Start at the pet store

Chapter 25 The First Attempter

Still in the same position, but now she is not doing the test paper, but reading English.

Lu Jingxing watched her finish reciting English and then read ancient Chinese.

It can be said that she basically used all the time she could.

At half past one, she was finally ready to sleep.

Lu Jingxing watched her stand up and turned off the surveillance.

Sitting in front of the window, Lu Jingxing lit a cigarette.

Ji Ling is so self-disciplined, really, he couldn't do this level when he was studying before.

If she had a normal family and a normal learning environment, she would definitely be able to get into a good university, right?

But now, she can only sit in a shop with mixed smells, absorbing all kinds of knowledge eagerly.

The key is that she even has to save money to go back to school to continue studying and get the opportunity to take the college entrance examination.

The cigarette flickered on his fingers, and Lu Jingxing thought for a long time.

That night, he slept very late.

Therefore, Lu Chen and Lu Xi were late for school the next day.

They both held the cat and cried with tears in their eyes: "Brother, can I take Jiajia to kindergarten?"

Although they cried pitifully.

But Lu Jingxing still ruthlessly refused: "No, go in."

The teacher saw that they were late and was going to deduct the red flower.

But they cried so miserably that they thought they were crying because they were late: "It's okay to be late, ah, the teacher won't deduct the red flower, don't cry..."

As a result, the two opened their mouths: "Woo woo woo, I want Jiajia!"

Jiajia, the teacher heard it as sister, and looked at Lu Jingxing with some confusion: "Mr. Lu, they... also have a sister?"

Isn't the only family member filled in the brother?

"Oh no." Lu Jingxing pointed to the back seat: "It's a cat, named Jiajia."

"..."The teacher laughed.

Of course, as soon as they arrived in the classroom, the two of them got excited.

The teacher even sent a WeChat message to Lu Jingxing to complain: "...Chenchen and Xixi showed off that they had kittens, and several children were so envious that they cried."

Lu Jingxing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, these two little bastards.

When he arrived at the store, Ji Ling had already cleaned the inside and outside, and was greeting the guests who came to the cat cafe with a smile.

Yang Pei was bathing a husky, which was very difficult, and the noise was very unpleasant.

Lu Jingxing looked at the customers coming in and out of the store, and stared at Ji Ling for a while.

He calculated in his heart: school starts in September, and it will be exactly one year until the college entrance examination next year.

If he finds a high school nearby and transfers his student status, Ji Ling's salary from now to September should be enough to pay for the tuition.

As for living expenses...

Lu Jingxing thought about the two little bad guys at home and smiled: This is just right, a ready-made tutor.

She can work and not delay her studies.

But it's not necessary to say it now.

Lu Jingxing made up his mind and walked over with a smile.

"Business is pretty good today." Ji Ling saw him and smiled and showed him today's autograph book: "Many of them are fans from the same city!"

Especially when Lu Jingxing put Jia Ziyin into the cage, many people were immediately happy.

Jia Ziyin was shaken by the car and had been suffocating for a long time.

Now that it was put in the cage, it was still unconvinced and scratched at the cat cafe.

"Wow, so cute."

"It really has heterochromia, such beautiful eyes..."

"It scratches like this, does it want to go to the cat cafe!"

Lu Jingxing was called over by the customer to take a look.

Sure enough, it was the same as yesterday when he wanted to follow him home.

Under the double attack of Jia Ziyin and the customer, Lu Jingxing reached out to the cage: "Then you have to be good, if you dare to stretch out your claws, just lock them up!"

"Meow..." Jia Ziyin called obediently and licked the back of his hand.

Naturally, it successfully aroused the cheers of a group of people again.

As a result, when it was put in the cat cafe, Jiaziyin collapsed directly to the ground.

No matter how they called, except for the cat strips, it ignored all other actions.

It also did what it said, not scratching, not biting people.

Of course, it didn't open its eyes.

It was like a dead pig, lying flat like a pile of cats.

No matter how the guests touched it, it didn't respond.

Someone took a cat strip with bad intentions, and it jumped up before it was torn.

It looked like it was starving to death.

Lu Jingxing was so angry that he laughed, this little thing.

Really, it's so cunning.

He took this opportunity to take a look around the store.

I think the decoration is pretty good. It's true that some places in the pet shop next door are a bit shabby, but the cat cafe is really good and the decoration is very good.

What's the problem that shows that their environment is average?

When Ji Ling came over, she heard it by accident and thought for a while: "As for the environment, some guests also told me..."

They said that they have few pet toys, and there is no other entertainment for guests to come, they can only touch and look, which is relatively simple.

"Huh?" Lu Jingxing followed her gaze.

It seems to be true.

There are just some very ordinary toys, and the cat climbing frame is all the leftovers that were moved here before.

It is not high, only 1.5 meters, with only a transparent cat bed, two platforms, and even only one ball.

It is indeed a bit shabby.

Lu Jingxing thought about it and gestured: "It just so happens that this corner is still empty. Do you think it would be better if you put a large cat climbing frame here?"

"I think we can also put a cat treadmill or something." Ji Ling thought about it and added: "If you want a cat climbing frame, you can install a sky-high one."

There is no need to put a large cat climbing frame, it takes up too much space.

Sky-high pillars are good. If you want to make a few transparent cat beds, just make a few. The key is that they are easy to disassemble and install, and you can add more at any time.

If you tie a thick hemp rope to the pillar, it can also sharpen the cat's claws.

"Hey, this is okay."

Lu Jingxing thought about it and pointed to the wall again: "It's a pity that the wall here is empty. I'll go to the building materials market to see if I can get some wood boards and polish them. What do you think of nailing a corridor on it?"

"That's fine!" Ji Ling imagined it and laughed: "It's just right, and I can give them exercise by the way."

Cats like to climb high, and they must like this!

Do it right away.

Lu Jingxing drove directly to the building materials market and dragged back some cut and polished wood boards.

According to his plan, these boards were nailed directly on.

It's really good.

"These two larger pieces should be installed lower so they can rest." Lu Jingxing fiddled with it and designed an aerial corridor.

When he started, Jia Ziyin's eyes lit up.

Basically, Jia Ziyin jumped when he nailed a piece.

The previous listlessness was swept away, and the guests took photos one after another: "Amazing! He can jump so high!"

Lu Jingxing made the upper board smaller and narrower to prevent the cats from sleeping on it and not being able to interact with the guests.

Jia Ziyin became the first to try.

Other cats followed closely, eager to try.

Many guests even encouraged them: "Come on, come on, can you jump up?"

The cats couldn't listen to this!

This was simply questioning their abilities!

When Lu Jingxing nailed the last piece, Jia Ziyin had also finished the whole journey.

Other cats climbed up the wall and showed off their skills.

Ji Ling looked at it and laughed: "I think we can get a short-legged cat in."

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