Ye Chuan shook his head, then took out his phone and looked at the time and found that it was already eight o'clock.

"Come on, come back to camp with me."


After returning to the camp, Ye Chuan suddenly asked: "That... where is the command tent?"

"Commandered?" After hearing this, the strong man stretched out his finger and pointed:

"Well, that's the white one. Commander Chen is right there. Why, do you have to go there for something?"

"Almost." Ye Chuan smiled: "Look for her."

After the strong man heard it, he said cheerfully: "I just want to report something, so come with me."


"By the way, my name is Wang Gang, what's yours?"

"Ye Chuan."

Arriving in front of the tent, Ye Chuan took a look.

"Commander Chen's temper is very weird. I'll go in first to make a report. If you have anything to do, come back later," Wang Gang said.

"Yes, I understand." Ye Chuan nodded.

Wang Gang walked in.

There were many people inside the tent, and there was a simple folding table. There were many people inside who seemed to be detecting something on the computer, and there were sleeping bags on the ground beside it.

"Wang Gang, are you back?" A woman with glasses and a ponytail asked calmly after seeing Wang Gang:

"How is the rescue operation at Guangming Elementary School going?"

"It's almost done. Let's come back and change shifts." Wang Gang said.

"What do you mean it's almost done?" the woman frowned:

"If you are a little negligent, a life waiting for rescue may die, do you understand?!"

After Wang Gang heard the woman's voice, his body nearly two meters away was shaken, and he quickly explained:

"The main reason is that we have many trainers with strong detection capabilities in our team, so we are very fast."

"You guys have a good meal, take a short nap and continue to set off. Remember, don't be negligent!" The woman's voice softened and she said.

"Hey, I understand." After Wang Gang finished speaking, he told the follow-up information and quickly left the tent.

At this time, when Ye Chuan saw Wang Gang coming out, he smiled and said, "Is it done?"

"More or less, Commander Chen is still as strict as ever, but that's right, after all, she was still my instructor before..." Wang Gang muttered, and then glanced at Ye Chuan:

"You can just go in."

"Okay." Ye Chuan nodded.

But Wang Gang suddenly seemed to think of something again and said to Ye Chuan:

"Let me go in with you. Commander Chen is a little irritable right now. I'm afraid she will say something to you."

"I'm fine." Ye Chuan said.

"It's okay, it's okay. Since you have joined my team, my brother Gang will protect you." Wang Gang patted his majestic chest muscles and said.

After Ye Chuan saw it, he smiled: "Okay."

After entering the tent, Ye Chuan took a look at the environment inside, and then noticed the woman standing in the distance.

He is about thirty years old and looks like a very stern person.

Beside her, there was a Mahuola, which was leaning against the support of the tent with its eyes closed to meditate.

"Wang Gang, why are you back? Is there anything you haven't reported yet?" Commander Chen was about to say something after seeing Wang Gang, when he suddenly noticed Ye Chuan beside him.

"No, no, no, I'll just come in and take a look." Wang Gang seemed a little afraid of Commander Chen, but after he finished speaking, he found that Commander Chen had set his sights on Ye Chuan.

"Ye Chuan, why are you with Wang Gang?" Commander Chen seemed a little surprised when he saw it was Ye Chuan.

She originally sent someone to pick up Ye Chuan, but she was still wondering why she didn't see anyone for so long.

"I'm going to join the rescue, Commander Chen." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

"Come on, come on over and have a glass of water." Commander Chen waved to Ye Chuan, as if an elder had seen the child.

Wang Gang stared at this scene blankly.

Is this still the stern Commander Chen? Why do you look like the aunt next door?

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