Start at the pet store

Chapter 126 Intermediate Skills

As a result, Hei Hu lifted his eyelids and took a look. Well, he didn't recognize it. It was like a lunatic, crying and laughing, and it was not as fun as Xiao Zuan Feng.

So, he lowered his head and continued to tease Xiao Zuan Feng.

Xiao Zuan Feng was so angry that he was mad, grabbing the railing and banging: Come here, I can't tickle you to death, meow meow meow!


But it was really a small thing for Hei Hu.

It was so small, Hei Hu really didn't think it could pose any threat.

So, Hei Hu teased it, approaching a little bit from time to time, and then retreating a little bit...

A cat and a dog, playing happily.

As for Song Weiyuan and the others, Hei Hu didn't care at all.

Lu Jingxing didn't say anything, just watched silently.

"Zhuifeng?" Song Weiyuan frowned and hesitated: "Why is it..."

Why ignore him?

This is not right. If it was in the past, he would just call out casually, and Zhuifeng would run towards him like crazy from a distance.

He called Zhuifeng again tentatively: "Come, come, Zhuifeng..."

But at this time, he was already weak and his voice was much weaker.

In fact, it was basically the same as he predicted.

Heihu didn't even raise his head, and ignored him.

From time to time, he teased Xiao Zuanfeng, turned his head to eat and drink, and had a lot of fun.

There was a lot of noise here, but he only glanced at it occasionally, and did what he should do.

Although everything was roughly clear, Lu Jingxing looked at Song Weiyuan and he almost cried.

"It just so happens that the clothes on Heihu need to be washed, so it's a good time to change them today."

Let them see it clearly, and avoid any mistakes later.

Lu Jingxing called Yang Pei over and helped Heihu change his clothes.

Because they worked together, Heihu cooperated very well.

Let him raise his paws, let him turn over.

The belly was also exposed, although the exposure time was very short, but it was enough for them to see clearly.

The belly of the black tiger was clean, the fur was neat and tidy, without any scars.

With just one look, Song Weiyuan gave up: "I'm sorry, really... Alas..."

He came here with great hope and ran a long way.

Unexpectedly, it was not his Zhuifeng after all.

To express his apology, he specially invited them all to have dinner together.

Boss Zhou was also among the invited guests, so they could forget their grudges with a smile.

At this moment, Jiang Li had calmed down and sat next to Ji Ling, quietly and without saying much.

At the table, Song Weiyuan also showed them the video.

Talking about his past with Zhuifeng, it really made him cry when he thought about it.

I thought they could finally meet again, but I didn't expect that the black tiger was not his Zhuifeng.

After dinner, Song Weiyuan added Lu Jingxing's WeChat: "If you see Zhuifeng later, please notify me, really, no matter when, I will definitely come!"

Lu Jingxing thought about it and agreed.

Because with their working style, it's hard to say, maybe they'll meet someone someday?

In return, Song Weiyuan also pulled Lu Jingxing into several groups: "I heard that you guys can help stray cats and dogs, and I found these groups these days."

Some groups for helping stray cats and dogs, and various wolfdog communication groups.

Lu Jingxing also joined them.

It's true, many groups are nearby.

If he meets a suitable one, he thinks he can contact them.

"But your scale..." Song Weiyuan frowned and shook his head: "It's not enough."

If more cats and dogs are rescued in the future, how many cats and dogs can they keep in such a small backyard.

"It's best to have a larger lawn... at least as big as a football field." Song Weiyuan opened his phone and showed him: "Look, my friend's dog, he made a lawn for these two dogs to run around..."

Lu Jingxing understood what he said, and he sighed: "I have the will, but not the strength."

It's not that he doesn't want to do it, he really has no way.

He spent a lot of effort to get this piece of land.

It was also thanks to the good business in the past few months that he managed to pay off the debt.

The second floor was greatly helped by his uncle, otherwise he might not have been able to get it.

"Oh!" Song Weiyuan smiled and waved his hand: "Brother Lu, your idea is still stuck in the perspective of making dead money..."

What is live money? It is money that makes money.

How can you buy land with your own account funds?

"Then you must borrow from the bank."

One begets two, two begets three, and three begets all things.

To borrow tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, you beg the bank.

To borrow tens of millions or hundreds of millions, you lose everything, and the bank begs you.

"Oh, of course." Song Weiyuan patted him on the shoulder and sighed: "You are not up to this level now... Of course, I can't do it either... But maybe you can do it in the future? I am optimistic about you!"

Lu Jingxing was shocked when he heard this argument for the first time.

I can't tell what's wrong, but it's really weird.

When I talked to my uncle and the others, my uncle frowned on the spot: "This person is unreliable, he's probably a moneylender."

He's using this kind of words to deceive people, just to trick them into borrowing money.

Lu Jingxing also thought about it: "Indeed, it's a bit like..."

"If it's not like him, then he's a liar!" The uncle was afraid that he had listened to him, so he advised him: "Don't be fooled. If you can't pay it back, you'll have no place to cry!"

When doing business, you have to be honest.

No matter how capable you are, you can do as much as you want. You can feel most at ease if you keep the money in your own hands.

Lu Jingxing listened to both sides and thought about it carefully.

In the end, he still felt that, well... they all made sense, but he felt that it would be most relaxing to follow his current path.

Let's take it step by step.

No one can predict what will happen in the future.

Just like...

his APP.

Lu Jingxing opened his phone and looked at it carefully.

Because he opened up the backyard and added a second floor.

His store has been upgraded several levels in a row and is now at level six.

The environment has also become [livable].

But in the number of pets, a red light is on: 57.

Although this includes customers who put their cats here for surgery and foster care, the number is indeed a bit too much.

However, Lu Jingxing is not too worried, because soon, the two kittens will be adopted out.

The most important thing now is that Lu Jingxing was rewarded with two skills after upgrading.

These two low-level skills can be combined to become intermediate skills: teaching.

Before, Jiaziyin and Ba Mao worked well together, but they could only teach some basics.

For example, going to the toilet, drinking water, shaking hands, etc.

If this skill is given to Jiaziyin, it will be able to teach other cats more advanced content.

But this is not surprising.

Lu Jingxing has been hesitating these days: If this skill is given to Heihu, it may bring them more surprises?

As if sensing his hesitation, Heihu's eyes sparkled and he swung his tail around him.

"Bang bang bang."

Swung on his legs, making a snapping sound.

Lu Jingxing touched its head and sighed: "You're fine, really."

However, because its identity is a mystery, he can't make a decision easily now.

What if this intermediate skill is given to Hei Hu, and then someone like Song Weiyuan comes, its real owner.

He was so excited. If Hei Hu is Zhui Feng, Song Weiyuan will definitely take it back today.

At that time, he will be left with nothing. Lu Jingxing thought about it and decided to forget it: Anyway, this intermediate skill is still valid for ten days, so let's wait and see!

But this Song Weiyuan doesn't seem to be just talking.

Lu Jingxing added him as a friend and looked through his circle of friends.

He would update his itinerary almost every day.

I guess his family is rich and drives around.

He changes places every day and looks for his Zhui Feng everywhere.

A little crazy.

Lu Jingxing frowned, but didn't take it too seriously.

After all, it's okay if Hei Hu is not Zhui Feng.

He did his business as usual and focused his attention on his shop.

The blue and white mother cat gradually recovered, and the two kittens were full-term.

They put them together according to their previous idea.

They thought that even if the mother cat didn't remember them, they could live in peace.

As a result, when the three cats got together, the two kittens, who used to fight, suddenly formed an alliance.

They united to fight against the blue and white cat.

They were trembling and scared to death, but they still dared to howl at the blue and white cat.

"Fu! Fufu!" The blue and white cat was also scared. It only had one eye, and the other party was two cats. It was cowardly and fierce.

Yang Pei looked at it and was quite happy: "Ha, it feels a bit like Jiang Li, cowardly, but also fierce."

Indeed, the spirit is exactly the same.

The blue and white cat listened to the movement and looked up at them, with a sad look in his eyes, as if saying: Why put me in such a dangerous place, so scary, I can't beat the two opposite.

But if there was any movement on the other side, it would dare to stretch out its claws to scratch with its eyes closed.

Once, it almost scratched them, and the two kittens cried out in fear.

"Ah, forget it." Ji Ling was scared and quickly took them out: "I really don't recognize them. Oh, forget it, just let someone adopt them."

Don't scratch them until they are damaged, and they have to be raised again before they can be adopted.

Lu Jingxing looked at it and hummed: "Okay, then let someone come tomorrow."

Fortunately, the time didn't take too long, and the two adopters were still willing to adopt.

One of them even came on the same day.

After completing the formalities, they happily took the kittens back.

Lu Jingxing and his friends took Heihu and Jiaziyin home as usual, but on the way, he received a call from Lao Yang: "Haha, Boss Lu, you are careless, your Heihu was caught by us again!"

Because he was close to Lu Jingxing, he took a few packs of cigarettes.

The tall and thin man was quite jealous. He happened to go out for a drink and saw him on the way back. He directly sent a car back.

He didn't have Lu Jingxing's phone number, so he asked Lao Yang to contact him.

Lu Jingxing looked at the black tiger lying in the car. Although he was a little puzzled, he still said: "Really? I'll come over to take a look."

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

Could it be... Zhuifeng?

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