Start at the pet store

Chapter 31 I can't control it at all

Lu Jingxing was confused by the question, and there was a trace of bewilderment: "What else?"

He really thought so.

Looking at his eyes full of sincerity, Aunt Lan turned around to comfort herself: This kid is probably really kind-hearted, and I haven't thought about it that way yet...

"Oh..." Aunt Lan frowned and walked away, looking back every few steps: "Okay, you can do it..."

Lu Jingxing nodded, and went back to start working on this matter.

In fact, there was not much that really needed his attention, just asking a few questions.

For example, if the student status is not here, what procedures are required to transfer.

For example, there will be several classes here, and how they will be arranged.

For example...

Lu Jingxing has already handled these details for Lu Chen and Lu Xi. Now it's just a transfer to the high school department, which is not too troublesome.

Especially now that this is a new school, it lacks students. When Lu Jingxing asked, they were as active as they could be.

He really knows everything and says everything.

The enthusiasm and thoughtfulness made Lu Jingxing, who had hit a lot of walls in elementary school, feel a little uncomfortable.

However, this greatly reduced his troubles.

When the student ID number was required here, Lu Jingxing was sure that this matter could basically be done as long as the parties agreed and the student ID number was transferred, so he called Ji Ling out alone.

Ji Ling followed him out and was still a little confused until she sat at the table in the restaurant: "Brother Lu, what's wrong?"

Suddenly calling her out with a serious face, Ji Ling's mind was spinning: Did he want to fire her?

"There is something I want to tell you, but it's not convenient in the store, so I just asked you to have a meal together and chat by the way."

Lu Jingxing burned the tableware and burned hers as well.

Looking at this action, Ji Ling widened her eyes: Sure enough, he was going to fire her!

Without waiting for Lu Jingxing to open his mouth, Ji Ling looked at him pitifully: "Brother Lu, I am very serious about my work. I will work harder in the future. Please don't fire me, okay?"

"Fire you?" Lu Jingxing was stunned, looking up at her in surprise: "Why do you think so?"

Ji Ling was a little confused: "Ah? Not fired?"

"Of course not." Lu Jingxing handed her the hot tableware, and then said calmly: "In fact, I want to talk to you about your studies."

He did not hide his intentions from her, and told her what he had learned recently.

The more he talked, the more shocked Ji Ling was.

She really didn't expect that she only said it once, and Lu Jingxing really remembered it all in his heart.

She really didn't want to mention it at ordinary times. At that time, she was afraid that Lu Jingxing didn't want her to work here, so she had to tell her about the situation at home.

However, Lu Jingxing did not laugh at her or look down on her for this.

It's not even that he just heard it, but he kept it in his heart silently, and tried hard to run around to find a way for her! ?

Ji Ling listened silently, her eyes gradually turned red.

"You have to go back and transfer your student status, and you need to find the principal to write a document..."

As Lu Jingxing was talking, he found that she was silent.

He was shocked when he raised his eyes.

He frantically looked for tissues, took out a few and handed them to her: "Hey, you are fine, why are you crying?"

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Ji Ling rarely cried.

Even if her father disliked her, her mother didn't want her, and her relatives said to her, let her cry quickly and show weakness, maybe her parents would take her in if they softened their hearts...

But she held back in front of them and didn't shed a tear.

Of course, it was inevitable that people would say she was hard-hearted, but she really didn't want to bow her head in front of them.

After all, she knew that even if she cried in front of them, they would not feel sorry at all, but would dislike her for being troublesome.

But now, it's different.

She tried to wipe her tears, but for some reason, the tears just kept flowing and she couldn't control it at all.

It turned out that this feeling of being truly cared for would make people cry.

"I, I'll be fine in a while..."

Lu Jingxing sighed and let her calm down.

When she gradually calmed down, Lu Jingxing continued: "Here are the relevant materials, you can take a look first."

A thick stack, pushed over like this, Ji Ling's eyes were red again.

She tried to take a deep breath and managed to hold it back.

She took it with both hands, and even her fingertips were trembling slightly.

After reading it all, she could only say that even if she did it herself, she might not be able to check it so completely.

"Thank you... Really, Brother Lu, thank you..." She was holding these materials, and was moved beyond words.

Lu Jingxing waved his hand, and the dishes were served: "Hurry up and eat. You can transfer your student status later. You have seen this school. The qualifications are quite good."

More than good, it is much better than her original county high school.

Ji Ling originally thought that even if she worked harder, the best result would be to save enough tuition to go back to finish high school and get a diploma.

She never expected that the goal she originally thought would take a year to achieve was planned by Lu Jingxing in just a few months.

Even if she studied, she could support herself and didn't have to look up to others. This was something she dared not dream of.

"In addition." Lu Jingxing confessed after finishing his meal: "I watched the surveillance once before and found that you didn't sleep until one o'clock. This is still not okay."

Ji Ling blinked her eyes and knew it was the day she just moved in: "Yeah, yeah, I haven't been like this since."

Because I was so excited and excited that day, I didn’t even need to do a lot of housework or anything. I spent all my free time studying, so I temporarily forgot about time.

She went to bed early later.

Lu Jingxing stopped looking at the surveillance camera and nodded when he heard this: "That's good."

It happened that Ji Ling still kept the phone number of her former head teacher, so she called the next day for consultation.

The head teacher actually felt sorry for her. Teachers actually cared for children who loved to study.

The head teacher was very happy for her when she heard that she wanted to continue studying.

I immediately asked the principal and quickly replied to Ji Ling: "I'll handle it for you. You can come next Monday and take it to the principal's office to have it stamped."

Ji Ling was very happy and kept saying her gratitude.

After Lu Jingxing heard this, he was also very happy for her: "Then hurry up, pack up, and go back next Monday!"

In just a few days, preparations here have been started.

After listening to his words, Ji Ling went to the school several times and got all the required materials, so she got her name.

When her student status is transferred and school starts in September, she can come directly to school here!

Even Yang Pei was happy for her after hearing this.

However, after Aunt Lan heard this, she made a special trip to the store.

She was very responsive now and couldn't smell the strange smell, so she waved Ji Ling out.

"There is something... I'll tell you something. If you think it makes sense, just handle it yourself. If you think it's wrong, just pretend that I didn't say it..."

Lu Jingxing didn't know what they were talking about, but he could only vaguely hear something about ID cards...hukou.

I feel that after Ji Ling came back, she was sometimes happy and sometimes worried.

He didn't ask in detail. The business in the store was pretty good right now. If Ji Ling was going back next week, he would have to make preparations early.

After work that day, he still stayed in the store to handle a batch of cubs ordered by customers.

As a result, I received a call from Xu Xiaobin: "Brother Lu, I just found out that the security guard is taking leave tomorrow! There is a new stray cat in our community. Do you think it will..."

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